One of the great squandered opportunities.

You had the perfect lead actor who everyone likes and was ready to role play the character for life. The show seemed to directly benefit from a Game of Thrones "breakup rebound" with a wide audience.

So you put a showrunner in charge who hated the property and pissed off your flawless lead.

To the point he quit.


Jun 9, 2018
One of the great squandered opportunities.

You had the perfect lead actor who everyone likes and was ready to role play the character for life. The show seemed to directly benefit from a Game of Thrones "breakup rebound" with a wide audience.

So you put a showrunner in charge who hated the property and pissed off your flawless lead.

To the point he quit.

There is a serious problem in Hollywood where some showrunners think they are better / smarter than the people who created the thing millions of people love.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
The Witcher feels like an IP that could have become one of Netflix's big pillars and yet they somehow completely dropped the ball following the all things considered pretty well received first season. It's almost funny.
It's the binge watching thing. Something will get big for a few weeks and then get forgotten. Each season essentially turns into it's own show in terms of having to fight for an audience upon release.


Oct 25, 2017
It's the binge watching thing. Something will get big for a few weeks and then get forgotten. Each season essentially turns into it's own show in terms of having to fight for an audience upon release.

I'd argue that death of Witcher as TV IP has more to do with writers doing very iffy fanfic instead of adapting written story, and then we had all open bad blood between Cavill and writers because he wasn't feeling it how original work was being ignored. For e.g. supposedly death of Roach was originally written as comedy bit, but Cavill had it changed to very well received touching and dramatic moment.

Plenty bingers have survived long time, and created massive fandom followings. Stranger Things comes into mind first.
Apr 27, 2020
Aren't all The Rats members horrible people, like Homelander horrible? IIRC Ciri is sexual abused by one of them and develops Stockholm syndrome. Don't see how the series is a good idea.


Oct 27, 2017
First season was engaging and fun, I tuned out 2 episodes into season 2.

I refuse to continue shows where I feel the quality has dipped, way too many good shows out here to bother with one's where you can see something is up.

It's funny we have Fallout, which shows you can do this well, with the right people in charge.

The fact the Witcher show was purposefully ignoring Andrzej says it all.

There could have been a better balance of taking his ideas and suggestions and also putting a newer spin on things.

Massive opportunity squandered.


Mar 6, 2019
Not trying to do a drive-by, but this news is fine by me. IMO they butchered the original series with poor writing and probably ruined the chances of us getting another, better series. Damned shame, the source material is pretty amazing on the whole.


Oct 25, 2017
I think one half is hubris, they think they can do better, the other is that they view simply adapting already existing material without putting your own flavor or spin on it as lazy or somehow less prestigious. It's maybe one of those it might be bad but at least it's my version situations.
IP rights should be sold with a contract to adapt with limited creative meddling to avoid IP contamination.

Season one of this show was really good. It took shit after that.

I hated the xmen movies for this same reason. You can make your own changes but you need to be respectful of the source material. It's your North Star when things veer off.

The boys is a good example of doing something different while being respectful to the source material. Even if that source material was written by an with grader 😂


Oct 28, 2017
Granted they did do a 'Kids Jurassic Park' that turned out weirdly well, and there's plenty of stories you could tell in the Witcher universe that aren't dark and violent and such (granted they'd all be original stories)... but it's such a strange turn to take when they can't get the 'adult' ones right.