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Oct 27, 2017
They know that they can't stop the dominoes from falling, so of course that's the pizza they order. Smart.

Are they going to storm Elijah Cummings lying in state tomorrow too? Trump is probably going to try and steal the news cycle from Cummings somehow.


Feb 15, 2019
They know that they can't stop the dominoes from falling, so of course that's the pizza they order. Smart.

Are they going to storm Elijah Cummings lying in state tomorrow too? Trump is probably going to try and steal the news cycle from Cummings somehow.

This would be one line I don't think even the dumbest republicans will cross. I suspect tomorrow they will be respectful, but i don't believe there is going to be any testimony tomorrow either.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Republicans and/or Trump will find a way to shit themselves tomorrow as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I saw this report on what Steve Bannon is up to and it's basically some kind of impeachment podcast.

What it sounds like is that he views impeachment in the House as an inevitibility and he's trying to give whatever hope he can that Trump can get through the Senate with an acquittal.

Which is basically telling Trump to not be Trump

Stop calling the inquiry a "witch hunt" and a "deep state" conspiracy, they said by way of guidance to the president and his advisers, because it's deluding too many Trump supporters into a sense of complacency.

Stop insisting that polls showing majority public support for the impeachment inquiry are "fake news" — because they aren't.

Stop dismissing everyone who testifies about the Trump administration's dealings with Ukraine as a radical unelected bureaucrat.

And stop letting Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump's personal lawyer, go on Laura Ingraham's and Sean Hannity's prime time Fox News programs to defend the president.

"We can't do the Rudy thing anymore," said Mr. Bannon, who in his days as a Trump adviser — and proud provocateur — pushed the nationalist ideology that the president adopted. "Too many Ukrainian names, too many moving pieces."

It sounds like in general Bannon and his cohosts are frustrated with Republican messaging too.

But there is one person they think is doing an excellent job here!

In a broadcast earlier this week, Mr. Bannon warned Mr. Trump's supporters not to be blinded by their animosity toward the speaker. "I don't care if you hate Nancy Pelosi," he said. "This is a master, and she is teaching a master class."

"Tough as boot leather," he added.

Mr. Miller said Wednesday that Ms. Pelosi is one of "the best communications directors on the planet," who has been able to dominate news cycles by releasing key details from the closed-door testimony. That's what Democrats did on Tuesday after William B. Taylor Jr., the top American diplomat in Ukraine, described how Mr. Trump held up $391 million in assistance for the purpose of forcing Ukraine to help Mr. Trump discredit his potential 2020 political rivals.

Ms. Pelosi, added Mr. Kassam, has figured out how to use the Congressional investigative process to the Democrats' advantage. And Mr. Trump's supporters can't belittle that.


Oct 26, 2017
I missed the reporting that Trump got Z to promise to read the thing on CNN. I remember the early whistleblower scuttlebutt was concern about a "promise" the president (assumingly) made. I could never square that with the extortion, why would trump promise anything. This makes much more sense now, the promise was Z capitulating to the extortion.

If this pans out (and consequently the word for word transcript that got hidden differs from the released "readout") I think that's game over IMO


May 16, 2019
Oh look I was right and it isn't "being weak" to not give the GOP what they want.
Yeah. I think in general cooler heads are the better answer when the GOP is losing theirs. As I said earlier, we aren't the pros in this arena, and the Dems showed that today because they made the right move when we would have made the wrong move.


Nov 27, 2017
I just have no faith in Ohio.

I will say, Sherrod is like the Ohio Senate whisperer. I think in a better climate the GOP would have gotten a better recruit, probably Kasich, and then we'd have been more than not fucked. But Sherrod is STRANGELY popular with blue collar/working class white men. It's very weird.


Oct 25, 2017
Good move with Dem's not being suckered into the GOP clusterfuck optics moment and actually providing them with some lunch as they wasted more important people's time.


Oct 25, 2017

I will say, Sherrod is like the Ohio Senate whisperer. I think in a better climate the GOP would have gotten a better recruit, probably Kasich, and then we'd have been more than not fucked. But Sherrod is STRANGELY popular with blue collar/working class white men. It's very weird.
In 2012, a D+1 environment, he won by 6. In 2018, a D+8.6 environment, he won by... 6. In a midterm under President Hillary, he would've been screwed.


Nov 27, 2017
In 2012, a D+1 environment, he won by 6. In 2018, a D+8.6 environment, he won by... 6. In a midterm under President Hillary, he would've been screwed.
Possibly. He's still insanely popular in the areas where we are not popular, and does so without catering to their worse impulses. It's VERY weird. I think it's the voice. Or the hair.


Oct 25, 2017
Possibly. He's still insanely popular in the areas where we are not popular, and does so without catering to their worse impulses. It's VERY weird. I think it's the voice. Or the hair.

The only thing that saved him was Trump in the White House. He would have certainly loss last year under a Hillary midterm. Manchin would have been in a similar dire position and I think he certainly would have called it quits and retired.


Nov 27, 2017
The only thing that saved him was Trump in the White House. He would have certainly loss last year under a Hillary midterm. Manchin would have been in a similar dire position and I think he certainly would have called it quits and retired.
I mean, I just live here, but genuinely I think y'all aren't giving him a slight benefit of the doubt here. He's very popular in the union areas. He's not toxic to the mouth breathers. He manages to do well with our stronger areas/voters. My husband's union voted overwhelmingly to endorse him (to where Fuck Face Ren got less than a handful of votes.) Guy's pretty well liked. I think "certainly lost" is a stretch, considering he managed to actually increase his vote share from 2012. Trump being in the White House definitely made it easier, as did having a shitty opponent. But, I do not think it would be a slam dunk to unseat him.



Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
In 2012, a D+1 environment, he won by 6. In 2018, a D+8.6 environment, he won by... 6. In a midterm under President Hillary, he would've been screwed.
I'm fairly confident that a Hillary presidency would've shown the door to all the people who lost, Manchin, Tester, Sherrod... McSally and Heller would've won and we would've been up all night worrying about Stabenow, Tina Smith, the new Tim Kaine, and Heinrich. And probably would've lost one or two of those too.

EDIT: Forgot Casey, he might be fucked too.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm fairly confident that a Hillary presidency would've shown the door to all the people who lost, Manchin, Tester, Sherrod... McSally and Heller would've won and we would've been up all night worrying about Stabenow, Tina Smith, the new Tim Kaine, and Heinrich. And probably would've lost one or two of those too.
I think Heinrich would've been okay because of the state's demographics and Hillary's winning it. I know it still gives people some vestigial ~~~swing state~~~ jitters, but I don't buy it.

All three of the 2016 Rust Belt Disaster State Trio - Stabenow, Casey, and Baldwin - would've been in danger, but I think by law of averages one would've survived. I'm just not sure who. For some reason my gut just said Casey. I have no clue why.

As for VA, Comstock (ugh) probably would've tried for it.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
I think Heinrich would've been okay because of the state's demographics and Hillary's winning it. I know it still gives people some vestigial ~~~swing state~~~ jitters, but I don't buy it.

All three of the 2016 Rust Belt Disaster State Trio - Stabenow, Casey, and Baldwin - would've been in danger, but I think by law of averages one would've survived. I'm just not sure who. For some reason my gut just said Casey. I have no clue why.

As for VA, Comstock (ugh) probably would've tried for it.
I actually think that a Hillary presidency with like -10 approvals would've screwed them all over and we absolutely would have to be worried about New Mexico. It's not vestigial swing state jitters.

I mean, there's no way to prove this, but it would've been a fucking disaster.


Nov 27, 2017
Rachel making fun of Alex Mooney calling from inside the SCIF is mood.

And also what I'd be like on cocaine.

I assume.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually think that a Hillary presidency with like -10 approvals would've screwed them all over and we absolutely would have to be worried about New Mexico. It's not vestigial swing state jitters.

I mean, there's no way to prove this, but it would've been a fucking disaster.

Over the course of 3 midterms we would have potentially had a net loss of 23 seats. (6+9+9)


Oct 25, 2017

"Name me one thing that Ukraine did to release the money. Nothing," McCarthy said, referring to U.S. aid that Congress had allocated for Ukraine. The money was released in September after public and congressional outcry over the White House's interference with the funds.

"To have a quid pro quo, you have to exchange, both sides, for another thing" McCarthy said. "Nothing transformed."

Asked whether it was OK for Trump to demand investigations even if Ukraine did not comply with the demand, McCarthy pivoted to the White House memorandum of Trump's phone call with Zelensky, refusing to speak about testimony from State Department officials.



Jul 25, 2018
To be clear, McCarthy is describing extortion, the holding up of funds to combat Russia, for personal political gain.

I'm embarrassed for these clowns, so shamelessly defending obvious anti-Constitutional and perhaps illegal behavior, the very things they signed an oath to defend against, for the favor of the Clown in Chief who will throw them under the bus in a second. How do they look at themselves in the mirror at night?
Oct 25, 2017
It's absolutely insane the best questioner on the ethics committee was a bartender last year. AOC is already Kamala level without absolutely zero courtroom experience.
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