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Oct 25, 2017
I don't see why posters need to put more effort into their dismissal of the character than the developers put into their creation of its visuals.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sorry, but why is a male protagonist enough of a deal breaker for people that they feel the need to publicly pronounce it online as a problem? I really don't understand this. Not trying to be dense, just don't get it.
DONTNOD is a developer that spoke out years ago about the difficulty of putting female protagonists into a game. Their first few games, Remember Me and Life is Strange, had female protagonists, while their next two (Vampyr and now Twin Mirror) have male protagonists.

It is immensely disappointing to go from Nilin in Remember Me to the gaming protagonist equivalent of Wonderbread, as seen in Twin Mirror, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. DONTNOD's prior work has raised my expectations of them.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Mar 20, 2018
If you think "bah, male protagonist, not interested" is offensive you are the most fragile snowflake on the planet.

Sure but if someone would post "bah, female protagonist, not interested" he would probably get a warning and/ or a ban for a couple of days. So what's the difference?

This kind of post isn't contributing much to the conversation about the game, or to anything really, the only thing it does is to derail the topic at hand, what she thinks about male protagonists is irrelevant.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (24h): Thread derailment. False equivalency.
News flash: nearly every game on the market has a male protag. To want a developer who has a history of great female protagonists to make a game with a great female protagonist isn't sexist, you rubes.

Dismissing the game with a drive by comment like "Bah, male protagonist, not interest" is extremely sexist.

What are you even going on here about ?

If you're really a fan of the developers previous work, you should give them a chance instead of making a terribly dismissive post just because the protagonist is a man.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Downplaying concerns about representation and diversity
The difference here is that there's a whole lot of male protagonists in video games and not a whole lot of female ones. DONTNOD is one of the first examples that comes to mind when I think of developers making games with female protagonists so it's certainly a little disappointing to see them go for a male protagonist this time, it's not entirely a deal breaker for me personally but it's not difficult to see why it might be for some.

There has been an abundance of female leads the past few years with many more to come in announced titles , I'm not sure how that can be used as an excuse anymore. Having a mod openly dismiss a game based on the sex of a protag sets a bad example, especially with the whole Battlefield commotion.


Oct 27, 2017
is it just me or does nearly game trailer on youtube just look like ass? Like the image quality is just really bad. I do manually set it to 1080, but still looks like garbage. I dont remember it always being this way...


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Mar 20, 2018
User Banned (3 Days): False equivalency.
News flash: nearly every game on the market has a male protag. To want a developer who has a history of great female protagonists to make a game with a great female protagonist isn't sexist, you rubes.

She didn't say: "It's disappointing that DONTNOD, a developer which is known for its amazing female protagonists in a market filled with so many male protagonists, chose to do a game with a male protagonist this time"

She didn't really say anything meaningful or productive, it was really just a lame drive by post, you can't defend this and if someone would do the same post only with a "female protagonist" complaint, he will get a warning at the least, no doubt.

Deleted member 9746

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm intrigued, but that voiceover kinda ruined the trailer.

Anyway, it's still in early development so I expect the graphics to improve.


Dec 8, 2017
well i'ts thr first time i see a male character in a game be a problem, this game looks like a mashup of alan wake and farenheint, looking foward to it
Oct 25, 2017
For people who are disappointed with the protagonist, with both this and Vampyr having male protagonists, I think it's pretty much a lock that we'll have at least one female lead between LiS2 and Project 6, right?

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
If you think "bah, male protagonist, not interested" is offensive you are the most fragile snowflake on the planet.
They didn't say it was offensive, they said it was low effort.

Posts like that on the first page tend to get warned more often then not. I don't think pointing out the hypocrisy there is unwarranted.
News flash: nearly every game on the market has a male protag. To want a developer who has a history of great female protagonists to make a game with a great female protagonist isn't sexist, you rubes.

So your never allowed to do a male protagonist after you do a female one? Furthermore I think disregarding the entire game based on the sole fact that the lead is male is kinda iffy. Like if you don't like their personality or characterization it's one thing but just because it's a male? Strikes me as odd is all.


Oct 28, 2017
I knew someone was going to try and turn my snark into some accusation that I think they're lazy. No, pointing out the character looks generic AF is not the same as saying "devs r lazy", but good try.
You just defended low effort posts by insinuating it was no more effort than the devs put in but okay. I don't really care, I was just being snarky back but that is exactly what you did.

Deleted member 12833

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
She didn't say: "It's disappointing that DONTNOD, a developer who is known for its amazing female protagonists in a market filled with so many males protagonists, chose to do a game with a male protagonist this time"

She didn't really say anything meaningful or productive, it was really just a lame drive by post, you can't defend this and if someone would do the same post only with a "female protagonist" complaint, he will get a warning at the least, no doubt.
This. The post was garbage and the mod should be embarrassed
Oct 25, 2017
You just defended low effort posts by insinuating it was no more effort than the devs put in but okay. I don't really care, I was just being snarky back but that is exactly what you did.

For what it's worth, I don't think there's anything wrong with people having snap judgement reactions in a reactions thread concerning a new game. It happens. My snap reaction was that I think the main character looks generic, which in an of itself is kind of a "low effort" post, but nobody was calling me out on that, while everyone was calling out that other poster for not being interested in the character on another basis. It was, admittedly, too "meta" of a post on my part, but in no way is my intention to call the developers at DONTNOD lazy -- quite the contrary, right now they seem to be pretty on point with their work.
Oct 29, 2017
Those pre E3 streams are confusing people on YouTube lol

I love how mad their getting "is this it? Fucking shut, worst e3 ever"


Game Producer at MistWall Studio
Oct 26, 2017
After LiS and Vampyr this is sold Day 0 I don't need to see more trailers... I love DONTNOD.


Oct 27, 2017
Those pre E3 streams are confusing people on YouTube lol
I love how mad their getting "is this it? Fucking shut, worst e3 ever"

To be fair, Sony hasn't exactly done a great job telling *exactly* what their E3 conference will be.

Even on this forum, people are confused whether they'll just do extensive looks into the 4,5 games they named, or if there's going to be actual 'reveals' and 'first time announcements' on-stage like years-before.


Oct 25, 2017
Trailer looks a bit dull... buuuuuut I love LIS and developer so will be there day 1. Hope to hear more info on it though during e3.


Oct 30, 2017
Not the Alan Wake 2 we wanted. But the Alan Wake 2 we need. I dig the atmosphere and premise so much!


Oct 26, 2017
There has been an abundance of female leads the past few years with many more to come in announced titles , I'm not sure how that can be used as an excuse anymore. Having a mod openly dismiss a game based on the sex of a protag sets a bad example, especially with the whole Battlefield commotion.
I'm going to need receipts on this abundance of games with female leads since the vast majority of games that come to mind right now feature male leads, even if there was this sudden avalanche of games with female protagonists it would still be disappointing to see a developer that has done great work with representation in games switch to a generic white dude for their next two games.

This is also nothing like the situation with Battlefield V so I'm not sure why you brought that up. The Battlefield situation was a whole bunch of idiots screaming about historical inaccuracy and throwing vitriol at Dice for including women in the game/trailer, this is just somebody saying they're not interested in a game due to it having a male protagonist


Oct 27, 2017
I'm going to need receipts on this abundance of games with female leads since the vast majority of games that come to mind right now feature male leads, even if there was this sudden avalanche of games with female protagonists it would still be disappointing to see a developer that has done great work with representation in games switch to a generic white dude for their next two games.

This is also nothing like the situation with Battlefield V so I'm not sure why you brought that up. The Battlefield situation was a whole bunch of idiots screaming about historical inaccuracy and throwing vitriol at Dice for including women in the game/trailer, this is just somebody saying they're not interested in a game due to it having a male protagonist

What is with this mentality ?

If you're a fan of a studio for their good work with a female protagonist, just give them a chance to do the same with a male and do their best to not make it a 'generic' protagonist.

If the assumption is that any female protagonist can't be 'generic' either, that's also wrong.

Anyone who says they're a fan of Dontnod's work solely because of female protagonists, isn't really a fan of the studio or their work at all.


Nov 16, 2017
DONTNOD is a developer that spoke out years ago about the difficulty of putting female protagonists into a game. Their first few games, Remember Me and Life is Strange, had female protagonists, while their next two (Vampyr and now Twin Mirror) have male protagonists.

It is immensely disappointing to go from Nilin in Remember Me to the gaming protagonist equivalent of Wonderbread, as seen in Twin Mirror, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. DONTNOD's prior work has raised my expectations of them.
DONTNOD should be allowed to do whatever they want though, why should they be limited from a freedom/creative perspective and be used as some sort of bearer of having female protagonists in the video game industry? More publishers & developers should be stepping up in that case, in this game and experience DONTNOD feels that a male protagonist is the choice for their story to be told and for it to unfold.

And there's nothing wrong with that. Nobody should be letdown that they went this route. If the game stinks or writing stinks or doesn't work? All bets are off but them choosing to go with a male protagonist? That isn't something worth making a stink about.

To each's own, people can buy what they want....absolutely. But to be letdown by a developer? Letdown by what?
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