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Oct 26, 2017
Part of me hope they try to do some open fuckery. Because all the evidence we have seen so far this year is that when the GOP trues to do some election shenanigans, it backfires on them dramatically, as opposed to just playing by the rules, which causes them to win naturally.


DC statehood would be game changing.

Statehood for Puerto rico while were at it.
Oct 26, 2017
DC would be a no brainer for sure. PR, last i heard the public was actually split on statehood. And Guam as well. But i think realistically you'd see DC go in the next 4 years if Biden wins, and PR has a real referendum.
I think we could rally statehood under.

A president abandoned you when you needed help the most.

Statehood means the US CANNOT abandon you during a disaster,
Oct 26, 2017



Nov 3, 2017
Holy shit at those polls. Beto did a number on the Republicans, Dems now know the way to the demographics in Tx.

So I was out cause I was trying to survive the plague, but...

1. What happened in the end with Tara Reade's allegation?
2. What happened with Biden creepy hugs? Did he correct that?
Oct 26, 2017
Holy shit at those polls. Beto did a number on the Republicans, Dems now know the way to the demographics in Tx.

So I was out cause I was trying to survive the plague, but...

1. What happened in the end with Tara Reade's allegation?
2. What happened with Biden creepy hugs? Did he correct that?
no. Beto didnt do a number on the repoublicans....
Trump did.

why even bring those up.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit at those polls. Beto did a number on the Republicans, Dems now know the way to the demographics in Tx.

So I was out cause I was trying to survive the plague, but...

1. What happened in the end with Tara Reade's allegation?
2. What happened with Biden creepy hugs? Did he correct that?
1- Reade apparently has a history about lying, most importantly, she lied about her having a law degree, and because of her testimony as a expert witness, it's not entirely impossible some criminals may get off.
2- Biden has acknowledged he has boundary issues and has said he plans to work on that.

As far as I understand it but I'm sure somebody else can fine tune it.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i feel like beto positioned himself for a future presidential run

he's still pretty young too

if he does end up running and he plays his cards right, texas will go blue for sure


Oct 27, 2017
About Trump changing course to try and fix his lagging numbers:

The virus is surging and his polls are tanking but Trump won't change course, alarming his aides...

"Aides insisted there would be no change in White House strategy to fight the pandemic, and no additional money or new resources given to states dealing with spikes in cases." @nancook goes inside a White House determined to shrug off rise in covid cases.


Oct 27, 2017
everytime i catch one of bolton's interviews i always tune in on the part of him shitting on the democrat handling of the impeachment fuck him to infinity
edit: and this fucker just said he sees no evidence that trump would go against the constitution...
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Nov 3, 2017
1- Reade apparently has a history about lying, most importantly, she lied about her having a law degree, and because of her testimony as a expert witness, it's not entirely impossible some criminals may get off.
2- Biden has acknowledged he has boundary issues and has said he plans to work on that.

As far as I understand it but I'm sure somebody else can fine tune it.
Oh shit that's some serious dirt on Reade. I did wonder why the story kind of died off.

About the boundary issues, seems like a sensible response, has he acted on it?

no. Beto didnt do a number on the repoublicans....
Trump did.

why even bring those up.
Oh ok, let's forget one of the closest Tx races in history, which kind of ignites previously dormant demographics, as well as provide groundworking and networking basis for a prez campaign to capitalize on.

"Aides" is keyword for Kellyane. Who the fuck would think Trump would change course? This is who he's been for 5 years. Whoever thought he would do otherwise is a rampaging fucktard.
Oct 26, 2017
Oh shit that's some serious dirt on Reade. I did wonder why the story kind of died off.

About the boundary issues, seems like a sensible response, has he acted on it?

Oh ok, let's forget one of the closest Tx races in history, which kind of ignites previously dormant demographics, as well as provide groundworking and networking basis for a prez campaign to capitalize on.
trump was the catalyst. beto just happened to be the focal point.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
He's not talking about working with proud boys. That piece is mostly about working with Republican politicians who agree with people on the left on specific issues, like the war on drugs, the drone war etc.

I think in theory that is more than fine, but I also think the GOP right now pretty all bad faith actors who ideologically against the idea of the government achieving anything, so it's pretty much pointless to try to work with them.
The difference between right wing and proud boy is negligible.

Your political takes continue to astound.


Oct 25, 2017
Edmonton, Alberta
At this point the swing states are

Looking at the national polls and state polls.

I think it's safe to remove the three midwest states from the swing state map along with FL

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
A corporate restructuring attorney, who represents a variety of Wall Street firms, says that in recent conversations with CEOs and leaders of of various funds, they believe Biden is going to win but Republicans will maintain the Senate. The hope is, this attorney says, that there will be a GOP backstop to prevent Biden from embracing more left-leaning economic policies.
Biden has said he would raise the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%, where it stands now after the Trump tax bill reduced the rate from the mid-30% level. Households making over $400,000 would also see tax increases. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center has said Biden's tax plan would raise $4 trillion in revenue over the next decade.

Some market analysts have noted that the recent slump in the markets could be due to Biden pushing ahead of Trump in the polls, possibly leaving investors skittish about the future of the economy under a potential Biden presidency.

Wall Street executives brace for a potential Biden win as Trump fades in polls

Various current and former Wall Street financiers, analysts, lobbyists, lawyers and political advisors with banking clients spoke to CNBC about how the industry is bracing for a possible Biden win.

Those hoping for a Biden/Republican Senate truly are despicable given nothing will pass after a generational recession.

Rice Would Push for National Service as VP

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. should require mandatory civilian service for all young adults — and that she would advocate for such a policy if selected as the running mate of Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

"I wish we could have mandatory national civilian service in this country so that every kid between 18 and 21 could spend 12 months, whether it's broadband, building infrastructure, or rehabilitating inner-city schools and libraries," she said. Doing so, she added, would help unite people of different racial, geographic and economic backgrounds.
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Oct 26, 2017
The difference between right wing and proud boy is negligible.

Your political takes continue to astound.
I think that while there are some similarities and shared goals, people like Mitch McConnel and Gavin McInnes (just as an example) believe in some different things and have very different sets of priorities.
I think those differences are at least as important as the similarities between them.

But I donno, do you want to talk about it or do you just want to state for the record that you disagree with me politically?
Because if so, cool, I am not terribly bothered by people not agreeing with me, but I don't think that's news at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Also more very powerful suppression polls (/s), unknown pollster and unknown methodology, Biden up in all states:

Also Cheeto's advisers are starting to think Michigan is out of play. It's June.

Reminder that US Navy awarded the FFG(X) Frigate program to Marinette, a great surprise to the industry. It was commonly thought that HII Ingalls (Mississippi) had the design on lock as Marinette's was based on the lukewarm LCS platform.

Literally Billions of dollars of work. And likely due to battlegrounds state.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Ronald Brownstein@RonBrownstein

The new bipartisan Hart/POS poll for CNBC has Trump job approval at just 39% down from 46% in April. Trump still leads Biden on economy, but B is up double digits on race relations, criminal justice, foreign policy, health care & dealing w/coronavirus. That's a broad range​

6:39 PM - Jun 25, 2020

Kyle Kondik @kkondik

That Trump's numbers are still decent on economy suggests that the economy is not what is pushing him down - which also suggests that better economic numbers (if they come) won't necessarily push him up …

8:27 PM - Jun 25, 2020


Nov 30, 2017
People aren't miserable on the economy-yet-but Trump's just so irredeemable that 'it's the economy, stupid' doesn't hold. Every poll has him above water on it and he's still getting blown out worse and worse.
Oct 28, 2017
I have to wonder if Texas isn't going to shift hard to the left this year just because of how awful the coronavirus strategy in Texas is. It has to be weighing on people's minds and you can't avoid its impact on local economies by just sitting in a media bubble.

It's amazing how lucky we are that Trump is such a lazy authoritarian that refuses to learn policy.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Heather Caygle @heatherscope

DEMOCRATS pass Pelosi reform bill 236-181. Three Republicans broke ranks and joined Dems in supporting the bill (despite WH whipping against) PELOSI gaveled down the vote -- very rare that happens, shows how important this bill was to Dems.

8:43 PM · Jun 25, 2020

Manu Raju @mkraju

So far, three House Republicans have broken ranks and voted with Dems on their policing bill, which has enough votes to pass their chamber. The Republicans: Hurd, Upton and Fitzpatrick. No Dem have voted against it.

8:31 PM · Jun 25, 2020


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017

Heather Caygle @heatherscope

DEMOCRATS pass Pelosi reform bill 236-181. Three Republicans broke ranks and joined Dems in supporting the bill (despite WH whipping against) PELOSI gaveled down the vote -- very rare that happens, shows how important this bill was to Dems.

8:43 PM · Jun 25, 2020

Manu Raju @mkraju

So far, three House Republicans have broken ranks and voted with Dems on their policing bill, which has enough votes to pass their chamber. The Republicans: Hurd, Upton and Fitzpatrick. No Dem have voted against it.

8:31 PM · Jun 25, 2020

I thought Dems didn't want to do things that were a waste of time?


Oct 27, 2017
If Fitzpatrick is breaking ranks, one can only wonder what internal polling is looking like on the downticket in PA. With Trump collapsing, the State House may be in play.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh, and there needs to be a carrot with Susan Rice's national service thing if any form of it ever sees the light of day. As Calvin said, virtue needs some cheaper thrills.
All joking aside I honestly don't know if Trump has the capacity to change tactics or alter his course once he's committed to a scam.

He sold himself as the white savior for neo-confederates who think they're the only real Americans, and he will keep pushing that branding no matter what happens.


Nov 18, 2017
The difference between right wing and proud boy is negligible.

Your political takes continue to astound.
I don't see what's so offensive about working towards good goals. Are you understanding to what you're objecting to? For example, if there was a bipartisan effort to stop a war, you would say no because you fundamentally cannot bring yourself to work with someone you think is an awful person?

That's all that piece was about.


Oct 27, 2017
The clown stampede in conservative circles to position themselves at the vanguard of the movement is just beginning, Trump is aging fast.
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