Oct 26, 2017
The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Friday blasted the Trump administration for claiming in a new report that it had authority to order the controversial killing last month of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani in Iraq under Congress' authorization in 2002 for the use of military force against Iraq.

Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., the committee's chairman, argued that the administration's new report to Congress about the Jan. 3 attack on Soleimani "directly contradicts the President's false assertion that he attacked Iran to prevent an imminent attack against United States personnel and embassies."

"The administration's explanation in this report makes no mention of any imminent threat and shows that the justification the President offered to the American people was false, plain and simple," said Engel in a prepared statement.
Lying liar continues to lie like a lying ass. Lock if old.


Oct 25, 2017
Cuck Zone

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
Impeach him again.

Otherwise...add it to the pile of things that would potentially be the biggest scandal of any other president's term, that isn't even the biggest scandal of the week, or day, for Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
He wasn't remotely a nice guy and was involved in so much crap that he deserved what happened to him, but having the U.S. government lying about the reason behind this operation isn't good.


Oct 26, 2017
It's fucking scary how much of the US media first instinct is to go with the story their white house sources told them.
ThEy WoUlD nEvEr LiE tO uS aBoUt NaTiOnAl SeCuRiTy


Oct 27, 2017
Trump really has been more honest since impeachment finished.

Now he doesn't give a fuck and doesn't even bother lying about the evil shit he does. Republicans can't hide anymore.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
If this keeps happening, we might never be able to trust anything he says ever again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the movies to watch the just-released picture Janie Gets Married.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump really has been more honest since impeachment finished.

Now he doesn't give a fuck and doesn't even bother lying about the evil shit he does. Republicans can't hide anymore.
It's not so much that Trump or Republicans can't hide anymore; they no longer have any need to. The triumvirate of Trump, Barr, and McConnell have now all solidified their positions to the point where they don't even have to pretend like they're remotely trying to play by the rules anymore or act with any sort of respect for the overall American populace. They can now reveal that they were lying about everything up to now because they've publicly broken the only notable political check left (impeachment), and now they're just one rigged election away from lifetime power. And...it doesn't even matter if people know the election is rigged at this point, because the means of preventing that or punishing people for hatching such a scheme are now either destroyed or already firmly in their pocket. This situation isn't completely impossible, at least not yet, but this is going to be an incredibly frightening year.

Of course there was no true imminent threat. We already knew that when the story kept changing without any actual details coming through. Now that impeachment is behind him he could literally say he ordered the assassination because he was concerned Soleimani might have damaging personal information he didn't want getting out, and there would be no recourse for it. At least now they're saving us a bit of time no longer needing to read subtext in anything anymore.
Oct 28, 2017
He wasn't remotely a nice guy and was involved in so much crap that he deserved what happened to him, but having the U.S. government lying about the reason behind this operation isn't good.
None of the American army generals are nice guys either but nobody is thinking about bombing them to smithereens in a third country's airport. This shit is rogue nation behaviour.


Oct 25, 2017
None of the American army generals are nice guys either but nobody is thinking about bombing them to smithereens in a third country's airport. This shit is rogue nation behaviour.

I am going to skip to agreeing with your conclusion, because the attack shouldn't have happened in that context, and leave the premise as is.


Oct 27, 2017
So... Is this happening because the Republicans feel that they just need to get away with as much as they possibly can before November, and trying to hide it would waste energy, or is this happening because Republicans are now confident they can get away with anything, and November is a lock?


Oct 25, 2017
As expected, never trust what this administration is saying. More lies than there are sands on the beach.


Oct 25, 2017
So....basically they killed him because they could.

The acquittal has given Trump free reign. It's gonna get wild.
Oct 25, 2017
I love how the news is just a list of terrible shit we can't do anything about. Here you go, the world is trash, give us ad revenue please.


Oct 27, 2017
OK, so... Republicans and Trump have total impunity and can do what they like, lie constantly and no-one can do anything because they have the power of the Presidency and the Senate. As long as they win those, they have complete power and are unaccountable. So what stops them from rigging the election exactly?

Obviously they won't cackle and admit they did it. But when clear evidence comes out that they did, they'll cry fake news, destroy any evidence and stop any investigation. Then what? Nothing, that's what. Maybe Dems still have the House but ultimately any investigation there gets thwarted.

That's what Trump has shown the GOP. They were always scared of completely removing the mask and of totally ignoring laws. He has shown laws mean nothing if you're the one with the power to enforce them, or not.

Catch-22: As long as they win, they can commit any crime. They can commit crimes to win.

I think the only chance is getting them before they consolidate that, if they haven't already, which is the hope for November.

(Yes, I understand states run elections but clearly that's not much of a hurdle for many reasons; they already use state power for gerrymandering, for example).


Dec 25, 2017
Aaaaand his base still won't care. American has too many norms that aren't laws. Our system is broken in other ways too. If the Dems win this year a lot has to change. We can't go back to just hoping people will do the right thing with this current Republican party.

Only thing to hope for is that most Americans are tired of the never ending cycle of crap and kick Trump and GOP out of Washington.


Oct 25, 2017
This was obvious when the administration couldn't keep their story straight

I swear the news cycle was Trump giving an excuse, someone in the Pentagon or millitary vaguely agreeing but not really then either trump or someone else contradicting that

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Oct 27, 2017
I am going to skip to agreeing with your conclusion, because the attack shouldn't have happened in that context, and leave the premise as is.
The only way you can disagree with that premise is if you hold the belief that Iraqi/Afghani (and hell, Korean/Vietnamese depending on the age of the general) lives are inherently less valuable than American/European lives.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
so it is just a distraction? remember those who died from the shot-down plane?

Yeah, I know it was already obvious that there was no imminent threat, but to have them come out and say it like it's no big deal even though a plane full of innocent people got shot down in the middle of that conflict and hundreds of families are devastated is just really upsetting. Trump & Co. really are horrible human beings.


Oct 25, 2017
The only way you can disagree with that premise is if you hold the belief that Iraqi/Afghani (and hell, Korean/Vietnamese depending on the age of the general) lives are inherently less valuable than American/European lives.

As a matter of fact, that wasn't my opinion and you are reading way more into it in a very different sense than I had intended. Which may be my fault, in part, but I will give you the gist of the argument for clarity's sake.

I believe comparing atrocities can become a no-win scenario, because the victims of one culprit will not feel any better upon pointing out that someone else was responsible for another set of suffering.

The United States has been involved in many terrible events that deserve their own condemnations and consequences. That is fair to say. It doesn't take anything away from the responsibilities attributed to this person, who also hurt people that were neither American nor European, so the ethnocentric reading you've criticized was never part of my reaction.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I know it was already obvious that there was no imminent threat, but to have them come out and say it like it's no big deal even though a plane full of innocent people got shot down in the middle of that conflict and hundreds of families are devastated is just really upsetting. Trump & Co. really are horrible human beings.

They don't give a single crap about the lives of pretty much anybody living on this planet, except some family and rich friends.


Oct 28, 2017
The White House and their cronies know that people won't put up a fight. Crime all you want, and out television network Fox will bury the story, while CNN will both sides the story for independents and those on the left to tune it out.

If you don't think the fix is in for this voting cycle, then you have quite a shocker in store for you this November. All of these republicans and White House officials wouldn't be so Brazen and emboldened if they didn't have some form of guarantee to remain in power.


Oct 27, 2017
With the fiasco that was the impeachment, now they can be as blatant as they want with their lies.


Oct 27, 2017
Obvious thing is obvious.

First it was "imminent" and one target, then "planned to" and multiple targets, then "maybe sorta planned to" and was just targeting Americans in general. Now he wasn't doing a thing, but they assassinated him because of past actions and "could possibly do something" future actions.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. And again, the GOP/Senate aren't going to bat an eye.
Jan 10, 2018
This was obvious when the administration couldn't keep their story straight

I swear the news cycle was Trump giving an excuse, someone in the Pentagon or millitary vaguely agreeing but not really then either trump or someone else contradicting that

Killing the alleged mind behind a alleged imminent attack already gave it away. The organizer of an attack isn't needed when the attack is imminent. Its like killing Osama when the hijackers are flying towards WTC. It would prevent nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
Killing the alleged mind behind a alleged imminent attack already gave it away. The organizer of an attack isn't needed when the attack is imminent. Its like killing Osama when the hijackers are flying towards WTC. It would prevent nothing.
Yeah that too
Or that briefing where even Republicans were mad at the incompetence

They made it easy the whole way to make sure people know the whole thing was bullshit


Oct 28, 2017
Turns out the "imminent threat" to the United States was Donald Trump all along.