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Oct 25, 2017

This #COVID19 proposal out of the house financial committee is really good:

- 2k/month per person every month of the crisis
- suspension of all mortgages, student loans, credit card and loan payments
- prohibit debt collection and repossession
- $5b in homeless assistance

Great, now get out there and blast this over the airwaves as much as you can. Get your surrogates out there, etc., etc.

It'll never, ever, EVER get signed into law in this form, but blast it anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Watch: if that plan or a slightly weakened version passes and Trump takes credit (he will), all the people saying OuTFlanKeD will turn around and say, "Why the hell did she give Trump something so good to run on? She wants him reelected."

Trust and believe.
Oct 25, 2017

The replies to this are crazy. With the left and right being anti Chinese govt here (whether based in racism & not), I'm curious whether China leaves this entire thing with a much weaker global standing.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Watch: if that plan or a slightly weakened version passes and Trump takes credit (he will), all the people saying OuTFlanKeD will turn around and say, "Why the hell did she give Trump something so good to run on? She wants him reelected."

Trust and believe.
Didn't something like that happen already?
Some people just want to complain about disarray.

Kid Heart

Oct 25, 2017

This #COVID19 proposal out of the house financial committee is really good:

- 2k/month per person every month of the crisis
- suspension of all mortgages, student loans, credit card and loan payments
- prohibit debt collection and repossession
- $5b in homeless assistance

Looks good to me. I felt people talking about the Democrats being outflanked hit the panic button way too earlier. That, or some were just looking for any reason to complain at all about the party tbh.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
GOP and Xi are both running from the same page in the same playbook, "othering" the other (slur name for Coronavirus/made in a US Army biolab).

Those hands could not point away from themselves fast enough.

Looks like they're stalling changing the gov in Israel

Israel parliament speaker shuts Knesset, enraging opposition

Israel's Knesset speaker Wednesday abruptly adjourned all parliamentary meetings until next week, apparently a response to the new coronavirus, in a move that froze opposition efforts to discuss bills seeking Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ouster. The decision drew angry accusations from...

"I can't be removed! I'd not live long enough to even be sentenced! Do whatever it takes!!!"


Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA

This #COVID19 proposal out of the house financial committee is really good:

- 2k/month per person every month of the crisis
- suspension of all mortgages, student loans, credit card and loan payments
- prohibit debt collection and repossession
- $5b in homeless assistance

God, this would help so many people. Hope it passes and we can push it in McConnell's stupid fucking turtle face.


Oct 25, 2017
I imagine if that bill passes, we'll be going to a conference committee. Even the best-case Senate bill won't be nearly as generous.


Nov 27, 2017
Yeah! And at $2k/adult + $1k/child, that means Adam's going to get like $20k/month!

I am on board with this plan. For Freedom. Plz send me my children's freedom dividends made out to "cash"
Thank you.

If you can't make them out to Cash, please make them out to their legal names: Tax Credits 1 through 6. It's a family name.


Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Said this in the Discord, but I'll mention it here.
God, when people ask me why I'm voting for Joe Biden, this type of progressive ass legislation is exactly fucking why. Yes, it'll be watered down in the Senate even if we held both branches, but still, this is the type of stuff that gets me jazzed about voting in November.
I don't really much care for the rhetoric of Joe Biden tbh but this shit, this shit right here gets my blood going. I'm just jazzed about the type of stuff a DDD trifecta can consider and pass, even more so if we get an extended stay there


Oct 25, 2017
Said this in the Discord, but I'll mention it here.
God, when people ask me why I'm voting for Joe Biden, this type of progressive ass legislation is exactly fucking why. Yes, it'll be watered down in the Senate even if we held both branches, but still, this is the type of stuff that gets me jazzed about voting in November.
I don't really much care for the rhetoric of Joe Biden tbh but this shit, this shit right here gets my blood going. I'm just jazzed about the type of stuff a DDD trifecta can consider and pass, even more so if we get an extended stay there
Yep. Any Democratic president would sign this sort of legislation. We just need to win.


Oct 27, 2017

The replies to this are crazy. With the left and right being anti Chinese govt here (whether based in racism & not), I'm curious whether China leaves this entire thing with a much weaker global standing.

This would be a lot more light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel gratifying if it weren't for the two months of scary, draconian shit China had to pull to get to this point
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR

This #COVID19 proposal out of the house financial committee is really good:

- 2k/month per person every month of the crisis
- suspension of all mortgages, student loans, credit card and loan payments
- prohibit debt collection and repossession
- $5b in homeless assistance

Damn, I wish this was actually feasible instead of a pipedream that will be immediately discarded by Republicans in the Senate. My family getting an additional 5k per month while my wife struggles with job insecurity (working in food service) and no bills due after literally closing on a house in the last three weeks? Game changer. Frankly an abbreviated version of this would still help keep us afloat.


Oct 27, 2017
While no new infections in Wuhan is great if true, that depends on whether you trust the CCP to be totally honest and transparent on data and information. How many Uighur Muslims are being thrown in concentration camps and 're-educated'?

All wings of our party are much more unified than the Republicans.
That's not what the Lying Liberal Media tells me. No matter what, Democrats will always be in disarray. Forever.


Jack of All Streams
Oct 25, 2017
I'll be honest. I'd probably use the 1k on one of my loans.

Which would immediately help me finish off one of my loans and free up some extra cash per paycheck. So I can have extra reserve money to help out my family if shit goes bad for us.

... Unless I end up losing my job, in which case there's no extra money and then I have to rely on them. But I'd have one less loan to deal with/building up interest.

So the money probably wouldn't go back into the economy. But it probably would help me getting on better footing regardless of whether or not I lose my job? I don't know.


Oct 25, 2017
This would be a lot more light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel gratifying if it weren't for the two months of scary, draconian shit China had to pull to get to this point

South Korea is actually doing really well by taking lessons from China on testing but not implementing more of most restrictive methods.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
All wings of our party are much more unified than the Republicans.
Yeah, there's the appearance that a Republicans are in lockstep on everything but you also have to remember, the Republicans barely have any proactive policy proposals. Cut taxes, which they did, that's about it. Anything else they basically just endorse the status quo on.

Look at what Ryan's House was able to pass while Republicans had unity government. The tax cuts, the ACA repeal, the Dodd-Frank repeal. ACA repeal blew up, and Dodd-Frank was destined to die in the Senate, but still, that's basically the scope of it. Compare that to how much Pelosi's passed, even knowing that basically none of it will pass the Senate until Democrats have unity government.


Oct 27, 2017
I never go out anyway, but I miss my kids. Not seeing my seniors graduate will be tough.
Has OK closed schools for the year? What are the plans for grades? There was talk here of freezing grades where they are, but my daughter hates that idea. Her high school in Maryland is still planning students to come back in another week, and then it's Spring Break. Haha. I expect the rest of the year will get canceled soon enough, along with SAT/ACT testing. I wonder if colleges will just have to waive standardized test scores?


Oct 25, 2017
Has OK closed schools for the year? What are the plans for grades? There was talk here of freezing grades where they are, but my daughter hates that idea. Her high school in Maryland is still planning students to come back in another week, and then it's Spring Break. Haha. I expect the rest of the year will get canceled soon enough, along with SAT/ACT testing. I wonder if colleges will just have to waive standardized test scores?
We've closed until April 6 but might very well close for the rest of the year.

We've been told the kids will graduate but have been given on guidance regarding grades. In fact, we've been explicitly told not to grade during the shutdown.
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