
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like people are forgetting that this thing is still super contagious and there's still no vaccine.

I get the rush to return to normalcy, but we need to be smart about it. It seems some are completely forgetting that the virus exists. And the idiot in chief is setting a horrible example.

Their way of thinking (my parents are firmly on this train) is essentially, "well, I probably won't die if I get it," so they feel like it's worth the risk. My counter to their argument is, "Even if I won't die, I'd rather not feel like complete shit for a few days, so keep your fucking distance regardless." Nevermind the fact we're still not sure it won't permanently damage your lungs among other things.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Their way of thinking (my parents are firmly on this train) is essentially, "well, I probably won't die if I get it," so they feel like it's worth the risk. My counter to their argument is, "Even if I won't die, I'd rather not feel like complete shit for a few days, so keep your fucking distance regardless." Nevermind the fact we're still not sure it won't permanently damage your lungs among other things.
I understand that. But I thought we were doing this for the vulnerable populations as well? This country's obsession with freedom comes off as incredibly selfish at times.


Nov 2, 2017
Blackpool, UK
This is all the result of governments all around the world being too economy focused, when they should instead be focused on combating the virus. They should be paying everyone to stay at home as long as is needed, no two ways about it. Until we get a vaccine, (assuming we do), slowing the thing is the way to go, and that means the government has to enforce quarantine. They also can't let people lose their homes or businesses for reasons they can't control, so the government should be footing that bill. It's the simple, logical solution. Essential workers should be getting paid extra for the risk, be allowed to opt out for health reasons, and have the PPE required to do their jobs safely. That many don't have this is an absolute scandal, doubly so when it's doctors and nurses who are short on supplies, even after so many weeks.
None of this is happening though, and it's leading to the shit we're seeing here and elsewhere, with everyday people having to take these risks or lose everything. It's a horrible mess, and it's easy to look at people opening their businesses and calling them stupid for doing it, but they're getting left out to dry by those in power for the sake of money, and it's despicable what those at the top are willing to have happen in pursuit of fucking money.

Worldwide emergencies like this should be able to have debt written off in the name of preserving life. People shouldn't be forced into these situations while the president has a pleasant day fucking golfing and ignoring everyone's plight.


Oct 27, 2017
I understand that. But I thought we were doing this for the vulnerable populations as well? This country's obsession with freedom comes off as incredibly selfish at times.

Yeah, they're only thinking about their own well-being, so for them the debate ends right there. They don't care about spreading it because they think the people who will die were close to dying anyway and are therefore expendable.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. Jail time, a fine, community service - and permanent ban from holding a business license.

We really need to explain simply how the virus spreads and how masks work though. Washing your hands and wearing a mask does not grant you immunity.

We have members on this forum that got a haircut this month and used the 'but we both wore masks' defense.
Or, how about a government that incentivized folks who still need to put food on the table and pay rent, to stay at home when they are sick. Yes, the stylists bare the responsibility and are not blameless, but there are greater forces at play here which led to these poor decisions. I'm not sure jail time is the appropriate response.

The Climaxan

Oct 27, 2017
I mean, you should be more worried about your wife's potentially asymptomatic clients than the ones who might be visibly sick.

We're worried about all of the above. At this stage though, it starts with what you can see. With the governor lifting the stay at home for hair care, that effects her ability to draw unemployment. We have two kids and bills. Like I said before, we're holding out as long as our finances will allow. We've been taking this incredibly serious as a family but when the country as a whole seems to have given up on mitigation you can only isolate so much before you're exposed from some angle.


Oct 28, 2017
All this comes down to the government shifting the blame to the self employed and small businesses. The should be able to remain closed and safe, be taken care of. But instead we're all crabs in a barrel blaming each other because we have to risk each other due to the almighty economy. Instead of being mad at each other we need to be mad at the real people responsible.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
My roommate bravely took it upon himself to try giving me a haircut. You know what? He did a damn good job. Believe in your roommates! They can do it!


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
"But, I just really wanted my hair to look nicer!" You try to tell people about refraining from non-essential activity but they don't want to listen so what can you do?
Oct 26, 2017
Saying they were wearing masks isn't saying much. I see people "wearing" masks all the time but their nose is not covered or the mask is on their chin only.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, this has put me off getting a haircut for most likely for the entirety of summer. Gonna suck hard but I want to stay healthy more. Situation is getting worse in MO it seems

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
I can't BELIEVE some folks in this thread are blaming the stylist. Yeah, no one should go to work sick. But I remember my days working in the service industry. You didn't get to just call in without risking your job. Every time you tried you knew it was just a toss of the dice. Without some protection for workers, as long as governments and business are pressing people to work, this will continue to happen.


Oct 25, 2017
Hair salons are reopening next week in Quebec. Not sure how I feel about that. It's like the perfect way of getting infected. Maybe I'll just wait a little while before going there. Anyway, I bet the waiting list is going to be absurd with all the precautions they'll have to take, which will result in less clients every day & more time per haircut.