
Oct 27, 2017
It comes down to this November. Otherwise we're going to be picking up the pieces, probably for the rest of our lives.

As a Canadian, I have to admit, I am keeping an eye on November as a referendum not just on Trump, but America's idea of what kind of nation it is supposed to be. I can still believe that a gigantic chunk of the population stayed home and binged Netflix on November 2016, not because they were diabolically evil, but they were genuinely ignorant of the consequences of not voting. I can believe that in the last year and a half since then, some people that are "in the middle" have grown increasingly horrified by what they've seen their nation turn into in such a short amount of time.

But if the November elections roll around, and there is no "Blue Wave" and somehow the Republicans still retain control of all three branches, that, to me, will be the definitive statement of just how many Americans embrace this new, racist, bully America, and how many still cling to the old fashioned idea of justice, freedom and equality for all. To me, November will be the final acid test of whether that old America is dead or not, because if the majority of people that show up to vote STILL vote for Republicans after everything that's happened, that just means there are far more bad people in America than "the goods ones" we want to believe are still there.

It's like a second chance at a Brexit vote that the UK never got. Make it count.


Oct 25, 2017
What do you want dems to do? They have no fucking power. They are the minority power. Aside from condemning this there isn't much else they can do. Everyone needs to get off their asses and vote come midterms. Elections have consequences and we're living them.

Speak up for starters? Go in front of every camera possible! Don't just sit there doing jack shit about it.