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Deleted member 4247

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
America, you are a real asshole of a country. A big, mean bully.

EDIT: Referring to the behavior, not calling all Americans assholes.
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Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
I bet that's because the Palestinian leader said this on Sunday. Trump, the most pettiest man alive.

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said Sunday President Donald Trump ought to be ashamed of himself for saying the Palestinians rejected peace talks.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Why not just withhold all of it... or give all of that money to Israel so they can push forward with some of their West Bank construction initiatives? You're not fooling anyone here, America.


Oct 27, 2017
This is going to hurt Israel because without the money they can't fund public services which will cause instability, which will cause more terrorism.


Jan 2, 2018
Why should USA keep funding the fraud that is UNRWA, the only refugee agency that is designed to support only 1 group of refugees in the world that have a special designation that their status is passed down generationally.

Give the money to the UNHCR and apply UNHCR standards to the so called Palestinian "refugees".

Keep in mind Abbas has gone around the last month or so attacking Trump, demanding the USA not be part of the process anymore, saying he won't meet with Pence etc... What do you think is going to happen? Abbas doesn't want any part of Trump but wants the money to keep flowing? If USA is going to pump 100's of millions shouldn't it get something in return? Influence, positive reciprocity?


Nov 22, 2017
Why should USA keep funding the fraud that is UNRWA, the only refugee agency that is designed to support only 1 group of refugees in the world that have a special designation that their status is passed down generationally.

Give the money to the UNHCR and apply UNHCR standards to the so called Palestinian "refugees".

Keep in mind Abbas has gone around the last month or so attacking Trump, demanding the USA not be part of the process anymore, saying he won't meet with Pence etc... What do you think is going to happen? Abbas doesn't want any part of Trump but wants the money to keep flowing? If USA is going to pump 100's of millions shouldn't it get something in return? Influence, positive reciprocity?
Oooh boy...

I don't believe Abbas is anything but another corrupt leader but this is playing straight into hammas and worst groups hand.


Jan 2, 2018
Oooh boy...

I don't believe Abbas is anything but another corrupt leader but this is playing straight into hammas and worst groups hand.

Abbas has lost his marbles. He spent 2 and half hours spouting anti-Semitism and nonsense the other day. He had such gems as Israel has nothing to do with Judasim. That Europe sent its Jews to Israel for economic reasons. That Jews preferred to stay in Europe during the holocaust rather than go to Palestine, which is quite the whopper since it was the Arabs who pushed the British to restrict Jewish emigration and probably cost 100000's or millions of Jews their lives.

But when you are 14 years into your 4 year term, basically dictator for live I guess you can go around saying whatever BS you want to.


Jan 2, 2018
So is this about that vote? Why not hold it all back?

This is because Abbas has decided to fight with Trump rather than work with him. Abbas himself said he doesn't want the USA involved in the process anymore. So if you don't want USA as a mediator then say goodbye to their money as well. You can't try and kick Trump out but expect him to keep sending money.

Its not being all held back because its going to be a gradual cut and other parties(Israel especially) want something more gradual and not a complete 100% cut. Only Nikki Haly wants 100% cut.

Either way UNRWA is a corrupt organization that has outlived its mandate and usefulness. Its international welfare for Palestinian's when American's themselves don't have access to free health care or good education. UNWRA lies about refugees. They claim 400000 in Lebanon when there is less than 200000. They employ Hamas members in their union. Tunnels have been built under schools, and so have weapons been stored there. That doesn't even talk about the anti-Israel and anti-Semitism they teach in their schools or that their teachers support/post on facebook.

Dude Abides

Oct 27, 2017
This is not a great idea for Israel. One of the things that maintains the status quo is that the PA "leadership" live comfortable lifestyles.

Deleted member 4247

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why are posts like this allowed? I called China a shithole dictatorship and was warned but posts about the entirety of America being insulted are completely ok.

I was obviously referring to the government acting like an asshole. I didn't mean that the entire country is one. Just Trump, his cronies, and everyone who voted them into power.


Oct 25, 2017
I was obviously referring to the government acting like an asshole. I didn't mean that the entire country is one. Just Trump, his cronies, and everyone who voted them into power.
So why not say that instead of generalizing all of America- especially when a majority didn't even vote for this administration.


Oct 25, 2017
Gross. Hopefully other countries can chip in aid and at some point there are serious reprecussions on Israel for it's actions.


Oct 27, 2017
I was obviously referring to the government acting like an asshole. I didn't mean that the entire country is one. Just Trump, his cronies, and everyone who voted them into power.

your intention wasn't really obvious though, you said "america" not "america's government/trump cronies" or whatever, but yea I get your point


Oct 28, 2017
Why should USA keep funding the fraud that is UNRWA, the only refugee agency that is designed to support only 1 group of refugees in the world that have a special designation that their status is passed down generationally.

Give the money to the UNHCR and apply UNHCR standards to the so called Palestinian "refugees".

Keep in mind Abbas has gone around the last month or so attacking Trump, demanding the USA not be part of the process anymore, saying he won't meet with Pence etc... What do you think is going to happen? Abbas doesn't want any part of Trump but wants the money to keep flowing? If USA is going to pump 100's of millions shouldn't it get something in return? Influence, positive reciprocity?


Oct 25, 2017
America, you are a real asshole of a country. A big, mean bully.
Yeah dude we all totally support this decision too.

What an ignorant comment.
Why are posts like this allowed? I called China a shithole dictatorship and was warned but posts about the entirety of America being insulted are completely ok.
You are allowed to insult America on GAF and spinoff boards.

Consistent moderation is not a goal of the team here.


Jan 2, 2018
Gross. Hopefully other countries can chip in aid and at some point there are serious reprecussions on Israel for it's actions.

What does this have to do with Israel and why should it suffer any repercussions? USA can decide what to do with its money and who it gives it to. Is there some law that USA must give 100's of millions a year to UNRWA?

USA provides the most money, with many Arab countries contributing next to nothing. So it would be great if other countries gave more but reality is they won't because they already don't.


Oct 27, 2017
What more does the Muslim world need to see that the US is an enemy towards them. No not just the administration, but even the people, the majority of whom actively support Israel.

Team up collectively, get rid of pro-American puppets, most of whom remain in the Arabian Gulf and kick the US out of the Middle East. It has brought nothing but death and instability. Don't be afraid there is nothing the US can do to you all collectively. It's not nearly as powerful as it likes to pretend it is and there are plenty of Asian allies in Russia and China who would love to see the US get kicked out of the region.

Start by shutting down all US bases in Muslim countries along with US embassies. Centcom in Qatar in particular. Without bases and supply lines you can bleed the nation out of the region. It doesn't even need to be violence laden. No need for any violence towards any civilians or military or governmental personnel, unless they attack first, which they would never do.They'll be starved out of the region slowly.

Muslims kick the US out of the Middle East.
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Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
What does this have to do with Israel and why should it suffer any repercussions? USA can decide what to do with its money and who it gives it to. Is there some law that USA must give 100's of millions a year to UNRWA?

USA provides the most money, with many Arab countries contributing next to nothing. So it would be great if other countries gave more but reality is they won't because they already don't.

I think you have to be acting pretty obtuse to not know what people like Mike Pence think of Israel vs. Palestine.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
What more does the Muslim world need to see that the US is an enemy towards them. No not just the administration, but even the people, the majority of whom actively support Israel.

Team up collectively, get rid of pro-American puppets, most of whom remain in the Arabian Gulf and kick the US out of the Middle East. It has brought nothing but death and instability. Don't be afraid there is nothing the US can do to you all collectively. It's not nearly as powerful as it likes to pretend it is and there are plenty of Asian allies in Russia and China who would love to see the US get kicked out of the region.

Muslims kick the US out of the Middle East.
ha really?
Oct 25, 2017
The aid to the Palestinians helps keep moderates in charge of the movement. Taking away the aid is only going to push desperate palestinians towards Hamas and other extreme groups. It's bad for the U.S., Isreal, and Jordan. This is a stupid fucking move that's going to blow up in our faces.


Oct 25, 2017
What more does the Muslim world need to see that the US is an enemy towards them. No not just the administration, but even the people, the majority of whom actively support Israel.

Team up collectively, get rid of pro-American puppets, most of whom remain in the Arabian Gulf and kick the US out of the Middle East. It has brought nothing but death and instability. Don't be afraid there is nothing the US can do to you all collectively. It's not nearly as powerful as it likes to pretend it is and there are plenty of Asian allies in Russia and China who would love to see the US get kicked out of the region.

Muslims kick the US out of the Middle East.

I'd like to hear the list of pro-American puppets in the middle east


Oct 25, 2017
I don't usually get in to this geopolitics but what the actual fuck? America really has fallen from the Land of the Free


Oct 27, 2017
Washington had a hard time convincing the Palestinian side it was a fair broker even when it was making a moderate effort to craft a peace deal. Future administrations will have that much more ground to make up to convince the PA or its own European allies after this spate of pettiness. IF DC ever wants to reconsider its position and make a deal work, it's going to be a much harder grind because of stuff like this...


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure he'll aid Israel in their continued subjugation of the Palestinians though.


Oct 26, 2017
This is dumb, keep the UN funding so you can make sure they spend the money on stuff that actually helps Palestinians.

If you want to hit the Palestinian Authority, the proper way to do it is through the Taylor Force Act which will withhold funds from the PA until they stop paying terrorists a stipend for killing Israelis and tourists in Israel. It was really creepy walking right past where Taylor was murdered only a month earlier, as it could've been anyone. That his killer's family is getting a massive monthly reward payment from the PA is completely outrageous, why doesn't Trump focus on that instead of the UNRWA who at least do some good?
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