
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
NYT Op-Ed section today/yesterday:

Ah, yes, because the far right is well known for absorbing progressive liberal values by osmosis.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

This memo totally vindicates "Trump" in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace!

Other tweet at the same time:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Rasmussen just announced that my approval rating jumped to 49%, a far better number than I had in winning the Election, and higher than certain "sacred cows." Other Trump polls are way up also. So why does the media refuse to write this? Oh well, someday!
Jan 10, 2018
As someone that leans more conservative and has a lot of conservative friends we all read this and thought it was nothing. I work with one woman who is hardcore into Trump and has donated lots of money towards his campaign. She was on the "this is going to be bigger then Watergate" train. She told me in 20 years I'd be able to close my eyes and remember exactly where I was when I read the memo. I sent her the link to the memo when it hit and she replied back with "that's it?". In watching a few reporters on Fox during the afternoon they all seemed to think there were a few interesting peices of information mixed in the memo, but nothing earth shattering. I normally don't watch Hannity because he is insane, but decided to watch his intro to see how much this overhyped memo ended up letting him down. Instead we get "BIGGEST ABUSE EVER". The tone was completely different from what I listened to throughout the day.

It was funny watching the Nunes interview with Bret Baier. Dude sounded beat up.

Your co-worker was able to temporarily use some critical thinking. Talk to her again on Monday after a weekend of FOX and Breitbart hysterically screaming some replacement thoughts into her head. You don't get the way she is by being able to form your own opinions.


Oct 27, 2017
But that's not the same thing as Steele being backed directly.

Your statement here isnt accurate in the first place. Its crazy how far the facts have been bent.

Fusion GPS started the Trump investigation in 2015 thru funding by the Washington Free Beacon, a group of Republicans. They were hired by the democrats in April 2016 and Steele came on in June.

Steele was never directly funded by the democrats and Fusion GPS and the dossier being funded by Democrats is a half truth at best.


Oct 27, 2017
That first tweet sounds like he knows he didn't get the reaction he wanted from the doomsday memo.

Deleted member 3345

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Your statement here isnt accurate in the first place. Its crazy how far the facts have been bent.

Fusion GPS started the Trump investigation in 2015 thru funding by the Washington Free Beacon, a group of Republicans. They were hired by the democrats in April 2016 and Steele came on in June.

Steele was never directly funded by the democrats and Fusion GPS and the dossier being funded by Democrats is a half truth at best.

That's what I'm saying?


Oct 30, 2017
Why the hell is he referring to himself in the third person and in quotes?

Reads like he has a body snatcher that forgot he wasn't talking to his body snatcher buddies. "This "Trump" facade is more useful than I could have ever dreamed!"
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Deleted member 3345

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Your post mentions Steele being directly backed which is completely inaccurate. Hell he was only using GPS' funds up until June and went it online from then.

I know, I'm saying that he wasn't being backed directly by the "political entity", which the tweet I initially quote implies/posted three articles that say nothing of the sort.
Oct 25, 2017
Also, in what alternative reality does the memo vindicate him? People read something and just completely come up with their own narrative, even when it is 100% incompatible with a four page memo. Its nuts.

I didn't think this memo's JOB was to vindicate Trump, it wasn't intended to undermine Mueller or the investigation. Oh wait.

I might have to watch some Fox today just to see how off the rails they think this memo is.


Oct 27, 2017
Guys, I just got a 49% on my midterm exam. I totally killed that shit. Those losers thought I would get a 40%!
Oct 25, 2017
It's really funny.

Do people think he himself personally colluded with Russia? For me it was always maybe/maybe not.

Do people think he is using the office of POTUS and the executive branch to try and stop the investigation? Undoubtedly.

If people are investigating obstruction, it almost guarantees collusion in some capacity first. Whether it was his campaign or him personally or what remains to be seen. If he thinks obstruction is something less than collusion he is going to have a bad time pretty soon.


Oct 27, 2017
Air-quoting your own surname....huh, that's a new one to me. Suppose someone had to do it.

Like someone said above, it seems like his plan hasn't gone quite the way he hoped in turning public opinion against the investigation. And man, the dude could have potentially had a good week if he just focused on his bland State Of The Union address, and none of this memo stuff happened.


Oct 27, 2017
You can make jokes, but the media and everyone that wouldn't normally give one damn about what Devin Nunes had to say allowed him to take them over entirely for a week. Even now, you head to any of their websites and it's MEMO MEMO MEMO. All day, there was a box on CNN telling people to go read the thing on their website.

When you're pushing propaganda, I'm not sure how that's losing considering how many uninformed people will walk away confused or worse by all of this. The factions on twitter warring over every story were never the targets so even if the conspiracy nuts are let down, I doubt it matters. They got the casual watcher to pay attention and that's much worse.
Media putting a focus on less important but more salacious news is hardly a new thing. They usually go with a narrative that gets them as many viewers as they can, vs the most news worthy story. Sometimes the stars align and the narrative and the most news worthy are one in the same.

Given the nature of this story, it was bound to get hyped, but hype has never guaranteed a positive outcome for those peddling it. It's actually undermined support from some of the base because of how obviously the hype didn't match the reality. Anyone who is confused is mostly that way because they don't understand what all the hype was for, given that not even Fox News can really find anything truly damning in the final product. In the end it's giving Trump no cover to fire anyone in the DOJ/FBI and you even had several congressional Republicans backpeddling to the point that they've actually been complimenting the work of the DOJ/FBI leadership.

But, yeah, they got a bunch of airtime.