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Oct 25, 2017
The backbone of the Democratic Party, old black women, are going to love Pete once they get to know him


Hey, I use that video transition!

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Sanders is going to win the nomination and select Biden as his running mate.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure I understand the point of Warren / Sanders or Sanders / Warren. They're incredibly similar. Both are fine on top of the ticket but I'm not sure what one adds to the other. Booker, or Beto, or Pete all have more value as VPs, if you ask me.

And before anyone asks, my girl Kamala loses a lot of value as VP. Her killing Trump in the debates, and scaring the shit out of him is a huge part of her value, that she won't be able to offer as VP.

I still want to see her win, even if that window looks to be closing right now, barring a great showing in the next debate.
I think Harris against not-Mother Pence would be pretty effective and amusing, but she kind of would be wasted as a VP.


Oct 25, 2017
Kopmala is young enough to try again probably. So is Gillary.

This will not be Buttigieg's last Presidential run I assume.


Oct 27, 2017
The Warren/Sanders, Sanders/Warren ticket will signal that they're serious about reforming society into something more equitable.
I mean, if Sanders is at the top of the ticket is anyone who would tell you that they're really concerned about "reforming society into something more equitable" going to think "well maybe he's not that serious since he picked someone more moderate as VP"? That's his whole thing. And Warren's, although I can at least imagine some Sanders dead-enders basically thinking that anyone other than Sanders is inherently not serious. But 2016 is pretty good evidence that there aren't many of these people, and you have to figure there will be even fewer protest (non)votes this time.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck you O'Donnell, you stupid motherfucker. Can you imagine the headlines if this ever goes to trial? Fuck.

At least no other outlet ran with it as far as I know so the damage is hopefully contained.
Do you disbelieve the claim? I'm sure Donald Trump not only has Russian oligarch's co-signing loans for him, they're directly lending him money, legally and illegally. O'Donnell broke a story prematurely and without corroboration, but I think that information will eventually be revealed in one of the many investigations into Trump's finances. Maybe as a result of Trump suing for defamation, which is a thing he would actually do if he were innocent. Any day now.


Oct 30, 2017
Do you disbelieve the claim? I'm sure Donald Trump not only has Russian oligarch's co-signing loans for him, they're directly lending him money, legally and illegally. O'Donnell broke a story prematurely and without corroboration, but I think that information will eventually be revealed in one of the many investigations into Trump's finances. Maybe as a result of Trump suing for defamation, which is a thing he would actually do if he were innocent. Any day now.

O'Donnell retracted the claim on air. I can easily believe Trump's been involved in illegality (and money laundering) for decades, but breaking a story with no evidence and that no major news org has picked up while relying on a single source is terrible, shitty journalism and he deserves the blowback. It doesn't matter how much I want to believe it.

Luckily, unlike the BuzzFeed fuck-up most people have learned to wait for confirmation from elsewhere.
Oct 26, 2017
probably because she seems more likely to win iowa, but i do think posters are being a little too flip about her not interesting black voters. just saying "don't worry it'll work itself out" is a real bad recipe y'all!!

Thank you. Yeah that's basically my point.

With Mayor Pete it's like, "Oh with his 0%, he's got serious problems with black voters! He got no pathway to the nomination!"

But with Warren, it's like "Oh her 1-2% with black voters, don't worry about it, they'll just automatically fall in line after Iowa. Look at Obama!"

Nevermind that Warren isn't a historic black Presidential candidate and the circumstances are completely different. Let's just pretend Warren doesn't need to do anything to earn black voters, and they'll just flock to her after Iowa.

I think some of you need a reminder that black turnout was down in 2016 (lowest since 2000). Black voters don't just automatically follow whoever wins Iowa and becomes the nominee.

And before anyone asks, my girl Kamala loses a lot of value as VP. Her killing Trump in the debates, and scaring the shit out of him is a huge part of her value, that she won't be able to offer as VP.

Don't worry, there's still a few of us riding on Team Kamala. I agree she's officially lost her frontrunner status since I don't think she's polling in double digits in any major poll in the past month. Her overall chances have definitely gone down, but she's still a dark horse candidate. She just needs Biden to stumble because I think there's quite a bit of overlap in their constituency, which is why when she had her debate bump, she went up and he immediately went down. And once Biden recovered, his poll numbers went back up and hers went back down to earth. I see Kamala and Biden occupying the same lane, but it's just Biden is dominating it so much right now. She won't get any oxygen unless Biden has another "My time is up." moment.

And yeah, Kamala may not be as good as a debater as Biden in his prime, but Prime Biden is long gone. I think right now Kamala is probably best equipped to take on Trump both in the debates and on the stump. I think she's a very strong GE candidate if she could actually make it. Harris is an alpha-dog, so you lose a lot of the benefits if she were the VP. Someone like Beta Dog Beto would be a perfect VP with his nice-guy persona.

That said I'd take Kamala as VP in a heartbeat over Stacey Abrams who's completely unqualified to be President.


Oct 25, 2017
Harris support overlaps with Warren's not Biden's.

Depending upon which poll one looks at if he were to drop out his voters would flow to Sanders and Warren, or into undecided.
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Nov 5, 2017
New Zealand

I don't know if this was posted but I hope Age of Trump never gets mentioned in history books.

This seems different than usual. It strikes me as subtle acknowledge of his growing self awareness that his recorded accomplishments don't amount to much or have otherwise been not well received, as well as a tell to his fear that his tenure may be coming to an end.


Nov 5, 2017
Thank you. Yeah that's basically my point.

With Mayor Pete it's like, "Oh with his 0%, he's got serious problems with black voters! He got no pathway to the nomination!"

But with Warren, it's like "Oh her 1-2% with black voters, don't worry about it, they'll just automatically fall in line after Iowa. Look at Obama!"

Nevermind that Warren isn't a historic black Presidential candidate and the circumstances are completely different. Let's just pretend Warren doesn't need to do anything to earn black voters, and they'll just flock to her after Iowa.

I think some of you need a reminder that black turnout was down in 2016 (lowest since 2000). Black voters don't just automatically follow whoever wins Iowa and becomes the nominee.

Don't worry, there's still a few of us riding on Team Kamala. I agree she's officially lost her frontrunner status since I don't think she's polling in double digits in any major poll in the past month. Her overall chances have definitely gone down, but she's still a dark horse candidate. She just needs Biden to stumble because I think there's quite a bit of overlap in their constituency, which is why when she had her debate bump, she went up and he immediately went down. And once Biden recovered, his poll numbers went back up and hers went back down to earth. I see Kamala and Biden occupying the same lane, but it's just Biden is dominating it so much right now. She won't get any oxygen unless Biden has another "My time is up." moment.

And yeah, Kamala may not be as good as a debater as Biden in his prime, but Prime Biden is long gone. I think right now Kamala is probably best equipped to take on Trump both in the debates and on the stump. I think she's a very strong GE candidate if she could actually make it. Harris is an alpha-dog, so you lose a lot of the benefits if she were the VP. Someone like Beta Dog Beto would be a perfect VP with his nice-guy persona.

That said I'd take Kamala as VP in a heartbeat over Stacey Abrams who's completely unqualified to be President.
Most people who are skeptical of Mayor Pete's electability with Black voters versus Warren's stems from things like this, back in June:

"We've taken a lot of steps, but they clearly haven't been enough," said Buttigieg, who is in his second term as mayor of South Bend, Ind.

The largely black audience of hundreds was having little of it, frequently interrupting and shouting over the mayor. "We don't trust you!" a woman hollered at Buttigieg.

Buttigieg is a much more common figure in American politics: a white politician struggling to connect with his black constituents, many of whom are plagued by grinding poverty and violence that their wunderkind mayor has been unable to eradicate after seven years in office.

"You might as well just withdraw your name from the presidential race," said a woman in the raucous crowd. "His presidential campaign is over... I believe that today ended his campaign."

South Bend police said that Sgt. Ryan O'Neill shot Eric Jack Logan, 53, in the parking lot of an apartment complex. O'Neill was responding to reports of cars being burglarized. When he approached Logan, he said, the man threatened him with a knife.

The sergeant didn't turn on his body camera as required, leaving black residents, already skeptical of their police department after past controversies, in doubt of the sergeant's side of the story

The shooting victim's mother publicly chastised the mayor. "I have been here all my life, and you have not done a damn thing about me or my son or none of these people out here," Shirley Newbill told Buttigieg. "It's time for you to do something."

Buttigieg has promised to recruit more officers of color and tighten police discipline standards, though he balked over the phrasing of a petition demanding that the U.S. Justice Department investigate the shooting.

For some black residents, Buttigieg had already failed the biggest chance he had to build trust with the community, back when he was first elected mayor in 2011 as a 29-year-old.

Not long after in 2012, he pushed out the city's black police chief, Darryl Boykins, over allegations that Boykins improperly recorded white police officials making racist remarks. The crisis unleashed a flurry of litigation that resulted in financial settlements for the officers and for the former chief.



Oct 25, 2017
The Economic has the best interactive crosstabs.

It breaks down race with education.
She needs to grow support among black and Hispanic non-college educated voters.

She actually does well with white non college educated and wins among college educated poc.

Her age/gender support is pretty across the board. While Sanders and Biden are opposing ladders when it comes to age.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck you O'Donnell, you stupid motherfucker. Can you imagine the headlines if this ever goes to trial? Fuck.

At least no other outlet ran with it as far as I know so the damage is hopefully contained.
It is very, very difficult for a public figure to win a defamation case. Trump's team would have to prove O'Donnell acted with "actual malice" -- in other words, that he acted "with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether [the statement] was false or not."


Oct 25, 2017
This post has me convinced that people have totally forgotten 2008.

Or 2004.

Or 1992, for that matter.
Nevermind that Warren isn't a historic black Presidential candidate and the circumstances are completely different. Let's just pretend Warren doesn't need to do anything to earn black voters, and they'll just flock to her after Iowa.

It's like folks believe politics began in 2008 out here.

John Kerry steamrolled with black support after Iowa and New Hampshire. There is an argument to be made that winning and strength consolidate demographic groups. Losing Iowa and New Hampshire certainly isn't going to increase Biden's support if his whole argument dissolves.

Also it is kind of insulting to suggest Warren isn't doing anything to earn black voter support. She's been working her ass off anywhere she can, and has presented great ideas to help POC from remedies for redlining, disparities in sentencing, reparations, pay disparities for WOC, investing heavily in HBCUs, Grants ( not loans) for helping black entrapenuers, fighting back on racist voter suppression with her massive election reform plans. I mean it's a demonstrably false idea. She is always very well received by POC, like at essencefest, rainbow push, etc. While I know these events aren't the whole community, its just an example that she is everywhere she can to reach out and form coalitions and convince activist POC that she is on their side and will fight to help make their lives better. She has put in place the policies that would make her most likely to gain a share of this block of voters IMO.

You can argue that POC don't want what she is selling, but to suggest she isn't doing anything to earn their support is willfully disingenuous.

What is Biden doing? He just won the Obama lottery.
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Oct 26, 2017
John Kerry steamrolled with black support after Iowa and New Hampshire. There is an argument to be made that winning and strength consolidate demographic groups. Losing Iowa and New Hampshire certainly isn't going to increase Biden's support if his whole argument dissolves.

Well John Kerry did lose South Carolina, so I wouldn't necessarily say he "steamrolled" with black support after Iowa and New Hampshire...


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
In recent favorability polling, Warren has dramatically increased her perception with black voters. There's been some where she's higher than Biden. Combine that with her actually having a pulse with Hispanics and doing better than you would expect with non-college educated whites.

Pete does horrible with everyone but college educated whites in national polling.
Oct 26, 2017
The argument you guys are making for Warren, almost the exact same thing could be said if Mayor Booty wins Iowa and NH. Yet you guys treat it as a night and day difference between Warren and Booty rather than a marginal one.

Also black voters vote 75-90% Democratic so almost every eventual nominee is going to see increased black support at the end of the process compared to the beginning.

But I'll repeat it again, 2016 had the lowest black turnout since 2000. You guys are taking the attitude of, "Oh blacks will just fall in line after Iowa". I'm saying I would be a little more concerned about Warren's relatively poor black support so far because it could affect her ability to fully mobilize the black vote, which goes to her electability issue.

If you believe Buttigieg is disqualified because of the lack of black support, then you have to be consistent and admit Warren has a lot of work to do as well instead of just hand waving it away.


Oct 25, 2017

Breaking News: The Trump administration is set to announce that it will sharply curtail regulations on methane emissions, a major contributor to climate change


Oct 25, 2017
I think if Bootyjudge manages to win Iowa then the dynamics of the race change a lot.
I don't think he will win Iowa though.

Everyone has relatively poor black support so far except Joe Biden.
And no one really thinks Joe Biden's black support is actual enthusiasm.

So basically, Trump will win.

nature boy

Oct 25, 2017

Crazy Lawrence O'Donnell, who has been calling me wrong from even before I announced my run for the Presidency, even being previously forced by NBC to apologize, which he did while crying, for things he said about me & The Apprentice, was again forced to apologize, this time.....

for the most ridiculous claim of all, that Russia, Russia, Russia, or Russian oligarchs, co-signed loan documents for me, a guarantee. Totally false, as is virtually everything else he, and much of the rest of the LameStream Media, has said about me for years. ALL APOLOGIZE!

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
Seeing Trump recycle "Crazy" as a nickname makes me want to revive my "Lazy Donald" crusade.

Would drive him nuts. It's so fetch.


Oct 27, 2017
It's just the POTUS, on Twitter, demanding everyone apologize to him.

This really is the stupidest timeline.


Oct 25, 2017
If you're an elected official and can't make the debate stage when Andrew Yang can then you have zero argument.

It's not like the first debates where you could just get in with donors.
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