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Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
First sitting state lawmaker has died from COVID

Freshman Dem from the Detroit area.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
We know he won't be the last to fall to this either. RIP

"They just really like racism" and "tribalism" are true but I think not sufficient to explain the kookiness of it all. It's not that Trump is just really evil. It's that he's a clown.

I think the blame for this actually falls on the less racist part of the party too. The problem is the Republican Party's opposition to expertise of any sort. On issue after issue, the party establishment wanted to do things that were generally against the interests of even their own voters, and to make this happen they had to persuade their voters that experts don't know what they're talking about. You can't sell these economic policies if people are listening to serious economists. You can't have people believing in climate change. You certainly don't want people to have an informed perspective on how other countries approach certain problems and how well their solutions have worked. The party establishment has promoted kooks for decades.

Now, there have always been populist kooks too. Creationists and so on. But where this has gone off the rails is that there is literally no serious policy apparatus in the Republican Party. There are "think tanks", but these are funded in order to promote specific policies, not to try to come up with new ideas -- the point is to generate intellectual-ish defenses of what the donors want to do anyway. There just aren't any Republican intellectuals anymore, because no one listened to them anyway and whenever someone pointed out how dumb one of the other things the party was doing was they got kicked out.

Yup. Been that way since 2009 (MYSTERIES ABOUND AS TO WHY but the Kochs/Leos/Limbaughs/Moscow Mitches of the world had a hand in it as well). Made it easy to roll too...


Oct 25, 2017
So fucked

Australia is under a 6mo mandatory lockdown from what I heard from a friend there.

Not quite accurate, according to The Guardian:

Scott Morrison says gatherings in Australia will now be restricted to two people, down from 10, and there will be a six-month moratorium on evictions for commercial and residential tenants in financial distress because of the economic shock associated with the coronavirus outbreak.

I presume that's where the "6 month" comes from.

The national cabinet has also tightened social distancing measures in an effort to contain community transmissions of the virus. The prime minister told reporters on Sunday night members of the same household could still mingle together both inside and outside, but a limit of two would be set for all other interactions, and the limits would be enforced by authorities in New South Wales and Victoria.

Underpinning the new limit on gatherings, public playgrounds, outside gyms and skateparks would be closed from Monday, and group boot camps are no longer permitted.

With the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases now heading towards 4,000, and 16 fatalities recorded, Morrison told reporters on Sunday night Australians now needed to stay home unless they were shopping for food and other essentials, attending medical appointments, exercising, or attending work or education.

Edit: Although it occurs to me that there's no time limit mentioned there, so maybe it is 6 months for everything but essential shopping etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Trudeau has a more popular response? But he hasn't done anything at all other than stay at home! Does Canada have any lockdowns at all? I can't reference to any on google.


Oct 25, 2017
Exclusive: Justice Department reviews stock trades by lawmakers after coronavirus briefings

The Justice Department has started to probe a series of stock transactions made by lawmakers ahead of the sharp market downturn stemming from the spread of coronavirus, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The inquiry, which is still in its early stages and being done in coordination with the Securities and Exchange Commission, has so far included outreach from the FBI to at least one lawmaker, Sen. Richard Burr, seeking information about the trades, according to one of the sources.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
i really think it would be a good idea for Biden to comment on Trump saying 200k Americans dying would be a good job whenever Pegasus frees him from the Yugioh card he is trapped in


Oct 25, 2017
i really think it would be a good idea for Biden to comment on Trump saying 200k Americans dying would be a good job whenever Pegasus frees him from the Yugioh card he is trapped in
Trumps been on camera multiple times saying h1n1 had like 12k deaths or something and that was a disaster. Any competent ad person knows what to do.


Oct 27, 2017
What federal jurisdiction would that be under? Please tell me SDNY, because now we're having fun.
I have low expectations but I hope they get Burr and Loeffler.
They'd never actually get prosecuted under a Trump administration, but Doug Jones could totally go for it so long as he nabbed up Feinstein at the same time for it to be fair.


May 16, 2019
In case you all missed it, there was a sobering article from Business Insider about a nurse who grabbed a picture of the temporary morgue at one of NYC's hospitals. To me, the lack of photographs of the hospitals and the mortal danger this virus poses has been a real failing from journalist and allowed too many Americans to brush off the danger.

Here's the link to the article.

A New York nurse shared a chilling photo of coronavirus victims to show ‘the ghastly reality of what’ medical workers deal with on frontlines

The harrowing image shows the bodies of deceased COVID-19 patients being stored in a refrigerated truck outside the ambulance bay.

And because it may be behind a paywall if you're over your allotted articles, here's the pic in question.

Chrissy Day Trader on Twitter

“Harrowing imagine from the inside of a truck in New York City. All victims of the coronavirus. Image taken by a local nurse and shared by @MiriamElder at Buzzfeed.”


Oct 27, 2017
To me, the lack of photographs of the hospitals and the mortal danger this virus poses has been a real failing from journalist and allowed too many Americans to brush off the danger.

I was expecting no actual footage out of hospitals in China and we've had at least some looks at Italy, but in the US I would have expected the internet be plastered top to bottom by testimonials and media from hospital staff or at least patients.


Oct 25, 2017
as we all know writing a weird rape fantasy essay is worse than actually raping someone

Both deserve side eye along with a huge heaping
side order of: jfc someone get to the bottom of this. But yes absolutely one is clearly and unequivocally worse than the other, shitbag Biden. And shitbag media cuz I can already tell he won't get hammered with this even a quarter than Hillary did with the email stuff. Far as I'm concerned he can run/win in November and then be fired into the sun if the allegations are proven true. Until then massive side eye to him until he responds and I'll still vote for him cuz Bernie couldn't even beat Biden due to lack of coalition building so in my eyes Bernie isn't a super great pick but if he's given the delegates and then the nom I'd vote for him. Would have preferred Kamala or Warren infinitely more than these 2 left standing.

Edit: sorry for the rambling TED talk just barely caught up with the last thread sad to see people get banned =/ and good God I agree with the other poster; why the fuck am I more busy during a pandemic? >_<;


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Aaron Littman on Twitter

“Major move by @GovWhitmer to allow Michigan jails that are not overcrowded to use statutory release mechanisms normally available when they are, and to suspend procedural requirements (i.e., delays). Nearly all jails are far too crowded to allow for social distancing.”
Oct 26, 2017

Trying to BS his way out of 100,000 -200,000 deaths might work if it was some far off foreign war with a bunch of brown people dying.

But if you have 200,000 deaths on American soil in just 4 months with tens of millions infected fearing for their life, just about every American is going to know someone who was seriously ill or died. When shit hits the fan, the argument of "well there could have been even more shit" isn't going to bring comfort to a lot of people and it's hardly a winning argument for competency.

You can BS nebulous GDP numbers but not American deaths on American soil. And if we have 100,000+ deaths, it's not just going to be old people in blue states, you'll have millennials and people in red states making up a percentage of those deaths as well with many more infected fearing for their life or family member's.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Trying to BS his way out of 100,000 -200,000 deaths might work if it was some far off foreign war with a bunch of brown people dying.

But if you have 200,000 deaths on American soil in just 4 months with tens of millions infected fearing for their life, just about every American is going to know someone who was seriously ill or died. When shit hits the fan, the argument of "well there could have been even more shit" isn't going to bring comfort to a lot of people and it's hardly a winning argument for competency.

You can BS nebulous GDP numbers but not American deaths on American soil. And if we have 100,000+ deaths, it's not just going to be old people in blue states, you'll have millennials and people in red states making up a percentage of those deaths as well with many more infected fearing for their life or family member's.
Even if it was true (and it isn't because he can absolutely do more to stop this shit), it's a case of saying something you should absolutely never ever say as a political leader. It's so fucking moronic and it would sink any Democrat immediately.

Jupiter IV

Jan 6, 2018
Trying to BS his way out of 100,000 -200,000 deaths might work if it was some far off foreign war with a bunch of brown people dying.

But if you have 200,000 deaths on American soil in just 4 months with tens of millions infected fearing for their life, just about every American is going to know someone who was seriously ill or died. When shit hits the fan, the argument of "well there could have been even more shit" isn't going to bring comfort to a lot of people and it's hardly a winning argument for competency.

You can BS nebulous GDP numbers but not American deaths on American soil. And if we have 100,000+ deaths, it's not just going to be old people in blue states, you'll have millennials and people in red states making up a percentage of those deaths as well with many more infected fearing for their life or family member's.

To go from "It's just a flu, who knew there was 60-70K deaths a year from the flu"

to "We're the greatest for only 200K deaths"

Another easy ad if deaths break six figures.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Twitter removes two Bolsonaro tweets questioning virus quarantine

Two tweets by Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro in which he questioned quarantine measures aimed at containing the novel coronavirus were removed Sunday, on the grounds that they violated the social network's rules. Twitter explained in a statement that it had recently expanded its global...

Sao Paulo (AFP) - Two tweets by Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro in which he questioned quarantine measures aimed at containing the novel coronavirus were removed Sunday, on the grounds that they violated the social network's rules.
The far-right leader had posted several videos in which he flouted his government's social distancing guidelines by mixing with supporters on the streets of Brasilia and urging them to keep the economy going.
Two of the posts were removed and replaced with a notice explaining why they had been taken down.
Twitter explained in a statement that it had recently expanded its global rules on managing content that contradicted public health information from official sources and could put people at greater risk of transmitting COVID-19.
In one of the deleted videos, Bolsonaro tells a street vendor, "What I have been hearing from people is that they want to work."
"What I have said from the beginning is that 'we are going to be careful, the over-65s stay at home,'" he said.
"We just can't stand still, there is fear because if you don't die of the disease, you starve," the vendor is seen telling Bolsonaro, who responds: "You're not going to die!"
In another video, the president calls for a "return to normality," questioning quarantine measures imposed by governors and some mayors across the giant South American country as an effective containment measure against the virus.
"If it continues like this, with the amount of unemployment what we will have later is a very serious problem that will take years to be resolved," he said of the isolation measures.
"Brazil cannot stop or we'll turn into Venezuela," Bolsonaro later told reporters outside his official residence.

Previously, Twitter defended leaving up the tweets of another head of state because of its "newsworthiness" or for "public interest."

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
To me, the lack of photographs of the hospitals and the mortal danger this virus poses has been a real failing from journalist and allowed too many Americans to brush off the danger.

I mean you're not going to get anything useful because of HIPAA. Like the one way in which the American public aren't routinely, casually surveiled

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Daily reminder that Kamala Harris wanted to weaken HIPPA


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Need to see some more polling in the coming weeks/days, but YouGov seems to be showing Trump starting to slip again. Then again maybe not.

I wonder how long they keep doing these Press Briefings.
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