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It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Watch Trump try and spin the shutdown, as the national emergency itself... in order to fund the thing that he forced the shutdown over.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

WASHINGTON—Turkey is asking the U.S. to provide substantial military support, including air strikes, transport and logistics, so that Turkish forces can assume the main responsibility for fighting the Islamic State extremist group in Syria, senior U.S. officials say.
The Turkish requests are so extensive that, if fully met, the American military might be deepening its involvement in Syria instead of reducing it before leaving, the officials added.
Discussions on how the Turks might take over the Syria mission will take place in talks in the Turkish capital Ankara on Tuesday involving White House National Security Adviser John Bolton; Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs; and James Jeffrey, the State Department envoy for Syria.
Mr. Trump embraced Mr. Erdogan's offer to take on the mission against Islamic State in a Dec. 14 phone call in a decision that surprised both former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Brett McGurk, the U.S. envoy to the coalition fighting Islamic State, people familiar with their thinking said. Both subsequently resigned their posts.
Three U.S. military officials said there was a widespread view that the Turks couldn't replicate the role that the American military has played in Syria against Islamic State, noting that the Turks faced an array of logistical and political challenges. That assessment also is shared by a number of intelligence analysts, a U.S. official said.
"I haven't heard anyone say they think the Turks can do it," one of the military officials said.
The officials said they didn't believe the Turks could logistically move their forces deep into Syria's Middle Euphrates River Valley to battle Islamic State's remnants and provide the supplies they needed. The officials also questioned Turkey's ability to carry out a substantial air campaign against the terror group, which has been a key part of the U.S.-led coalition campaign.

Welp. Doesn't seem like Erdogan had an understanding of the situation either.
Oct 27, 2017
how do you factor in the fact that Trump will successfully spin this as a Democrat problem, the most watched news source in the united states (FOX NEWS) will verify that. And they will hold dems responsible... where is the pressure going to come from in your vision?

Sean Hannity?

Its a cult at this point.

Last night Hannity suggested Trump give them some form of DACA.


Nov 11, 2017
Have you been tracking the polls? Just because a ton of people only get their news from Fox doesn't mean that Fox spin is always effective. I can tell by the mood in my predominantly GOP office that this shutdown over the wall isn't making them happy.

Polls are reality. The GOP works to appease the base. The base is happy with Trump. You think polls matter? Lets see how the senate does not pass bills they already voted on previously due to angry opinions.

Last night Hannity suggested Trump give them some form of DACA.

We've done this movie already. Trump turned it down then, with even more money for the border wall. Fox also said mean things about getting out of syria.

i'm eager to see a shift in the GOP as well, but that shit isn't happening anytime soon folks.

Lets go with that.

Dems said NO WALL => GOP offers DACA => Democrats decline => ITS THE DEMOCRATS FAULT. Hook line and sinker. Which will embolden the bases support of politicians to not back down.

The original question was Does anyone think the GOP will feel pressure to act? No. They will not.


Oct 25, 2017
So did he declare a state of emergency or just hint at it?
They asked him if he had considered using his executive powers to build the wall and he answered that it had been looked into and he believed he could do it. Went on to say he thinks the shutdown will end soon, so he won't have to use them but if he wanted to he could do it.


Oct 25, 2017
Fox News being overtly in the tank for Trump and other media being ineffectual at most times didn't stop the Democrats from winning forty-plus House seats. Trump himself is owning this shutdown every day, and the wall isn't broadly popular, and that basic reality isn't really going to shift much over the coming weeks.

Pretty much. This happened during the midterm and the GOP got their asses kicked despite the base turning out. Losing the House, 7 governorships, and 2 GOP Senate seats despite having the advantage in that section.


Oct 25, 2017
They asked him if he had considered using his executive powers to build the wall and he answered that it had been looked into and he believed he could do it. Went on to say he thinks the shutdown will end soon, so he won't have to use them but if he wanted to he could do it.
In other words, bullshit.

He's used that same "I won't do it but I could" construction before on things that never fucking happened.
Oct 27, 2017
You mean like when Dem's offered $25b in wall funding in exchange for DACA/DREAM Act almost a full year ago and the Trump Administration rejected it? That kind of deal?
Perhaps. I found it notable today when Trump tried to rewrite history during this presser and "explain" how that deal fell apart, and basically telling Hannity (and everyone else) he's going to wait for the court ruling instead.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017

She represents New York. She is looking for donors because campaigns need money, and a big part of pushing Cuomo out behind the scenes was monopolizing access to NY state donors.
He only has one six year term as governor.

Warner getting tapped for a Cabinet would basically guarantee him a Senate seat. I'm curious if McAulliffe would run vs Fairfax in the 2021 Gov primary if that happened.


Oct 25, 2017
"This is something all the previous presidents should have done. Some of them have even told me."

BWAHAHAHA. Please Trump. Tell us what living presidents have told you we need the wall.
Literally all of the current living presidents hate his guts, and the most recently deceased one hated his guts too. What a laughable lie.
Oct 26, 2017
Hopefully it keeps ending up on state ballots.

It'll take longer than having courts rule it illegal, but that avenue is closed to us now.

She'd already be released by the time this went anywhere.

There's some other game going on here.
they announced this to try and prevent further disclosure by butina.

shes struck a deal to give info.

this is moscow reaching out to her saying shut up, we still will protect you.


Oct 27, 2017
If she's only now really feeling out donors, I wonder if Gillibrand isn't actually running.


Oct 25, 2017
Pence would perform far worse than Trump.

He would get absolutely crushed by any Demcrat.

Trump's economic approval is 55/45 (according to the Fox voter analysis).

Generally presidents economic approval is very, very strongly correlated with their job approval.

But people hate how divisive Trump is and how much of an asshole and liar he is. His approval is only 44/55% (according to the Fox voter analysis)

Pence's approval would be closer to his economic approval. He would be just as popular as Trump is among the GOP base. Bush was mega popular with the GOP for years even though his immigration policies were different.

Y'all are crazy if you think Trump's behavior makes him more popular. I am honestly super confused why so many people think this. Haven't you seen how many people are annoyed by Trump's behavior? Even in rural Georgia, there are plenty of "I approve of the economy but hate his behavior", and I hear this even more in urban Georgia...

Also according to Huffington post, Pence's favorables are 39/40, significantly better than Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
ok, ok. Speaking for everyone here, I've decided that I would CONSIDER trading passage of Medicare for All, immediately, for 1.3B in Border Security, some of which would be allowed to spend on fencing or steel slats or whatever. I could move this number around, a little, based on willingness to pass other bills Nancy and I deem appropriate.

Ball's in your court, cucks.


Oct 25, 2017
How does this do her any favors? especially if she wanted the progressive flank
If you don't have any money you don't have a campaign. Gillibrand is way behind the curve organizing relative to Harris, Warren and Beto (I have no idea wtf is going on with Sanders) and the available oxygen on multiple axes, including money, is going to be strained hard in the very new future. She doesn't have a national fundraising machine like Sanders/Beto, so she's going to have to look locally. And that means New York donors.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Shimon Prokupecz @ShimonPro

The federal grand jury used by Robert Mueller has been extended.
The grand jury was seated for an 18-month term that began July 6, 2017, and was set to expire in the coming days. @kpolantz

Katelyn Polantz @kpolantz

The chief judge of the DC District Court has extended the term of the grand jury used by Mueller for indictments.
They were set to expire Jan. 6. Now could sit for up to 6 more months.


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
Trump's economic approval is 55/45 (according to the Fox voter analysis).

Generally presidents economic approval is very, very strongly correlated with their job approval.

But people hate how divisive Trump is and how much of an asshole and liar he is. His approval is only 44/55% (according to the Fox voter analysis)

Pence's approval would be closer to his economic approval. He would be just as popular as Trump is among the GOP base. Bush was mega popular with the GOP for years even though his immigration policies were different.

Y'all are crazy if you think Trump's behavior makes him more popular. I am honestly super confused why so many people think this. Haven't you seen how many people are annoyed by Trump's behavior? Even in rural Georgia, there are plenty of "I approve of the economy but hate his behavior", and I hear this even more in urban Georgia...

Also according to Huffington post, Pence's favorables are 39/40, significantly better than Trump.

They hate having to answer for his behavior, but they actually love his behavior.
Nobody is coming out to Pence rallies. Pence people aren't gonna hold the party hostage for shit. Pence has the charisma of a potted weed. He can't dominate the news cycle or control a message like Trump. They might "like" Pence but they won't "love" him, and he sure as shit won't win a vote in 2020.
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