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Oct 27, 2017
In an alternate timeline where Iowa doesn't fuck up the count, and Pete gets a bounce out of Iowa because he's actually announced the winner and likely rides that wave to win NH...then what? Does he become a credible enough alternative to Biden that a meaningful chunk of Biden's Super Tuesday vote goes to Pete instead? Or does Biden still win the same blowout in SC, forcing Pete to drop?


Oct 26, 2017
Holding my breath for the dumb racists to blame COVID19 on Europeans who failed to contain the coronavirus.

I'm gonna bet they're gonna keep blaming Asian people.

Europe, a continent known for having no communists.
Oct 25, 2017
In an alternate timeline where Iowa doesn't fuck up the count, and Pete gets a bounce out of Iowa because he's actually announced the winner and likely rides that wave to win NH...then what? Does he become a credible enough alternative to Biden that a meaningful chunk of Biden's Super Tuesday vote goes to Pete instead? Or does Biden still win the same blowout in SC, forcing Pete to drop?

I think Pete still drops in that scenario, though the end result would likely be a prolonged battle between Bernie and Biden, possibly resulting in a brokered convention at the end. We have to remember that Pete was practically in the negatives in terms of popularity with African American voters and I think the only way that might've ever changed was if he won Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada in a blowout each time.


Oct 27, 2017
In an alternate timeline where Iowa doesn't fuck up the count, and Pete gets a bounce out of Iowa because he's actually announced the winner and likely rides that wave to win NH...then what? Does he become a credible enough alternative to Biden that a meaningful chunk of Biden's Super Tuesday vote goes to Pete instead? Or does Biden still win the same blowout in SC, forcing Pete to drop?
Pete definitely would have stuck around if he had a meaningful victory in IA and a better result in NH.

The compression happened because it actually looked for a minute there like Bernie could triumph with his 30%. Biden's win in SC, combined with the mediocre results of the other candidates in the previous races, made the choice easy. Any of those things being different could have completely changed the shape of the race. (If Bernie hadn't fronted, there wouldn't have been as much pressure for the field to consolidate so quickly; if Biden hadn't done so well in SC and remained strong with the AA vote, he wouldn't have automatically been the presumptive nominee; and if Pete had dominated the early races, he would have stuck around and potentially picked up a lot of delegates in the white states to make him a serious contender.)

Biden got lucky. Without Bernie, I honestly don't think he'd be the nominee.


Oct 30, 2017
I pretty much never hate-read trending twitter hashtags and today I just got a refresher on why that is. Online leftist continue to be the disappointing and infuriatingly short-sighted people ever. It's as if none of these people never have ever heard of common phrases such as: "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good." or "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face" etc and etc.

Bernie is going to vote for Biden
AOC is going to vote for Biden
yet these people think they found moral and intellectual high-ground by sitting out or voting Green. give me a fucking break



Oct 27, 2017
Imagine the same group of people who cried and whined about the establishment robbing Bernie of his rightful asking the establishment to step in and award Bernard the nomination even though he has gotten his ass kicked in voting. The hypocrisy is not surprising, the cognitive dissonance is


Oct 26, 2017
Don't stay home in November. Please. Don't have to do it for Biden...

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Oct 25, 2017

Pete getting torn to shreds in the replies with a weird rat meme that involves Pete's dead father

I still don't get the point of the memes and photoshops of candidates you don't like. It feels edgy and tryhard.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to be sympathetic to Bernie supporters who are sad, but I sure have little patience for the narratives that the DNC conspired to force millions more people to vote for Biden or that Bernie is somehow more likely to beat Trump despite polling evidence to the contrary along with the fact that he couldn't even win the primary.


Oct 30, 2017
One thing I don't get about the logic that "Biden won't motivate anybody or us to for for him" is that, that already was tested and Biden one. A clear majority suddenly didn't give a damn about Bernie and just wanted to have somebody against Trump. It sucks because I was for Warren too and then Bernie, but I'm at least accepting the truth.

And it's not like voters didn't have a choice this time. They had a choice in 2016, but this time they had literally a record amount of choices. And for the second time, Bernie didn't make it.

I know they are just lashing out and venting right now, but it's sad too see a lot of smart people (or people I thought were smarter) saying some really stupid things on Twitter.

They act as if the Democratic electorate doesn't exists and there's only some nebulous establishment people deciding stuff. Bernie literally lost almost half of his support to Biden starting on Super Tuesday and they still can't wrap their heads around the fact that Bernie didn't do everything right and effed up.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
One thing I don't get about the logic that "Biden won't motivate anybody or us to for for him" is that, that already was tested and Biden one. A clear majority suddenly didn't give a damn about Bernie and just wanted to have somebody against Trump. It sucks because I was for Warren too and then Bernie, but I'm at least accepting the truth.

And it's not like voters didn't have a choice this time. They had a choice in 2016, but this time they had literally a record amount of choices. And for the second time, Bernie didn't make it.

I know they are just lashing out and venting right now, but it's sad too see a lot of smart people (or people I thought were smarter) saying some really stupid things on Twitter.

They act as if the Democratic electorate doesn't exists and there's only some nebulous establishment people deciding stuff. Bernie literally lost almost half of his support to Biden starting on Super Tuesday and they still can't wrap their heads around the fact that Bernie didn't do everything right and effed up.

whining about the dem establishment reminds me a lot about complaints over the deep state. why face reality when you can invent an organization that operates from the shadows and undermines the will of the people.


Oct 25, 2017

deBlasio is the biggest clown to ever clown

I hope she ends up getting the recognition she deserves when this is over. I see praise for Newsom brought up often, but she was ahead of this declaring the first Corona shelter in place order in the nation and setting the framework other cities/states would follow while Newsom was busy shirking his responsibilities to municipalities.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Meh, let 'em get it out. We'll see the vast majority of folks in November, when it counts.


Oct 27, 2017
Biden got lucky. Without Bernie, I honestly don't think he'd be the nominee.
100% agree, lol. Bernie's surge created a huge demand for Generic D, who, unfortunately for him, was actually running! A primary without either of those two running would still have been ideal.
That fucking tweet (I don't even need to tell you which one cause you know) was basically like the moment in the film where someone thinks they've won and they give their opponents a free shot at them. It will rightly be discussed in every post mortem of what went wrong.
Yeah that tweet was, ugh. Bad. Not the sort of thing someone who never broke 35% in any one primary to that point should have been saying. You could have filed that as a 2015 Trump tweet. Uh, assuming you added some spelling errors, of course.


Nov 26, 2017
I'm not sure that's true. Biden was the favourite in polling for the entire race. He only dropped in popularity with his looses in the early three states.
This feels more like creating a motive, any motive, other than people liking Biden to explain his victory. Remember that we're in our own bubble here.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure that's true. Biden was the favourite in polling for the entire race. He only dropped in popularity with his looses in the early three states.
This feels more like creating a motive, any motive, other than people liking Biden to explain his victory. Remember that we're in our own bubble here.
Biden had been the consistent lead in polling the whole way, but that started to change after Iowa. Look at the chaotic results there for an indication on where things could have been going. NH was quite spread up, too. It took a state with a large african american population to effectively bail Biden out and fix his public image that he'd turned into a loser.
Was he always the entire way the person who would have won the most nominations out of running the primary infinite times? Yeah. But there was most certainly a space of a few weeks from around NH to NV where the odds-on favorite was turning into the mythical No One.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure that anyone in this thread actually likes Biden.

I think he's a racist shithead who thinks that segregationists are very fine people, but the SCOTUS justices that he picks will be more likely to be on my side.
My sentiments.

He also out of touch with the needs and problems facing our society (hi Warren). But maybe just maybe the dems will do a couple good things with him in office (highly likely).

And that's better than...this hellscape.


Feb 28, 2018

Pete getting torn to shreds in the replies with a weird rat meme that involves Pete's dead father

I still don't get the point of the memes and photoshops of candidates you don't like. It feels edgy and tryhard.

This is the result of stan culture permeating politics. It's a bad thing all around but that's where we're headed with social media.


Feb 28, 2018
My sentiments.

He also out of touch with the needs and problems facing our society (hi Warren). But maybe just maybe the dems will do a couple good things with him in office (highly likely).

And that's better than...this hellscape.
Yeah but at the same time we shouldn't settle for this and we should be fighting hard in order to not have candidates like Biden in the future; It's a sad state of affairs and we should be working towards tearing down the corrupt institutions operating within the Democratic Party.

If you're a conservative elected Democrat or you take money from the pharma industry, the gun lobby or the millitary industrial complex you and the other people protecting you within the Party should be primaried and kicked out.

EDIT: double posted, oops


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah but at the same time we shouldn't settle for this and we should be fighting hard in order to not have candidates like Biden in the future; It's a sad state of affairs and we should be working towards tearing down the corrupt institutions operating within the Democratic Party.

If you're a conservative elected Democrat or you take money from the pharma industry, the gun lobby or the millitary industrial complex you and the other people protecting you within the Party should be primaried and kicked out.
That's always the goal my friend. The fight doesn't end simply because we get rid of Trump.

A new fight begins; reformation of the democratic party and our country as a whole.

As for the fascists; keep a boot on their throats and never take it off.
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