
Oct 26, 2017
I'm 29 and still live with family and am basically a loser lol, I'm fortunate that with my relatively low income I can live comfortably because I don't need to pay rent, but the lack of complete independence gets to me, need a better job, a better social life and a partner, hopefully

Sounds like a similar situation to me except I'm 28 and currently unemployed. Fortunate enough to not have to pay rent so money earned in previous jobs is almost entirely saved (no social life and barely any hobbies helps with that too), but I desperately need to move out or something as soon as it's feasible. I'm grateful for my family supporting me here but functionally I feel like I'm still a 15 year old.


Apr 23, 2018
Thought this was going to be a good thread(Leicester representing)but the stupid names for Cobs has put me off.
Peace out.
Oct 25, 2017
Dundee, Scotland
Still pretty mythed why ISPs have upped their prices a little back. Guessing they're seeing everyone else charge more and decided they didn't want to miss out. Still got a decent enough deal with Virgin Media for the time being but hopefully find a better one before July when my 100Mb/s for £25 jumps to £44. Anyone got any experience with Talk Talk and whether they're worth a look in?

ISP prices have risen because we are in the midst of a network upgrade to FTTP. In theory, post 2025 once the network upgrades are complete we should see prices come down. We won't of course, because prices never go down, but we can dream.

Talk Talk are generally considered to be horrific for customer service, but then so are most ISP's? What matters more is the infrastructure. I'm with Talk Talk but it's FTTP on the City Fibre network. FTTP has way fewer problems than FTTC so I'm willing to roll the dice, especially considering the deal they run. 500 up and down for £35 a month with the first six months free. Cracking loss leading deal they run to try and grab market share.


Oct 25, 2017
Still pretty mythed why ISPs have upped their prices a little back. Guessing they're seeing everyone else charge more and decided they didn't want to miss out. Still got a decent enough deal with Virgin Media for the time being but hopefully find a better one before July when my 100Mb/s for £25 jumps to £44. Anyone got any experience with Talk Talk and whether they're worth a look in?
It's my experience with Virgin Media that when you move onto your higher rate you just contact them via web support and say that your bill is too much so you're thinking of leaving. Point out the better deal that they're offering to new customers and they'll match it. It's like an annual ritual I have with them on behalf of my parents for the last 5 years now.


Oct 29, 2017
Seldom post but it's a roll (West Midlands).
Sign of the times that a UK thread has to have this OP :(

I know from the UK politics thread that a lot of folks have issue with the current opposition - I don't really want to get into that, but local elections are a month away and your local parties will be targeting council seats in your area and you can help. You don't have to do much to make a difference - every leaflet round you do frees up a more seasoned local campaigner to make efforts elsewhere - an hour or two can and will make a difference.

I long for the day the Tories are out, but because of our shite system political change takes time and contributing to those small steps leads to bigger change. That's what I'm hoping at least, and I may be biased as I'm lucky enough to have helped left wing councillors win Tory seats in our council at the last two elections, but it has really helped me personally to feel like I'm doing something.

All best to everyone in these challenging times.


May 7, 2019
I'd say roll, but baps and buns are fine too.

Or a stottie if you're from my neck of the woods.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
We need a poll to settle this debate though like I said before, any answer that isn't roll or bap is wrong.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017




Oct 25, 2017
Originally from the South East, living in the North East and it's a roll. Wife from the North West says it's a roll too. It's a roll.

Going along with other money saving tips, check if you're employer offers any rewards/savings scheme. I operate the one at my place and you can get some really good deals on gift cards/vouchers and the like, including for supermarkets so can help a bit doing good shops. They can also be used alongside any cashback scheme like Quidco or Topcashback as they're just classed as payment by gift card. If you're employer doesn't offer a scheme like this, it's worth bringing it up (for reference, our place uses Reward Gateway).

I'm also really hoping petrol prices drop soon. £60-£70 for a normally £40ish tank isn't great and the 5p duty reduction is a drop in the ocean.


Oct 26, 2017
Can't believe a new UK thread has popped up and it's practically entirely about how fucked we are.

Also, it's a roll.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Shame we're not eligible for the £150 council tax rebate.

Managed to get Sky TV down from £43 to £29 last month and was proper chuffed like. Then this month, just one month later, that's already gone up to £31 with their annual price rise the frauds. Obviously they're free to do whatever they like though because it's in the terms and conditions. But now I'm in a contract meh.

Anyone else switched to Aldi lately for the weekly shop? Once you get passed the untidy stores, the food is just as good if not better than anywhere else. Much better than it was 10 years ago anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm from Scotland and it's a roll to me (traitor to my nation etc etc).

It's moot anyway, you want to try a buttery (Aberdonian special), then you wont care what the other thing even was.


Jeff Albertson

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Sad that what could be a really useful thread is taken up with silly posts about what you call a type of bread

It's blatantly obviously a teacake. (Lancashire la la la)

And vimto is better than ribena.

And brown sauce not red.


Oct 25, 2017
About to go to sleep as yet again staying up late to claw as much free time back as possible before work to make my final post of the day.

It's clearly a roll.


Oct 27, 2017
Hello everyone, living in West Yorkshire and its very depressing the only good thing right now is that my disability benefits are sorted out and im getting help which is good. Fuck the Tories.
It’s Time To Go
Dec 2, 2017
It's not just that the recent covid spikes are very worrying, its also the fact that people seem to have shrugged and accepted its ok if we all get a bit of covid? Mask usage is way down, the mask mandates are gone. Yet stuff is back to normal and we're not supposed to stay at home anymore. Madness.
Oct 27, 2017
Talk Talk are generally considered to be horrific for customer service, but then so are most ISP's? What matters more is the infrastructure. I'm with Talk Talk but it's FTTP on the City Fibre network. FTTP has way fewer problems than FTTC so I'm willing to roll the dice, especially considering the deal they run. 500 up and down for £35 a month with the first six months free. Cracking loss leading deal they run to try and grab market share.

How have you found the speeds/reliability on TalkTalk? Do you use their supplied router? Currently with BT and with all their price hikes I'm paying about £55 a month for 300/40 which in reality is more like 160-180/40. TalkTalk can supply me their fibre 250 (fttc as per BT I assume) which is apparently 162-180/40 for £39 a month 🤔 which is temptingly cheap, but if I'm only getting their guaranteed 100mbs speed or it drops out all the time.....


Oct 25, 2017
It's not just that the recent covid spikes are very worrying, its also the fact that people seem to have shrugged and accepted its ok if we all get a bit of covid? Mask usage is way down, the mask mandates are gone. Yet stuff is back to normal and we're not supposed to stay at home anymore. Madness.

I'd say 9 out of 10 people don't wear a mask anymore on my commute.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Doing a bunch of things lately to save money.

Cancelled my RAC cover, which was £24 a month, as the last twice I've needed them over the years they couldn't come out for at least 13 hours anyway and I ended paying someone private to tow my car.
Cancelled Netflix. Not engaging with it all that much, so off you go.
Set all my gaming consoles to properly turn off now, rather than being on standby.
Used to make use of Tesco's lunchtime meal deal, but have now switched to buying stuff on a Sunday and making my own in the week. It's about a tenner week saved.
Less clothes washes, and at a lower temperature. Seems to be okay so far.

I'm sure there's more I can be doing, but this feels like a good start.

Also this.



Oct 25, 2017
It's not just that the recent covid spikes are very worrying, its also the fact that people seem to have shrugged and accepted its ok if we all get a bit of covid? Mask usage is way down, the mask mandates are gone. Yet stuff is back to normal and we're not supposed to stay at home anymore. Madness.

I was scared to go out when people were wearing masks, the thought of going anywhere right now which isn't a wide open space is enough to make me feel physically ill. I've avoided Covid until now and I want it to stay that way.


Oct 30, 2017
How have you found the speeds/reliability on TalkTalk? Do you use their supplied router? Currently with BT and with all their price hikes I'm paying about £55 a month for 300/40 which in reality is more like 160-180/40. TalkTalk can supply me their fibre 250 (fttc as per BT I assume) which is apparently 162-180/40 for £39 a month 🤔 which is temptingly cheap, but if I'm only getting their guaranteed 100mbs speed or it drops out all the time.....

You're buying the exact same wholesale gsync product there, so I would generally recommend going with the cheapest option as long as you're comfortable with any router restrictions your ISP may have. £39 still seems quite pricey though, although Gsync has never had much consumer interest so it can be difficult to find a deal for it. Sky offer gsync so have a look at their deals although you'll have to use their router.

If you're willing to drop down to bog standard VDSL2 80/20 you'll find lots of cheaper options.

It's worth checking if either Virgin or City Fibre have recently passed your street or have plans for your area, as they've both been making some pretty significant expansions currently.


Mar 13, 2019
It's not just that the recent covid spikes are very worrying, its also the fact that people seem to have shrugged and accepted its ok if we all get a bit of covid? Mask usage is way down, the mask mandates are gone. Yet stuff is back to normal and we're not supposed to stay at home anymore. Madness.
Thanks for creating this thread. It's gone on watch on my end!

The COVID situation is bizarre, but it also feels largely inevitable. I've now had it twice, and I'm pretty sure I have it again (waiting for some lateral flows I ordered from Boots) and I work from home full-time, rarely go out, and still wear a mask in public places. I have kids, though, who are constant disease vectors.

EDIT: Forgot to add my bread entry. It's a roll or a bap. My wife calls them muffins, which I can't abide.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017

Even better with hot toasted Crumpets, with so much (real) butter it drips everywhere.

Crumpets for-the-win... both savory (with poached egg is amazing) or sweet.

I have kids, though, who are constant disease vectors.

Same... I work from home, but have kids, one of whom is on busy public transport for over two hours a day, and the other at primary school, where we know hygiene is never going to be good. Couple that with the fact my wife works in a retail space, and I simply can't worry about it any more. Keeping the mask mandate until the end of Spring may have been good, but it is what it is.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes but is a sausage sandwich:

A. Sausage Butty
B. Sausage Sarnie
C. Other

Been isolating for 10 days due to covid, looking forward to closing my window tomorrow lol


Oct 27, 2017
20 year escapee, but my family are still there. Although not sure if I'll make it back to see them as it seems Covid is again rife across the island.

And it's a roll.



Oct 25, 2017
I'm 29 and still live with family and am basically a loser lol, I'm fortunate that with my relatively low income I can live comfortably because I don't need to pay rent, but the lack of complete independence gets to me, need a better job, a better social life and a partner, hopefully
I wouldn't worry about it to be honest.

Maybe some will see me as pathetic, but I'm still living at home at 32 since I'm saving up to buy somewhere within the next year or 2 and to also move into a different field of work. I do pay my parents monthly, but for the time being it's a lot more logical than paying even more on a place I wouldn't even own (even if I do want the independence).


Oct 25, 2018
How is levelling up going in your area?

Here, they have targeted ads telling me about it in my local area, but its just rebranding some local projects as "levelling up"


Oct 31, 2017
How is levelling up going in your area?

Here, they have targeted ads telling me about it in my local area, but its just rebranding some local projects as "levelling up"

All the things that had been planned as part of the northern powerhouse / levelling up have either scrapped or scaled back...

So just a farce really... But not unexpected