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Oct 25, 2017
Obama obviously was not as well known as Hillary Clinton, lol. But he wasn't an unknown.
And I'm not really saying a more establishment candidate hasn't put in work in black communities, as the Clintons did.

Biden has from memory 3 field offices in SC. I don't really know what exactly he's done to put in the work over his ten thousand years in Washington.
What does Biden have? A strong association to Barack Obama.
In the counterfactual universe where he doesn't have that, he runs as abysmally as he did in 2008 and 1901.
I don't really know what Kerry did to put in the work to win the majority of black support in 2004, but win it he did.

Anyway, I'm rather bored of this. I'm not even sure how it got to talking about establishment vs insurgent candidates anyway.

From a quick look a the individual contributions in Biden's filing... I would guestimate about $4-5 million of his $15 million raised is from maxed out donors.
About $8.4 million of his Q2 was from maxed out donors.
Some of the money he's raised he can't actually spend, because it's earmarked for a GE.
His small dollar donations (<$200) dropped from about $8M to about $4M.


Oct 25, 2017
Wonder what Trump and GOP senators think when they see these latest impeachment polls. Those numbers are terrible and we haven't even had any public hearings! And there's still new, explosive testimony and reporting daily.
Oct 25, 2017
Man, I know others here have said it before, but I have to add to the chorus of "What the heck did I ever see in Pete Buttigieg as a candidate earlier this year?"


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
I bet FOX is really conflicted right now: Report on the massive snub by Turkey that makes godking look as weak as he is (something they loved to accuse Obama of), or ignore it and be unable to capitalize on the "U.S. won't take this!" rah rah jingoism.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

The Lis Smith Comfortably Smug connection is finally in trine.


Oct 29, 2017
Honest to god would vote for Biden over Pete, that's how lame he is.

What makes Pete worse than Biden is that Pete is such a fucking snake. Just straight up trash pretending to be something more. To get my bible on, he's some lukewarm thing that needs to be spat out. I went from being mildly entertained by him to outright persona non grata. I hope he doesn't hold public office in 2020 or beyond.

In other news, the wait for Donny's taxes and business filings grows stronger:

No surprise that Trump's NY state tax filings are inconsistent with bank loan applications. Perhaps there's an explanation but it looks like either bank fraud or tax fraud & at a minimum, merits further investigation.
Trump has previously been accused of manipulating numbers on his tax and loan documents, including by his former lawyer, Cohen. But Trump's business is notoriously opaque, with records rarely surfacing, and up till now there's been little documentary evidence supporting those claims.

That's one reason that multiple governmental entities, including two congressional committees and the office of the Manhattan district attorney, have subpoenaed Donald Trump's tax returns. Trump has resisted, taking his battles to federal courts in Washington and New York.
And so the question of whether different parts of the government can see the president's financial information is now playing out in two appeals courts and seems destined to make it to the U.S. Supreme Court. Add to that a Washington Post account of an IRS whistleblower claiming political interference in the handling of the president's audit, and the result is what amounts to frenetic interest in one person's tax returns.

ProPublica obtained the property tax documents using New York's Freedom of Information Law. The documents were public because Trump appealed his property tax bill for the buildings every year for nine years in a row, the extent of the available records. We compared the tax records with loan records that became public when Trump's lender, Ladder Capital, sold the debt on his properties as part of mortgage-backed securities.

Much more at article. Follow the money.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Racist, sexual predator, liar, cheater, traitor, and corrupt. Traits that Rubio thinks are great for the president.

And to think the guy likes to act all principled. 😂


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
What makes Pete worse than Biden is that Pete is such a fucking snake. Just straight up trash pretending to be something more. To get my bible on, he's some lukewarm thing that needs to be spat out. I went from being mildly entertained by him to outright persona non grata. I hope he doesn't hold public office in 2020 or beyond.

In other news, the wait for Donny's taxes and business filings grows stronger:

Much more at article. Follow the money.



Oct 25, 2017
Imagine meeting with the parents of a child you murdered and telling them you won't be held accountable.


Jul 25, 2018

"You say your son's killer is in the country... well we have a surprise for you, open door number 1 !!!"

Something I looked for but couldn't find about that tragedy, is how long had she been in the UK? Trump's defense of her was that it's hard to remember about driving on the other side of the road. As someone who has driven plenty in UK, Europe and US it's surprisingly not hard at all to stay in the correct lanes, and when does Trump ever drive himself? I might give that defense some slack if it was her first ever time driving there, and iirc it happed just 400 yards from the military base, but if she had been there for a year or two then hell no.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017

46% is how much of the vote Trump got last election. When I'm not on my happy hopium pills I reasonably expect this is about what he'll get next time (thanks to people who disapprove of him, but will rationalize voting for him anyway).

The key is making sure the anti-Trump vote doesn't fracture between third parties this time - frankly, I don't think it will. If 52% want to get Trump out of office before his term is even up, I imagine they'll be desperate enough to vote for anyone to get him out of office, whether it's Biden, Warren or Sanders. Third party candidates will still get votes, they always do, but it will probably look more like the ~2% that Johnson and Stein got in 2012 as opposed to the ~6% they got in 2016 along with McMullin.

A 52-46 election is pretty similar to Obama's 08 performance, and probably gives you a similar map to last year's elections:


Could probably add North Carolina and maybe Georgia, while Texas and Ohio are moonshots.


Oct 27, 2017

Hmmm... I wonder if he was told his testimony contradicted something from the past two days... and who would tell him that.


Oct 28, 2018


Oct 27, 2017

Rep. Andy Biggs, chairman of House Freedom Caucus who is pushing a resolution to censure Schiff, announces he plans to walk into SCIF and demand to see Kurt Volker transcript, where he will likely be denied because he doesn't sit on the relevant committees conducting the intvw.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't like the people Bernie has surrounded himself with, but it's a stretch to say that he's in it for the control.
I will never forgive sanders for making the 'economic anxiety' excuse when referring to trump supporters.

"Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media. People are tired of working longer hours for lower wages, of seeing decent paying jobs go to China and other low-wage countries, of billionaires not paying any federal income taxes and of not being able to afford a college education for their kids - all while the very rich become much richer. "

So yes, he sorrounds himself with scum and yes men much in the same way that trump does because he feels that it's his given right to be president. Sanders should not be running. He is a liability to democrats beating trump in 2020 and I assure you that he will throw another tantrum again next year when he inevitably loses the primaries.


Oct 27, 2017
That's like a half dozen >50% removal polls now, right?

I also think this is becoming an "are you just fucking sick of him" poll, only partly related to the Ukraine scandal. So kicking up sand around Hunter Biden isn't going to do much.

Yes, I feel the same.

I think people are just tired of all the scandals... Which will only get worse for him once the hearings begin.*

* Assuming the Trump WH isn't able to railroad the investigation by continuously ignoring subpoenas.


Dec 3, 2018
Imagine meeting with the parents of a child you murdered and telling them you won't be held accountable.
I hope people scream "Murderer" to her in public for the rest of her miserable life and never let her forget it. There is a proper solution to this, own up to your mistake, go back to the UK and take your punishment. Unfortunate things happen in life, but being a total piece of shit and dodging the repercussions is what trash people do.

Also this story just confirms that Trump is a total sociopath with no empathy for anyone. Who meets grieving parents and says we have your son's killer next door but won't turn him in or do anything about it?

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
What makes Pete worse than Biden is that Pete is such a fucking snake. Just straight up trash pretending to be something more. To get my bible on, he's some lukewarm thing that needs to be spat out. I went from being mildly entertained by him to outright persona non grata. I hope he doesn't hold public office in 2020 or beyond.

In other news, the wait for Donny's taxes and business filings grows stronger:

Much more at article. Follow the money.

Oh, the thing we have all known and presumed for years is actually quite possibly true?

I still have ahem "fond" memories of stating this argument to potential Trump voting peers about how terrible his business practices are. How he refuses to impart tax returns publicly to avoid clear cases of fraud and or worse, potentially dubious connections to dark and foreign money interests. How he 'pays' contractors by stiffing them and then suing them in court forcing them to further financial strain to fight or walk away empty. How most of his properties are (in)effective money-laundering schemes for foreign oligarchs. Oh and how every single reputable bank or loan institution refuses to work with him except the most corrrupt one with links to Putin.

But emails...


Oct 25, 2017

Biden said that he was the only one to have ever achieved anything (lol).

Warren talked about getting the CFPB from an idea she had in a paper to a new Federal agency.

Biden the proceeded to take credit.

She threw a bit of shade, rightly so.

He decided he would be condescending and continued to interrupt her.

Women don't respond favourably to this, because all of the above happens to them a lot.

This motherfucker. He literally campaigns like a Blue Dog version of Trump.

He can't run out of money and fuck off into history soon enough.
Beshear and Bevin tied 46-46 in new poll:

Just In: A new @MasonDixonPoll survey shows Republican @GovMattBevin and Democratic Attorney General @AndyBeshearKY deadlocked in a 46-46 tie Kentucky's gubernatorial race, with the election just three weeks away.… via @courierjournal

God fucking DAMMIT Kentucky.

Just when you think Trump can't get any lower....
This is gonna get absolutely nasty by the end of January because it's clear somethings changed behind the scenes at his campaign. He's younger and more eloquent so these attacks don't sound like a stumbling mess like if Biden had said them.
Yeah, something weird is going on behind the scenes. He's gone from Mr. Nice Guy to Mr. Asshole really quickly.


Oct 25, 2017
It's kind of amusing that rose twitter weirdos are actually cancelling Ayanna Pressley.

When their ilk was complaining about the cancelling of AOC. Which no one was doing, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I know most in this thread are in the tank for Warren already so this is probably spitting in the wind, but the idea that Pete (or anyone) sniping at Warren for being evasive on the tax issue re: M4A is "slimy" and being a snake is so ridiculous. She IS being evasive! When you're asked, yes or no, will Medicare for All raise taxes and don't respond with a yes or no, you are literally evading the question.

Now I also get why she's doing it, and I think it's smart to frame it in terms of total costs (I think she needs to refresh that framing a bit though because it can sound like she's just repeating herself, which, again, is literally the case). But if she evades the question and is called out on being evasive about it, then that's totally fair. Healthcare is the #1 issue concerning voters, and if Warren doesn't have a rock-solid defense for her position on healthcare against someone like Buttigieg or Klobuchar -- and, imo, she has done a largely good job of this already anyway but it hasn't been perfect -- then she probably shouldn't be the nominee.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
46% is how much of the vote Trump got last election. When I'm not on my happy hopium pills I reasonably expect this is about what he'll get next time (thanks to people who disapprove of him, but will rationalize voting for him anyway).

The key is making sure the anti-Trump vote doesn't fracture between third parties this time - frankly, I don't think it will. If 52% want to get Trump out of office before his term is even up, I imagine they'll be desperate enough to vote for anyone to get him out of office, whether it's Biden, Warren or Sanders. Third party candidates will still get votes, they always do, but it will probably look more like the ~2% that Johnson and Stein got in 2012 as opposed to the ~6% they got in 2016 along with McMullin.

A 52-46 election is pretty similar to Obama's 08 performance, and probably gives you a similar map to last year's elections:


Could probably add North Carolina and maybe Georgia, while Texas and Ohio are moonshots.
I don't think Florida would count on that map. Dems lost the Senate seat in Florida.
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