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Dec 31, 2017
lol he has not been, but even if he has, he's gotten some damn good hits on Bernie.

He just got told off by the moderator to honor the rules of the debate. lol. He's had good answers but he has this habit of talking over people. It just makes the debate annoying. Just like Warrens constant over-time answers. Biden is right to get angry at this.


Jan 27, 2018
Bloomberg clearly has a paid cheering section here. Not even a little bit subtle
Yeah this crowd is weird, just mentioning billionaires in a negative way makes them booo!
When Warren was slapping Bloombergs cheeks there were boooos, and they were weirdly timed, like as though they were booooing Warren, but I brushed that off as them boooing Bloomberg.
After that Bernie booo, it's pretty clear that the audience is packed with Bloomberg stooges.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean we have people praising Pete to the heavens in here and he's just talking over people.

It's about how people look.

Pete looks confident, and generally at ease.

Warren doesn't tonight, for some reason. Last week she was perfect tonight she has a different tone and habitus. For lack or a better explanation.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
It's about how people look.

Pete looks confident, and generally at ease.

Warren doesn't tonight, for some reason. Last week she was perfect tonight she has a different tone and habitus. For lack or a better explanation.

Last week Bloomberg helped her out by repeatedly walking into the line of fire. He's more cautious this time around which made her extend her attack on him into an area that felt forced rather than organic.

I think she's recovered somewhat but that early exchange was not a good one.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this crowd is weird, just mentioning billionaires in a negative way makes them booo!
When Warren was slapping Bloombergs cheeks there were boooos, and they were weirdly timed, like as though they were booooing Warren, but I brushed that off as them boooing Bloomberg.
After that Bernie booo, it's pretty clear that the audience is packed with Bloomberg stooges.
Biden has received the biggest applause of the night, an audience full of Bloomberg plants wound not be cheering Biden. There are some Bloomberg plants, that's obvious., but people acting like the entire audience is Bloomberg plants is ridiculous


Nov 27, 2017
The issue between Pete maybe talking over folks and Warren, Warren is coming off as incredibly desperate. She's trying way, way too hard. She wants another moment and those just happen. I love Warren, but she could dial it down a tad and I wouldn't be mad.


Oct 27, 2017
Warren needs to expand her focus, it's way too tunnelvisioned on Bloomberg

I've noticed this.

I feel that she knows the writing is on the wall for her campaign but she cannot allow someone like Bloomberg to share the stage. Though she won't be the nominee she at least took out Bloomberg so she'll always have a place in my heart.


Oct 25, 2017
Why spend fifty billion dollars to figure out dietary health concerns when you can just walk through a grocery store?

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Oct 25, 2017
Last week Bloomberg helped her out by repeatedly walking into the line of fire. He's more cautious this time around which made her extend her attack on him into an area that felt forced rather than organic.

I think she's recovered somewhat but that early exchange was not a good one.
Indeed. Like, it really didn't help that he didn't give her much of an opening all to explain how he didn't exactly release those women from their NDAs, that he put the burden on them instead of just releasing them himself, which he easily could have. And like that being the case, the attack comes off not only looking rehashed, but Bloomberg even came off looking okay there as "having corrected a mistake" so to speak. He's definitely not leaving the same openings he did the first time.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017


Moderator: "Ok Mr. Vice President... we will get back to you..."


Anyway Bernie finding his footing now that the debate temperature has calmed down. Still needs to make up for the first half.


Jan 27, 2018
Biden has received the biggest applause of the night, an audience full of Bloomberg plants wound not be cheering Biden. There are some Bloomberg plants, that's obvious., but people acting like the entire audience is Bloomberg plants is ridiculous
Kloburnator just said she would decriminalize mj and expunge record and there was nothing, Bloomberg said the same thing 1 min later and gets wooos and applause, then Bernie comes in and says the same thing but he'll do it on day one and there was barely anything.

Like cmon bruh, it's painfully obvious.


Oct 27, 2017
Getting to the internet late on this... what weird version of Sanders is this? Biden is not awful? Bloomberg is still awful despite 24/7 prep for the past week, which should shock no one.

I don't entirely mind selling off the debate tickets for a gazillion dollars, I guess? The DNC does run the things. Just pretend it's a band at the venue instead and no one would mind. I'd much rather they highest bidder the things and give the money to charity, though.


Oct 27, 2017
This is by far the worst run debate. The moderators are absolutely horrible. They have no control and the constant shifting from one random topic to the next is killing the conversations. And then cutting to an ad break in the middle of Biden's answer, fuck's sake.


Nov 27, 2017
If Rep Clyburn wanted to wait to make sure Biden didn't shit the bed, so far, I think he's got his answer.
A nightmare scenario for Bernie would be Biden getting the Clyburn endorsement, leading to a strong Biden win, followed by momentum going into Super Tuesday. If you're a super tuesday voter and this is your first debate, idk if Bernie is doing anything for you here.


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure if the Dem party will get flack for this, but having the audience being full of people who can afford 1500$+ tickets was a bad idea. I get what they are trying to do, but all it takes is a night like this to happen. It looks like Bloomberg has bought out a very vocal section of the crowd. The crowd booing Warren when she talked about Bloombergs kill it line was a real bad look. I have no idea if he actually did buy out some of the crowd, but it just looks that way. Just not a good look.
If Rep Clyburn wanted to wait to make sure Biden didn't shit the bed, so far, I think he's got his answer.
A nightmare scenario for Bernie would be Biden getting the Clyburn endorsement, leading to a strong Biden win, followed by momentum going into Super Tuesday. If you're a super tuesday voter and this is your first debate, idk if Bernie is doing anything for you here.
Don't really think it's a nightmare scenario. Bunch of the votes have already been cast, and for the most part he's not run any ads in most ST states. If ST was in two weeks instead of next week I would agree with you. Just think it's a little too late.

Edit: Or if he could blanket the airwaves like Bloomberg.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if they will get flack for this, but having the audience being full of people who can afford 1500$+ tickets was a bad idea. I get what they are trying to do, but all it takes is a night like this to happen. It looks like Bloomberg has bought out a very vocal section of the crowd. The crowd booing Warren when she talked about Bloombergs kill it line was a real bad look. I have no idea if he actually did buy out some of the crowd, but it just looks that way. Just not a good look.
That was the moment that tipped me off as well. It was night and day from the Nevada crowd. And yeah that was not a good look at all, Bloomberg should be obliterated for saying shit like that and the crowd shouldn't be booing the candidate who brings this up.


Jan 27, 2018
Not sure if they will get flack for this, but having the audience being full of people who can afford 1500$+ tickets was a bad idea. I get what they are trying to do, but all it takes is a night like this to happen. It looks like Bloomberg has bought out a very vocal section of the crowd. The crowd booing Warren when she talked about Bloombergs kill it line was a real bad look. I have no idea if he actually did buy out some of the crowd, but it just looks that way. Just not a good look.
Don't really think it's a nightmare scenario. Bunch of the votes have already been cast, and for the most part he's not run any ads in most ST states. If ST was in two weeks instead of next week I would agree with you. Just think it's a little too late.
They should get flack for it, this crowd is awful and it's painfully transparent.
Oct 25, 2017
The issue between Pete maybe talking over folks and Warren, Warren is coming off as incredibly desperate. She's trying way, way too hard. She wants another moment and those just happen. I love Warren, but she could dial it down a tad and I wouldn't be mad.
The issue is Pete is a man and it's okay for men to talk over people meanwhile the woman comes off as "desperate."


Nov 27, 2017
Don't really think it's a nightmare scenario. Bunch of the votes have already been cast, and for the most part he's not run any ads in most ST states. If ST was in two weeks instead of next week I would agree with you. Just think it's a little too late.
The issue is, in a lot of ST Bernie doesn't really have a commanding lead, outside like Utah and California. A surging narrative for Biden is not good for Bernie. I think he needed to come out here tonight confident, sure of himself and ...not whatever he's been for the first half of this debate.
The issue is Pete is a man and it's okay for men to talk over people meanwhile the woman comes off as "desperate."
I mean, that's not really fair. You absolutely know I support Warren. She has retread a lot of the same attacks against Bloomberg from last week. She had an amazing debate last week, she's not having as good of a debate tonight.
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