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Oct 27, 2017
Caroline Lucas said it best, this whole election didn't need to happen, and Brexit could have been stopped if the Tories who were 'so brave' when they defected had backed a minority government, instead all they did was sacrifice their jobs and waste 6 months of all our lives.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Seems less of a nationalist upswing than an Alliance one, though maybe that ends up as one in the same once Brexit happens.



Oct 25, 2017
Like it or not, people vote for leaders they like, and the reverse is also true. This has been one of the central tenets of politics since the Roman empire.

Thanks for that, its about as useful as saying that's capitalism when a factory gets closed.

She could have said he's a terrorist supporting wanker or something, mannerisms is just a fucking cop out.
Mar 29, 2018
It's never about a single issue.
To you it wasn't. To me it wasn't.

But to they? The silent, massive, fucking majority? For tons of them it absolutely WAS about a single issue: Brexit.

Mostly you seem to have completely misunderstood my post. I agree with you on everything. Except that I think those who voted Tories because they genuinely wanted to see them in power were in the minority and that most who voted Tory were doing so off the back of Boris's "Brexit or bust" rhetoric. Heck, all the UKIP and Leave constituencies, even the staunch non-Tory ones, completely flipped to Tory. Because they wanted to have Brexit done asap.

Blaming the Labour Party for offering a moderate manifesto in social democratic terms is completely idiotic and misses the point of the election. They capitulated to centrist demands to include a second referendum that weakened them but as a broad church party, Corbyn et al had no choice. There was only ever going to be one choice, which is why it's even more important that they delivered a genuinely transformative manifesto, because arguably, they'd have had nothing else to offer and could have lost even more seats.

Where did I blame them for their manifesto or what their goals were? You're putting those words directly in my mouth. It's like you're talking to somebody else.

Labour's manifesto was great. Not flawless but great. I'm a fan of Corbyn. He would have been a good leader, I'm sure.

But as I said, for many it was a single-issue election. And Corbyn/Labour, along with many other parties, simply did not have a strong enough Brexit message.

It's a disgusting thought, but if Labour had hypothetically pushed exactly the same Brexit rhetoric as BoJo (Labour will ensure Brexit at end of January, we will leave the EU) I guarantee they would have done way, way better in the election. They couldn't do that of course, but it would have had an impact.

If it were a normal election, Labour ran an incredible campaign. But it wasn't a normal campaign. So all those traditional strategies fell apart.

Deleted member 38573

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Jan 17, 2018
If I hear one fucker asking us to "Give Boris a chance/" or saying "he has no firm values, he's liberal actually!" ala Trump i'm gonna rage.

He is not an unknown variable. A wasteful, do-nothing Mayor of London, a hard right wing writer for the Spectator and a foreign sec sacked by Theresa fucking May.


Oct 25, 2017
If I hear one fucker asking us to "Give Boris a chance/" or saying "he has no firm values, he's liberal actually!" ala Trump i'm gonna rage.

He is not an unknown variable. A wasteful, do-nothing Mayor of London, a hard right wing writer for the Spectator and a foreign sec sacked by Theresa fucking May.

He's liberal with his penis.


Nov 14, 2019
If I hear one fucker asking us to "Give Boris a chance/" or saying "he has no firm values, he's liberal actually!" ala Trump i'm gonna rage.

He is not an unknown variable. A wasteful, do-nothing Mayor of London, a hard right wing writer for the Spectator and a foreign sec sacked by Theresa fucking May.

Evil was defeated

At least Rachel Riley can breathe whilst kids are dying calling out for more foodbanks.


Apr 21, 2018
LibDem vote was up by 50% from 7.4% to 11.5%. And it didn't matter.

actually think they did quite well and they've positioned themselves in way more solid second places this time round. they did very badly relative to their own hype and hubris in the last two years, but seen as part of long-term recovery from the coalition it's quite decent.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
actually think they did quite well and they've positioned themselves in way more solid second places this time round. they did very badly relative to their own hype and hubris in the last two years, but seen as part of long-term recovery from the coalition it's quite decent.
I suppose that's true. Just no idea where they go from here. It's hard for them to be taken seriously post coalition while still in a FPTP world when they already return so few MPs


Oct 27, 2017
actually think they did quite well and they've positioned themselves in way more solid second places this time round. they did very badly relative to their own hype and hubris in the last two years, but seen as part of long-term recovery from the coalition it's quite decent.

In both my seat and my parents seat (ruralish places outside of the south-east) the lib-dems took votes from the Tory incumbent and Labour. Tory majority still huge in both places but there is some hope for them, especially considering the campaign was liquid shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Evil was defeated

At least Rachel Riley can breathe whilst kids are dying calling out for more foodbanks.

I get her hating him, that is perfectly fine, the living in fear stuff is just bullshit of the highest order.

He was never going to win the election. The spike in hate crime caused by the Conservatives is a real event.


Oct 25, 2017
If I hear one fucker asking us to "Give Boris a chance/" or saying "he has no firm values, he's liberal actually!" ala Trump i'm gonna rage.

He is not an unknown variable. A wasteful, do-nothing Mayor of London, a hard right wing writer for the Spectator and a foreign sec sacked by Theresa fucking May.

This is legitimately the dumbest talking point of all. Same thing with Trump. If they actually have no values, why would they suddenly turn liberal when they got ELECTED by being racist dipshits?


Oct 28, 2017
I get her hating him, that is perfectly fine, the living in fear stuff is just bullshit of the highest order.

He was never going to win the election.
The worst part is there is never any acknowledgement of all those living in fear of the Tories, where oppressive and cruel policies can actually be evidenced. Riley and people like her have just got such an irrational hatred of Corbyn that is all that matters to them.


Oct 25, 2017
I get her hating him, that is perfectly fine, the living in fear stuff is just bullshit of the highest order.

He was never going to win the election. The spike in hate crime caused by the Conservatives is a real event.
Yay she won, got a racist in who they can actually attribute racist fucking quotes to instead of bullshit smears


Oct 25, 2017
Scotland, United Kingdom
The spike in hate crime caused by the Conservatives is a real event.

This is my biggest worry now honestly. Hate crimes are going to get worse, heck I wouldn't be surprised if eu citizens started to get letters through their doors like they did after the eu referendum vote ended telling them 'to leave'.

I just feel so bad for all of my friends that I know all over the country who are as angry about this result as I am.

Deleted member 55689

User requested account closure
Apr 5, 2019
I get her hating him, that is perfectly fine, the living in fear stuff is just bullshit of the highest order.

He was never going to win the election. The spike in hate crime caused by the Conservatives is a real event.
There are literally zero Labour policies that are antisemitic. People like her fucking disgust me.


Oct 30, 2017
England, UK
From what I've read, Corbyn's "soft-brexit" instincts were spot-on and did well in 2017 because of it.

McDonnell was instrumental in converting Corbyn to a "people's vote". Which cost them.

Soft-brexit / NHS / Energy and Water re-nationalisation [state buying power, economies of scale for lower prices to end consumers] are the three things they should've focused on.


PS: what were they thinking forcing companies to give a percentage of shares to workers. Well run companies already do this. And state broadband. Well intentioned but just confusing messages.


Oct 25, 2017
This is my biggest worry now honestly. Hate crimes are going to get worse, heck I wouldn't be surprised if eu citizens started to get letters through their doors like they did after the eu referendum vote ended telling them 'to leave'.

I just feel so bad for all of my friends that I know all over the country who are as angry about this result as I am.

Nationalism is on the march but let's focus on the dopey fucker in the allotment who has spent his entire political career doing everything that would make himself unelectable.


Oct 31, 2017
actually think they did quite well and they've positioned themselves in way more solid second places this time round. they did very badly relative to their own hype and hubris in the last two years, but seen as part of long-term recovery from the coalition it's quite decent.
They were clearly buoyed by remain voters. Personally I think chances are high that they'll sink back down once the new status quo has been established.

They didn't take this election seriously enough and are paying the price.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think these encompass how I've felt at various points of the day:






Oct 27, 2017
Downside: Lib Dem's held my seat.
Upside: Both SNP and and Lib Dem's significantly increased their votes here and the Tories drastically fell.


Nov 14, 2019
How can people in this country riot? The state is just so efficient at prosecuting people and a criminal record ruins your life. Look at the London riots. Over a 1,000 people received criminal charges. And what did it achieve?

Scotland will show England how to riot in the coming year


Downside: Lib Dem's held my seat.
Upside: Both SNP and and Lib Dem's significantly increased their votes here and the Tories drastically fell.

No one:
Lib Dems: Jo Swinson's Bus
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