Dec 2, 2017

This is another heavy episode containing discussion of abuse. A few weeks ago, I was distraught, devastated, and overwhelmingly saddened by the accounts of misconduct in the game industry. Now I am angry. I am very angry, and very disgusted, and I've saved a lot of pent up rage for Ubisoft, a company that went above and beyond in its protection of predatory men and systemic exploitation. The publisher used this past week to BURY the story under a mountain of previews, trailers, and announcements, which the press dutifully lapped up. As the publisher has successfully drowned out the abuse allegations with sheer noise, it's time we started shouting back. Ubisoft spent years protecting mental and physical abusers, and CEO Yves Guillemot should never be allowed to forget that.


Oct 25, 2017
I know he said he was okay, but I am still worried about him.

That aside. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

I have been too busy with other worldly goings on to follow this, but damn.

I think I owe it to myself to educate myself.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Yeah Ubisoft trying to bury this with their little game preview which was crap was disgusting to me.

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Great episode.
And I'm at the same point regarding the game industry as Jim is.
Not only in the power game inside these corporations but also how the media is just a toothless tiger


Oct 27, 2017
An absolutely necessary view. And a reason why Ubi won't get a dime from me until they can prove in time that the culture has positively changed.

I'm not holding my breath.


Apr 6, 2020
An absolutely necessary view. And a reason why Ubi won't get a dime from me until they can prove in time that the culture has positively changed.

I'm not holding my breath.
How could we ever prove though when they will just make all employees sign Disclosure agreements so they don't say a word. Employees know that they'll be blacklisted form the industry if they speak up.

This seems to happen at all the biggest devs

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
An absolutely necessary view. And a reason why Ubi won't get a dime from me until they can prove in time that the culture has positively changed.

I'm not holding my breath.
Yves being in charge of Ubisoft while this was/is still going on hurts that change in culture IMO. He said he would oversee the change but he was in charge and either through arrogance or complicity, allowed that culture to fester.

Yves and his family need to get out.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn great video by Jim this week. It was interesting to hear why he left Destructoid all those years ago as well.

I think that in order to even stand a chance of fighting systemic abuse, racism etc it has to come from both within and outside the companies. People who enjoy the stuff people make need to signal their support for those fighting for a better working environment, while the employees unionise, strike, whatever it takes.

It's easier said than done obviously, but it's starting to reach a breaking point (Both in the gaming industry and the wider context), and when the dam topples it's going to get messy. If Ubisoft or any other company wants to avoid that they need to really support their employees fast.

Who am I kidding? They'll go into the situation kicking and screaming and act suprised that nobody warned them.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't even make the connection of the Ubisoft leaks being a distraction. I feel so stupid.

Their response to this has just been to protect themselves. Bungie demonstrated more responsibility in addressing the murder of George Floyd and the protests than Ubisoft did in addressing the abuses the company facilitated.

Jim is right to point out the inaction among game journalists, because that's where Ubisoft can deservedly have their name stained, instead of the trailers and analysis or alongside them.


Oct 27, 2017
Great video. I hope it gets traction, but there's plenty of people that just don't care about the lives that get damaged for their favorite products.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Especially how they said "Sorry we had no time to acknowledge it in the show because we filmed it so far in advance" meanwhile they added Phil Spencer I think in short notice via webcam feed.

Really? A last minute addition of Phillip is more important than addressing the current situation even with text?

I'm not even shocked about this these companies treat us as if we're fools all the time.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a huge amount to add, except that this is another great video from Jim, albeit yet another one that I wish didn't need to be made all the more.

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Damn great video by Jim this week. It was interesting to hear why he left Destructoid all those years ago as well.
Propably because they started with the "Expooosure" Bullshit and all what follows. As he once told here:

Exposure (The Jimquisition) game blog wants to make a name for...


Oct 28, 2017
The apathy towards these developments overall is pretty fucking pathetic.

Some of you can slam a random abuser all day long, but can't even stomach batting up against one when it might affect you too.

To those people I say: Grow up. Toughen up. Be willing to make sacrifices of your own to protect other people. Be the first one to step up and say "No, I will not stand for this." Don't let this shit be normalized.


Dec 24, 2018
Ooof, I haven't followed this story before, so much of the allegations were new for me. Didn't realize it was THIS bad.
Nov 3, 2017
The fucked up thing is that something on this level is impossible without a thoroughly rotten HR department. Now don't get me wrong, most HR departments stink. But how low do you have to sink to routinely practice the Catholic Church Carousel Maneuvre (TM) to solve problems of this magnitude. Jesus Christ.

Also, thank god for Jim Sterling.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Thank god for Jim

Companies need to be called out for this shit and we need to stop normalizing it


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
well, that vivendi buyout hopefully happens now and kills guillemont family. I have cancelled my uplay plus and wont be buying their games anymore.


Nov 6, 2017
it's hard to buy games nowdays without help any bad company, at this rate, ill be playing just nintendo games by the end of the year


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Good to see further focus on this from him. Definitely hard to think about or feel excited for Watch Dogs or Assassins Creed, completely vile revelations and there needs to be a pressure kept up around them.


Feb 16, 2019
How could we ever prove though when they will just make all employees sign Disclosure agreements so they don't say a word. Employees know that they'll be blacklisted form the industry if they speak up.

This seems to happen at all the biggest devs
there is no NDA/contract that will cover physical abuse , contracts dont cover criminal activity
Feb 24, 2018
Still watching the episode as I write this, the opening, damn, f*** Defy media, blocking reviews or punishing reviewers was really a thing back then wasn't it? Wasn't that around the time Jeff was fired from Gamespot for the Game and Lynch 2 review?

Also it bothers me so much how the media ignored and didn't bother reporting on Ubisoft horrible acts and kept reporting on the promotions and basically advertising, can't say about on most sites, but Polygon was the most disappointing for me. Hell I saw more coverage of this from non-gaming newsites, they card more then actual gaming news. Hell it was buried on Resetera to despite the really good work of the sites mods and poster to make it know.

And as for Ubisoft, this means nothing I know but I can't purchase Ubisoft games in good faith while these vile people are still there, I don't care if it means nothing, I don't care they still sell millions, I can't support them.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
necessary video. fucking depressing. and I've just gotta say, and I hope it's not off topic, but this video just highlights how absolutely shit some people on this forum have been towards Jim in regards to the recent ND stuff. how fucking dare anybody both sides Jim under the vague notion that he's "negative" without considering what he's "negative" about and the fact that his "negativity" IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NECESSARY. how fucking dare anybody put him in the same bucket at the misogynists, the racists, the bigots, the angry joes, the colin mo's, that poison the video game discourse with their nastiness and their legion of toxic fans. I'll edit this is it's deemed off topic but I have been so fucking disappointed and pissed off with how some on this forum have handled his recent content all because he didn't lick the boot of one of the darlings, because he was deemed too "negative" (again, without considering what he's quote unquote "negative" about), all because he has dared to use his platform to shine a bright spotlight on the shitty goings on of the video game industry regardless of whether it's EA, Ubi, or a darling like Naughty Dog. Jim Sterling is what the game's media needs MORE of and anyone who would cast him in the same light as the shitheads should be ashamed of themselves.

love and respect


Feb 16, 2019
Weinstein's NDA's suggest otherwise.
I guess you're talking about Rowena Chiu right? From my understanding she signed after ? She ended up breaking it anyway , multiple times I think and still didn't get sued . He had other problems at the time .

I was getting at someone signing an NDA before something happens , then it happens and you go to the police . Contracts may say you can't talk about what goes on but can't say you can't go to cops about getting your punched my a manager or whatever. I mean they can technically but then it's illegal from the getgo and falls into a voidable contract or unenforceable contract , don't remember which .

I'm not an expert , I'm just talking from something that happened to me in my college days where something I signed was tossed out because it was just something the courts couldn't do .


Oct 28, 2017
The Ubisoft situation is by far the worst one we have seen so far. It's sort of set a new bar on how we judge other publishers/devs. They are actually rotten to the core like Jim says and imo unless Yves resigns they can go fuck themselves.


Apr 16, 2019
Damn great video by Jim this week. It was interesting to hear why he left Destructoid all those years ago as well.

The Escapist I believe, not Destructoid.

Jim's on the money here, the industry is becoming really depressing with all this hateful behaviour. It's not going to change without press outlets holding them accountable instead of perpetuating the "hype machine".


Oct 25, 2017
Sterling - thank God for you. He's one of the few voices that actually gives enough of a damn to highlight what Ubisoft are so desperately trying to drown out in hype footage and game reveals. Even the number of shocking allegations of what their top executives did, HR department ignored, open assault allegations confirmed - just truly fucking sickening. I'm glad he's using his platform to highlight and inform at the highest level; so many of these game journalists are worried about the backlash, losing their preview and review accessibility and are afraid to say anything.

On a side note, Sterling if you're reading this - please do take good care of yourself. The repeated news cycles of horrible shit occurring in the industry does take an increasing damaging on mental health and wellness I can only imagine. Grateful for your voice, and your willingness to stand up for what is right while so many choose to ignore for the sake of playing new games.


Oct 25, 2017
Looking forward to the next depressing thread of "which ubisoft game are you buying" where we see that most people don't care as much as they should about this stuff

Fuck ubisoft, I don't give a shit if there's good people working on their games or whatever excuse you try to come up with to justify buying their games, the company doesn't deserve an ounce of your support or money


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Good to see more coverage of this.

Looking forward to the next depressing thread of "which ubisoft game are you buying" where we see that most people don't care as much as they should about this stuff

Fuck ubisoft, I don't give a shit if there's good people working on their games or whatever excuse you try to come up with to justify buying their games, the company doesn't deserve an ounce of your support or money
People only care to call out devs for which they have no interest in the games they produce.

Deleted member 50232

User requested account closure
Dec 3, 2018
Shocking stuff and great video from Jim. He sounds in a dark place, hope he's ok.

I'm part of the problem though, as I'll be buying the new assassins creed and far cry games next year.


Nov 3, 2017
Thank God for JimSterlingSon,
will watch later,
this is a serious issue so I absolutely hope that this swept under the rug.


Oct 28, 2017
JESUS! I just spent a hundred hours playing odyssey and now i feel dirty knowing all of this went on behind the scenes.

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
Feels like half the people on this site went back to not caring about the abuse as soon as Ubisoft showed ten seconds of a Viking swinging an axe.

Deleted member 56306

User-requested account closure
Apr 26, 2019
Feels like half the people on this site went back to not caring about the abuse as soon as Ubisoft showed ten seconds of a Viking swinging an axe.

People literally just didn't give a shit. There were multiple threads for weeks and I know that I personally shared a link to one a little while ago.

I'm glad Jim is being very specific in talking about this and also fuck Ubisoft.


Nov 3, 2017
I'm not even 1min in and the reason he's left Escapist is for that?
And the same Escapist that went to bat for Gamegate like they were sympathetic to that shit harasment campaign!
Fuck this shit to hell!


Oct 30, 2019
Ubi´s corruption is comparable to what went on during the Golden Age of Hollywood. Minus having cops on the payroll. Ubi officially takes the crown when it comes to abusive gaming companies after the last month+ of revelation. They have studios in Montreal and France so you would think that human rights abuse wouldn´t be an issue for them but nope. Buy their games used, end of the story.

The reason why Jim left The Escapist (what an ironic name) is hardly surprising with the stunts they pulled later. It´s sad that we had a GamerGate over one nonexisting review that was "bought through sex" and exactly one YT series about harmful troops in games but finding out that one of the biggest gaming companies out there protected rapists, racists and homophobes is when those crusaders go to sleep or even step up to side with Ubisoft. It´s not just the companies and press who are to blame here. Nobody is more toxic than a toxic gamer. The gaming scene is filled with garbage all the way down.


Nov 3, 2017
Fuck all this shit to hell and back.
I'll be cold into the ground before I give another dime to Ubisoft.
Vivendi could have bought them and the situation would improved inside!
If only for the fact that it's likely the HR department would have been fired and the abuser enablers of Vivendi would have taken over (still evil but a different set of evil).
How utterly galling is it that people at Gameloft are probably better off now than the people at Ubisoft now that they're free of the Guillemot's shitty practices.
How the fuck did the media not utterly roast Ubisoft over it's fucking Ubiforward event like nothing happened.

the worst part is that even if an individual studio would be trying to make things right, the rest of the corp structure is so entrenched into this abuser culture that they probably wouldn't be able to do much.
How the fuck were the abusers allowed to leave into the sunset when you regularly have people thrown out like they're nothing at the mere hint of them displeasing the overlords?
Like I have no idea if Desillet is a good guy or not but that guy certainly wasn't allowed the same grace as the fuckers who abused and raped like they were LARPing the British marine during the Pirate era.