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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The problem with Trump banking on "The govs wouldn't let me open" is that the virus won't just flutter away. Trump needs every scrap of his usually solid base to win the election, but even his base will corrode once his voters start getting sick and the The Bad Thing starts "Hurting the Wrong People". There is plenty of his base that's going to be ride-or-die for Trump, but there's going to be a percentage that will get hostile once their friends and family start getting sick or dying from the disease that would've been prevented if Trump didn't try to open everything up too soon.
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Oct 27, 2017
I think, and I type this as someone who is not trying to get at you personally, that your post is Exhibit A about why I don't trust the concept of true allyship.
I hope I just failed to make my point, then, as I was trying to allude to your opinion (which you've discussed many times) about so-called allies and the "team" you're on frequently leaving you behind (and therefore you not really feeling like the team is with you even when they purport to be).

I think the team metaphor may have been too ambiguous to really be useful. It wasn't an attempt to try to separate you from everyone else (I just tried to frame it so that it would have some contextual relation to what was already being discussed).

My argument was speaking more about the collective than the individual, but I realized that it didn't really represent your perspective (and you've now laid out exactly how), which is why I said I wouldn't argue (because you were right).
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Oct 25, 2017
Pritzker ain't opening up until June at earliest most likely.

I hope this is the case. I was on a Skype call with my the head of the public health department for a county in Central IL today, and asked about why our confirmed cases seemed low, considering our population is fairly high compared to surrounding counties. Their response? "There are easily at minimum ten times as many cases in the area as have been confirmed by testing. We are only testing the very vulnerable and the extremely sick."


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
I hope this is the case. I was on a Skype call with my the head of the public health department for a county in Central IL today, and asked about why our confirmed cases seemed low, considering our population is fairly high compared to surrounding counties. Their response? "There are easily at minimum ten times as many cases in the area as have been confirmed by testing. We are only testing the very vulnerable and the extremely sick."
Well...that's horrifying.
Oct 26, 2017
He has no control over when states reopen. Most of the country's people and economic power will stay on lockdown.

Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post made a good point on TV earlier today. Trump can't decide when the economy opens up. Neither can governors decide. It will be the American people who decide when the economy truly opens up again.

Sure if governors lift the "Stay at Home" orders, people will cautiously go back to work to cover bills. But how many people will voluntarily go to a basketball game, a movie theater, or a restaurant if no surveillance testing has been done in the area and people don't really know if they're safe. You'll have a bunch of public events that are only at 30-40% capacity (basically Trump's base and a few young'ins) and the economy won't be anything close to really opening up because consumer confidence will be in the toilet.

So the only way the economy will really reopen is if the American people feel it's safe enough. A single order by Trump or a governor won't do this. That's why it was insane for Trump to say this evening that large scale surveillance testing isn't needed and it's basically just a "luxury". If he continues to think and say that, not only will the country not fully reopen but he'll have a lot more deaths on his hands among the people who actually believe him and start gathering in large groups in untested areas.


Oct 25, 2017
Well...that's horrifying.

It's not great! They are painting a very rosy picture of how well our hospitals were doing, with tons of empty beds and unused surge capacity...and then I asked the question, they dropped that potential number, and the panel ended *sighs deeply*.

I know a fair number of people who are very obviously sick and have been denied tests. Told to just stay home. Obviously not every single person needs a test. But at least one woman I work with is just in the worst of it right now and the hospital basically told her to fuck right off.


Nov 30, 2017
There's just no way we get out of this without mass testing to understand the disease and it's spread, treatments so it's no longer dice roll death flu for random people (at-risk people are going to need a LOT of care to make it through this since they can't really get sick), and enough money to essentially time machine businesses from now to the point where the economy is back to the wtf-sorta-normal that it's going to be in until we can all get our vaccines.

So much of the modern economy is basically marginal-you marginally go out to eat vs. cooking at home. You marginally go to the movies instead of watching Netflix. You marginally get on a plane and visit your parents vs. stay at home for Thanksgiving. All of these marginal activities are much less appealing in a world where you can get sick and then "lungs fill up ventilator go brrr". Shit's terrifying. Scared people are going to buy toilet paper and canned goods wearing re-used n95s from their last drywall project and wipe down their hands with disinfecting wipes until they are raw after touching a gas pump, not going out for lunch after attending sunday church service.


Oct 30, 2017
Universal Studios is going to stay closed throughout May and will start furloughing part timers.

In two weeks, Union leaders at Disney are going to hold a meeting and I'm expecting the worst.

At what point will it take for Rich to throw money at Republicans to remove Trump and Pence from office?


Nov 30, 2017
At what point will it take for Rich to throw money at Republicans to remove Trump and Pence from office?

Wealthy donors don't have that kind of direct leverage. If you want to convince Trump to do something to address the public health crisis that is driving the economic crisis, you more or less have to get Fox News to tell him to do so (and they probably will if things get bad enough).


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Universal Studios is going to stay closed throughout May and will start furloughing part timers.

In two weeks, Union leaders at Disney are going to hold a meeting and I'm expecting the worst.

At what point will it take for Rich to throw money at Republicans to remove Trump and Pence from office?
The racist fascist element of the GOP has taken hold. Money is no longer accepted.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The racist fascist element of the GOP has taken hold. Money is no longer accepted.
Yeah, it's not about money anymore, it's about culture and cult. The rich have sway over the GOP for sure, but it really comes down to what the cult wants. Rich pubs created a beast that's not controllable.


Nov 30, 2017
The real lifeline here is that Stephen Mnuchin is SORTA normal and will negotiate bilaterally with Democrats to get a bill even though he has to constantly go back to Graham/Miller and co. during negotiations.

I keep thinking that Democrats should try to backchannel through the Deep State bureaucracy a pandemic response bill that asserts proper federal role and involvement and spells it out in super clear terms what the government must provide since Trump's administration is clearly not going to do the necessary things o n their own.
Oct 26, 2017
The real lifeline here is that Stephen Mnuchin is SORTA normal and will negotiate bilaterally with Democrats to get a bill even though he has to constantly go back to Graham/Miller and co. during negotiations.

I keep thinking that Democrats should try to backchannel through the Deep State bureaucracy a pandemic response bill that asserts proper federal role and involvement and spells it out in super clear terms what the government must provide since Trump's administration is clearly not going to do the necessary things o n their own.

What's frustrating this is literally the worst administration in probably the last 45 years? handle a crisis like this. The Bush administration was also corrupt and incompetent but they were capable of course-correcting and were able to swallow their pride at times in an emergency. Obama, Clinton, and Bush Sr all would have handled this better. And one of the reasons Reagan survived Iran Contra is because he more or less swallowed his pride and cooperated with the investigations. Reagan was never really tested with a domestic disaster but the man had more empathy in his pinky than the entire Trump family.

But to your point, it is crazy that Mnuchin is the emissary and the only real somewhat good-faith negotiator. He goes for the usual Republican grift on the first round of negotiations but he's actually willing to bend and work with Democrats to achieve the larger goal. Originally Pence was suppose to be in that role at the beginning of the administration but time after time Trump has undermined Pence so Pence now has zero credibility in serious negotiations. What's surprising here is that Mnuchin has actually been given enough latitude to negotiate. Maybe it's because Trump doesn't see Mnuchin as any kind of threat or he's just been too distracted lately.
Oct 25, 2017

Good thing Cuomo is America's current Strong Daddy Governor so we can easily push back on this nonsense

Trump isn't smart or disciplined enough to pull off a plan like that. Like everything else he's done, chaos on whims Is his "strategy." He's had to actually do something resembling work for the past month and cannot golf/watch TV like normal. Trump is simply bored of the pandemic and wants to return to his normal and his normal praise of the economy.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope this is the case. I was on a Skype call with my the head of the public health department for a county in Central IL today, and asked about why our confirmed cases seemed low, considering our population is fairly high compared to surrounding counties. Their response? "There are easily at minimum ten times as many cases in the area as have been confirmed by testing. We are only testing the very vulnerable and the extremely sick."
That's basically the line for most places. I feel like Wisconsin has been pretty public saying that's what's going on with testing.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Trump's approval on coronavirus continues to fall in new ABC/Ipsos poll.

Now: 44-55
Last week: 47-52

That magical lying and chaos pixie dust appears to have gone damp. …



Feb 15, 2019
I often think about the kurds and countless other victims from trumps regime and how it has long since been buried by more recent horrible things he does. It's a shame that his mr burns strategy of all the diseases pushing through the door at once which leads to none of them taking him down is working.


Oct 25, 2017
I often think about the kurds and countless other victims from trumps regime and how it has long since been buried by more recent horrible things he does. It's a shame that his mr burns strategy of all the diseases pushing through the door at once which leads to none of them taking him down is working.
Is it working? His approval is bad, and we haven't seen the worst of the mortality or economic impacts of COVID by a long shot.


Oct 29, 2017
At this point in time, Bush was over 70% approval post-9/11. EVERYONE rallied around Bush.

The same cannot be said for Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
What kind of crazy bullshit do you have to believe to think the states have what they need

just insane
Oct 27, 2017
Only half the cultists believe hospitals have the supplies they need, but all of them will blame Nancy Pelosi and Obama for the hold-up


Oct 25, 2017
22% think an effective cure exists now? And 28% think it's coming in the next few months. Oof

A lot of disappointment coming.
Oct 27, 2017
22% think an effective cure exists now? And 28% think it's coming in the next few months. Oof

A lot of disappointment coming.

"Deep State virologists delayed finding the cure to hurt Trump's election chances. Hillary was given billions of doses of hydroxichloroquin by China months ago and has been hoarding supplies in her child sex dungeons in an effort to kill as many Heartland Americans as possible"


Oct 25, 2017
Trump actually thinks he's going to be treated like a hero for foolishly "opening the country back up" soon.

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017
Yep. Plus, there are smaller-scope crises arising among the larger social distancing: long-term care facilities, municipal demographics, healthcare and first-responder personnel. We've got a ways to go yet.
and once its all over, no one will be wanting to do shit. Movies will still be mostly empty, I doubt sports arenas will be filled, restaurants will still be mostly empty or half empty. People won't feel "safe" until they know there is adequate treatment other than "tough it out and hope for the best". so he's a dumb fuck, not to mention rebuilding and restocking our health systems.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished listening to the Pod Save America episode from yesterday. They had an interview with Stacey Abrams at the end (last 3 minutes of the pod) where she says that she would be honored to be a running mate for Biden. She would be an awesome option for me. I love listening to her speak, she is an amazing orator and I don't know if I've ever seen her make a misstep.

I'm not sure if she helps at all electorally but I'm not that worried about that in a VP.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

New Trump Ad Suggests a Campaign Strategy Amid Crisis: Xenophobia (Published 2020)

The ad, which calls Joe Biden soft on China and falsely suggests a former governor of Washington is Chinese, shows that President Trump plans to continue exploiting racial discord in his re-election bid.

WASHINGTON — A new attack ad by President Trump's re-election campaign portraying former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. as soft on China includes an image of an Asian-American former governor of Washington State that appears to falsely suggest he is Chinese.
The image, which appears briefly, was pulled from a 2013 event in Beijing, where Mr. Biden, now the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, shared a stage with Gary Locke, the former governor of Washington, who also served as President Barack Obama's commerce secretary and ambassador to China. Mr. Locke is Chinese-American.
"During America's crisis, Biden protected China's feelings," the online ad says, presenting a montage of clips of Mr. Biden complimenting and praising the Chinese, including the country's leader, Xi Jinping, and of a news segment accusing Mr. Biden of helping his son Hunter profit off Chinese investments. The picture of Mr. Biden and Mr. Locke is spliced in among the clips.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Justin Baragona on Twitter

“Watch Hannity freak out when Alex Berenson -- an ex-NYT reporter who's become a Fox favorite of late due to his coronavirus contrarianism -- suddenly says "kids, children, anyone under 30 is at no risk to this, no serious risk from this virus."”

Justin Baragona on Twitter

“Hannity ends the interview by making sure to point out that while he appreciates Berenson's "iconoclasm" he doesn't agree with Berenson on everything.”


Oct 27, 2017

New Trump Ad Suggests a Campaign Strategy Amid Crisis: Xenophobia (Published 2020)

The ad, which calls Joe Biden soft on China and falsely suggests a former governor of Washington is Chinese, shows that President Trump plans to continue exploiting racial discord in his re-election bid.

WASHINGTON — A new attack ad by President Trump's re-election campaign portraying former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. as soft on China includes an image of an Asian-American former governor of Washington State that appears to falsely suggest he is Chinese.
The image, which appears briefly, was pulled from a 2013 event in Beijing, where Mr. Biden, now the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, shared a stage with Gary Locke, the former governor of Washington, who also served as President Barack Obama's commerce secretary and ambassador to China. Mr. Locke is Chinese-American.
"During America's crisis, Biden protected China's feelings," the online ad says, presenting a montage of clips of Mr. Biden complimenting and praising the Chinese, including the country's leader, Xi Jinping, and of a news segment accusing Mr. Biden of helping his son Hunter profit off Chinese investments. The picture of Mr. Biden and Mr. Locke is spliced in among the clips.

This is weak racist garbage.
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