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Oct 27, 2017
(CNN)Here's an indisputable fact: President Donald Trump is as popular today as he has been since his first day in office.
In a new Gallup poll, 49% approve of the job Trump is doing as president while 45% disapprove, matching the highest his approval rating has ever been in Gallup surveys. A Monmouth University poll released on Monday showed Trump at 46% approval, again the best he has done in that poll in more than three years.

In the Gallup poll, 60% of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing in handling the crisis while 38% disapprove of how he has done. Six in 10 independents approve of how Trump has done on the coronavirus as do more than 1 in 4 (27%) of Democrats. In the Monmouth poll, 50% say Trump has done a good job with coronavirus while 45% said he has done a bad job.

The heightened approval for how Trump has managed this crisis -- particularly among independents and even Democrats -- is what is pushing up his overall approval numbers, which have been largely stagnant for years.

On one level, this isn't terribly surprising. Polling consistently shows a rallying effect around the president when major crises face the country. In the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, for example, President George W. Bush's approval rating soared into the high 80s and low 90s. There's a tendency for even partisans of the opposite party from the president to soften a bit in their perception of him as we are reminded of our common humanity and the need for our leaders to, well, lead us out of crisis.

On another, however, Trump's high approval ratings for how he has dealt with coronavirus and how he is handling the job more broadly might well shock people who have been keeping close track of his and his administration's performance on the pandemic.

After all, it's quite clear that the administration simply didn't take the threat of coronavirus seriously enough soon enough. And the testing capabilities for coronavirus in the US were decidedly slow. And Trump's public statements have been marked by inaccurate claims (the test is "perfect", the vaccine is coming fast, etc).

But what the Gallup and Monmouth numbers seem to suggest is that either a) people aren't following every single statement made by Trump on this matter or b) they don't hold him personally responsible for the hiccups along the way.

The average person seems to broadly believe that Trump is doing the best that he can in a very difficult circumstance. And that what he says on a daily basis matters less than the fact he is out there saying it, and assuring the country that this will all be over soon. (Nota bene: There's very little medical evidence to suggest Trump's optimism is rooted in established facts.)

It's important to keep this perspective in mind when analyzing the political impact this massive campaign of social distancing has as the medical world battles the virus. A large number of Americans are looking at Trump's behavior not from the 50-foot or even 500-foot level but the 50,000-foot level.

And at least so far, they like what they are seeing.

On behalf of other foreign citizens who reside in other countries, I must ask an age old question:

WTF America?

President Trump is as popular as he's ever been right now

Here's an indisputable fact: President Donald Trump is as popular today as he has been since his first day in office.


Oct 25, 2017
He holds a campaign rally daily on TV now that everyone sees. There is no fact checkers saying hey this motherfucker is lying. So people see the rally and the" masks are flowing" etc. bullshit and say good job Mr president


Oct 25, 2017
As it says, it's human nature to rally around the leader in times of crisis. That said, I doubt it will hold up when things start to get really bad.
Oct 25, 2017
Bush didn't have immediate fallout from Katrina either. If this becomes a total disaster, as it looks it will, I'm still optimistic people will turn on Trump. Trump is still probably benefiting from people rallying around their leaders in a time of disaster. Maybe it should be encouraging that his support isn't higher? Any competent president should've had a large boost in approval in a time like this - the Italian PM has had a big boost to approval, for instance, and Italy's initial response was far from ideal.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Guessing this'll be closed again and someone will make a weird comment from another reality about how Trump is super popular outside the twitterverse.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Trump has a 99% approval rating if you ignore the Internet, duh. It would've been 100% if he hadn't let 1% of the country die during this pandemic thing.


Oct 25, 2017
People are so dumb, that no matter what happens with the pandemic leading up to the election, they will believe he did a good job. The absolute worst case scenarios could come true and his base (and some others) will think he prevented it from being worse.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
It's actually not that high for a President in a crisis situation. Calm down, folks.


Oct 27, 2017
Manhattan, New York
It's actually not that high for a President in a crisis situation. Calm down, folks.

True. From google search for "bush's approval during 9/11"

Bush began his presidency with ratings near 60%. In the time of national crisis following the September 11 attacks, polls showed approval ratings of greater than 85%, peaking in at 92%, and a steady 80–90% approval for about four months after the attacks.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
It's so depressing to me because this is clearly the worst moment in his presidency.

Presidential approval ratings tend to go up during national crisis. Bush in the 80s and 90s after 9/11 being the best example.


Mar 9, 2020
Well approval ratings always surge during times of crisis, no matter if its just or not. Alot of people just cant help it.

Deleted member 49482

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2018
Wait for the bodies to pile up.
I'm quickly becoming resigned to the fact that the fear of death is the only thing that is going to make a portion of his supporters disapprove of Trump.

For a lot of cities and states, this still isn't "real" to people. They don't see people around them getting sick and the case/death numbers are still low.


Oct 27, 2017
Mods, I apologize. Did not realize this had been posted earlier and closed by another mod. Please do the same.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Rally around the flag. It doesn't matter what he's doing as long as he's the only authority many people feel they can clutch to in a desperate attempt at maintaining normalcy in a crisis.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of the approval gains are from Democrats. That will never actually vote for him. It's actually a pretty pathetically small bump given the situation. Most governors and foreign leaders are getting much larger increases in approval. Jimmy Carter went up 20% at the beginning of the hostage crisis.


Apr 18, 2018
Too many are blinded by their religion and obsession with guns, so they think they have to blindly support Republicans, and the rest are blinded by their racism and xenophobia, so they blindly follow the biggest racist and xenophobe.

In other words, America is fucked and this turd's skid mark is going to linger longer than any of us will probably live.


Oct 25, 2017
It's always worth noting that looking at an aggregate of polls is usually more reliable than looking at one or two, due to the statistical nature of polling and human biases. That said, even polling aggregates like RCP or 538 both note an uptick in popularity right now. I don't know if that it's a statistically significant increase in popularity or not, but it's something that needs to be kept an eye on for sure. National tragedies and crises tend to have this kind of effect, but with a situation evolving as rapidly as it is who knows what will happen between now and a month from now, not to mention out till November.

Rally round the flag in action.
Pretty much how I see it as well.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I said this in another thread, but it's just human nature to rally fora leader in times of crisis. So this is no shock to me. Hopefully he fucks it up and tanks his popularity if this continues on.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Sure what's another 4 years. It already feels like another year has passed and it's still somehow 2020 :/

I still think he will lose but not by much (unsurprisingly). Though I'm worried about the election.


alt account
Aug 28, 2019
If the market returns to all time high again, I can see him winning


Oct 25, 2017
Rally-round-the-flag effect always boosts these numbers in a crisis.

The point about broadcasting his rambling press conferences is well-taken, though.

Deleted member 60295

User requested account closure
Sep 28, 2019
If the market returns to all time high again, I can see him winning

They're not gonna after the next few weeks. The average american still don't understand how bad this is gonna get before things can possibly get better. And Trump can't will the economy into responding positively to the forthcoming mess.
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