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Oct 27, 2017
Spoilers for Captain Marvel are out. Seems like this one is going to be a big one, and a slight game changer for the MCU.

Here are the highlights that I've been able to find:

Via Reddit
  1. The Skrulls are good guys, Kree are bad in the movie
  2. Annette Bening is actually Mar'Vell who was using the tesseract with the Skrulls when something went wrong and it blew up, causing the power to transfer to Carol Danvers.
  3. Danvers lost her memory so the Kree took her in, suppressed part of her powers and taught her to kill Skrulls
  4. There are two After Credit Scenes: One where the undusted heroes are talking about the Pager from IW and she shows up behind them, and one where Goose throws up the Tesseract. The text below translates roughly to "the signal stopped"
There's also talk of the opening Marvel Logo being all Stan Lee cameos instead of the usual heroes, but I can't confirm that. Yahoo says it's true so it must be, right?

Entire plot summary here
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Oct 25, 2017
Came in just to check what the post credit scenes were, thanks! And by the undusted do they mean the undusted heroes or just random undusted civilians? And does she say anything to them upon appearing?


Nov 12, 2017
Clicked this for the post credits scene like an idiot and learned about the skrulls.

How in the hell can they be good guys? Ugh.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh man, that ending reveal is a Solo-level bad reveal.

The Avengers Initiative being called The Avengers Initiative because Carol Danvers callsign was "Avenger" lol


Nov 12, 2017
Oh man, that ending reveal is a Solo-level bad reveal.

The Avengers Initiative being called The Avengers Initiative because Carol Danvers callsign was "Avenger" lol
That is not that bad. At all.

But yes, the internet will have a meltdown and the alt-right will feel vindicated in their pre-outrage over this movie.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't see how the internet will have a meltdown around that fact (though you never know with how toxic YouTube is), I just think that reveal sounds a little too much like the stuff Solo did with needlessly explaining all kinds of stuff that didn't need explaining at all.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
I don't see how the internet will have a meltdown around that fact (though you never know with how toxic YouTube is), I just think that reveal sounds a little too much like the stuff Solo did with needlessly explaining all kinds of stuff that didn't need explaining at all.

It's not as bad as the internet description makes it sound. It's one of the best parts of the movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, the Stan Lee Marvel Studios intro is true. He's also in it during her run in with a skrull disguised as an old lady, as seen in the trailer.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh man, that ending reveal is a Solo-level bad reveal.

The Avengers Initiative being called The Avengers Initiative because Carol Danvers callsign was "Avenger" lol

I don't agree. It's a fun little detail and I don't think it's any worse than "Avengers" being just a random Shield codename.


Oct 25, 2017
For all the "why didn't Fury page her when" questions, I have to wonder... When Carol was waging war on the Kree, what was she doing when Ronan, a disgraced Accuser, started working with Thanos and got a Infinity Stone? Why wasn't she concerned about Thanos' actions at all when he was carving a path through the galaxy?


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
For all the "why didn't Fury page her when" questions, I have to wonder... When Carol was waging war on the Kree, what was she doing when Ronan, a disgraced Accuser, started working with Thanos and got a Infinity Stone? Why wasn't she concerned about Thanos' actions at all when he was carving a path through the galaxy?

These are fictional characters, so guess what: as a fan you have the privilege of filling in the gaps using your imagination. I dare say she might have been busy fighting an even bigger menace to the galaxy. Or maybe the writers will address that question in later films.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 20, 2019
Oh man, that ending reveal is a Solo-level bad reveal.

The Avengers Initiative being called The Avengers Initiative because Carol Danvers callsign was "Avenger" lol

No it wasn't, it was great.

Love that Fury, lied to everyone on how he got his eye missing. That cheeky little Goose.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't think the Skrulls were necessarily "good," Talos himself admitted how dirty his hands were. This was just a smaller group seeking escape from the war with the Kree as refugees. Most of the Skrulls on the cloaked ship seemed to be women and children.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Enjoyed it like I do all the other Marvel movies. It was on the Doc Strange or Ant-Man level of being a decent but not great origin story that did well in establishing the heroes as likeable people we want to see more of.

I'm happy that my man Ben Mendelsohn got to play a non-villainous character this time. He's actually perfect casting since I'm so used to him as a villain, I didn't see the skrulls being sympathetic turn coming.

Also everyone loved Goose the Cat. I don't remember this cat from previous movies or why it's a tentacle monster but give me more of this cat please.

I like the name "Avenger" coming from Carol's callsign. It felt natural and didn't feel hokey at all.

In regards to it being a "big one" and "a slight game changer" for the MCU... not really? It doesn't really have huge impacts like say, Winter Soldier did, and I still feel someone can easily watch Avengers:Endgame without seeing this one first.

First post-credits scene is the one described in OP. Second one right at the end is a 10 second scene of cat throwing up the tessarect onto Fury's desk. Don't stay back to watch it if you don't want to.
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Oct 25, 2017

She'd be in her like mid-30s in present day so there HAS to be a Photon/PulsarSpectrum movie in the works right?


Oct 27, 2017
I liked the movie. Character interactions were top notch as usual and Brie made me fall in love with her character. Just the right level of sass and badass. In the grand scheme of things, it didn't do too much, but it did clear up some stuff and I actual like how her callsign was Avenger. Captain Marvel and Fury obviously respect each other and it is a perfect way to portray that trust and inspiration.

That first post credit scene made me hype up. Half way through the movie I was thinking it would be Marvel receiving the page, but to actually have her show up with the Avengers was surprising. She looked mad as all hell. That second credit scene, just lol.

Well worth seeing IMO.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California


Oct 27, 2017
For all the "why didn't Fury page her when" questions, I have to wonder... When Carol was waging war on the Kree, what was she doing when Ronan, a disgraced Accuser, started working with Thanos and got a Infinity Stone? Why wasn't she concerned about Thanos' actions at all when he was carving a path through the galaxy?
What I understood from this movie was that she's helping the Skrull find a new a different Galaxy. If she wasn't in the same galaxy, she wouldn't have any means of knowing I think?

Sgt. Demblant

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Oh man, that ending reveal is a Solo-level bad reveal.

The Avengers Initiative being called The Avengers Initiative because Carol Danvers callsign was "Avenger" lol
Ah, so that's what it was.
I had seen some hints about this that I had interpreted as Carol choosing the Captain Marvel name after seeing a random non-descript Marvel comic on earth or something, lol. (yes I know that's not where the name comes from I just thought they might have changed the explanation for the movie)

Eh, that kind of stuff is sometimes awkward but it's not that big a deal.

And I like that the Skrulls are good guys. The Kree have always been assholes.


Oct 27, 2017
That's why she told Fury the pager had a range of a couple of galaxies. She wasn't in the neighborhood.
Exactly, I think they were trying to provide a valid reason why she wasn't involved in any of the other MCU movies or conflict present there by just placing her outside of their realm.


Oct 26, 2017
I've always thought that the skrulls were the bad guys and I love how they changed that in the movie, although I wonder how others would react to the change that they are now refugees and victims of the Kree attacks.


Oct 26, 2017
I like how the part where he was first "oh its just a cat scratch no biggie" at first, and then he just let the "Kree to his eyes because he wouldnt give the Tessaract" rumor run wild in SHIELD in the end because he is too embarrassed to explain how he got wounded lmao


Oct 26, 2017
Also, a bummer that Agent Carlson doesnt play a large role in the story, but at least he have some glorified cameos here and there which is slightly more than I expected


Chicken Chaser
Nov 16, 2017
I liked it.
Some pretty funny moments in there.
Music choices were good.
Really fun origin story.
The Stan Lee opening and dedication were both really nice.
I was kind of hoping that we'd find out how Korath got all his implants.

I'll definitely be seeing it again.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Goose is best kitty. I was really hoping they'd go that way with him and they did. It's also hilarious that after all those jokes about how Fury would lose his eye to the cat that came with the trailers, it's actually what happened.

Carol going all out near the end was also fun to see. Even if everything suddenly became very, very one-sided, it was fun to see a Marvel hero just flat out be better than her opponents. It's okay to have a catharsis hero who just beats up the bad guys.

I'm not sure if it's a movie I'd want to rewatch all that much. It tells a story, and sets up for Endgame, but that's about it.


Oct 28, 2017
I really appreciated that even when she was starting to get OP compared to the bad guys, she was still getting the hang of it. Really excepted to see what experienced Carol can do.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
I haven't seen the film but I'm really enjoying this thread. It sounds like a real romp. Looking forward to seeing it.


Oct 27, 2017
im gonna need a timeline on that tesseract. i thought it was in shield possession when stark took it out of the ocean at the end of TFA


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
im gonna need a timeline on that tesseract. i thought it was in shield possession when stark took it out of the ocean at the end of TFA

Correct. SHIELD took possession of it. Avengers established that Project Pegasus was a secret SHIELD operation to study it. It was at Project Pegasus in the 90s when Mar-Vell was pretending to be a human scientist named Wendy Lawson working with it. It never left SHIELD possession.