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Oct 25, 2017
I get that governors are asking for ventilators but it's like me asking for copies of FF7 remake part 2. They don't exist. Where are they supposed to come from? Trump can DPA them but that's months away. Agree blaming him for his past fuckups is fair (he should have done this in January). But still. Like are people gonna tweet daily about how they're not getting their orders filled?
First, someone from the federal government needs to admit that there is not enough supply and then secondly, they need to invoke a more unified effort to produce needed supplies.

We can hash out impropriety in the distribution of the original supplies from the national stockpile at a later date.


Oct 27, 2017
As someone from MI all I can say is Whitmer is amazing. Incredible on the stump, charisma for miles. She will be a star.
I don't think it's a good idea though to take her out of her current job of managing a massive disease outbreak in her state to hit the stump with Biden. Feel like that kind of abandoning your constituents at their most dire is not a good look!
Oct 27, 2017
I get that governors are asking for ventilators but it's like me asking for copies of FF7 remake part 2. They don't exist. Where are they supposed to come from? Trump can DPA them but that's months away. Agree blaming him for his past fuckups is fair (he should have done this in January). But still. Like are people gonna tweet daily about how they're not getting their orders filled?

But these manufacturers are still exporting PPE to other countries. We could at the very least use those domestically

The government has yet to curtail exports by U.S. companies, however—roughly 280 million masks in warehouses around the U.S. were purchased by foreign buyers on Monday alone, according to Forbes. A FEMA spokesperson said the agency "has not actively encouraged or discouraged U.S. companies from exporting overseas," noting that various U.S. agencies are coordinating their activities with their overseas counterparts.
Oct 25, 2017
He just said he has 100k ventilators he's saving for when things go bad

He was saying 10k or just under 10k during the press conference today--not quite 100k, but still he did go out of his way to repeatedly say the federal government has ventilators they're not giving to states now because they want to be able to immediately give them to states later. So your point still stands.

The issue governors face is that Trump was, less than two weeks ago, bitching about governors needing to go out and buy their own supplies. They've been trying to do so and it's turned into a bidding war. He pivoted today into saying they shouldn't be bidding against one another, and should come to the government when they find themselves in those situations, but as far as I know he's done nothing to actually try to prevent states from buying their own shit (and anyone following his recommendation from two weeks ago would be encouraged to do so.)

So the 10k ventilators they're 'holding back' just adds another wrinkle of fuckery, since now he's apparently reversing the mandate for states to try to source their own supplies, but also overlaying that with the idea that these things might just get stockpiled at the federal level while waiting for the surge.

It's classic Trump--contradict yourself 75 times and then point to different excuses at different times for why it's not your fault.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
It ain't hyperbole to say that modern Conservatism is post-democratic.

The question is how bad does it need to get before your average American realizes that. I surmise: REAL.FUCKIN.BAD

Edit: I am sure most of you caught this when it was a fresh dung heap, but for anyone that missed it

Conservative Nationalism Is Trumpism for Intellectuals

At the National Conservatism Conference, there was an open embrace of Trump’s immigration rhetoric and policies, and signals that the old conservative consensus—markets and moralism—has been broken.

Absolutely. Goes along with the reptile brains pushing "its a constitutional republic not a democracy" line (its actually both, they aren't exclusive!)


Oct 27, 2017
I get that governors are asking for ventilators but it's like me asking for copies of FF7 remake part 2. They don't exist. Where are they supposed to come from? Trump can DPA them but that's months away. Agree blaming him for his past fuckups is fair (he should have done this in January). But still. Like are people gonna tweet daily about how they're not getting their orders filled?
I'm guessing they want their constituents to see it.

Or human nature is screaming into the void.


Jul 25, 2018
I get that governors are asking for ventilators but it's like me asking for copies of FF7 remake part 2. They don't exist. Where are they supposed to come from? Trump can DPA them but that's months away. Agree blaming him for his past fuckups is fair (he should have done this in January). But still. Like are people gonna tweet daily about how they're not getting their orders filled?
I'm sure they do exist. The US Govt is still allowing PPE to be exported, despite having a shortage here. Read this recent Forbes article about the masks leaving the country to foreign buyers, despite healthcare pros not having enough in the US.

I Spent A Day In The Coronavirus-Driven Feeding Frenzy Of N95 Mask Sellers And Buyers And This Is What I Learned

For a day I watched the psychology of market pressures play out in an ultra-fast game of finding and selling masks in a pandemic-driven market. My assumptions going in changed after getting an embedded view of what's really going on.

Trump could have started this buying and stocking process in early January. He did nothing. When the HHS guy Azar requested $2BN to fill stockpiles, the WH reduced that number by 75%.

Trump could have pushed for a single buyer rather than encourage all the States to bid against each other, driving up prices and therefore taxes. He did nothing.

Trump could have invoked the DPA sooner. He did nothing.

Absolutely, they should tweet about this every day to remind all Americans what a colossal failure of an over-sided empty suit the clown in the Office is. Americans are dying because of him.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
We are close to reaching 1000 deaths in a single fucking day.

Still below where we could have been. If you took the growth rate as of 3/24 and stretched it out to today, we were supposed to have 4400 die today, approximately.

We are bending the curve, or rather we have bent it. Now the question is when and where it will peak.


Jul 25, 2018
I don't think it's a good idea though to take her out of her current job of managing a massive disease outbreak in her state to hit the stump with Biden. Feel like that kind of abandoning your constituents at their most dire is not a good look!
Plenty of time for that. I suspect Bernie won't be dropping out until November 2nd.


Oct 27, 2017
Still below where we could have been. If you took the growth rate as of 3/24 and stretched it out to today, we were supposed to have 4400 die today, approximately.

We are bending the curve, or rather we have bent it. Now the question is when and where it will peak.

I can't find any evidence of 4k US dead per day based on data from 7 days ago. Source please.

edit: looks exactly on target over the last 7 days



Oct 26, 2017
Those extrapolations look... pretty unrealistic (FL, yeah not good). The US data points are already curving.


Nov 1, 2017

They don't want to lose their White House credentials. That's the only reason they go along with the narrative from the White House. They don't care about asking the questions about how incompetent this administration has been with this pandemic. The only thing these journalists care about is keeping their access to White House briefings, because to them, that's more important than the health of the nation.


Oct 25, 2017


Nov 30, 2017
30 days to establish a nationwide mass testing and surveillance apparatus!

Like, does everyone get how completely fucked things get if we don't have a federal strategy for new case surveillance and management? We can't reopen shit until there is a very fixed protocol for citizens, workplaces, and governments to transition to containment instead of mitigation. The states can carry it out but everyone had to be playing the game or no one can go anywhere.


Oct 26, 2017
30 days to establish a nationwide mass testing and surveillance apparatus!

Like, does everyone get how completely fucked things get if we don't have a federal strategy for new case surveillance and management? We can't reopen shit until there is a very fixed protocol for citizens, workplaces, and governments to transition to containment instead of mitigation. The states can carry it out but everyone had to be playing the game or no one can go anywhere.
Ya, there is a crazy lack of urgency and initiative going on in general. It's incredible that we just had to have the worst possible person leading us during this.


Oct 25, 2017

Great thread. Basically, Trump will do everything to win, including cheating, breaking the law, ANYTHING. Hand wringing in the media doesn't do shit. Only way to win is to get votes. Anything short of dragging people out of their homes to vote.


Oct 30, 2017


That's the story. I know it's fun to watch the bouncing ball, but it doesn't change. That's it.
This (plus primary season being effectively over) pretty much sums up why I haven't keeping up with the news that much lately.

Things are bad and are going to get worse before it gets better, and our leader is shit. I got it.
Oct 26, 2017
30 days to establish a nationwide mass testing and surveillance apparatus!

Like, does everyone get how completely fucked things get if we don't have a federal strategy for new case surveillance and management? We can't reopen shit until there is a very fixed protocol for citizens, workplaces, and governments to transition to containment instead of mitigation. The states can carry it out but everyone had to be playing the game or no one can go anywhere.


There is ZERO long-term strategy from the top. It's just a series of 14 day/30 day plans where they hope the public follows a pamphlet and watch governors do their thing and perhaps provide a few requested resources here and there. They're always just reacting to what governors are screaming about. The WH is never anticipating needs so they never meet the demand.

They're just hoping the curve will naturally flatten from the efforts of governors and citizens, and then just start sending people back to work. There is no plan to systematically test, survey, and quarantine hotspots to open back up in a methodical way that actually gives people and businesses confidence that we won't have to immediately shutdown again.

Just like how many could easily see this administration was squandering February. They're in the process of squandering April by not preparing and putting in place a 2-month plan after the next 30 days that gives us a strategic way out of this mess.This is glorified thoughts and prayers.


Nov 30, 2017
It's much more likely states go it on their own and quarantine/travel ban other states.

Blue cities in red states feel mega-fucked.
Oct 26, 2017
It's much more likely states go it on their own and quarantine/travel ban other states.

But that's a non-starter because the vast majority of states rely on interstate commerce. Only states like California could be mostly self-sustaining. And even then its supply chain on a lot of goods and services would take a huge hit
Oct 27, 2017
You can't restart an economy our size when a majority of Panamax port capacity on the west coast is now shut down or running at much lower capacity.

Flyover states can't just invent new supply chains, so the fact somewhere like Nebraska is 'ready to roll' doesn't mean anything. Trump and his cultists can't send the military in to make Blue states go back to work.


Oct 26, 2017
Over/under on a single day being worse than 9/11? That projection above seemed to indicate the peak day at around 2600 deaths.
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