
Nov 21, 2023
As much as I'd like the title to be true, there are a few clips circulating of raucus cheer as well. Don't get complacent.


Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
Remember that time libertarians took over a city and by removing all regulations they got overrun by bears?

I'm not sure they are a logic based people.
I came into this thread specifically to make a bear-related joke. I, for one, fully support libertarians never being brought up without the time they were conquered by bears sharing the same breath.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Trump promises Libertarians a cabinet slot — and to free a notorious drug kingpin | Semafor

In a highly unusual speech to a third party gathering, Trump offered to release Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht.

Donald Trump promised members of the Libertarian Party that he would "put a libertarian in my cabinet" and commute the life sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, a top demand of a political movement that intends to run its own candidate against him.


It was an unexpected offer from an unprecedented speech — one of several by non-Libertarians who the party invited to address its nominating convention. Trump's own supporters were outnumbered by Libertarian delegates who resented his presence.

A chant of "We Want Trump" was drowned out quickly by "End the Fed!" When Trump called Joe Biden a "threat to democracy," some delegates shouted: "So are you!" He got a better reception when joking that the criminal charges against him made him a libertarian, and that he started "no new wars" in four years.

Trump wasn't just competing with Libertarians on Saturday. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., speaking to a smaller Friday crowd, praised Libertarians for opposing COVID stay-at-home orders, vaccine mandates, and online censorship, while saying he'd pardon Ulbricht, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and NSA leaker Edward Snowden.


Vivek Ramaswamy, a Trump surrogate who challenged him for the GOP nomination, told delegates that they should form a "Libertarian-Nationalist" alliance, an idea drowned out by boos. And Trump's promise of a commutation for Ulbricht fell flat with his biggest Libertarian skeptics.

"Trump lies to everybody else," said Nicholas Sarwark, a former LP chair who attended the convention as a commentator. In 2018, he'd urged Trump to consider clemency for Ulbricht, and got no response. "Why would you think he's telling us the truth?"


At the convention itself, the reception for Trump wavered between skepticism and contempt. Candidates for the party's nomination got instant applause when they denounced Trump; some delegates denounced party chair Angela McArdle for inviting Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"We are the party of principle and we reject you outright," says Lars Mapstead, a Libertarian presidential candidate whose campaign placed signs promoting his plan to deny either Trump or Biden an electoral college majority in the hotel's lobby, until the Trump campaign got them taken down. "Great for coming. Thanks so much. But now, be gone."

It could have been worse. Dozens of pro-Trump Republicans, not attending the convention, grabbed seats for the candidate's speech. In the hours-long run-up, some accepted signs reading "FREE ROSS," and chatted with Libertarians whose shirts read "TRUMP/FAUCI 2024: Give Us Another Shot."

But when a critical mass of delegates arrived, McArdle asked Trump's supporters to move out of the front rows. Later, three party activists delivered short speeches about where the two sides might agree, but why Libertarians didn't automatically trust Trump — "a great source of comedy," said LP presidential contender Michael Rectenwald — after creating Operation Warp Speed to fight COVID and adding trillions of dollars to the national debt.


Most of the paid-up members of the Libertarian Party were unhappy with the Trump appearance. At best, it was a chance to push a potential president on their issues — which worked, when it came to Ulbricht. At worst, it made the party look like an appendage of the MAGA movement.

"Nothing that he did during his term was remotely libertarian," said Daniel McGee, 39, a delegate from Georgia. "You get people chanting End the Fed, Free Ross in a room, but these people watched him rule for four years and not do all of those things."

Derek Williams, a 44-year old delegate from South Carolina, said that Trump's commutation promise was "just words" from a candidate who'd said lots of them. But the attention paid to the party by Trump and Kennedy, and the promises to deliver on even a handful of their issues, showed that the LP was relevant.

"I do like the fact that we're actually having the other major parties pay attention to us," Williams said. "We are a powerful voting bloc. We matter."

McArdle told reporters on Saturday that "the stuff I've polled" had brought "a national media spotlight" to the party, with more media attention than it had ever gotten for a conference, and one of its best three-day fundraising hauls — $159,000. But that wasn't worth the Trump invite, for some delegates.

"Trump sold gold high-tops at SneakerCon; maybe he can sell us gold dildos to f— ourselves with," said Thomas Knapp, 57, a delegate from Florida.



Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the Venn diagram for Republican/MAGA and Libertarian is very close to a perfect circle these days. They both effectively want to dismantle the government.
The key difference is libertarians want to believe they're intelligent, independent, free-thinkers and not in a cult. The MAGA crowd is a deeply anti-intellectual hive mind.


Oct 30, 2017
"Don't allow the worst president in the history of our country to come back and do the final destruction of our country"

So wait... Does he want their vote or not? It sure doesn't seem like it.

Trump's projecting again... He certainly has a knack for it.


May 4, 2024
"Don't allow the worst president in the history of our country to come back and do the final destruction of our country"

It's like when someone is controlled by a demon or alien parasite and their actual personality resurfaces just long enough to shout a warning.

Except this is all him and he's just incoherent.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump, like pretty much all Republicans since Reagan, originally parroted the whole the "anti-regulation/pro-business/government bad" talking points, so despite how he actually was in practice, his camp probably thought that rhetoric would be enough to sway some libertarians his way, so long as they were able to get enough plants in the audience ahead of time.

The other irony is, libertarians are absolutely authoritarian, just in this contradictory, hyper-focused way that mainly exists to convince themselves they are these brave freedom fighters when they are in all practicality stock republicans. All that to say, if Trump had gone in there with a little humility and having done his homework on their particular brand of crazy, he MIGHT have actually made some headway, but as history has proven his short-term, ego-driven desires cannot be contained that way.

Yeah there's a reason why it's joked that Libertarians are embarrassed pot-smoking Republicans. There's a shit-ton of policy overlap between the two that Libertarians won't outwardly admit, but because of that any Republican trying to woo them has to play around their mental narratives, get them to convince themselves that they're aligned. Trump however has never bothered actually doing that - the MAGA movement basically grew around him, after all.

So yeah, really don't know what the plan was here. Did he think the Libertarian Party was going to just welcome him in open arms because they're like-minded? Ironically he's likely too honest, too upfront about a bunch of things Libertarians don't like to think on and the quickest way to get Libertarians to panic is to presume that you know what/how they think. Even filling the front row with MAGA plants wouldn't work, as if this crowd wouldn't violently turn on them as well.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
"Don't let the worst president in history come back and ruin this country!"

They booed that statement. Why? He's right. Should have cheered it.


Nov 6, 2017
As much as I'd like the title to be true, there are a few clips circulating of raucus cheer as well. Don't get complacent.

The cheer was when he promised to pardon a drug dealer website operator

Trump confronted with loud boos and heckles at the Libertarian National Convention

There were some signs of support as he took to the stage at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC, with a few supporters, sporting MAGA hats and T-shirts, cheering, "USA! USA!" said reports.

But the former president's speech quickly descended into chaos.
When Trump tried to get the Libertarians on side by calling President Joe Biden a "tyrant" and the "worst president in the history of the United States", he was met with cries of: "That's you."
Trump went on to receive a large cheer when he promised to commute the life sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the convicted founder of the drug-selling website Silk Road who has been imprisoned since 2013.
Despite the pushback, Trump said he had come to the convention "to extend a hand of friendship" with Biden as a common enemy.

That prompted a cry of "We want Trump!" from supporters, but more cries of "End the Fed!" — a common slogan from Libertarians who oppose the Federal Reserve.

One person held a sign saying, "No wannabe dictators!" He was taken away by security.


Trump confronted with loud boos and heckles at the Libertarian National Convention

Donald Trump struggled to win over Libertarians, facing boos despite attacking Joe Biden and promising to commute Ross Ulbricht's sentence.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
Libertarians are brain rotted people so the fact that they see the bullshit is just pure shambles


Apr 3, 2024
I was shooting heroin and reading "The Fountainhead" in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in...
Nov 2, 2019
"Maybe you don't want to win… keep getting your 3% every 4 years" is probably the most accurate thing Trump has ever said. This reeks of desperation and whoever suggested he do this is a complete moron. Then again, his "campaign" if you can call it that with how little money he has is filled with ever more idiots than in 2020 and even more so in 2016.


Oct 25, 2017
I normally avoid playing videos of Trump because he turns my stomach so much at this point, but these weren't so bad.


Apr 29, 2019
MSNBC had the former chairman of the Libertarian National Convention on on Friday and he explained that in 2022 some alt-right Trumpers took it over and have tried to turn it into a MAGA platform

View: https://youtu.be/oi11t9qIE2w?si=6rVJoGd3VVUGpNBC

This is true. The Libertarian Party of 2016 is far removed from the party of today. That party was interested in moderating, and expanding their brand out to disaffected Democrats and Republicans alike, lead by Gary Johnson's 2012 and 2016 campaigns.

However, in 2018 the Mises Caucus began making inroads. By 2022 they had pretty much taken over the party, turning it into a MAGA Lite party, that was against the "woke agenda" and ironically anti-abortion and anti-gay, despite support for gay rights and abortion being some of the party's founding principles, with even them even running the first gay presidential candidate in 1972.

So the Trump campaign probably thought they'd find fertile support amongst the party, since their rightward turn. However, while the Mises Caucus has taken control of the party officially, there's still a lot of disenfranchised card carrying Libertarians from the old days who don't appreciate the takeover of their party. Those are same sorts of people who are willing to shell out the money to fly across the country and pay their way in to being a delegate at the convention.

After all, the Trumpist style new Libertarians likely aren't donating their time and money to the party; they're just as likely to vote Republican anyway. You're not going to find them at the convention, but the people who didn't vote for Trump the first or second time will be, and you can bet your ass they don't like being told to vote for him now.


Jun 8, 2021
If you have time:

The Town That Went Feral (Libertarian experiment gets overrun by rabid bears they aggravated)

https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project There's a lot more in the article, and presumably in the book. And it's frankly quite insane. Not only does it show the hilarious and complete failure of libertarianism to deal with any...
There's a joke in there somewhere about why women pick the bears lol


Oct 28, 2017
Libertarians always say (very loudly) that they hate Republicans but in the booth they always vote for them when push come to shove, cuz they also love the white supremacist agenda. It's just all bullshit.


Jun 12, 2018
The Turd is so thin skinned, I think it's great he was booed so completely. This needs to be shown more often at more events, but it's difficult since he is always surrounded with carefully assembled fawning cultists.

"Trump sold gold high-tops at SneakerCon; maybe he can sell us gold dildos to f— ourselves with," said Thomas Knapp, 57, a delegate from Florida.
LOL but in the end they will all vote for Trump anyway.


Aug 21, 2019
The spiked ungovernable sign with an anarchy symbol is just so precious. These little nerds really never progressed beyond middle school.


Oct 27, 2017
Really funny to see them booing him, but also him telling them about always getting 3% of the vote and being familiar with SA allegations. Everyone got cooked and it couldn't happen to more deserving shitheads.


Nov 14, 2017
Many of these people will probably still vote for him when push comes to shove, but it's nice to see trump squirm outside of his maga cult bubble for once.


Nov 8, 2018
Libertarians always say (very loudly) that they hate Republicans but in the booth they always vote for them when push come to shove, cuz they also love the white supremacist agenda. It's just all bullshit.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner. I've had no shortage of libertarian acquaintances/colleagues over the years (always white, always male) and it's always this.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Imagine catching strays from the fucking libertarians…LMAO

Even funnier coming of the heels of his supposed 25,000 person rally in the Bronx when it was barely a tenth of that!!!

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
Let them fight

(Let's be real dumbass libertarians gonna vote for him anyways)
The entire reason why Trump attempted this is that they haven't been voting for him. The Libertarians run their own candidate and that candidate usually siphons off 5% of the conservative vote. Trump is afraid that amount combined with whatever RFK Jr. siphons off will cost him the election.
Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
You know, what I find interesting about this is that he's trash talking the audience directly to their face. He usually contains himself and does the trash talking immediately afterwards to the news media. He's breaking.


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
He should've opened by talking about the "arbitrary nature" of age of consent laws. He would've won over that crowd of libertarians immediately.


Oct 27, 2017
Why would Trump think he has the libertarian vote? Isn't his authoritarian policies the absolute opposite of libertarian?

Because he's such a charlatan that he believes he can be whatever any given crowd wants him to be, but the only party he really belongs to is a party of one.

If you have time:

The Town That Went Feral (Libertarian experiment gets overrun by rabid bears they aggravated)

https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project There's a lot more in the article, and presumably in the book. And it's frankly quite insane. Not only does it show the hilarious and complete failure of libertarianism to deal with any...

TIL black bears have a sense of smell seven times that of a bloodhound, or 2,100 times that of a human.
Last edited:
Oct 28, 2017
I'm shocked that the most selfish people in the nation didn't appreciate the single most selfish person on the planet.


Apr 10, 2019
So wait, did the Libertarian party leaders sell out their constituents by paying to have Trump speak at their convention? How the fuck was this organized?

Edit: imagine the DNC inviting Trump to give a talk or the RNC inviting Obama to give a talk.
They actually routinely invite both Democrat and Republican candidates to their convention...this is just the first time anyone from either party actually accepted the invitation.