
Dec 10, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Bumming around this morning, reading about the dismal failure of aliens: colonial machines (thanks Randy). The Wikipedia pages lists review scores and as I was flipping through I stumbled across this gem: EGM, which awards the game a 9/10. A NINE. Un-ironically.

Normally, I have the opinion that people like what they like and things that I consider bad others may consider great, and that's how society works.

But ACM was an unmitigated disaster. Massive downgrade. Cut features. Fundamentally broken AI. Indecipherable and nonsensical plot that violates canon. Painful gunplay. Broken multiplayer. The list goes on. Having played the damn thing, I think about the only positive comment is that it is possible to complete it. I should have expected as much, I suppose, when the review includes lines such as "fucking rad".

What are some other examples of totally out to lunch reviews? Am I out to lunch in thinking this reviewer is nuts??


Has seen more 10s than EA ever will
Jun 4, 2018
God Hand. IGN.



Oct 25, 2017
All those dodgy DRIV3R and Rise of the Robots reviews in magazines back in the nineties that gave those games (which were turds) high scores.

There was once a review of a football management game by someone who was expecting a football sim, the review was so bad it got pulled.

I'll try and find it -edit-- was ign's football manager 2009 review:

Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009 Review
This game gets a red card, and possibly a lifetime ban.
by Avi Burk

December 5, 2008 - What sports fan doesn't want to take control of his favorite team and guide it to a championship, or, better yet, a long string of championships? Well, if it means playing Worldwide Soccer Manager, you can count me in that number.

Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009 gives gamers the chance to manage and coach 5,000 soccer teams from 50 countries around the globe, giving them the chance to manage every aspect of their team's roster, field questions from reporters at their team's press conferences, and coach their teams in real time as each simulated game unfolds. What it doesn't do, more importantly, is provide any compelling reason to keep "playing."

Although the game's database of more than 350,000 real-life soccer players is certainly impressive, only the most diehard fans of the sport would be able to appreciate having such a massive pool of talent to sift through, and the casual fan would almost certainly find the task overwhelming – I did.
This is a game solely intended for hardcore soccer fans.

The game's incredibly complex menu system is very difficult to navigate, even with the on-screen help box directing you through the process. In short, this game is extremely difficult to simply pick up and play. If you're unfamiliar with the franchise expect to spend a significant amount of time simply trying to figure out how to navigate the menus.

Worldwide Soccer Manager's presentation problems don't end there though, once you finally make it to your team's first game you'll find that the player renderings and animations are awful, and the stadiums you play in lack any kind of personality or detail. Each field is bordered by fences and what appear to be unfinished stands, which don't have any fans in them. And, when the ball is kicked off of the pitch, it passes smoothly through the surrounding fences, right through the stands, and disappears from view only to return to the field in the same fashion, appearing magically from the stands and passing through the fences (and goals) on its way back into play.

Then there's the sound, or lack thereof. There is no soundtrack that plays while you work in the game's menus, which you'll spend the vast majority of your time in this game doing. There is no audio narration to accompany your participation in press conferences, even though your options for how to respond to each question is incredibly limited. There is no audio commentary to accompany the action in the simulated game's you watch/coach. In fact, the only sound we found in the entire game was the tones of fans cheering as each simulated game played out – which only detracts from the game's feel of authenticity seeing as there are no fans rendered in the stands.
Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009 deserves a bicycle kick into the circular file.

As far as traditional gameplay goes, there really isn't any in Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009. Apart from managing your roster and coaching your team, there really isn't anything to do at all. So, unless you really enjoy clicking on menu buttons, you'll find your interaction with this game extremely disappointing.

However, if you're a big footie fan and big fan of sports simulation, you'll be extremely impressed with the depth of Worldwide Soccer Manager, which allows you to control just about every facet of your team and draw from a player pool that is simply mindboggling.

Closing Comments
This game obviously aims to provide the deepest soccer simulation experience possible for the sport's most passionate and informed fans, but it offers little to nothing that would appeal to a casual fan of the sport or to the average videogame enthusiast. The menus are complex and difficult to navigate, graphics are terrible, the sound is non-existent and there is no traditional gameplay to speak of. I couldn't imagine why anybody would prefer Worldwide Soccer Manager to FIFA 09 or Pro Evolution Soccer 2009.

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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
While this falls under "I don't agree with the review, so it's bad!" Game Informer's 6.75 for Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door should count, if just for the poor justification given after the response.

"GI-Jeremy wrote:

Lisa and I both knew that our Paper Mario scores were going to cause controversy. Yes, we know that many people out there will love it. We also know that it is a well-made game. However, it also WILL NOT appeal to many people - I would safely say that more people will dislike it than like it. Why? Like we said in the review, it's a very kiddie game - it's target audience is clearly young gamers - I would say 10 and under. For that reason, we had to score it low. Remember, we aren't scoring games strictly on our personal opinions, we're also scoring them based on how much we think THE GAMING PUBLIC will like them. We've all played games that we personally disliked and scored them well because we've known that most people will like them, and we've also scored games low that we love, because most people won't enjoy them.

FOr example, I really like the bizarre frog golf game Ribbit King, and I gave it a 7, because it's just not for everyone. Paper Mario 2 also scored low because it's just not for everyone. If you think it's a 10 in your book, it's a ten in your book, and that doesn't change if we disagree. We're here to guide you on what games to pick up, but ultimately your personal opinion is what will make you buy a game or not.

I hope this helps."


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Hoping no one posts "too much water" because outside of being kinda hilariously worded that was always a pretty appropriate critique of Hoenn

Anyways here's a glowing review of Bubsy 3D that even got box quotes




Oct 25, 2017
How long before someone posts a 7/10 review as being very low for a game and bad?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
GamesRadar's Team Sonic Racing review, IGN's Sonic Unleashed video review


Oct 27, 2017
The magazine that gave Yoshis Island a 70 back in the day. I don't think they even played a final/review copy

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
Hoping no one posts "too much water" because outside of being kinda hilariously worded that was always a pretty appropriate critique of Hoenn

If they'd phrased it as "Too many water routes compared to land routes" I wonder if they'd have gotten half as much flak.

Also sorry OP but this thread is going to go south very quickly.

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'll share a piece of old MP1st history when it came to the Battlefield 4 review.

As you all know, when Battlefield 4 launched, it was absolute dog shit. The game was practically unplayable for the first six months, and almost all of the good will generated from Battlefield 3 was wiped out. But if you notice, this game has about an average of 80 across multiple platforms.

We gave the game a 4.5/5.

I really couldn't wrap myself around it. Behind the scenes, me and David talked about it and the idea was that "there's a fundamentally good game behind the curtain and I'm really expecting DICE to actually fix these issues, hence the score."

So this wasn't a review based on the game actually felt like to play, this was a review based on what DICE would improve years down the line.


Oct 31, 2017

- took 75 hours to complete the main story something which a friend of mine with no experience did in around 15 hours
- nothing about the endgame, you know, the actual meat of the game
- nothing about the leagues every 3 months, the currency system, the pantheon system etc

its pretty mindboggling

Hayama Akito

Oct 25, 2017
This is a not-so-famous example and for me it's one of the worst ever: in 2001 IGN did a review of Gigawing 2, destroying it because "you can finish this game in 15 minutes, so it's shit".

Yeah, you can, indeed, finish the game in 15 minutes... because it's an Arcade danmaku shmup, and he finished the game with almost unlimited continues, not 1cc, so because you can do that the game is baaaaad.

This review was wrote by Anoop Gantayat, who years later founded the popular but now sadly dead Andria Sang website (for me, the father of Gematsu in a way... and it's funny that the site is still up, maybe it will be the 2010's Space Jam website in the future). I clearly remember that he wrote on Andria Sang that "some people remember me because of that Gigawing 2 review and I just wanted to say that at the time I just didn't understand the shmup genre". It was kinda funny to read that from a guy who loves japanese gaming so much.


Oct 27, 2017
The 2.0 review from IGN to a Football Manager will always be hilarious. One of the few times I've seen a magazine ask for forgiveness and removing the review.

Mixing up a deep spreadsheet tycoon game... with FIFA.


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
Destructoid's TW2 or Kid Icarus Uprising review.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i bought colonial marines day one based off of that egm review


Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I can't find it on his website anymore, but Jim Sterling's Yooka-Laylee review was baffling. Not just because of the juvenile "Yooka-Failee" in the title or because it was a very negative rating. He hyped up the negative review for a while, sort of breaking the embargo in the process, only to demolish the game with a review that I've read like 3 times and I still haven't figured what the fuck is wrong with the game. He wrote about how old school it was, about how gaming evolved, about how other games do it better... and he failed to mention anything specific about why this game was so damn atrocious to deserve a 2/10. There wasn't a single direct criticism basically, so you wouldn't even find the game's objective issues in the review because he failed to mention them. It was such a weird review, and I'm not shocked he stopped with the reviews not long after that.

Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the IGN FM 09 review will never be beaten.

"I couldn't imagine why anybody would prefer Worldwide Soccer Manager to FIFA"


Mar 19, 2019
One I'll always remember is IGN review of Sonic Unleashed where they said the controls where broken but the review jumped into a pit by itself


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
GameInformer's Paper Mario 2 review and IGN's God Hand review probably sit up there as the two kings.

The latter especially, arguably ruined the game's reputation at release.
Oct 25, 2017
Some Wonderful 101 reviews were pretty bad. One review claimed there were moves you would barely use. They showed a picture of the block move as an example.
Then there the now dead Blistered Thumbs giving it a 3/10. I'd go remind myself but the site was basically scrubbed offline.


Jan 14, 2019
It goes both ways though. Reviews endlessly praising a game and giving a clean 10 without mentioning any of the flaws are just as bad.


Oct 26, 2017
IGN video review of Sonic Unleashed is the worst I have even seen. Like blatantly killing themselves jumping slowly over pits and blaming the game. Embarassing.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
One I'll always remember is IGN review of Sonic Unleashed where they said the controls where broken but the review jumped into a pit by itself
Oh goodness, I remember this too.

For some context, this isn't about the review itself but in IGN's video review of Sonic Unleashed, the person of the video playing over the video review was bafflingly bad at the game (not to judge reviewers based off skill level, but this was like they were purposefully playing bad) with the height of this moment being this fun little bit:

It almost seemed like the reviewer's controller had a broken button or something, and was blaming the game on it the button not working like it was supposed to.
Oct 25, 2017
Hoping no one posts "too much water" because outside of being kinda hilariously worded that was always a pretty appropriate critique of Hoenn

Anyways here's a glowing review of Bubsy 3D that even got box quotes


It wasn't even the in the actual text of the review, it was taken from a cheeky bullet point at the end listing some of the major positives or negatives of the game. People using that is some type of hit on the reviewer were always silly as hell.


Oct 27, 2017
This thread only serves to remind me of why I haven't considered looking an IGN review once, in well over a decade.


Jan 21, 2019
Charleston, SC
Everyone's posting recent reviews but that Bubsy review is EXACTLY how games were reviewed back in the day (the early to mid 90's). So much trash getting 90%+/ 5 out of 5's...

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace received an exclusive review in Official UK Playstation Magazine back in 1999 and was gifted a wholly undeserved 9/10. Can't find the whole review but the conclusion is baffling:

"Ultimately Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is a triumph. It is the most thorough, most accurate conversion of a film game ever, ever conceived"

I loved that magazine, but there was definitely something up with that score - the whole issue was basically an advert for the film.


Oct 27, 2017
There was once a spanish mag that rated Street Fighter 2 snes in the 70's (or low 80's) because, unlike Final Fight, you could only fight 1 dude at a time. I don't think it's online though. That ought to be up there with Edge's 'you can't talk to the monsters' Doom review.