
Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand (go to the most recent update from 10 minutes ago, January 10th, 2019).

Eight days before Christmas I started this GoFundMe campaign because I was tired of watching the U.S. government's inability to secure our southern border. Like most Americans, I see the porous southern border as a national security threat and I refuse to allow our broken political system to leave my family and my country vulnerable to attack.
The plan of action was simple and straightforward to raise money to construct a wall on our southern border. We have raised over $20 Million from 325,000 plus donors and we are only just getting started! I have been literally overwhelmed and inspired by the outpouring of support, calls, and emails from American citizens who support our efforts to Build the Wall. I got some hate as well but that was easy to ignore with all the positive feedback I was getting. I immediately sought out and consulted with some of our country's leading professionals in law, politics, national security, construction, and finance.

This team has spent countless hours over the holidays reviewing all issues pertaining to the construction of a southern border wall. Unanimously, we have all come to the conclusion that:
1. The federal government won't be able to accept our donations anytime soon.
2. We are better equipped than our own government to use the donated funds to build an actual wall on the southern border.
3. Our highly experienced team is highly confident that we can complete significant segments of the wall in less time, and for far less money, than the federal government, while meeting or exceeding all required regulatory, engineering, and environmental specifications.
4. Our team strongly believes that we can complete our segments of the wall for less than half of the government's estimated costs on a per mile basis.
To show the government how "We the People" can get this done, we have formed a Section 501(c)(4) non-profit Florida Corporation named "We Build the Wall, Inc." to receive the GoFundMe contributions.

Our website can be found at
The following individuals serve on the on the advisory board, and construction, finance, and or audit committees, operations, administration, PR, Media and ongoing fundraising:
Brigadier General Dr. Robert S. Spalding III
Industrialist John Daniel Moran, Jr.
Ex-Navy SEAL and businessman Erik Prince,
Former Secretary of State of Kansas Kris Kobach,
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza
Law enforcement and immigration expert Sheriff David Clarke
Fox news contributor and border security expert Sara A. Carter
Former Colorado Congressman and presidential candidate Tom Tancredo
Angel Dad Steve Ronnebeck
Media consultant and journalist Jennifer Lawrence
and many others

We have made significant progress in less than a month. We have begun extensive due diligence and the commencement of feasibility studies engaging leading experts in a variety of fields necessary to construct our border wall. These professionals have provided us with critical guidance on the legal, engineering, contracting, environmental, accounting, maintenance, and real estate issues required to build a wall on the southern border.

There is more at the update, if you're curious, but this gets the point across. I added the bold for emphasis. Note that Erik Prince is involved. Also note, the remainder of the update identifies that people need to opt in to this change of plans, or else their donation will be refunded (thanks for pointing this out, Dracil).

So, this is the pivot y'all were expecting. Homie is gonna take money for himself and pay a bunch of friends and vultures and that money is gonna go poof, if you were to ask me.

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Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
LOL. Build it where? Every bit of land in this country is spoken for, one way or another.

Edit: oh, my bad. They have people for "real estate issues". Ha.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Hahaha, sweet. The world is just full of suckers and con artists who prey on them, and the beat goes on.
Oct 30, 2017
1 billion goal...



Oct 30, 2017
So apparently if you don't basically subscribe to his email list he'll also automatically refund all the donations? I feel like 99% of the donations are gonna get refunded.

When I created this fundraiser, I said if we did not reach our goal we will refund donors. I am honoring that commitment today. We will promptly refund your donation unless you tell us you approve our new plan for action.

• You MUST tell GoFundMe you still want to Build the Wall or your contribution will not be included in this historic project.

If you want a refund for your donation, no need to do anything. You will receive your refund a few weeks after the 90 days expires and GoFundMe will notify you once your refund has processed. If you would prefer a refund now, you can request that here:

You can also contact GoFundMe here. You need to do this by April 10!


Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
Also, I just was curious so I checked the page to see if there were updates and happened to catch this update from literally 5-10 minutes before I made this post. I haven't seen it on major news outlets yet, but I'm psyched to see if it gets covered and how the coverage pans out


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, good luck with erecting a wall along the southern border. Please let him build on what he thinks is federal property but what is actually privately owned. Texans just love that sort of thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone in the last thread called this exactly. He basically said "If I were pulling this scam I'd incorporate immediately and then pay myself a nice salary, and "spend" the rest of the money by holding "meetings" with people and have them go absolutely nowhere".

This guy is walking away with millions and probably throwing some cash at these people on the list to make it all look legit. He aint ever meeting with Erik Prince but the company's financial records will state he did....


Oct 25, 2017
Is it bad if I want him to scam people? Nothing would make me happier than a bunch of hateful idiots losing their money. Double points if they expected to recuperate their money back with their tax refund that will be delayed because of the shutdown.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait... didn't a poster say this exact same thing in another thread?
Not sure if it was the same thread, but there was another thread yesterday that had an article that detailed out this guy's history with making money off alt-right conspiracies and what not, and is currently in the midst of lawsuits as well.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017

Trump supporters stay losing forever, stupid fucking dipshits


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Wait... didn't a poster say this exact same thing in another thread?
Not sure if it was the same thread, but there was another thread yesterday that had an article that detailed out this guy's history with making money off alt-right conspiracies and what not, and is currently in the midst of lawsuits as well.

Meant a poster had the same plan to do what this update is mentioning.

Fake edit: Found it hahaha

I'm pretty sure that this is considered fraud since hes likely to just cut and run with the money.

If I were doing this scam I'd immediately Incorperate, pay myself a fat salary and then waste the rest of the money setting up meanings with contractors (while paying myself more) that goes nowhere.
I dont think this guy is that smart.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
So he's just going to wander out into the desert and start putting up some 2x4s? Lmfao.

There's no way this isn't just a scheme to slush this money into his and his associates' pockets.


Oct 27, 2017
So the land is coming from where exactly? It costs about $200,000 to pave a mile of a two-lane road. How much would an actual wall cost, like a million dollars a mile plus the cost of land? I don't think anybody involved, in this scam or in the Trump Administration has any idea about the actual costs of this project.

There's no inertia or willpower to see it through. It'll be a colossal waste.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
The combined collective of USA's deplorables managed to muster up a measly 20 million dollar in 30 days. I mean he is mooching of gullible racists so it's not like they're gonna get much sympathy from me.


Oct 27, 2017
GoFundMe should shut this shit down. Dude's a known con artist and that money is going straight into his pocket
I'm surprised there isn't some sort of guarantee, like if it doesn't reach the actual goal, it gets refunded to every individual donor. It's ludicrous in the first place considering it needs around $5 Billion and nobody should feel sorry for the donors who seem like racist idiots who would rather trash their money than donate it to real causes. However, I'd be surprised if the money could just easily go into his pocket without issue. If it does, this guy is actually a genius.

Wreck We Em

Oct 27, 2017
If you want to build something on someone else's land I assume you have to offer them some sort of compensation

Even if this isn't a scam, no way 20 mil is going to cover cost of construction, workers, planning, etc. plus compensating land owners

This is dumb


Oct 25, 2017
There's no way he could ever build it. Literally, there's no way for him to get access to the land he'd need.


Oct 26, 2017
is GoFundMe always the campaign starter keeps all money raised? or can you set it so if you ask for $20k, you only get the money if you surpass your fundraising goal?


Oct 26, 2017
is GoFundMe always the campaign starter keeps all money raised? or can you set it so if you ask for $20k, you only get the money if you surpass your fundraising goal?

GoFundMe works differently from something like Kickstarter.
It exists specifically for flexible fundraising, so the owner will get any and all money raised (minus fees), and the campaigns tend to not have defined endpoints.
Fundraisers have to periodically withdraw money from the campaign or else funds may be automatically refunded.
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