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Oct 25, 2017
I don't have any strong leanings one way or the other but I feel like there should be a consistency across the board with this. It should be either ok to question the mental capacity and fitness of all politicians who show signs of age-related decline, or it should not be ok to make armchair diagnoses at all.

Agreed. And personally I would default to the latter.


Oct 13, 2018
Dianne Feinstein physically hugged Lindsey Graham after he stole Democrats' Supreme Court seat for ACB. I dont really care if she has dementia or not. She is incredibly out of step of where the base is and for that reason alone she needs to gtfo. She also said she is not in favor of removing the filibuster.

Cry as you might about Manchin, but at the very least you can see the ~why~ of manchinisms. Feinstein has zero reasons to be an idiot.

Would explain why she hugged Lindsey if she can't remember the past few years.

She has to go, simply due to the fact she is no longer capable of being a Senator.
Feb 14, 2018
I expect some people to disagree vociferously over this statement

Biden is trying to pick up the Cuban vote in Florida.

Florida Cubans don't care how many socialists he invites to his birthday party. That's not what they're looking for. Dems are staring down the barrel of an absolute electoral disaster in Florida if they don't handle this right. The 2016 -> 2020 shift in Miami Dade will be permanent.

No I am not advocating for military or economic intervention in Cuba. That's not what the Cuban-Americans who voted Hillary in 2016, then Trump in 2020 are asking for.


Oct 25, 2017
Florida Cubans don't care how many socialists he invites to his birthday party. That's not what they're looking for. Dems are staring down the barrel of an absolute electoral disaster in Florida if they don't handle this right. The 2016 -> 2020 shift in Miami Dade will be permanent.

No I am not advocating for military or economic intervention in Cuba. That's not what the Cuban-Americans who voted Hillary in 2016, then Trump in 2020 are asking for.

What exactly are they asking for? Because as is clear from Biden, the US is not changing how it has treated Cuba historically. So what are they so mad about? I am sure they benefit from US social programs just like everyone else. We don't have to call it socialism if that makes them feel better about themselves.

Honestly, I think anyone that susceptible to Republican messaging is already a lost cause and it's why I stopped considering Florida a swing state in 2016.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Feinstein is a lost cause, and so is Florida.

Jury's still out on democracy.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is the very dictionary definition of moderate Dem with massive name recognition and is the furthest thing possible to a "socialist." And yet the GOP were still able to make that label stick to him in FL and it was a bloodbath.

If Biden can't convince all those Cuban's to vote for him who can? If things like socialism and phony immigration scares work that well then Florida is just a lost cause for Dems. It's just a red state now.


Oct 13, 2018
Biden is the very dictionary definition of moderate Dem with massive name recognition and is the furthest thing possible to a "socialist." And yet the GOP were still able to make that label stick to him in FL and it was a bloodbath.

If Biden can't convince all those Cuban's to vote for him who can? If things like socialism and phony immigration scares work that well then Florida is just a lost cause for Dems. It's just a red state now.

a lot of it is a lack of spanish outreach by Dems and Biden allowing republican inroads. bad messaging combined with a Florida dominated by republicans.

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
Biden is the very dictionary definition of moderate Dem with massive name recognition and is the furthest thing possible to a "socialist." And yet the GOP were still able to make that label stick to him in FL and it was a bloodbath.

If Biden can't convince all those Cuban's to vote for him who can? If things like socialism and phony immigration scares work that well then Florida is just a lost cause for Dems. It's just a red state now.

Glad Dems don't need Florida to win elections. Still have hope we can flip the Cuban vote there in Miami-Dade county but we have to play our cards perfectly for it to work


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
Lmao are people really mad at Biden for not praising communism? Comrade Biden was a sham!


Oct 25, 2017
No matter how hopeless something feels at an electoral level does not mean it should be given up on. People keep forgetting these large states have tons of house reps alongside state elected reps. You aren't keeping the house unless you are prepared to fight everywhere and Miami-Dade was a huge loss that shouldn't have happened and can be reversed.
Oct 25, 2017
new jersey
i really do think anyone that is trying to sell a book and drip feeds content out of it like "trump wanted to do a coup but the military didn't want too" don't actually care about democracy/trump/etc. it's all a grift to sell more books to liberals and build their brand. if this shit was that important you should've leaked it when he was fucking president not after he's gone, for fucks sake.

i hate book deal dummies so much
Oct 27, 2017
Lmao are people really mad at Biden for not praising communism? Comrade Biden was a sham!
There really was never a moment in which Biden wasn't going to condemn communism

pushing him leftwards was really a joke people took too seriously

He was voted to make the government tolerable not to make america communist or whatever

but anyway I still have no idea what the hub bub about cuba is about but if Biden isn't going to lift that embargo then that makes biden look worse then usual
Feb 14, 2018
What exactly are they asking for? Because as is clear from Biden, the US is not changing how it has treated Cuba historically. So what are they so mad about? I am sure they benefit from US social programs just like everyone else. We don't have to call it socialism if that makes them feel better about themselves.

Honestly, I think anyone that susceptible to Republican messaging is already a lost cause and it's why I stopped considering Florida a swing state in 2016.
First understand that Cuban-Americans are pre-emptively mad before factoring in American politics because their family and friends are being beaten and arrested. They want their representatives to share that anger.

Many would be pretty happy simply with more focus. Rubio is retweeting every video of police brutality he sees and he's going to sail to reelection. It's hypocritical and opportunistic but they don't care. I don't think we care much if Dems' only reason for passing things we like is to win our votes.

However the main request I've heard is for satellite internet for Cuba so the government can't silence people or hide its oppression. This is something Rubio and Menendez (D-NJ) have both mentioned as a possibility. The tone Menendez has taken would probably work well for a FL Dem. The chair of the FL party also put out a (politically) good statement.

If you think Hillary -> Trump Cuban voters are "susceptible to Republican messaging" then you have the order of causation backwards. Cuban-Americans are honest and vocal about what they want and Republicans consistently give it to them. Dems aren't even giving them the amount of attention they want, which costs nothing.

From a purely political perspective if you want to give up on the 3rd biggest state in the country that's fine. If you want to fight for it, you have to win back voters you lost in the last election. Everyone talks about Latino outreach, well right now Florida Cubans are reaching out and they don't see anyone visibly reaching back except Republicans.


Oct 25, 2017

Even if you're not getting anything from the child tax credit, you can at least enjoy this is making the dumbest people alive very mad.


Jan 25, 2018
I wouldn't necessarily say Florida is a complete lost cause. Despite obvious disaster in Miami-Dade, Biden did well in the more swingy areas of the state, like Pinellas, Hillsborough, and even flipped Duval and Seminole counties. Had Biden had won Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach by the same percentages as Hillary did, he would have lost the state by about 50K votes, which would have been less than 1%. It's still losing however, but not by the disastrous 370K.

If there are "lost cause" states, they are Iowa and Ohio at the presidential level.


Oct 28, 2017
The more and more of these Milley stories that come out, the less and less I believe any of it. At first I thought it was believable but these stories make him sound like a national hero and it sounds like he wrote the book himself.
Oct 25, 2017
new jersey
The more and more of these Milley stories that come out, the less and less I believe any of it. At first I thought it was believable but these stories make him sound like a national hero and it sounds like he wrote the book himself.
Agreed. I'm not going to praise Milley for being 'heroic' or some stupid lib shit. If this stuff was that bad it should've been reported while he was president. Not after he's gone and you conveniently get into a publishing deal. Its bullshit.

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
We know for a fact shit was bad during the Trump administration. Really bad.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't know which thread is going to end up worse, that one or the one where posters keeping going into the Cuba thread to defend the Castro Regime and falsely equating opposition to it with being right wing/fascist.
Two things can be equally bad, so they're both going to be garbage in the end.


Jun 19, 2018
We know for a fact shit was bad during the Trump administration. Really bad.

A lot of people in 2016 predicted that it would be really bad. And it was.

There are no excuses for ignoring the warnings. And where/when others didn't try to warn, the asshole himself warned people by showing his true colors on a near-daily basis before the election even happened. You can definitely argue he did that even decades before it happened. People were constantly getting reminded of what a piece of shit he was (and still is), and they didn't give a shit. Because her emails.

People knew it was going to be really bad and, shocker, that's exactly what happened.


Jun 23, 2021
The more and more of these Milley stories that come out, the less and less I believe any of it. At first I thought it was believable but these stories make him sound like a national hero and it sounds like he wrote the book himself.

both can be true. The events happened and he's trying to make himself look like a hero.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
If you have WaPo sub, read this. It is beyond hopeless. It is a on the ground report of the Delta Outbreak in fucking Missouri. Gonna open with this brain melting quote to melt every brain

Deep skepticism about the latest outbreak was on display outside the Bass Pro Shops complex that draws customers from around the region to buy fishing supplies and guns in a sprawling store that has zoo-like enclosures with alligators and turtles.

Several shoppers, who declined to give their names, described the reports about the delta variant outbreak as "overblown," "exaggerated" and a "crock of s---." One woman said that her daughter was hospitalized in an intensive care unit with covid-19 but that she thinks the numbers are exaggerated.
Yup, your daughter is fighting for life in hospital but you still brush off the plague as overblown.
Hospital officials also say some patients have refused monoclonal antibodies proven effective when administered during early covid-19 treatment and demanded hydroxychloroquine promoted by Donald Trump during his presidency, even though studies have found that it is not effective.
These Republican Chudfuck Governors are Public Enemies
Some Republican politicians have been vocal in urging their constituents to get vaccinated. They've been more muted in Missouri, where Gov. Mike Parson (R) has described vaccination as a "personal responsibility" and said health-care leaders need to stop trying to "scare" people into taking vaccines. He also instructed the state health department not to cooperate with the Biden administration on door-to-door vaccine outreach, even though local health authorities have been canvassing homes. Parson's office did not respond to a request for comment.

Towns, the acting health director, lamented that door-to-door outreach has joined the ranks of masks and vaccines as the latest routine public health practice lambasted by politicians. "It's just unfortunate they've been politicized, because we are trying to combat a silent killer while also making people trust us," she said.

Gonna end with this gem

Billy, 26, didn't see the rush for himself.

"It's no worse than the flu," he said of the virus, which experts say appears to be far more contagious and deadly than the flu.

This firms up the belief that these people are NOT going to wake up from their stupor. Even if their loved ones are fighting for their lives in ICU, it makes them even more determined in their anti-vaccine/conspiracy beliefs.


Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
both can be true. The events happened and he's trying to make himself look like a hero.

The thing that gets me is that some people think Milley should have created a constitutional crisis and unilaterally deployed troops on domestic soil against the civilian insurrectionists, which is another whole problem.

Yeah, the whole thing is a mess, but another reason for statehood for DC.

An update on the legal woes of a Matthew Gaetz of Florida.

The guy who wasn't allowed to speak at CPAC and did an unofficial event instead.

A lot of people on his side seem to think he's fucked.
If you have WaPo sub, read this. It is beyond hopeless. It is a on the ground report of the Delta Outbreak in fucking Missouri. Gonna open with this brain melting quote to melt every brain

Yup, your daughter is fighting for life in hospital but you still brush off the plague as overblown.

These Republican Chudfuck Governors are Public Enemies

Gonna end with this gem

This firms up the belief that these people are NOT going to wake up from their stupor. Even if their loved ones are fighting for their lives in ICU, it makes them even more determined in their anti-vaccine/conspiracy beliefs.

This makes me think of calls in another thread to stop infantilizing people in the far-right brain-o-sphere. What we're seeing with most of these people is the result of a lifetime of willful ignorance, anti-intellectualism, and enthusiastic support of the American death cult. They don't care if their own children get sick and die.

We're at the point in the disaster movie where people are jumping off the back of the truck fleeing the tornado and running towards it because they refuse to accept something they don't want to happen is happening.


Feb 25, 2018
If you have WaPo sub, read this. It is beyond hopeless. It is a on the ground report of the Delta Outbreak in fucking Missouri. Gonna open with this brain melting quote to melt every brain

Yup, your daughter is fighting for life in hospital but you still brush off the plague as overblown.

These Republican Chudfuck Governors are Public Enemies

Gonna end with this gem

This firms up the belief that these people are NOT going to wake up from their stupor. Even if their loved ones are fighting for their lives in ICU, it makes them even more determined in their anti-vaccine/conspiracy beliefs.

The 2021 Darwinian games have begun


Oct 28, 2017

Ticket sales are moving slowly for the coming Trump-O’Reilly stadium tour

Time remains to sell out the stadiums. But those familiar with the current sales pace say it lags behind other acts.

"Donald Trump is having trouble selling advance tickets for his upcoming speaking tour with conservative pundit Bill O'Reilly, according to interviews with ticketing officials for the venues.


Tickets went on sale for the events on June 14. While most seats are priced between $100 and $300, a "VIP Meet & Greet Package" goes for more than $8,500 and includes getting pictures taken with Trump and O'Reilly and a pre-show, 45-minute reception."

What did they expect? Most of their cult followers aren't rich. You expect them to even afford seats like that?
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Oct 27, 2017
The more and more of these Milley stories that come out, the less and less I believe any of it. At first I thought it was believable but these stories make him sound like a national hero and it sounds like he wrote the book himself.

It's possible that some of these folks were going to just stay quiet about Trump and hope they would get past things, but now see how 40+% of the public feels about it and need to get it out.

Yes, media can't seem to let go of Trump. But I think it would do well for people to know who was actively pushing back against Trump, because it seems like there were so few that actually were at the time.

Remember back when uscis was letting expire medical deportation deferrals? Zero whistle-blowers. The last OIG report on Lafayette Park? Didn't actually interview the key cabinet members. Mueller? Eh. The country is just not against these things enough.


Oct 25, 2017

Ticket sales are moving slowly for the coming Trump-O’Reilly stadium tour

Time remains to sell out the stadiums. But those familiar with the current sales pace say it lags behind other acts.

"Donald Trump is having trouble selling advance tickets for his upcoming speaking tour with conservative pundit Bill O'Reilly, according to interviews with ticketing officials for the venues.


Tickets went on sale for the events on June 14. While most seats are priced between $100 and $300, a "VIP Meet & Greet Package" goes for more than $8,500 and includes getting pictures taken with Trump and O'Reilly and a pre-show, 45-minute reception."

What did they expect? Most of their culture followers aren't rich. You expect them to even afford seats like that?

Trump hates his low class fans, and probably did think he'd get a bunch of well-off conservatives to come see him.


May 31, 2018

Did The Hill just turn into The Onion?

During Trump's term, I recall there were like a million of these pieces written by conservatives who were all like: Trump could be a sure-fire two term president through a few simple means, if only he wouldn't act like himself and perhaps tweet a little bit less.

They all ignore that Trump can't change, has never had a reason to change (since he never truly paid a price for whatever actions he took) and his base actually likes him the way he is. Well, at least he's cut back on the tweeting thing, so who knows.


Dec 23, 2019
To be fair, there's some evidence that Trump was perceived as a moderate in 2016:
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