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Oct 25, 2017
This is hilarious considering like 80% of the people in this thread used to dumpster on Memerson (some of it for good reason tbh).
Their methodology doesn't make sense, but they end up with the right outcome more often than not. I can't explain how it keeps happening. Their numbers aren't even reflected in exit polls or anything. They consistently oversample young voters and more conservative voters, which don't show up in the numbers they predict, but then the outcome is fairly close to their prediction. It's 32 broke clocks all being right at the same time.


Oct 25, 2017


Nov 16, 2017
Biden folks have been saying "Russia and Trump want Sanders because he'll lose!" for weeks now.
I mean theres a playbook for whoever the candidate is and whatever happens. GOP will play all sides. This is how they prime Bernie supporters for possible future comms.

If the race gets closer expect more of this play making his supporters feel like their party is working against them and they should stay home or vote jill stein.

Now that Biden is back from the dead, Im sure the Rudy Burisma shit will be back too.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys, I have traveled into the depths of what was essentially a Trump rally and feel like I need a shower.

I got invited by a friend to go to a comedy show today. I was thinking sure, why not, comedy shows can be fun regardless of what is being talked about with only knowing a cursory amount of info of who was at the theater. I was not prepared for what I was about to witness.

It was a full on MAGA rally. Jokes about every democratic political figure, one dude in the crowd standing up at one point saying he "has AOC in the books from 700 yards". Praise of people like Ben Shapiro, Rush Limbaugh and all things Trump and this one dude in the crowd that just wouldn't shut the hell up and just had to add his 2 cents for everything said

And honestly, I'm not even upset with the comedians, they are 100% doing what they need to do to get all the money. The crowd being 100% into it with zero irony just blew my mind because God damn they just ate it all up. Anything and everything that was digging on any democratic figure was met with a room filling amount of laughter and clapping, even when jokes weren't landing.

Alright well that's enough, I wasn't sure where else to put this but I just needed to write out how truly insane parts of the Republican party have become and seeing it in person brought my hope for humanity down a few notches.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys, I have traveled into the depths of what was essentially a Trump rally and feel like I need a shower.

I got invited by a friend to go to a comedy show today. I was thinking sure, why not, comedy shows can be fun regardless of what is being talked about with only knowing a cursory amount of info of who was at the theater. I was not prepared for what I was about to witness.

It was a full on MAGA rally. Jokes about every democratic political figure, one dude in the crowd standing up at one point saying he "has AOC in the books from 700 yards". Praise of people like Ben Shapiro, Rush Limbaugh and all things Trump and this one dude in the crowd that just wouldn't shut the hell up and just had to add his 2 cents for everything said

And honestly, I'm not even upset with the comedians, they are 100% doing what they need to do to get all the money. The crowd being 100% into it with zero irony just blew my mind because God damn they just ate it all up. Anything and everything that was digging on any democratic figure was met with a room filling amount of laughter and clapping, even when jokes weren't landing.

Alright well that's enough, I wasn't sure where else to put this but I just needed to write out how truly insane parts of the Republican party have become and seeing it in person brought my hope for humanity down a few notches.
Honestly if I were in your position, as soon as I realized I was at some kind of comedy MAGA event I would have experienced flashbacks to Dennis Miller on the O'Reilly Factor and bolted for the nearest exit
Oct 26, 2017
Warren lost a lot of respect from me in the past few weeks. From the convention thing to the super PAC thing as well as the unity candidate call. Really not sure what's going on in her camp but it has been severely disappointing as have been her results. Feels like a younger Warren would have dropped out by now and endorsed another candidate. It's going to be a sad day when she loses in her own home state.

I want to see hungry "fuck Bloomberg" Warren, not "let's see what happens at the convention!" Warren.

It's worth noting that Bloomberg has NOT bought ads past Super Tuesday. I am hoping that he sees the writing on the wall and thinks that he is just flushing money down the toilet.

Crazy scenario for Warren winning the nomination:

*Bloomberg drops out, Warren starts to rack up delegates with Klob and Buttiegeg out.
*It is now a 3 person race between Bernie, Biden and Warren.
*Bernie suffers a heart attack and is forced to drop out of the race completely, endorses Warren as he steps down and pledges to give all of his delegates to her.
*Convention happens, Bernie + Warren has more delegates than Biden. Bernie Bros throw a hissy fit and demand that the progressive candidate be pushed over the top. Warren is declared the nominee and Obama comes out to endorse her.

Cool fan-fiction.

But it does seem that Warren has fallen into the common presidential candidate syndrome of just "not wanting the ride to end".

There's no real viable pathway forward that doesn't require some bizarre "martians land on earth" scenario. She hasn't come close to winning a single state. She hasn't won a delegate since Iowa. And she can't point to a single state in the next month that's she favored to win.

But this is likely her last Presidential run. This will be the biggest stage she'll ever have with 4 hour selfie lines and etc. It's very hard to walk away from that. People like Pete, Kamala, Beto, Booker, and Castro still have a lot of Presidential cycles ahead of them. For Warren, this is probably it.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys, I have traveled into the depths of what was essentially a Trump rally and feel like I need a shower.

I got invited by a friend to go to a comedy show today. I was thinking sure, why not, comedy shows can be fun regardless of what is being talked about with only knowing a cursory amount of info of who was at the theater. I was not prepared for what I was about to witness.

It was a full on MAGA rally. Jokes about every democratic political figure, one dude in the crowd standing up at one point saying he "has AOC in the books from 700 yards". Praise of people like Ben Shapiro, Rush Limbaugh and all things Trump and this one dude in the crowd that just wouldn't shut the hell up and just had to add his 2 cents for everything said

And honestly, I'm not even upset with the comedians, they are 100% doing what they need to do to get all the money. The crowd being 100% into it with zero irony just blew my mind because God damn they just ate it all up. Anything and everything that was digging on any democratic figure was met with a room filling amount of laughter and clapping, even when jokes weren't landing.

Alright well that's enough, I wasn't sure where else to put this but I just needed to write out how truly insane parts of the Republican party have become and seeing it in person brought my hope for humanity down a few notches.

what area of the country was this?


Oct 27, 2017
Mayor Booty, we hardly knew ye. Winning one of the first 4 states and dropping out before Super Tuesday has got to be new. At the same time he certain did accomplish a good deal and went farther than anyone was anticipating he would.

Way to totally fucking waste everyone's time, unknown hundreds of thousands of hours of human efforts, and untold millions of donated dollars for the greater campaigns, Iowa! Pete last-minute boosts in early states and Bloomberg from here on has blocked us from the even footing Biden-Sanders-Warren race that would have been a lot more interesting. They felt like the natural final three (with maaaaybe Harris or Beto for a 4th) like 9 months ago already. A shame they're nott enter it more evenly. I do like the obvious background talkings that Warren is a dramatically better third candidate versus Amy or Pete (RIP obviously). Like. Duh. That was obvious forever ago.

So yeah, fuck Bloomberg, and, actually, fuck Biden to an extent. Him entering the race practically made him an instant lock for SC, where if he'd stayed away we could have seen some better evolution out of the candidates on the black vote. That's the sort of thing we needed to see, and whoever made the more inroads there would have had the momentum into Super Tuesday and not.............. Biden.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019
Guys, I have traveled into the depths of what was essentially a Trump rally and feel like I need a shower.

I got invited by a friend to go to a comedy show today. I was thinking sure, why not, comedy shows can be fun regardless of what is being talked about with only knowing a cursory amount of info of who was at the theater. I was not prepared for what I was about to witness.

It was a full on MAGA rally. Jokes about every democratic political figure, one dude in the crowd standing up at one point saying he "has AOC in the books from 700 yards". Praise of people like Ben Shapiro, Rush Limbaugh and all things Trump and this one dude in the crowd that just wouldn't shut the hell up and just had to add his 2 cents for everything said

And honestly, I'm not even upset with the comedians, they are 100% doing what they need to do to get all the money. The crowd being 100% into it with zero irony just blew my mind because God damn they just ate it all up. Anything and everything that was digging on any democratic figure was met with a room filling amount of laughter and clapping, even when jokes weren't landing.

Alright well that's enough, I wasn't sure where else to put this but I just needed to write out how truly insane parts of the Republican party have become and seeing it in person brought my hope for humanity down a few notches.
Must've felt like a nightmare being in there
Oct 25, 2017
I actually went to two Trump rallies in 2016 just to see the insanity up close. I never actually saw any of the actual speeches but my friends and I walked around outside. Conservatives are a special sort of deranged.

We met a suburban woman with a full on MAGA husband who clearly forced her to come. She went on a rant to my Salvadoran friend and I that we're going to "stop being liberals and become Republicans once we grow up and start paying taxes". What an idiot.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys, I have traveled into the depths of what was essentially a Trump rally and feel like I need a shower.

I got invited by a friend to go to a comedy show today. I was thinking sure, why not, comedy shows can be fun regardless of what is being talked about with only knowing a cursory amount of info of who was at the theater. I was not prepared for what I was about to witness.

It was a full on MAGA rally. Jokes about every democratic political figure, one dude in the crowd standing up at one point saying he "has AOC in the books from 700 yards". Praise of people like Ben Shapiro, Rush Limbaugh and all things Trump and this one dude in the crowd that just wouldn't shut the hell up and just had to add his 2 cents for everything said

And honestly, I'm not even upset with the comedians, they are 100% doing what they need to do to get all the money. The crowd being 100% into it with zero irony just blew my mind because God damn they just ate it all up. Anything and everything that was digging on any democratic figure was met with a room filling amount of laughter and clapping, even when jokes weren't landing.

Alright well that's enough, I wasn't sure where else to put this but I just needed to write out how truly insane parts of the Republican party have become and seeing it in person brought my hope for humanity down a few notches.
and you are friends with this person because
Oct 27, 2017
The World
Good on Pete to drop out and unlike Warren and Amy preserving his reputation for the future. Warren and Amy have less delegates than him and really have zero right to stay in the race still.

Also, Super Tuesday is going to produce results not seen in any polls due to the 3 day only difference between SC and ST and added on top Pete dropping out.


Feb 28, 2018
Emerson being the most accurate pollster so far is endlessly funny to me after everyone in this thread routinely dragged it for it's allegedly bad methodology and called it an illegitimate pollster.


Nov 6, 2017
Biden isn't gonna beat Trump folks. Dude can't answer a question. He says 5 words and says "Look" and talks about something else. He is losing it. The fact he is the best the establishment has is wack.

Bernie will get the nom in a contested convention because he still has his marbles. Biden is a blubbering buffoon who is not in good health.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Biden isn't gonna beat Trump folks. Dude can't answer a question. He says 5 words and says "Look" and talks about something else. He is losing it. The fact he is the best the establishment has is wack.

Bernie will get the nom in a contested convention because he still has his marbles. Biden is a blubbering buffoon who is not in good health.
Here's the problem.

If either one of them loses to Trump, it'll devastate that wing.

Phife Dawg

Oct 27, 2017
Biden isn't gonna beat Trump folks. Dude can't answer a question. He says 5 words and says "Look" and talks about something else. He is losing it. The fact he is the best the establishment has is wack.

Bernie will get the nom in a contested convention because he still has his marbles. Biden is a blubbering buffoon who is not in good health.
If anything Trump has shown that answering questions or being in good health (or winning debates) is not a pre-condition to winning a GE. It's all about mobilizing the voters that count, where they count.


Oct 13, 2018
Biden isn't gonna beat Trump folks. Dude can't answer a question. He says 5 words and says "Look" and talks about something else. He is losing it. The fact he is the best the establishment has is wack.

Bernie will get the nom in a contested convention because he still has his marbles. Biden is a blubbering buffoon who is not in good health.

Bernie had a literal heart attack.


Feb 28, 2018
Here's the problem.

If either one of them loses to Trump, it'll devastate that wing.
If Bernie loses? Sure. If Biden loses, do you think the party leadership and media elites will roll over and acknowledge the Progressives have a point? Hell no. They'll say Bernie would have lost even worse and members here will gleefully reiterate.
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