
Oct 28, 2017
Their hate and sexism will be at an all time high the next 4 years. Hope that everyone is ready for it


Jan 16, 2018
When you are so uneducated that academic language sounds like a foreign language

(not gonna lie tho, i wish i could get my Ph.D. with 100 pages of text in that font size lol - i have no idea of how this works in the US tho)


Nov 6, 2017
They're not even trying to hide the misogyny anymore. And it's even more fulsome when you consider Fox's reputation for the workplace harassment of women.


Oct 29, 2017
...yeah, the 180 in things the GOP cares about in a President / family is gonna be extremely easy to pull off.


Nov 6, 2017
No it doesn't. Trump pushed the envelope on press freedoms and even he didn't take direct action against them. Suppressing press, even as mean spirited as Fox, is not the answer.
If they intentionally spread harmful misinformation then they're not really press anymore. No more than OANN is. There is a minimum standard they need to uphold to justify their access to the White House.


Oct 28, 2017
No it doesn't. Trump pushed the envelope on press freedoms and even he didn't take direct action against them. Suppressing press, even as mean spirited as Fox, is not the answer.
At a certain point we need to ask ourselves what qualifies as the press because I sure as hell wouldn't call a corporation that dedicates itself to lying and radicalizing the public as journalism

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
I find it funny that they're attacking a woman with a doctorate who's an educator while they say nothing about Melanie the gold digging nude model trophy wife.
Oct 30, 2017
This all started over an opinion piece telling us to stop referring to our future FLOTUS as Dr.

People pushed back on this. So naturally, conservatives found another distracting issue. As they fawn over Dr. Sebastian Gorka. The amount of time they spend saying, "Dr. Gorka" felt so forced, too.
Apr 25, 2020
What is the right's goal in this sudden attack on Jill Biden? To illicit an emotional response from Joe? I would have thought the failed attacks on Hunter would have proven Joe is a bit more politically mature than that.


Oct 27, 2017
It kinda feels like his script is still being written by some incel white supremacist.

Justin Bailey

Oct 28, 2017
This is the exact kind of thing said by right-wing pundits solely to piss off liberals and fellatiate their base.
Oct 30, 2017
Nah. Tucker Carlson is a large media figurehead with enormous reach. Wanting this guy to fade into irrelevance is not an option or a reality.

This is a losing issue. Women know this is a misogynistic attack. People know this attack is hypocritical.
We can engage and win on this.

This is incredibly petty and should be called out as such.

"Let's never talk about the things conservatives say"



Oct 28, 2017
Ah yes, those borderline illiterate PhDs in Education. I don't know what's worse: How stupid what he's saying is, or how a couple million cultists are probably nodding their heads in agreement.


Oct 25, 2017
My reading of this is that they can't find anything juicy enough to attack Joe with. They're trying to paint him as as a creepy senile geezer but it won't stick. So they go after Hunter and Jill instead in an attempt to make him look corrupt by proxy.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how you can just ignore Tucker Carlson. The dude is a media titan with massive reach. Avoiding signal boosting this guy isn't a reality.
Parents started watching him cuz my fucking aunt introduced it

They love him because he's so passionate

these kinds of clowns look so sincere because most other news is so much more professional here in Canada
Oct 30, 2017
What is the right's goal in this sudden attack on Jill Biden? To illicit an emotional response from Joe? I would have thought the failed attacks on Hunter would have proven Joe is a bit more politically mature than that.
This is the exact kind of thing said by right-wing pundits solely to piss off liberals and fellatiate their base.
It's just that. It's not bait on Joe Biden so much as its just a circle jerk event for conservatives.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
They've got nothing so it's just more stupid than usual. I think you should call it out, sue them.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
So are the republicans starting to shit on her because she dares include her title? Or is this just the normal shitting on the first lady because she committed the sin of being married to a democratic president?
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
You don't need to read it if you're not otherwise interested in the topic by the way. It reads exactly like any other academic paper you've ever read.
Oct 30, 2017
Parents started watching him cuz my fucking aunt introduced it

They love him because he's so passionate

these kinds of clowns look so sincere because most other news is so much more professional here in Canada
Tucker Carlson has risen to popularity because he's very effective in his delivery and word usage. He's passionate and speaks to people in ways that others do not.
He knows when and where to pay lip service. He will sometimes give the appearance of nuance. He speaks out against large forces such as the media, big tech, big finance, etc.

He's easily one of the trickiest people to dissect in media as he regularly appropriates populist language and speaks about very real problems.

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
Nah. Tucker Carlson is a large media figurehead with enormous reach. Wanting this guy to fade into irrelevance is not an option or a reality.

This is a losing issue. Women know this is a misogynistic attack. People know this attack is hypocritical.
We can engage and win on this.

This is incredibly petty and should be called out as such.

"Let's never talk about the things conservatives say"


Yeah, and Tucker has been floated around as the 2024 Republican nominee, though I'm not sure he ever said he was actually considering it. But people ignored Trump when he was doing his clown birther thing and saw him as a joke (I did at least), and the next thing you know, he's President Trump. Tucker is like a smarter version of Trump with the same racist and populist message.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I'm reading the dissertation and besides it reading like a standard paper you'd read at that level (although now that I see what doctorate level writing can look like, I'm more confident about getting my own doctorate in my field of study), there isn't anything wrong with it. It's clear and easy to understand by any reader (the primary goal of any essay), it explains its points well, and besides a few errors here and there which are going to happen in any paper, it's perfectly fine.

These pieces of shit just want to have something to drag her down over. She's intelligent so they have to attack her hard work.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm never surprised but man...Imagine the cognitive dissonance requirements for finding issue with this in the absolute cesspool that is the current administration. Not to mention the immeasurable hypocrisy of calling our future first lady (Dr. Jill Biden) illiterate while championing the current oaf who holds office and needs his daily briefings in crayon.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Afaik she isnt even doing anything with politics so I dont get the targeting either, then again they also still attacked Michelle but thats also easily explained by their racism

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing sends a Republican male into a hissy fit more than a strong, educated, liberal woman. That is except for strong, educated, liberal women of color. Then they get to be misogynistic and racist.
Oct 27, 2017
Tucker Carlson is someone that turned being a frat fuck into a business. He's a piece of shit and has the charisma of a wet fart.


Oct 27, 2017
there are literally naked pictures of the current first lady out there for everyone to see but this is our national shame? really???

not that there is anything wrong with naked pictures...but from the traditional (ie: before trump) GOP perspective this would have been a huge scandal...imagine any Democratic first lady with nudes on the internet and how they'd react

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
there are literally naked pictures of the current first lady out there for everyone to see but this is our national shame? really???

not that there is anything wrong with naked pictures...but from the traditional (ie: before trump) GOP perspective this would have been a huge scandal...imagine any Democratic first lady with nudes on the internet and how they'd react

Considering they flipped out at a video of AOC...wait for it...dancing (OMG!) in college, that should give you a taste of how they would react to a Melania type married to a Democrat.
Oct 30, 2017
Tucker Carlson is someone that turned being a frat fuck into a business. He's a piece of shit and has the charisma of a wet fart.
Come to think of it, I'd say most slots on Fox has have no charisma.

Hannity is lame. Tucker seems tightly wound. Laura Ingraham is a total bore. Greta didn't have much of a personality. Lou Dobbs and Jeannine are just shameless bootlickers.

I feel like Bill O'Reilly was the only one that people kinda liked. He was kind of a dick and in a way it was sort of likable.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't follow this stuff super close, but it seems like they don't want to attack Biden directly, just everyone close to him.