
Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
Seems barmy some won't accept the exclusivity deal didn't hurt the brand. It's like burying your head in the sand at this point. When you have the majority of people/the fans mainly pick it up on PS4 when given the choice, you know you done goofed keeping it off the platform purposely before.

I think one of the only ways to save Lara (other than an extremely great reviewed/hyped/recieved game, which seems very difficult to achieve) is to literally go back to her roots. As in the original TR/TRs remastered. Sony/Activision did a great job of hyping and promoting Crash, it could work on a similar level here (though not exclusive lol). Playing on the nostalgia factor massively, her hugely (cough) recognisable model/clothing etc, from back in the day. Lara through the years has gone on so many transformations, to the point where she doesn't stand out anymore. Only her name. I think if you showed people the image of her today vs her back on the PS, few would pick her out. I'm actually amazed the original TR have just been forgotten by SE and haven't already had some treatment. But I think that time is now if it was apparent before. The time for the franchise to be invigorated and exciting again is desperately needed if SE are serious about the brand and want to it sell really well.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i aspire to the level of petty where i feel giddy that a game is doing bad just cuz a previous game in the series came to my platform of choice later than another platform.


Oct 26, 2017
i aspire to the level of petty where i feel giddy that a game is doing bad just cuz a previous game in the series came to my platform of choice later than another platform.

It's not petty, it just makes sense that a bad exclusivity deal would hamstring an IP's momentum.

How about you read the thread next time.


Aug 16, 2018
To those arguing that TR sales are down because:

-SE alieneted PS4 TR fans with Rise timed-exclusivity deal.(Lol)
-SotTR launched close with Spiderman

Why are SotTR up by a good chunk on PS4 compared tor Rise and down by almost 50% on Xbox One? Generally interested in their opinion.


Oct 26, 2017
Any competing titles on the XBox X? Surely Shadow would be one of the must haves due to the graphical powerhouse it is.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
i aspire to the level of petty where i feel giddy that a game is doing bad just cuz a previous game in the series came to my platform of choice later than another platform.

Most here are talking about sales numbers and why it's performing the way it's doing. Growth for the franchise got stagnated due to the mishandling of the previous entry is analyzing/speculating not pettiness. Even back then people said the deal will hurt the future of the franchise including gaming outlets.


Oct 28, 2017
There are few factors that made me less surprised about how Shadow performed.

First and most important is one of the worst marketing campaigns for AAA game, with behind the closed doors events and terrible E3 trailer/footage. Compared to huge S-M marketing by Sony, Shadow's was basically nonexistent. I never saw ppl talking so much on social media about S-M game, even months before it was released.

2nd thing is very short period from the game reveal to release of the game. Many were expecting short but big marketing campaign in that period and SE/EM did almost nothing to promote the game.

Spider-Man is huge, obviously. It's made by great developers, it's Sony exclusive and it had impressive marketing push. No one is surprised that it's doing so well.

Shadow on the other hand could have done better. But it was released just 3 days ago. Plus you can't compare physical sales today with 2015. Things change. There is nothing to compare S-M with.
I am still pretty sure that Shadow will do fine in the long run, just like i said before it was released. GP is usually buying these games weeks or months later. And that's ok.
Where was this clarity when you made this post.
It's funny how many ppl here are underrating the power of TR as franchise.

Sony exclusives are usually overhyped, especially online and on forums. It doesn't really show the real picture.

It wasn't obvious to you or many in that thread.

"September is not a good month for this game" - Only real competition for Shadow is Spider-Man, PS4 exclusive, with huge marketing, console bundles... etc. Shadow will destroy everything else.
It seems your opinion changed after the fact.

To your last point you seem to be forgetting about its poor performance compared to the 2013 Tomb Raider which Square Enix failed to meet expectations https://www.gamesindustry.biz/artic...vises-full-year-forecast-expects-major-losses and only start beating profit expectation a year after release.
That required the release of the definitive edition.
When game cost $135 million to make and market, I don't know how feasible the model for sales you suggested, especially when that requires deep discounting.


Oct 26, 2017
There are many choices for holiday bundles.

[and FIFA for EU]


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
To those arguing that TR sales are down because:

-SE alieneted PS4 TR fans with Rise timed-exclusivity deal.(Lol)
-SotTR launched close with Spiderman

Why are SotTR up by a good chunk on PS4 compared tor Rise and down by almost 50% on Xbox One? Generally interested in their opinion.

Rise released on the PS4 a year after it released on the Xbox One, and not long before Uncharted 4. It wouldn't be surprising if Shadow outsells Rise on the PS4 at launch given those things.

Regarding why sales are down on Xbox, well that is the big question isn't it? It could be franchise fatigue, poor marketing, worse reception, people not liking Rise, lack of mindshare or franchise brand presence, stiffer competition and so on and so on. There's no definitive answer.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
To those arguing that TR sales are down because:

-SE alieneted PS4 TR fans with Rise timed-exclusivity deal.(Lol)
-SotTR launched close with Spiderman

Why are SotTR up by a good chunk on PS4 compared tor Rise and down by almost 50% on Xbox One? Generally interested in their opinion.
It's down on PS4 compared to TR reboot on PS3. Rise came a year later so it was not good numbers to begin on PS4. SoTR being up compared to Rise is not good considering the PS4 version came day & date.
I don't know why it's down on Xbox, maybe the marketing isn't there compared to Rise being a timed exclusive and all.


Oct 28, 2017
i aspire to the level of petty where i feel giddy that a game is doing bad just cuz a previous game in the series came to my platform of choice later than another platform.
Didn't you attempt this with MHW though?
Your right though it is petty. Those few posters that made those types should grow up and not take business dealing so serious. However point out that the timed exclusivity hurt the franchise isn't petty it's an observation.


Oct 27, 2017
To those arguing that TR sales are down because:

-SE alieneted PS4 TR fans with Rise timed-exclusivity deal.(Lol)
-SotTR launched close with Spiderman

Why are SotTR up by a good chunk on PS4 compared tor Rise and down by almost 50% on Xbox One? Generally interested in their opinion.

This would seem pretty obvious to be a combination of the following:

1) The continued dominance of Sony on the UK further eroding Xbox mindshare from where it was during Rise.
2) The late release of the PS4 version of rise hurt its sales while having consolidated sales for the Xbox version at the time.

Since both versions are now releasing at the same time with the Xbox being in a worse position now than it was when Rise came out, it makes sense that PS4 sales would be up and Xbox sales would be down.

It is quite possible that the late release of Rise on the PS4 did in fact hurt awareness/mindshare of the overall brand.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Didn't you attempt this with MHW though?
Your right though it is petty. Those few posters that made those types should grow up and not take business dealing so serious. However point out that the timed exclusivity hurt the franchise isn't petty it's an observation.
no i didn't. i [like many] predicted it would do less than it did, i was obviously wrong. i never had anything negative to say about its sales or success tho after it launched.
Nov 12, 2017
If the industry see money in Marvel's superhero universe (like happened with the movies) will see those games appear like mushrooms ...lol


Oct 28, 2017
no i didn't. i [like many] predicted it would do less than it did, i was obviously wrong. i never had anything negative to say about its sales or success tho after it launched.
So you didn't downplay the success of the game by talking about the lack of legs in Japan even though it had outsold all previous monster hunter games worldwide. Careful now I have the receipts.


Oct 27, 2017
Being up over Rise by only 25% when it's a full multiplatform release this go around as oppose to an Xbox One exclusive is actually a pretty poor showing overall.


Oct 28, 2017
My issue with it is the game looks incredibly safe.
The whole trilogy has been safe and that's the issue about it. There is no identity to this game. Add to that the fact that it feels a lot like Uncharted (whether people admit it or not) but without its exceptional narration and it is no surprise. The Tomb Raider name can only take it so far.


Oct 26, 2017
Possible those are just waiting for the inevitable deep sale or it coming to Gamepass. I'd imagine the majority of X owners are on the more hardcore side.

I guess I can understand the former, though I'd figure this will be on of their tentpole showcases. Don't get the hardcore comment though, does it mean that Shadow isn't a hardcore title?


May 31, 2018

If there's one thing to bring back from the "Old-Tomb Raider" days, the "energy-drink-that-used-to-be-a-medical-drink-tie-in" should really have been one of the last things on their mind lol.

lol Oh man... And for whatever reason.... I never heard of "Lucozade" before :O

I've only ever seen it here in the UK. It's exactly what you'd expect, a very sugary energy drink with strong flavours. In fact, way before my time it was actually sold in pharmacists as something to drink when ill, but they've since re-branded as more sports and "energy" focused. I personally love the Zero-Sugar Pink Lemonade variant, but the full-sugar stuff is really quite disgusting nowadays... especially since they aren't even using the same amount of sugar anymore due to a new sugar tax.


Oct 26, 2017
If the industry see money in Marvel's superhero universe (like happened with the movies) will see those games appear like mushrooms ...lol
Square has already locked most other Avengers down and I doubt Marvel will want too many non-Square's Avengers canon games around. The X-Men could be interesting though, especially if no one can get everything like Square did with the Avengers.


Oct 29, 2017
Not gonna lie, I expected TR to outdo Spider-Man at least on its week 1 sales simply because I assumed that Xbox gamers have no AAA game to play, so they'll be picking it up - plus MS has the marketing rights too.
But this... is surprising. In a bad way. I think the blame mostly falls on Square's incompetence handling the franchise. They have really made a big mess of it despite the very strong start in 2013.


Oct 28, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
Marvel will only partner with teams they know will offer quality so Sony is one of the few candidates for other licenses.

Another possible studios that'll deliver are :

CD Project
Ready at Dawn

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So you didn't downplay the success of the game by talking about the lack of legs in Japan even though it had outsold all previous monster hunter games worldwide. Careful now I have the receipts.
lol are you threatening me? saying it didn't have legs like the previous entries (which is a fact) isn't saying it wasn't successful. do whatever you want with those "receipts", i know what i wrote in that thread.

Deleted member 26104

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Being up over Rise by only 25% when it's a full multiplatform release this go around as oppose to an Xbox One exclusive is actually a pretty poor showing overall.
So you know the digital figures? A lot has changed in buying habits in the laat 3 years. Digital is making up 50%+ of many publishers sales these days, up from low 20s at most a few years back, and these numbers don't include digital.

People need to calm down until we get the full picture.


Oct 26, 2017
Marvel will only partner with teams they know will offer quality so Sony is one of the few candidates for other licenses.

Another possible studios that'll deliver are :

CD Project
Ready at Dawn

Marvel has partnered with Telltale and Capcom too, so not true.

Marvel will partner with those who can pay the bills.


Aug 16, 2018
Rise released on the PS4 a year after it released on the Xbox One, and not long before Uncharted 4. It wouldn't be surprising if Shadow outsells Rise on the PS4 at launch given those things.

Regarding why sales are down on Xbox, well that is the big question isn't it? It could be franchise fatigue, poor marketing, worse reception, people not liking Rise, lack of mindshare or franchise brand presence, stiffer competition and so on and so on. There's no definitive answer.

So it seems Shadow did fairly okay(not great) if we count digital on PS4. On the other hand it bombed on Xbox. Seems strange blaming SE for alienating PS fans for the games dissapointing sales when the game would have decent sales if Xbox sales would't be down by almost 50%.


Oct 27, 2017
The whole trilogy has been safe and that's the issue about it. There is no identity to this game. Add to that the fact that it feels a lot like Uncharted (whether people admit it or not) but without its exceptional narration and it is no surprise. The Tomb Raider name can only take it so far.

I feel like the first entry was the least safe and had an indenting to it (basically survival thriller).

I was interested in the (false) premise of the sequel basically being PTSD Laura having to reconcile who she thought she was and who she became, and the stress of the events in general, as well as what the revelations of it meant for her (particularly when they would have had no proof of the supernatural elements)...

Y'know like an actual character study that addressed the narrative complaints from the original...

Instead the sequel barely paid lip service to these ideas and doubled down on the narrative issues in the original; cementing Lara as this non person character where nothing had consequences even to the scale of the world itself.

The pulpy Uncharted series handles this better.