Oct 25, 2017
Ya'll got phones and laptops, ya'll got options to make income besides waiting for limited time handouts.

And while that seems harsh, it's one reality of the situation. These are first time choices, probably derived from fear and being the first time many experienced loss of work where the greater field might be impacted longterm, but choices nonetheless. I know. I went from sitting on my ass bitching to hustling tom collins and telling pants shitting anecdotes to drunkards. Just gotta be willing to get creative, put in the work and commit to change.

Or sit and whine about how life isn't fair. That might work for some. 🤷‍♀️
Disclaimer: Yup

And it's still true. Lottery is a gamble like sitting on your ass waiting for bail.

Could always instead get another actual job. Instead of using snarky poorly drawn webcomics to justify disposition. 📦
No more one sided and pragmatic than jumping to the other side of the fence and saying "I will... I will not be willing to...". Disregarding a global pandemic in favor of a personal pandemic.

Ya'll need to read in context before tossing your quips in the hat. Read my posts in this thread verbatim. FFS

I said you have options. Everyone does, circumstantially different. That's not going away because era loves semantics and playing righteous hero 24/7. This is reality and it sucks. For everyone. Doesn't make my method or the adverse the only correct response.

is this like a stand up routine or something?


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck this bootstrap nonsense. With the Trump tax cuts to the rich and previous tax cuts to the rich we could have funded $2k payments to citizens monthly without it changing anything. Print money for people in need and take money from the ones who have been hoarding it. We need to break up the massive corporations and tax the fuck out of them and the billionaires.

Lets worry less about giving money to the poor and more about taking the hordes from the ones destroying the country. They got that wealth by putting people out of business and paying awful wages. Time to pay the fuck up.


Sep 25, 2020
why did y'all skip over the part where this dude started bartending during a pandemic

ain't bars supposed to be closed

AZ, CA and NV have plenty open. Usually inside hotels, but a few loosies. Not bartending though. Just cause someone delivers doesn't mean they pour. They could be picking fives up while waiting tables between sets.

Never change, Era. This is good stuff.


Oct 30, 2017
U.S. jobless numbers surge as terrible government handling of the pandemic hurts businesses


Dec 3, 2018
True. I had to physically walk around last May through July and talk to casino and hotel and bar owners. Make a reel of open mics to sell my shitty voice. Promote that by walking and talking some more. And then, after all that networking, finally touch a phone more often than Heath Cliff touched hoagies. That's very true, but also true for any new job. You gotta interview, that can look different for different fields.

Nobody should expect to pick up a phone and have a career. Ecen craigslist jobs don't work lile that, anyone who has done em can attest. I don't know how anyone could infer that from my shit. People need to just read at face value. Some of us aren't deep thinking internet savants. Cut us some rug fluff.

Disagreement =/= bait 👶 It's part of discourse. It's normal for discussion. Rip those bandaids off FFS.

You're making the assumption that everyone is choosing not to find work. Like I said, this works but it takes time. In my field, the interview process alone can easily take weeks, if not months. And that was when you can do round robin interviews, now you have to schedule 10 different interviews.

But yeah, sure, pick up a laptop and learn shit. I went form making $35k to $85k in 2 years. But, again, it took two years of work.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
But my mom said that the economy is the strongest it's ever been* and we're going to regret voting in Biden!!!!

*before COVID

As if anyone gives a fuck what the economy was like 10 months ago (holy hell we're almost a year into this)

Deleted member 49482

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2018
Just strap on your job helmet and squeeze into a job cannon and fire off into Job Land, where jobs grow on jobbies.