
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Annie Karni @anniekarni

Pence and Pompeo, leaving ambassador's residence, stop to pose for photos in front of press, ignore questions about whether Trump's letter makes their job harder today; whether they can get a ceasefire.

8:18 AM - Oct 17, 2019

Zeke Miller @ZekeJMiller

US delegation before heading to Erdogan meeting. They ignored questions on whether they think they can get ceasefire and Trump's letter

8:18 AM - Oct 17, 2019

As noted in the OP, the letter was given to Fox News first as an exclusive. As if it's something to be proud of.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
What 'deal' does he mean there.. not like a trade deal surely
Of course it's a trade deal.

If this fucker was around in 1938 he'd have been calling Neville Chamberlain a pussy to every newspaper around because Chamberlain didn't do enough to make sure that Hitler had a great deal for not invading Poland.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
What just gets me the most about this is we only know of it because Trump was so proud of it. It's bittersweet.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Ah remember when Obama was called weak by republicans? Like how fucking dense do you have to be to have your guy be what you accused someone else to be but pretend he is some fucking ace chess player.

Got damn I wish Obama had some fire in him and threw all this shit on their face. He is better than that, I know. But I wish we could plaster how fucking stupid this guy in office is right now.

My god please history never forget about this fool and his administration.


Oct 26, 2017

Annie Karni @anniekarni

Pence and Pompeo, leaving ambassador's residence, stop to pose for photos in front of press, ignore questions about whether Trump's letter makes their job harder today; whether they can get a ceasefire.

8:18 AM - Oct 17, 2019

Zeke Miller @ZekeJMiller

US delegation before heading to Erdogan meeting. They ignored questions on whether they think they can get ceasefire and Trump's letter

8:18 AM - Oct 17, 2019

As noted in the OP, the letter was given to Fox News first as an exclusive. As if it's something to be proud of.



Oct 27, 2017
Surely even the most ardent Trump support can't look at that letter and go "Yup, that's the way to write to another countries leader"


Oct 27, 2017
At least the US is no longer laughed at around the world, like under Obama...

It feels like confrontation wise, Trump painted himself into a corner. It doesn't seem possible for him to be a "tough guy/Alpha" in this scenario without actually offending Erdogan, which he doesn't want to do.

It's so weird to see a US President anxiety-stricken about offending tyrants he wants to be BFFs with, but at the same time wanting to look like the Toughest, No Mercy, No Quarter President the country has ever seen.


Oct 25, 2017
It feels like confrontation wise, Trump painted himself into a corner. It doesn't seem possible for him to be a "tough guy/Alpha" in this scenario without actually offending Erdogan, which he doesn't want to do.

It's so weird to see a US President anxiety-stricken about offending tyrants he wants to be BFFs with, but at the same time wanting to look like the Toughest, No Mercy, No Quarter President the country has ever seen.
Sounds about right for your average insecure weak man child.


Oct 27, 2017
Real question for the non-Americans of Era: How badly has Trump maligned your view of the US? Is it irreparable?

Yes. I always knew that there were some really backwards people in certain parts of the US, but I didn't know how many and just how depraved and shameless they could be. I thought they were on the wane.


Oct 30, 2017
It feels like confrontation wise, Trump painted himself into a corner. It doesn't seem possible for him to be a "tough guy/Alpha" in this scenario without actually offending Erdogan, which he doesn't want to do.

It's so weird to see a US President anxiety-stricken about offending tyrants he wants to be BFFs with, but at the same time wanting to look like the Toughest, No Mercy, No Quarter President the country has ever seen.
That's because he's not tough. He just acts tough.

His whole life he's always threatened to sue anybody who spoke poorly of him. He famous bragged that he "doesn't settled out of court" because that's weak. He has, of course, settled out of court numerous times.


Oct 25, 2017
Watching Pelosi's press conference about this now.

It is so frustrating listening to her speak. She flubs about every 10th word she speaks by either slurring it, muttering only half of it, or even swallowing after pronouncing the first sylable and never finishing the word.

I need to strain and concentrate to understand what she is saying. All I can think about is that anyone else listening to her would just immediately tune out. We need to get someone who can actually pronounce words correctly in front of the press.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
It feels like confrontation wise, Trump painted himself into a corner. It doesn't seem possible for him to be a "tough guy/Alpha" in this scenario without actually offending Erdogan, which he doesn't want to do.

It's so weird to see a US President anxiety-stricken about offending tyrants he wants to be BFFs with, but at the same time wanting to look like the Toughest, No Mercy, No Quarter President the country has ever seen.

Well he is trying to appear like he is on our side, but he is not.

He's a fucking traitor caught up in too many lies


Nov 11, 2017
Watching Pelosi's press conference about this now.

It is so frustrating listening to her speak. She flubs about every 10th word she speaks by either slurring it, muttering only half of it, or even swallowing after pronouncing the first sylable and never finishing the word.

I need to strain and concentrate to understand what she is saying. All I can think about is that anyone else listening to her would just immediately tune out. We need to get someone who can actually pronounce words correctly in front of the press.


Also, it better be unintelligible else im gunna call you out bruv..


Oct 27, 2017
The best part of this is just how proud The Chosen Orange is of that letter.

His staff had to have given him the thumbs-up on it.

And yes, a copy will be hanging on a wall in a museum some day, so we can look back, show it to your grandkids and have a good laugh.


Nov 11, 2017

what can Trump offer to Erdogan ( who isn't doing this for money, but genuinely believes the kurds are evil and wnats to do his safteyzone/scam)

to get a ceasefire?

Because Erdogan seems pretty set on no ceasefire. Its good optics for his political party no? Plus he finally has got what he wanted.


Oct 27, 2017
Real question for the non-Americans of Era: How badly has Trump maligned your view of the US? Is it irreparable?
Yes but not just because Trump was voted president. Most countries have a fair share of shitty voters, heck I'm British and we voted for Brexit. The issue with Trump isn't just that hes a nutter, it's that he has one of the two political parties 100% behind him. In the UK we may have Boris as PM but there are still MPs of his own party that are willing to stand up to him but I've only seen one member of congress really stand up to Trump and he was forced to go independent.
Oct 28, 2017
Real question for the non-Americans of Era: How badly has Trump maligned your view of the US? Is it irreparable?

The US was always meh to me, but with the way things are now, the regression, the bleak outlook, the hollowing of the middle-class. It's complete trash to me. Would NEVER consider moving there, ever.

And before anyone jumps down my neck: I'm part american, part european. My dad left the US 30 years ago and never looked back. The lionshare of our family still lives in the US and we visit them every years. My view is not just based on your shit mongrel of a president.