
Oct 25, 2017
With the release of Tunic various media outlets and streamers were sent the following press kit. It featured goodies like a cut-down version of the in-game manual but printed, a map, pins, etc.

The most curious bit of memorabilia however was the solitary puzzle piece included. While there were some duplicates many were unique...

I had been keeping track of them for a couple days (various photos of varying qualities/angles—so apologies for the odd warping) and you could see that there was a message hidden in all the flags. But what was it? The credit for the final discovery lies with Gabe Telepak. Once we got enough pieces together to break down most of the flag movements it was a matter of trying to solve for the missing piece/fox, knowing how to use that sequence.

The thing is though, finding out the solution was a real treat and I don't want to rob you of it. So here's the puzzle as it currently stands if you want to give it a try! There is no real progression block on being able to solve this, at least I don't believe so—both solves happened earlier in a playthrough. If you want to just know what happens... well I'm sure someone will mention it in a following post.

Each flag position has a unique pose. You can use a more completed fox to understand a partially filled one's position



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Jan 18, 2018
Selfishly, my team worked on these press kits (and the games PR/marketing), and it's been a joy watching the community put these together!


Prophet of Truth
Jul 21, 2019
This game and all its secrets are so insane and amazing. Really takes me back to that feeling when Fez came out and I didn't think there would be another game to recapture the feeling. Amazing work.

Giga Man

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I've only started noticing press kits recently, but they all seem to be big boxes full of goodies you'd see in an expensive collector's edition, only it's not for sale. What's up with that?


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Sending stuff to the press that isn't available to the average consumer never sat right with me, if it didn't work to positively influence people, would it still be being done? That said I know reviewers have often talked about how they just give the stuff away or even throw it out. Maybe it's moreso just so an indie game doesn't get lost in the shuffle with all the other big releases which I guess isn't a bad thing, it would be cool if the map came with physical copies of the game though if there are going to be physical copies, that's pretty useful.


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
I think anyone in the end game can probably tell you what this puzzle means if my assumptions are correct, but I'm still not clear on where the game wants us to go to follow through on the puzzle actions. I have a good amount of things I still need to solve on my own but I'm keeping an eye on what the community does with this.

They're such amazing looking press kits, I was super bummed out to learn they existed but not for us normies :(

I would pay good money for a physical copy of the manual. It's one of my favorite things ever in a video game. I just love staring at it in the game, let me do it in real life.

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
Sending stuff to the press that isn't available to the average consumer never sat right with me, if it didn't work to positively influence people, would it still be being done? That said I know reviewers have often talked about how they just give the stuff away or even throw it out. Maybe it's moreso just so an indie game doesn't get lost in the shuffle with all the other big releases which I guess isn't a bad thing, it would be cool if the map came with physical copies of the game though if there are going to be physical copies, that's pretty useful.
Streamers and YouTubers are basically influencers in the end.


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
I was not at that point when I solved it, or at least I have no idea what you mean and I don't believe I'm in the endgame.

I mean that the puzzle appears to be asking the player to do something in the game that will make sense to anyone who's learned how a certain mechanic works. I'm just not sure where in the world it wants the player to do this. I don't mean that you needed to be in the end game in order to figure out the rest of the puzzle pieces.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean that the puzzle appears to be asking the player to do something in the game that will make sense to anyone who's learned how a certain mechanic works. I'm just not sure where in the world it wants to player to do this. I don't mean that you needed to be in the end game in order to figure out the rest of the puzzle pieces.

You can be anywhere in the world.


Oct 25, 2017