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Oct 26, 2017
"Oh.. Oh yeah?! Well these goddang women were overvoting for liberal policies anyway! You could hear them at night, gathering naked in the woods voting for Satan and his filthy Democrat hordes."


Oct 25, 2017

WaPo: GOP leader McCarthy to Democratic freshmen: Meet with me — please?
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy — soon to be Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy — has a request for the 60 incoming Democratic freshmen: Let's work together!
The California Republican sent a letter to that group Thursday, as first reported by Roll Call, "to express my willingness to work with you for the good of the country — and to extend an open invitation to meet with you in the new year."
"If the next Congress devolves into a partisan food fight of accusations and investigations, it will come at the expense of real solutions for real Americans," McCarthy wrote. An in-person meeting, he added, "will help break down any barriers of misperception and strengthen the foundation for a productive working relationship."
The letter is being greeted with guffaws in the Democratic leadership suites, where members and staffers watched Republicans under the leadership of Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and McCarthy entirely sideline Democrats as they pursued vast health-care and tax legislation. Even the farm bill, a typically bipartisan affair, got held up by ideological warfare until after last month's midterm elections.

Hey we just lost the House
And this is crazy
But here's my number
So call me maybe

He's probably destroyed Christie said no.

Isn't he still acting head of CFBP too? Dude has a lot on his plate. Lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
Mick Mulvaney... Is there anything that man can't do?

By 'acting' I presume that Trump is going to be searching for a permanent CoS moving forward, or is this title going to be his until Trump is out of office?


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Jim Acosta @Acosta

WH official trying to clean up Mulvaney selection to WH pool: "There's no time limit. He's the acting chief of staff, which means he's the chief of staff. He got picked because the president liked him."

Tara Palmeri @tarapalmeri

I'm told this is truly temporary and the President will continue interviewing candidates. Looking for someone outside of the administration


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

Cavuto said, "I know how much you honor the guy, praise the guy, very illustrious career. But he admitted he lied, he did lie. He told investigators he lied. That's just the reality, right?"

"Right, but it's also called 'entrapment,' If he admitted he lied in the investigation…" Nunes replied.

"No one had a gun to his head, though, sir, you know what I'm saying?" Cavuto interrupted.

Nunes told Cavuto, "Neil, if somebody come see you and takes your house and all your money and your retirement and you're out of money and the prosecutors say, 'Well, you know, you could admit to lying,' Neil?"

"That's not what happened," Cavuto said, and when he laid out the fact, Nunes was forced to say, "This is only my personal opinion."

Claire Delune

10 Years in the Making
Oct 25, 2017
Greater Seattle Area
Gotta say this week has completely eliminated whatever lingering anxiety I had about Trump finding a way to shut down the Mueller investigation. Even if he were to somehow miraculously stop it dead in its tracks, there are, what, another 4 investigations going at him? Before we even get to House investigations starting in January?


Oct 25, 2017

Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1

George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, penned another op-ed with Neal Katyal.

"Trump's claim that he didn't violate campaign finance law is weak — and dangerous. The case against the president would be far stronger than the case against John Edwards was."

Kyle Griffin@kylegriffin1

"The campaign finance violations here are among the most important ever in the history of this nation — given the razor-thin win by Trump and the timing of the crimes, they very well may have swung a presidential election."

I was listening to NPR about an interview about the ratings board chairwomaneaving next year and an interesting she mentioned is that different regions of the USA cares about different stuff when it comes to censorship. The coasts for instance cares about violence. The south cares about blasphemy the most. The Midwest was nudity. It's very conceivable to me that had the news come out that Trump had actual affairs instead of just saying grabbing things by thier pussy, that the Midwest and rustbelt, which he won by very thin margins would have been lost to him in 2016.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm convinced they love him solely because he legitimizes hatred. All of that illegal-alien-rapists and a love for the good old days is like sweet nectar to their ears. Despite the tsunami of info that point to his multi faceted criminality and the fact that he's compromised by a foreign power...

As long as he talks that talk... They'll stay right by his side.
Yeah those are the true believers.


Oct 27, 2017
You know it's a great Friday when Mick Mulvaney, Scott Walker, and Chris Christie are the 3 top trends on Twitter.


Feb 28, 2018
Mr. Kellyanne Conway I think just loves being a drama queen but he probably means the things he says - so does his wife, but being the Mouth of Sauron and a professional bullshitter is paying her so well that she's willing to forsake her convictions and probably loves arguing with Chris Cuomo for 30 minutes on primetime every week or so and the attention it gives her.


Oct 25, 2017
Mick Mulvaney is like those NPC sprites in an old-school JRPG who look exactly the same but have completely different jobs.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Gotta say this week has completely eliminated whatever lingering anxiety I had about Trump finding a way to shut down the Mueller investigation. Even if he were to somehow miraculously stop it dead in its tracks, there are, what, another 4 investigations going at him? Before we even get to House investigations starting in January?

Those are only the ones we know of...


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta say this week has completely eliminated whatever lingering anxiety I had about Trump finding a way to shut down the Mueller investigation. Even if he were to somehow miraculously stop it dead in its tracks, there are, what, another 4 investigations going at him? Before we even get to House investigations starting in January?

The House could literally hire Mueller to lead a separate investigation if Trump ever fires him. Nothing stops this train.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've been saying Kamala needs to stop playing it safe. She comes off as fake and focus tested. I think if she let loose she'd be a force to be reckoned with.
Thats the thing that frustrates me. I love her and was all for Kamala after the '16 election as my top choice. A huge chunk of the reason I switched and jumped on the Beto bandwagon as the one I think best positioned to win is due to watching a number of her rallies for candidates in 2018 and seeing just how stiff and awkward she was on the stump. Made me really really nervous. It's a a very tough weakness to overcome and win national elections with.

She is great in interviews and in senate hearings but seems just really stiff when trying to give a speech at a rally. She needs to just let loose or else it will doom her chances. She clearly has the skills, its just she goes stiff and seems like a completely different person if stuck in front of a large crowd.

I get it though, I would be a fucking mess if I was having to give a speech to try and hype up a crowd.


Oct 25, 2017

here we go

edit: guess I shouldn't be surprised that he went along with the crazypants legal argument that nullifying the mandate makes the whole damn thing unconstitutional. inseverable my ass.
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I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Art of the Deal!

President Donald Trump is mulling the prospect of making a counter-offer to Democratic leaders that would prevent a partial government shutdown and kick the border wall fight into next year, according to two sources familiar with the negotiations.

Standing ovation for Pelosi.


Oct 27, 2017
Thats the thing that frustrates me. I love her and was all for Kamala after the '16 election as my top choice. A huge chunk of the reason I switched and jumped on the Beto bandwagon as the one I think best positioned to win is due to watching a number of her rallies for candidates in 2018 and seeing just how stiff and awkward she was on the stump. Made me really really nervous. It's a a very tough weakness to overcome and win national elections with.

She is great in interviews and in senate hearings but seems just really stiff when trying to give a speech at a rally. Similar to Hillary. She needs to just let loose or else it will doom her chances. She clearly has the skills, its just she goes stiff and seems like a completely different person if stuck in front of a large crowd.

I get it though, I would be a fucking mess if I was having to give a speech to try and hype up a crowd.

More examples of her being more loose and herself


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to need something more formal than a non-verified twitter account saying this before I truly lose my shit in anger over fucking Republicans.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017

here we go

edit: guess I shouldn't be surprised that he went along with the crazypants legal argument that nullifying the mandate makes the whole damn thing unconstitutional. inseverable my ass.

This was pretty obvious and he's a fucking awful judge. This legal argument is literal insanity.

I'm going to need something more formal than a non-verified twitter account saying this before I truly lose my shit in anger over fucking Republicans.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

More examples of her being more loose and herself

Yeah, she is fantastic in more intimate settings and discussions like this.Her issue is when she tries to do the traditionally rally thing of trying to rev up a crowd, she does not seem comfortable in that setting. I think her best way to deal with that is to try to stop doing the traditional dem rally speech and just do something more comfortable to her. One big thing is she needs to hire WAY better speech writers. The speeches she gave at rallies in 2018 didnt really benefit her skills and were cookie cutter dem talking points.


Oct 25, 2017

For the record, there were MANY people who wanted to be the White House Chief of Staff. Mick M will do a GREAT job!
Surprised he didn't write Nick M
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder how much flesh Roberts will require from the ACA to save it this time?

We can look forward to legal shit storms like this for the majority of our lives. Expanding the courts will need to be a part of the platform going forward.

The Era of Drowning Government is over. It's well past time Civil Society struck back
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