
Oct 28, 2017
71 years of age and he's that deluded and ignorant?

Fuck has he been doing for the majority of his life?

Really does feel like years.

Scandal after scandal. All self-inflicted.

don't get it twisted what hes been doing for the majority of his life has been riding off of his fathers money, hiring people to do his dirty work/ run his business, and being a celebrity-sort of. That's what he's been up to. Does anyone really still believe this is a brilliant businessman who will figure out anything?

my question is will he still hit the speech circuit and charge out 100k per appearance like all the other presidents after hes gone? I am assuming yes because there's never enough NRA rallies or pharmaceutical company retreats you can speak at about the woes of being a 1% in America.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
There shoooould be, but no one else is bothered to go for (probably) the same reason you're not there.
I've been seriously thinking about doing something that doesn't involve a computer or a phone. I am busy with my life but I could be busy with this which would honestly be more important that whatever I have going on.


Oct 27, 2017
At this point, I would only be shocked if Trump met an attractive woman and didn't say something wildly inappropriate.


Oct 25, 2017
He's an idiot. An old racist idiot.

Now to wait for the "he's not idiot, he's playing 9d chess" or "this is a distraction, better focus on X" posts.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Popular vote, Russians, disease, mental health. etc

Anything except face up to the fact that half of your country is virulently racist and knowingly voted for one.

Yo relax big guy. Pointing out that more people voted for someone else is has nothing to do with not facing that fact. We've been acquainted with it for a long time now.

It is an important point though, especially for people outside the U.S. Do a poll right now and I bet most people abroad will say Trump won because he got the most number of votes and I'd think their perspective about the whole thing would be slightly different knowing that's not the case.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been seriously thinking about doing something that doesn't involve a computer or a phone. I am busy with my life but I could be busy with this which would honestly be more important that whatever I have going on.

I think a lot of us would drop what we're doing to ensure he gets thrown out of office. Without a guarantee, it feels like a fruitless endeavor.


Oct 28, 2017
Every time I read a quote like this I'm like: "Yup that's Donald Trump"

I'm not even sure if the comment is racist, insensitive maybe. The girl looked Asian and he wondered where she was from.
Because she is of Korean descent she can negotiate with North Korea and he always boasts about good looking people working for him.
Remember he decided on cabinet posts purely on looks. John Bolton didn't get a job because Trump doesn't like a mustache.

Did anyone 'really' expect Trump to be different as President as he was during his civilian life?


Oct 27, 2017
Every time I read a quote like this I'm like: "Yup that's Donald Trump"

I'm not even sure if the comment is racist, insensitive maybe. The girl looked Asian and he wondered where she was from.

The racism part comes from the fact that he kept asking her "Where are you from really?" Even though she said New York. When a white person says "I'm from New York," we don't immediately say, "No, where are you really from? Germany? England?"

It feeds into the idea that somehow white people are native to America, even though they came from somewhere else too, and anyone that's born in America is not really "from" America unless they're white too.

Like, it's the height of "racial ignorance," if a Native American were to go to a white person and ask him "Where you from?" and the white person says, "America, of course," and the Native American asks "No, where are you from REALLY?" and the white person gets mad and keeps insisting, "America, you idiot, I was born here!"


Oct 28, 2017
The racism part comes from the fact that he kept asking her "Where are you from really?" Even though she said New York. When a white person says "I'm from New York," we don't immediately say, "No, where are you really from? Germany? England?"

It feeds into the idea that somehow white people are native to America, even though they came from somewhere else too, and anyone that's born in America is not really "from" America unless they're white too.

Like, it's the height of "racial ignorance," if a Native American were to go to a white person and ask him "Where you from?" and the white person says, "America, of course," and the Native American asks "No, where are you from REALLY?" and the white person gets mad and keeps insisting, "America, you idiot, I was born here!"
I'm not sure if this is true in Trump's case.

After all he was obsessed with his own Scottish heritage and even stole someones family shield to use as his own.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Every time I read a quote like this I'm like: "Yup that's Donald Trump"

I'm not even sure if the comment is racist, insensitive maybe. The girl looked Asian and he wondered where she was from.
Because she is of Korean descent she can negotiate with North Korea and he always boasts about good looking people working for him.
Remember he decided on cabinet posts purely on looks. John Bolton didn't get a job because Trump doesn't like a mustache.

Did anyone 'really' expect Trump to be different as President as he was during his civilian life?

No it's racist.

I read your other post.

No, it's still racist.

Also, it's really fucking stupid to say someone "looked Asian" and that's it's fine to "wonder where she was from."

First of all, she doesn't "look" Asian, she is clearly an American of Asian descent.

Second of all, the very fact that so many people in the US think of Asians are "really" being from "somewhere that is not the US" falls into the perpetual foreigner syndrome. (Which, btw, is a fucked up way to treat and view people.)

Third, I hope you're only pretending like his logic is sound for the sake of the argument, and you don't actually believe someone of Korean descent can negotiate with Korea just because they're Korean.

So you can think whatever you want, and maybe some people will agree that it's not racist, but it's still a racist question.

I really all you have to do is talk to some Asian people and ask what it's like to grow up in the US always being told that we aren't "really" American and that we *must* be from "somewhere else."


Oct 25, 2017



Jan 10, 2018
If the country survives the next decade or two, there is going to be at least one incredible black comedy about the absolute insanity of this administration.


Nov 3, 2017
So...maybe the whole thing will finally bring an end to the "where are you from" question?
Like the next time I get that one, I'll just say they're on equal footing with the US President....
Most won't take it as a compliment.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember when he asked April Ryan to set up a meeting between him and the Congressional Black Caucus? As if she was going to run into them at Black Club or something?

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017
This is the guy who said about china at one of his rallies: "They will come to me and say "we want deal!" In some racist broken english bs.

So this should not be surprising.


Oct 25, 2017
By the time his term is over we'll have s book full of anecdotes with the size of the Bible at the very least. It could be named "How to be a complete moron".

So by all means, keep them coming, genius.


There should be millions.... Millions of us on the white house lawn right now.
People in this day and age are more concerned about YouTube stars than political figures.

There is always a long thread about offensive YouTubers.

It's like people hold YouTube stars to a higher standard.


Oct 26, 2017
:/ that would be the definition of racism.

It fucking sucks when you grow up somewhere and because you're not white, you're asked twice where you're from.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
I've gotten that shit from cops a lot, most recently at the airport when I came back from visiting family a few months ago.

"Where are you from?"

"Here, Atlanta."

"No, where did you come from?"


"No, where did you really come from?"

"I was born in Canada." When I really wanna say "fuck off." The look on the dude's


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

Hehehe the first part of this is sooooooo familiar and she does such a good job of the cringe you feel when someone asks you where you're from and make helpful statements about your ethnicity.

Also yeah the implication lol. "Where are you from?" "Oh I'm American." Yes all the obliviousness of the offensiveness of the statement right there.


Nov 27, 2017
"Where are you from?"

As a minority, one of my favorite questions to be asked.
I asked this to someone at work a couple of months ago. They were a new transfer in, and I meant what department, but i sure looked like a shit to the other americans. She just laughed and said she was Nigerian. I still feel mortified.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I asked this to someone at work a couple of months ago. They were a new transfer in, and I meant what department, but i sure looked like a shit to the other americans. She just laughed and said she was Nigerian. I still feel mortified.

TBH if you were embarrassed and then followed it up with, "no I meant what department," no one is going to think it's because you were being insensitive and everyone is going to understand it was a misunderstanding where no one was at fault.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I fucking hate getting "where are you really from"ed. Teasing her after she refered to herself as from America twice.

Barry Bonds

Oct 27, 2017
Seriously what is wrong with him? No one can be this dense.
There is no way he does not have serious mental health problems. I refuse to believe that someone actually thinks this way.
Half the country thinks this way.

Get it out of your head that Trump is an outlier. He is the average Republican voter is every single way. Getting him out of office will not fix this.


Oct 28, 2017
Is any of this confirmed or just more anonymous sources?

He's gonna start recording his meetings so hopefully all of this confusion can be finished