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Oct 25, 2017
One advantage Biden has is that the only strict requirement for his VP seems to be "a woman more progressive than he, even only marginally," giving him a wide range from which to pick. (I'd argue that "gives him extra insurance in a vital state" is another requirement, hence my confusion at his considering Shaheen and Hassan; we'll win NH anyway.)

All of the other candidates have much narrower options.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Stacy Abrams for VP would be the equivalent of running Beto O'Rourke for President
Nah, more like Mayor Pete. At the same time, I don't really have a problem with putting someone underqualified for VP because.... The VP does pretty much nothing 99% of the time. They're basically a presidential intern.
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Oct 29, 2017
Kamala, Booker, and Klob all have a similar nothing message. If any of the them attempted to differentiate themselves during the beginning of the quiet primary, they would have been in Pete's position with a decent amount of black support now.

Instead it seems like they're all playing this waiting game of, "who can capitalize on Biden's fall?" Although none of them seem to realize that they would still need to differentiate themselves from each other should Biden fall.

Biden isn't going to fall if Warren or Sanders don't win both Iowa and NH. Biden's black support has been steady, and although he's lost a decent percentage, he's still the front runner in the majority of the states he's in. He could lose IA, NH, and California, and he'd still be capable of running a deep primary. The key to knocking out Biden is to have one candidate win Iowa and NH.
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The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
WaPo: House Democratic infighting subsides as party focuses on push to impeach Trump
For almost four months House Democrats have enjoyed something that once seemed unattainable: relative calm inside their caucus.
Democrats have tamped down the internal friction that dominated the spring and summer, creating divisions along ideological and generational lines, as they instead focus on the far more consequential battle of trying to impeach President Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
It's more that the Nixon impeachment had way more flair than this has. There was a break-in, an anonymous source, recordings of everything, that shit had it all.

Ukraine is easy to understand, but it doesn't have the flair that Watergate did.
Schiff said it best, the difference is between that congress and today's congress.


Oct 29, 2017
So no matter what, Nunes isn't resigning, right?

What crimes would he have committed if he was involved? Campaign finance shit?


Oct 27, 2017
Reminder that NYT broke news YESTERDAY that Russia has been on a years long campaign to frame Ukraine for 2016 election meddling and they were using oligarchs to disseminate messaging which found its way into GOP talking points and it was barely a blip on the radar. We are so fucked that we get another confirmation the controlling party of the US government is just an arm of Russian propaganda and nobody even batted an eye. Because we all already know it. Smfh.


Oct 26, 2017
I absolutely agree that more of the current candidates should refuse to go on television
Nah, just hold their feet to the fire with appropriate questions.

Most of the debate questions that might were "what's the first thing you're gonna say to PUTIN?!" and "Do you think Democrats should be shouting "lock him up?"

Really talking about how we're going to help the American people here lol

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Petition to make "Are they protesting Denny's?" The next OT title


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Democrats better be going ham on subpoenas at the Senate trial. These criminals can't keep hiding away their crimes.

And Guilliani definitely has receipts to throw others under the bus. We got state documents showing his link with Pompeo.


Oct 27, 2017
The tricks to being an effective mob boss: Make sure everyone is guilty and in on the crime and to be certain your hands are clean and you're never directly tied to the crime.

the only way to defeat an effective boss is to find the people who have the dirty laundry and force them into a position where they have nothing left to lose.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone talking about news today that an oversight group using FOI to obtain documents showing Pompeo call records showing him being involved with gulianis smear campaign vs yovanovitch, facilitated by Trumps personal assistant?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone talking about news today that an oversight group using FOI to obtain documents showing Pompeo call records showing him being involved with gulianis smear campaign vs yovanovitch, facilitated by Trumps personal assistant?
Yea we got those yesterday.

Lots of text to parse through but it confirms what was already testified... the State department was in on it including Pompeo.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the whole thing will come crashing down on Trump if SDNY indicts and convicts Guilliani in this whole Parnas/Fruman case. As Guilliank stated, he has no reservations with releasing receipts on Trump if that were to happen.

Sadly I don't think this will happen on time. At least not until the report has been made and the articles are deliberated over. Might be in play for the Senate trial. I don't think I will be able to handle Guilliani testifying in congress.


Oct 25, 2017
reading that thread listing out a lot of Problematic Things cenk has said. rip cenk's 2020 campaign


Oct 27, 2017
I would have to think Giuliani publicly threatening to release the goods on Trump if he were thrown under the bus makes Trump more, not less, likely to try severing ties with him. He hates it when anyone on tv acts like they have the upper hand, or that anyone is calling the shots over him. Prob because that is so often the case.


Oct 27, 2017
I would have to think Giuliani publicly threatening to release the goods on Trump if he were thrown under the bus makes Trump more, not less, likely to try severing ties with him. He hates it when anyone on tv acts like they have the upper hand, or that anyone is calling the shots over him. Prob because that is so often the case.

I would love to see this play out. Giuliani turning on Trump would be superlative.


Oct 25, 2017
If im in Congress for impeachment, i would be best srrved to realize Rudy probably has recordings out the ass and turning him should be a top priority. Those investigations need to hurry up. He is the most likely to actually be pardoned by Trump.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
If im in Congress for impeachment, i would be best srrved to realize Rudy probably has recordings out the ass and turning him should be a top priority. Those investigations need to hurry up. He is the most likely to actually be pardoned by Trump.
They already subpoenad Guilliani and he ignored it. Their next play is to have the SDNY indict Guilliani in the Parnas/Fruman case or wait until Senate trial to subpoena him there (no wait to get to courts as you would be in front of a judge).

It's been clear from the start tha Guilliani is the biggest piece of this scandal. Hell he is the one who signal boosted this scandal on live TV!


Oct 27, 2017
It's more that the Nixon impeachment had way more flair than this has. There was a break-in, an anonymous source, recordings of everything, that shit had it all.

Ukraine is easy to understand, but it doesn't have the flair that Watergate did.
I wonder if there's a correlation between people following the impeachment inquiry and fans of shows with political intrigue like Game of Thrones.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Just a small crisis in the civilian-military relationship


Josh Dawsey @jdawsey1

Top military officials threatened to resign or be fired if their plans to remove Chief Gallagher from the SEALs were halted by President Trump, administration officials said. Nice one from @maggieNYT and crew: …

Story w/@DanLamothe from Thursday on how military officials desperately tried to convince Trump not to intervene in cases & that the men were criminals, not heroes. And the reasons he overrode them, including some bad information & a Fox News host: …

1:40 PM - Nov 23, 2019

WaPo:'Insurgents' lobbied Trump for war crimes pardons with little Pentagon involvement, officials say
Rear Adm. Charles Brown, the Navy's top spokesman, said in a statement Thursday night that the service is aware of the president's tweet and awaiting further guidance.
How Trump came to believe that the Pentagon could not handle the cases fairly, and ultimately issue the pardons, reflects his tendency to accept the advice of people outside his administration. The president mostly left defense officials out of his discussions about the issue until a few weeks ago and told his top advisers that his supporters would back the move, according to five officials familiar with the situation.
Instead, the officials said, Trump discussed the issue with other people in his orbit, including Pete Hegseth, a Fox News personality who highlighted the cases on his show and described the service members as heroes facing malicious prosecution. Trump called Hegseth numerous times to discuss the issue and told others about the conversations, according to one current and one former administration official.
This account of how Trump reached his decision — and what comes next — is based on interviews with more than a dozen people familiar with the cases, including White House and Pentagon officials. Many of them spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue and a desire to avoid the president's ire.

On Thursday, Mr. Trump, referring to the pin that signifies membership in an elite force, said on Twitter that "The Navy will NOT be taking away Warfighter and Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher's Trident Pin." He added: "This case was handled very badly from the beginning. Get back to business!"
One argument that officials said may be relied on is the assumption that a tweet does not constitute a formal presidential order. Mr. Esper and General Milley conveyed to the president that if he followed up that tweet with a direct order, there would be huge consequences: Mr. Trump would lose Mr. Spencer and Admiral Green, further infuriate his top military leadership and do untold damage to decades of military justice doctrine, according to administration officials.
Administration officials said they now hoped that Mr. Trump would allow the proceedings to continue, but it is unclear whether the president will do so. The debate over Mr. Gallagher comes as Mr. Trump, facing a difficult re-election battle and an impeachment inquiry, has increasingly sought to highlight his role as commander in chief.
Chief Gallagher's lawyer, Timothy Parlatore, said the president was right to stop the process of ousting the commando because the Navy's move was clear retribution, coming just days after the president's decision to restore his rank.
"With the timing, it's difficult to see how this was anything but a direct, public rebuke to the president," Mr. Parlatore said. "So I can't see how the secretary of defense or anyone else is going to convince the president that is O.K."
On Friday, Mr. Spencer made clear that he wanted to move forward with the matter, which could strip Chief Gallagher of his Trident pin. "I believe the process matters for good order and discipline," he told Reuters in an interview at a security forum in Nova Scotia.
On Saturday, a Navy spokesman pointed to those remarks. "The secretary's comments are in line with current White House guidance," said Rear Adm. Charlie Brown, the chief spokesman for the Navy.
The Pentagon had already been quietly fuming this month after Mr. Trump cleared three members of the armed services, including Chief Gallagher, who were accused or had been convicted of war crimes, overruling military leaders who sought to punish them. All three were lionized by conservative commentators who portrayed them as war heroes unfairly prosecuted for actions taken in the heat of battle.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

I see this video has been making the rounds on the World Wide Web today. A couple points of context, since it's from an interview I did with Lindsey in 2015...
1. We were in rural Iowa following Graham around on his presidential campaign. Remember when Lindsey Graham ran for president? Me neither. But he did.
2. I barely mentioned Biden's name, and he just went off like this, almost entirely unprompted. I'd never been around a politician speaking in such a heartfelt, obviously genuine way about another politician--let alone a politician from another party.
3. I spent a lot of time with Lindsey during his presidential campaign (which , again, was an actual thing), and let me assure you: Lindsey Graham thinks that Donald Trump is a bully, demagogue, clown, a national joke. It's another thing he'd bring up frequently, unprompted.
4. I've spent a lot of time wondering how someone with any integrity could beclown themselves so fully by boosting a President they know is a dangerous buffoon. And the most reasonable answer is the simplest: He wants to feel powerful/important, as he's said himself. That's it.
5. Lindsey's been a politician for essentially his whole adult life and he cannot imagine doing anything else. He likes when people call him "Senator." He likes riding on Air Force 1. He likes sitting on a golf cart with the big, doughy man. That's the reason. It's sad but true.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
NBC News also reporting:

Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1

Breaking via NBC: Military leaders hoping to keep the Secretary of the Navy from quitting lobbied Trump aboard Air Force One to stop intervening in the case of a Navy SEAL accused of murder, say five current and one former military and defense officials. …

1:55 PM - Nov 23, 2019



Oct 25, 2017
I feel like that time the guy from the state department called an emergency hearing to give the gold letter from Rudy to Pompeo was more revealing now, especially since people were saying it was nothing. Rudy is fucked, Pompeo is fucked, Nunes is fucked. And apparently we will be having regular dumps of documents now because of the FOIA lawsuits.
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