Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Neither of his sons would have any chance. They likely wouldn't even get the nomination.

They don't have the personality or "he's just a regular guy!" aspect of Papa Trump.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
If I have one wish for us here posting about future presidential elections, it is that this sort of thing--a failed despot pushing his loser, resolutely-unqualified spawn onto the American public as a de facto Oval Office dynasty--is not treated as something remotely normal. Nothing about this is ok or "just Trumps being Trumps" in any conceivable way. This is an abomination and outrage of American democracy and should be considered as such at every mention.
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Oct 12, 2018
Gonna take a lot of cocaine and a lot of corruption for it to happen. Isn't Don Jr banned from running a charity? Isn't Ivanka heavy with the China business, and married to the son of a convicted criminal? Plus she is a woman, his base won't care too much for her. Eric.....lol. What are his other kids names? The only chance a trump kid has is one who wasn't raised near him.


Oct 26, 2017
Two straight-up alphas right here.



Oct 25, 2017
Gonna take a lot of cocaine and a lot of corruption for it to happen. Isn't Don Jr banned from running a charity? Isn't Ivanka heavy with the China business, and married to the son of a convicted criminal? Plus she is a woman, his base won't care too much for her. Eric.....lol. What are his other kids names? The only chance a trump kid has is one who wasn't raised near him.

If it's a hot woman the misogyny and sexism will win out. Don't underestimate how the physical appearances will influence perception.

Same goes for Nikki's Haley too.


Oct 25, 2017
Assuming they don't face any legal repercussions, I hope the Trump name ends up being even more toxic than the Bushes.


Oct 25, 2017
No one cares about the Trump kids. Once Trump is out of office, they'll fade away outside of court cases


Oct 27, 2017
Just go the fuck away. Y'all are rich. Just go live your rich life and leave people the fuck alone.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
Neither of his sons would have any chance. They likely wouldn't even get the nomination.

They don't have the personality or "he's just a regular guy!" aspect of Papa Trump.
This, they ain't got it. The people that I know that are charmed by trump don't even care for his sons. They give off trust fund vibes. Which is not a look ya want.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
It's an open secret that the next two presidents are Ivanka (2024 and 2028 elections) and then Jared (2032 and 2036 elections). So Don Jr. has to wait until 2040 and then Eric in 2048. So at least 36 more years of the Trump dynasty, after Donald wins a second term in 10 days.

No, seriously, Ivanka and Kush talked it out. She's 46 and he's 47. Everybody else has to wait. Actually with Tiffany and Barron we may be looking at 52 more years of Trump POTUS, if you count Jared as a Trump.

If I'm a democrat I'm pretty much trying to figure out my 2080 strategy at this point. There's no taking the white house until then and that's if we're lucky.

Spoiler: this is a joke. But Amy Barrett will be on the Supreme Court until 2050 because Hillary is a shrill bitch and honestly, what do we have to lose.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 7, 2020
This is why we have to go hard on the tax evasions, fraud, and everything. If we don't push back on this family they will keep trying to push themselves into positions of power.


Dec 18, 2017
Are they really going to run? Because based on the info in the OP, I would not even take that as a "hint." Just some crap from other people they're circulating.


Nov 3, 2017
Oh yes, please do.

Info in the OP doesn't really let us infer that much, but it's certainly a fun scenario to ponder (and a nightmare for the GOP).


Oct 27, 2017
Beavis and Butthead? I don't see the GOP pushing it, especially if Donald does lose this election based on states that were traditionally red, yet flipped to blue. The only Trump they'd cash all their chips on will be Ivanka, but only if/when Kamala ends up running as Pres, that's when they'll use her.


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
I've said this for a while, Don Jr is positioning himself to take over next time around.
And he's going to be worse because he's got his own hair, not an old blubbering fool yet, etc.


Oct 26, 2017
I've said this for a while, Don Jr is positioning himself to take over next time around.
And he's going to be worse because he's got his own hair, not an old blubbering fool yet, etc.

All those pictures with the endangered exotic animals he has murdered aren't going to help his cause.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Meh, they don't have their dad's charisma. I don't buy it as a thing.


Oct 27, 2017
I think this is just so they can start the campaign as soon as possible, so they can start obtaining donations starting on the day after Trump loses. They won't become the next president elects, but they won't turn down millions of dollars of campaign funds which I'm sure they can easily take a share out of legally or illegally for themselves. The base is still there and will be desperate after a loss.

Plus, it helps having millions to use for inevitable lawsuits.


Oct 25, 2017
If after four years the Democrats' best candidate against the incumbent who beat their previous centrist, status-quo Democrat was another centrist, status-quo Democrat; I don't see why people here are expecting Republicans to come up with better ideas in a few years.