
Oct 27, 2017
The administration's first strategy was to throw Rudy Giuliani under the bus, since he's the one who starting all this by spilling his guts on CNN:

"Rudy — he did all of this," one U.S. official said. "This s---show that we're in — it's him injecting himself into the process."

WaPo: Giuliani pursued shadow Ukraine agenda as key foreign policy officials were sidelined


But then Rudy saw the writing on the wall and said he had evidence on his phone that he had orders from the State Department:


Then we got reports that as many as 30 Republican Senators could vote against Trump simply because they loathe him and the control he has over them:

And some Republican Senators are already breaking from the "nothingburger" talking points the White House distributed:


We already knew Pence was mixed up in the Kievan Ruse:


But a sinking Trump just went on television and made it clear he's dragging Pence down with him:

Trump and his advisors are betting on the fact that many Republicans may be willing to go against him if that just meant ending up with Mike Pence, but they're certainly not going to want to replace him with President Nancy Pelosi.

The best case scenario is the noose continues to tighten around everyone, Trump, Pence, Barr, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Giuliani... but even if that's the case how many Republican Senators would vote to convict both Trump and Pence?
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
President Nancy Pelosi is not a thing I would have expected where thing would end up but I wouldn't mind it if it happened in this context.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
drag him down or don't

Pence can't energize people for shit


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Well if this happens at least Mike will be able to spend more time with Mother


Dec 13, 2017
Trump and his advisors are betting on the fact that many Republicans may be willing to go against him if that just meant ending up with Mike Pence, but they're certainly not going to want to replace him with President Nancy Pelosi.

The best case scenario is the noose continues to tighten around everyone, Trump, Pence, Barr, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Giuliani... but even if that's the case how many Republican Senators would vote to convict both Trump and Pence?

The House would have to indict them both.

Even if Pence was up to his eyeballs in it, you'd see serial impeachments, which would give room for a new VP to be installed and then Pence impeached as President. You won't likely see President Pelosi.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Oh look, only a day into impeachment and they're already ready to tear each other apart.

Really makes me appreciate the months and months of defeatists repeating "There's no point in impeachment. It will only help him."

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Gotcha bitch
Oh look, only a day into impeachment and they're already ready to tear each other apart.

Really makes me appreciate the months and months of defeatists repeating "There's no point in impeachment. It will only help him."

If we had opened this up in January he would have skated easily. Pelosi might have been on to something with that "self impeaching" line. Just had to give it enough time for him to fuck up this badly.


Oct 27, 2017
I was wondering how much it would take for the Republican party to consider Trump a liability and heel turn on him.


Oct 28, 2017
Pence would resign so Trump could appoint someone else before it ever came to that.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
To be clear, the 30 number is from one person saying that IF it was a secret vote.


Oct 28, 2017
Pence would resign so Trump could appoint someone else before it ever came to that.

The House would have to indict them both.

Even if Pence was up to his eyeballs in it, you'd see serial impeachments, which would give room for a new VP to be installed and then Pence impeached as President. You won't likely see President Pelosi.

Veep nominee has to be approved by the house first.
Jun 20, 2019
Reps will approach the Dems to swap votes in favor of removing Trump in exchange for keeping Pence out of it. Schumer will take that deal in a New York minute.

Assuming Trump actually tries to go through with this and nothing horrific comes out about Pence (hard to imagine since he's never been out of the wrapper).


Oct 25, 2017
In a Just World, they all sink together.

You can tell Trump realizes there's no clear escape here. Backed into a corner, finally.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
The House would have to indict them both.

Even if Pence was up to his eyeballs in it, you'd see serial impeachments, which would give room for a new VP to be installed and then Pence impeached as President. You won't likely see President Pelosi.

For sure. I can't imagine a single Republican no matter how pissed they are at Trump would vote to convict if it was likely Pence would be roped in and Pelosi would become president. They'd burn down the White House first. I imagine any vote against Trump would be contingent on Pence being given time to appoint a new VP.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotcha bitch

If we had opened this up in January he would have skated easily. Pelosi might have been on to something with that "self impeaching" line. Just had to give it enough time for him to fuck up this badly.
Yup. "Luck is Preparation plus Opportunity" applies here. We did not have the opening to go for the throat before this scandal. Now he's vulnerable. The work pushing for impeachment let us charge quickly at him here.


Oct 27, 2017
This shit just gets crazier and crazier by the minute.

And to think- He survived the Mueller report! What a dumbass!


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
Lmfao I love this, they're all scrambling to save themselves by turning on each other. They're all guilty and they all need to face punishment. Hope this pans out.


Oct 25, 2017
Even if they impeached pence, the elections would be right around the corner by the time the proceedings ended so I don't think it'd matter much. The big thing about taking down Trump (aside from accountability) is that it would cripple them in the election. Pence isn't really attractive as the main name on the ticket so him being disqualified too really does nothing


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
For sure. I can't imagine a single Republican no matter how pissed they are at Trump would vote to convict if it was likely Pence would be roped in and Pelosi would become president. They'd burn down the White House first. I imagine any vote against Trump would be contingent on Pence being given time to appoint a new VP.
Pelosi becoming president on double indictment... I think I'd die. Would anything in modern history be more glorious?

Fuck, I wish I hadn't read that. I'll never get it out of my head.


Oct 25, 2017
This shit just gets crazier and crazier by the minute.

And to think- He survived the Mueller report! What a dumbass!

They were lucky, able to muddy up the waters and be able to argue that he was always arms away from a problem, that it was someone else.

Dumb motherfucker is center stage with this.


Oct 27, 2017
That should've been obvious when he dragged Pence's "perfect phone" calls into the mix out of nowhere.


Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
what if we get President Pelosi and Trump runs again in 2020

someone really messed up this timeline


Nov 26, 2017
Hear that Pence? Better come clean. It's better for you to tell us. We can work with you now, but once this ball gets rolling...who knows what will happen? We'd love to be able to tell the Senate that you were cooperative.


Oct 28, 2017
Veep nominee has to be approved by the house first.
If Trump goes down he's likely taking down a number of people alongside him.

Would Trump play ball? He's a narcissist.

And yeah, House has to approve, which lol

Both the House and Senate have to confirm a VP nominee - the only instance where the House has any say in confirming someone. Democrats control the House.

Sure, but do any of you really expect the democrats to actually pull a smart strategic move and hold the VP slot open long enough for President Pelosi to happen? You really think they would last 2 days of the media having the vapors over it?