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Oct 26, 2017
Why are you ignoring all the other comments and going straight for the one that has the least amount of 'decorum'?

All the other comments are legitimate responses formulated in terrible (and embarassing ways).

I get why you are all upset. I voted Labour - I did not want the Tories to win, especially by this much! However, how does calling everyone a Tory a "cunt" amongst other expletives make things better?

It doesn't achieve anything. Some people who vote Tories have perfectly good reasons - they are not all racists. That's like saying everyone who voted Corbyn hates Jewish people.

Let's have our own democracy here as we discuss this. Divisive does not mean abusive.


Oct 28, 2017
no, his position was that he would back a second referendum with the option to remain. it was a mistake to offer a referendum. the election should have been fought on a Labour Brexit vs a Tory Brexit, not Second Referendum vs Get Brexit Done. it's allowed Johnson to avoid any scrutiny on the specifics of the deal.

I genuinely don't think there was an appetite from people to see the UK try and get a different deal with the EU. Either that or they didn't believe a deal which Corbyn was proposing was possible.


Oct 27, 2017
Feels like the realignment that felt like it was happening in 2016 has truly happened now.

I really don't know where the left goes right now. How bad do things have to get for people to reject the Conservatives?


Oct 27, 2017
In terms of voting numbers, I want to see how much of a role Jo Swinson's Liberal Democrats had in letting Boris win.


Oct 27, 2017
how is he going to win back the seats labour lost in this election? they don't like corbyn because he's incredibly liberal and he's now advocating another referendum. so let's replace him with a human rights lawyer who loves remain even more...

He's not a 'commie' in the eyes of many

England rejected a good and decent human who offered real change.

Let's not leave Wales out of this. They can take some of this shit too.


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
All the other comments are legitimate responses formulated in terrible (and embarassing ways).

I get why you are all upset. I voted Labour - I did not want the Tories to win, especially by this much! However, how does calling everyone a Tory a "cunt" amongst other expletives make things better?

It doesn't achieve anything. Some people who vote Tories have perfectly good reasons - they are not all racists. That's like saying everyone who voted Corbyn hates Jewish people.

Let's have our own democracy here as we discuss this. Divisive does not mean abusive.

It doesn't make things better, it's catharsis.


Oct 27, 2017
Just made a £50 donation to Shelter, which has made me feel a bit better.

Would reccommend anyone else who is feeling shit about this and is able to makes a donation to a charity that will help people who will be impacted by five years of a brutal Tory government.

And don't stay up and watch this shitshow on telly.

Anyway, well done Scotland. Think you guys leaving is the kick up the arse England needs.


Apr 21, 2018
Did you not see the increase in the remain votes that Labour got constantly in the polls since the beginning of the campaign? Without the second referendum all those votes would have been lost and most likely even more. The leave share wouldn't have compensated it.

country would be in a lot better shape if the lib dems did a lot better at the expense of labour but labour did a lot better at the expense of the tories, would be closer to the 2010 hung parliament


Oct 27, 2017
I suspect a lot of people voted who otherwise would vote labour voted lib dem. All Corbyn had to do was build a campaign on pro-remain.

Shame there's no single transferable voting system, so effectively people wasted their votes.


Oct 29, 2017
Feels like the realignment that felt like it was happening in 2016 has truly happened now.

I really don't know where the left goes right now. How bad do things have to get for people to reject the Conservatives?

If Brexit is done before the next election, and is then no longer an election issue, seems like things in the North would snap back into place next election for Labour.

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
can you guys please get rid of corbyn now

I loved most of his policies, but it's clear that's not what's needed, and Labour need to do what they did in the 90s, a young, charismatic leader (I'd also take Tony Stark levels of smart-arsery when it comes to political debates), the Sun backing you, and a center-left government.

Yes I'm all for Corbyn's politics but I'd rather have centre than the awful right wing government we have. Anyone who says they won't vote for a center labour is a fucking idiot.

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
This is the Australian election all over again.

Good policy and optimism loses out to a single strong message, no matter how much of a deranged fabrication that message is.

Fuck the Tories, I loathe every last one of those born to rule six toed pony fuckers
Our election was actually close though. This looks like a rout.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
no, his position was that he would back a second referendum with the option to remain. it was a mistake to offer a referendum. the election should have been fought on a Labour Brexit vs a Tory Brexit, not Second Referendum vs Get Brexit Done. it's allowed Johnson to avoid any scrutiny on the specifics of the deal.
You're deluded.

Corbyn was toxic to the voters. Offering a choice like that would've been more of a disaster than we have now.


Nov 4, 2017
Feels like the realignment that felt like it was happening in 2016 has truly happened now.

I really don't know where the left goes right now. How bad do things have to get for people to reject the Conservatives?

The left goes to Scotland or Ireland. I'm so sorry, I want a United Ireland and this will turbocharge us towards that way. But it's not fair, it's a travesty.


Oct 30, 2017
I didn't expect the majority to be this high, it's slowing seeping in that we are fucked. Of course, people coming out of the woodwork with, it would have been easy if Corbyn stood down. It wouldn't have had much difference.


Oct 25, 2017
So go bigoted is what you are saying? Corbyn got ripped apart as he was too left leaning. Boris spews racist shit and the UK lap it up. Corbyn doesn't handle antisemitism in his party well and he gets ripped. There comes to a point were you have to blame the public and not the party all the time.
No, I'm saying go with anyone but him because if you pick a Labour official at random the odds that they're more unpopular than him are hovering around zero.

I don't disagree that the public sucks.


May 31, 2018
All the other comments are legitimate responses formulated in terrible (and embarassing ways).

I get why you are all upset. I voted Labour - I did not want the Tories to win, especially by this much! However, how does calling everyone a Tory a "cunt" amongst other expletives make things better?

It doesn't achieve anything. Some people who vote Tories have perfectly good reasons - they are not all racists. That's like saying everyone who voted Corbyn hates Jewish people.

Let's have our own democracy here as we discuss this. Divisive does not mean abusive.

How are they terrible and embarassing? Most just said the actual consequences of voting Tory, and no amount of "good intentions," will remove those results. A vote for the Tories is a vote for all of things whether or not you "just care about democracy," or are the most racist, anti-poor, ableist Scrooge McFuck around.

Yeah, sure, calling the Tories cunts in an election campaign wouldn't be great, but they've just won the biggest landslide this century and there are many people here who will see either themselves or people they know suffer or die because of that result. Let people grieve.


Oct 25, 2017
Why do people think that the Labour membership which elected Corbyn twice is suddenly going to go for some New Labour person? I keep seeing posts like this and I 100% do not understand. The most right-wing person who can win the leadership is probably Kier Starmer and he is to the left of Miliband.
The centrists have been waiting for this and scheming, all it takes is splits and people leaving the party dejected.


Oct 28, 2017
Wooooow. Tories are the narrow favourites to win Warrington North (and South). Warrington North has always been labour (since the 1980s) and the constituency it was created from has been safe Labour since the 1945. What a total fucking trainwreck.


Apr 25, 2018
See my previous response to you I guess
viz: you say corbyn is toxic, but I say that the media coverage of him is and was toxic. one of these things predates the other

191 seats is a level of toxicity far beyond media hostility, and also doesn't tally with the Corbynite insistence that another leader would only face the same thing. It really can't be overstated how historically awful a result this is.


Oct 28, 2017
Remember folks, help people in need, stock food banks and stick together. Also whenever see a tory spit in their fucking face.


The Moyes are Back in Town
Oct 25, 2017
Had Corbyn stepped down prior to the 2017 election, Labour might have actually squeaked out a slim governing majority.

Instead, this happened.

Labour could never have won this. This is a hateful little island that will become an insignificant hellscape over the next 5-10 years.


Oct 28, 2017
If he would've done that he would've lost the entire remain voting majority of his seats.
nonsense. Remain voters would have swung back to Labour in the end. even with a very Remain-leaning position, the polls increased for the Lib Dems and in the end it swung back to Labour and they were squeezed. the seats they needed to win were not the metropolitan constituencies with huge majorities. it was the leave heartlands. there is no change a pro-Remain Labour party would have won this election under any leader.
I genuinely don't think there was an appetite from people to see the UK try and get a different deal with the EU. Either that or they didn't believe a deal which Corbyn was proposing was possible.
i don't think there was the appetite for Johnson's deal necessarily. there just wasn't the appetite for another referendum in the seats Labour needed to win
You're deluded.

Corbyn was toxic to the voters. Offering a choice like that would've been more of a disaster than we have now.
then why did they make such significant gains in 2017? by the way, when May had, at the start of the campaign, a massive lead in the opinion polls and higher personal popularity ratings than Thatcher? higher poll ratings than Johnson ever had?

the delusion is believing that Tony Blair 2.0 would have swept to power. it just ignores the hard electoral reality.
Jan 2, 2018
I have Jewish family in the UK and people are concern trolling Corbyn for antisemitism over this shite.

Please leave me alone.
an ultranationalist movement nostalgic for a past that never exist and hoping to rebirth the nation for the benefit of the few. Yeah, I think it's safe to say that Brexit is pretty fucking facist.

Do you think the Tories are fascist or not?

The Conservative Party is not facist.

What is wrong with you people? Read up on real facist parties and movements which you all are seriously downplaying If you really believe that the Tories are facists.
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