Oct 25, 2017
Remember the infamous game called " Unearthed : Trail of Ibn Battuta " , The game that tried to clone uncharted in a hilarious way , The Developer Semaphore announced last april that the follow up of the first episode will now be called " Al Rekaz " , And Today they posted some In-game screenshots of the game

- The Developer said after the release and feedback of the first episode that they will switch their engine from Unity to unreal Engine 4 and Focus only on 3 Platforms (PS4/X1/PC) instead of the multiplatform strategy used in the first game ( PS3/PC/Mac/IOS/Android/Ouya )
- They have taken all the feedback in mind to the degree of making the game from the ground up
- They will abandon the episodic format in favor of releasing the full game in one package and also changing its infamous name "Unearthed : Trail of Ibn Battuta" to "Al Rekaz" ( Which was its Arabic release name )


Some In-game Screenshots , Taken from their Twitter account






Also last October in one of the gaming Shows ( Likely a Sony show in Saudi Arabia ) , They posted pics for Sony's President Shuhei Yoshida checking the game




As Hilarious as their first game was ( both at clearly cloning uncharted even in name and the game being hilarious itself ) , but I always appreciate developers who learns from their mistakes ( even the hilarious ones like clearly cloning uncharted ) and try to develop their level and increase the quality of their products , Sure the graphic difference between the first episode and those screenshots is great but I want to see if this follow up game will still be a hilarious clone with prettier graphics or it will be its own thing at a good state
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Oct 25, 2017
"lawner fertilizer" haha

This looks great artistically (maybe a bit too much bloom, haha), but Unearthed was one of the few games I couldn't stand to play given the number of bugs and poor quality in just the first level alone. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
So this will be a lost legacy clone instead, gotcha

I really wanted to give this a fair shake but unearthed was easily one of the worst games I've ever played.


Oct 27, 2017
Gifted my friend the first game as a joke and it was absolutely hilarious watching him suffer through it.

I wish the team well though. I truly do hope they are able to learn from their past mistakes and put out a game they can be proud of.


Oct 27, 2017
Well idk but it seems like they are really trying this time. They seem pride. Hope it turns good for the team :)


Oct 25, 2017
Unearthed is clearly bad game but I have lot of fun actually playing it. And the fact they're using their own culture and heritage should be encouraged. The screenshots look good, looking forward to it.


Nov 1, 2017
Hope this turns out great, more diversity (in terms of themes shown in the game and the background of the developers) is never a bad thing and wish them the best of luck,


Oct 26, 2017
Al Rekaz was also the first game's name in Arabic

it was like Al Rekaz: Trail of Ibn Battuta.

Anyway's, I curious if the animations are improved, because the first game/episode? was very bad(and also hilarious)


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Unearthed is clearly bad game but I have lot of fun actually playing it. And the fact they're using their own culture and heritage should be encouraged. The screenshots look good, looking forward to it.

They should be encouraged to do better, not praised regardless. Had to review several Brazilian games that focused on Brazilian themes/culture and never felt like giving them a good score out of the gate just because of that (many were kinda dreadful to be honest). Thankfully it's a trend around here and recently we started to pump some good games using local stuff (like 99 vidas and Dandara) instead of forever supporting mediocre productions just for representing our themes

I hope they learned during this time and can do a lot better. But I'm not patting them in the shoulder and saying "it's okay, your game is still unique" if the game turns to be as bad as unearthed


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
All this sounds promising. Let's just hope lessons learned results in a decent game this time.


Jan 29, 2018
After seeing the first game, I have zero faith in this being any good. I'm trying to think of the last time I saw a developer put out an uninspired and technically incompetent game but somehow follow it up with a product that was the reverse - and I actually can't.

I'm willing to be surprised, but I'm not going to hold my breath.


Oct 25, 2017
Shu is like "...this looks really familar...".
Huge step up from the hilariously bad first game.


Oct 30, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Sounds like the devs were aware of the issues of the first game, which gives me hope since they are at least trying to improve. As bad as the first game was, it had actual potential and some good ideas for a game developed in Saudi Arabia. Also, it was refreshing to see it as an actual hardcore game wheras most Arabian-developed games were focused on casual entertainment.
Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully it is something good. The Middle East really needs more game development, too little games uses the Middle East as something other than a warzone so it would be great if they can kickstart that.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
The screenshots looks great.

The first game remind me somewhat like Syphon Filter, graphic wise, lol.


Nov 26, 2017
WAIT. This game is on Steam? I need to buy it, gimme all those shitty games please.


Oct 27, 2017
They are biting off more than they can chew going after uncharted. Even Naughty Dog started out making simpler games.


Actual Brazilian
Oct 24, 2017
SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil
I actually played Unearthed in its 2-hour long full glory. It was amazingly bad in everything it tried to do.

Some of those screenshots are impressive, though.


Oct 24, 2017
I never played Unearthed myself, and all the footage I saw in the past didn't look great at all, but hey, those screens are pretty! At least they're definitely making big strides in improving. I hope they're successful either way and make something fun. The more diversity in game dev, especially the Middle East, the better. The region is rich in culture, history, nature, people and it's so woefully underused in games.

I can't remember any Arab or proper Middle Eastern protagonist besides the original Assassin's Creed, and I suppose Prince of Persia.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
So there's a "Bollywood" gaming industry too?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully it is something good. The Middle East really needs more game development, too little games uses the Middle East as something other than a warzone so it would be great if they can kickstart that.

This x 10. Theres amazing history and culture that has yet to tapped, Ubi have done great things with Prince of Persia, Assassins Creed, but we need more AAA from there, would be a great contribution to the diversity of the industry.


Dec 3, 2017
This honestly seems to me like people pitying them and saying something nice just because they want a middle-eastern developer to find success. I mean seriously, they are showing off a fire hydrant and lawn fertilizer in the most generic UE4 standard visuals - how can that "look great"? The first game was also laughably bad (11% on metacritic, 57% on steam), the media released here doesn't inspire any confidence either and it still seems like a cheap Uncharted copy. I get hoping for more geographical diversity in game development studios, but this doesn't seem the one to place your bets on.
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Oct 27, 2017
While I like that the game is getting sone awareness, you are only posting old news OP :(

I think the devs have potential. Their last game (Badiya) looked ok and Unearthed had its charme beneath all the clunky mechanics. I honestly enjoyed the characters and writing morw than in both Tomb Raider remakes even though it was just an arabic Drake clone.

Hope we will get some new news soon. Seems like they have way too many projects at the same time though.
Ryuichi Naruhodo
Oct 25, 2017
Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest if not the biggest Sony's market in Middle east and western Asia ( Overall in gaming : 33M population with 645M revenue , and with Deep passion for Playstation brand since the PS1 days )


So Based on Shuhei Yoshida Images , I wouldn't be surprised if Sony invested in that market and one of the methods is helping local developers by providing technical assistance and advises if needed

This honestly seems to me like people pitying them and saying something nice just because they want a middle-eastern developer to find success. I mean seriously, they are showing off a fire hydrant and lawn fertilizer in the most generic UE4 standard visuals - how can that "look great"? The first game was also laughably bad (11% on metacritic, 57% on steam), the media released here doesn't inspire any confidence either and it still seems like a cheap Uncharted copy. I get hoping for more geographical diversity in game development studios, but this doesn't seem the one to place your bets on.

Personally until now , I don't pity them , I could had pity them and support them if their first game was an original idea but the execution was bad gameplay wise or graphically wise , seeing that the region isn't that full of game developing experience especially in that game's scale so their first game won't look perfect or maybe won't even good , but Clearly cloning an established IP in every aspect ( Name , Setting , Gameplay , Characters , Clothes , Plot ) without giving your original idea makes their image look pretty bad , being from the region myself I know some indie games from the middle east that looks far more polished and original even if they are simpler games

However , They said they took feedback at heart and learned from mistakes , So I am looking forward to see if this follow up game will still be a hilarious clone with prettier graphics or it will be its own thing at a good state and thats why I created this thread

Also , They made a game called Badiya which is big improvement from Unearthed episode 1 and looks way more original than it
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Oct 27, 2017
Visually it looks like a massive improvement on the first. I hope the gameplay is too. It'd be good to have more representation and developers in that part of the world.