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That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Lol, the funding number is going down per politico. Schumer doubters take note
Of course it is, why offer the same deal when they come crawling back? It's going to get lower and lower each time they have to go back to the Dems because they failed to get Trump.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

CNN: Trump lashed out at Whitaker after explosive Cohen revelations

Washington (CNN) - President Donald Trump has at least twice in the past few weeks vented to his acting attorney general, angered by federal prosecutors who referenced the President's actions in crimes his former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.
Trump was frustrated, the sources said, that prosecutors Matt Whitaker oversees filed charges that made Trump look bad. None of the sources suggested that the President directed Whitaker to stop the investigation, but rather lashed out at what he felt was an unfair situation.
The first known instance took place when Trump made his displeasure clear to acting attorney general Matt Whitaker after Cohen pleaded guilty November 29 to lying to Congress about a proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow. Whitaker had only been on the job a few weeks following Trump's firing of Jeff Sessions.
Over a week later, Trump again voiced his anger at Whitaker after prosecutors in Manhattan officially implicated the President in a hush-money scheme to buy the silence of women around the 2016 campaign -- something Trump fiercely maintains isn't an illegal campaign contribution. Pointing to articles he said supported his position, Trump pressed Whitaker on why more wasn't being done to control prosecutors in New York who brought the charges in the first place, suggesting they were going rogue.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought the 1.6 was for non-wall tho

Politico is being sloppy. The 1.3 (and 1.6) is for non wall or existing fencing. To be fair they referenced it earlier in the article.

The talks centered around a proposal to boost border security funding by $1.6 billion, but that money could not be used for Trump's border wall, according to lawmakers and aides. The provision — part of the Homeland Security Department's spending package — would be attached to six other appropriations bills funding the government through Sept. 30. A major package of disaster aid would also be attached.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

(((Rep. Nadler))) @RepJerryNadler

Today, I sent a letter to @TheJusticeDept demanding that Acting Attorney General Whitaker come before the House Judiciary Committee so that the American people can finally get some answers. This is not our first time asking politely, but we will not accept 'No' for an answer.


Oct 25, 2017
This new $1.6b for border security Cornyn is talking about is a really good idea. They should've run that by Trump earlier and avoided the shutdown completely.



Nov 11, 2017

(((Rep. Nadler))) @RepJerryNadler

Today, I sent a letter to @TheJusticeDept demanding that Acting Attorney General Whitaker come before the House Judiciary Committee so that the American people can finally get some answers. This is not our first time asking politely, but we will not accept 'No' for an answer.

Can the democrats force his punkass to show up?


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Frank Thorp V @frankthorp
Q: Any update?

Ernst: "There's been no update, we'll be notified when there are votes."

Q: So the shutdown will happen.

Ernst: "I don't know that, I don't know that, don't know that...."

Q: Well, you have adjourned...

Ernst: "Don't know that..."

*elevator doors close*


Oct 25, 2017
Lol, the funding number is going down per politico. Schumer doubters take note
That's right, Mitch, we're offering 1.3 billion. You heard me correctly, 1.1 billion. So let's move ahead on this vote for a CR with 800 million in border money. Let's go, 650 million in the bill, time to vote.


Oct 26, 2017
The government will not reopen until I finish signing all these bills. There's just too many...


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Have we ever had this many shutdowns in one term of a presidency lol? Even if its only 12 hours long. I can only remember one with Obama.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Garrett Haake @GarrettHaake

The White House negotiators - Pence, Kushner & Mulvaney - have left Capitol Hill. No deal tonight.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Trump's enduring unpopularity, original comments on the shutdown, and the tanking market will cause people to blame the Rs for this. Dems should wait for Pelosi and do nothing until then.
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