
Oct 25, 2017

I'm 100% confident Biden would win a free and fair election but that's not what we're going to get. It's only a question of how insurmountable his lead is for GOP fuckery.


Oct 25, 2017
Why Tuesday? Ballots are gonna be rolling in all month long from mail-ins being slowed down somewhat .

though, I guess those don't matter seeing as the Electoral College elects the president and not the people.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
7 for Tuesday. I still don't trust this country after 2016, the people that love Trump really love him and the GOP plays dirty. Even if it's called for Biden, they need the Senate too, which I'm still nervous about. If PA/FL aren't clear it'll shoot up to 10. And bracing for a refusal to concede and the legal fuckery that will follow.

Ronnie Poncho

Oct 27, 2017
From across the pond: 200 out of 10

I know Biden should win, in normal times he would smash it. But the efforts by the GOP to suppress voting will work in some places, the question is how much.

If dems sweep the elections they need to make it a critical priority to make voting easier. Now or never.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably like a 7 or an 8 if I actively think about it or entertain thoughts about my biggest fears around it. Much lower if I push it from my mind.
Feb 9, 2018
2 for Biden actually winning the popular and electoral vote. The odds of him losing fairly are minuscule at this point. Not impossible, but extremely unlikely. He's been performing far better than Hillary did in 2016 and at least as good if not better than Obama was in 2012.

But I'm feeling a 10 for what Trump and his cronies are plotting. They are authoritarians that do not care about democracy or the rule of law. Trump is a tyrant that wants to be president for life, and he's hoping that the political apparatus he and the GOP have built up will ensure that, no matter what the people of the United States decide.


Oct 25, 2017
I refuse anymore I will not be manipulated. For these next few days I am free from all politics.

so like an 11 that broke in half under the pressure and became a 1.


Jun 13, 2018
Why Tuesday? Ballots are gonna be rolling in all month long from mail-ins being slowed down somewhat .

though, I guess those don't matter seeing as the Electoral College elects the president and not the people.

Depends what the margins are. There's a real chance that Tuesday the numbers could be far enough apart that we can say with confidence Biden has won. It also could be close enough that we can't. Too early to say.
Oct 28, 2017

More confident than I have been that Biden will pull this thing out (tho not a lock til its called). But between his paramilitary nuts, the courts, and lunatic Q minded family members, it's going to be a rough transition.


Oct 25, 2017
Let the fucking chips fall where it may at this point. I've voted, I've donated, and unfortunately I do not have the time to help with calls and whatnot due to 2 young kids and no help to take care of them with the current administration.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm just hoping that if Trump loses that the loss is substantial. If it's close, you KNOW he's gonna drag it out as long as possible, claiming mail fraud and invalid votes and whatever else, and he would refuse to leave office. A close loss for Trump would have dire consequences.

I would prefer Trump to win the election than to lose by just a small amount.


Oct 30, 2017
10 and it's not even close.

Worst case scenarios are essentially the end of democracy in the US, and I have no idea how I'll respond or what avenues will be available to fight back.
Oct 27, 2017
Philadelphia, PA, USA

In a fair and just world, Biden would have this in the bag. I still think he'll come out on top, but there will be fuckery and there will be bloodshed. And then two months of unrest and scorched-Earth bullshit from the world's sorest loser 😰


Oct 30, 2017

In a fair and just world, Biden would have this in the bag. I still think he'll come out on top, but there will be fuckery and there will be bloodshed. And then two months of unrest and scorched-Earth bullshit from the world's sorest loser 😰

And this. It's not just the potential for a Biden loss (likely due to judicial intervention), but the fact that a Biden WIN means 3 months of Trump ripping the government apart, while completely shielded by a 6-3 majority.


May 21, 2018
For President. 1. Biden has this and all the data supports it.

The senate is a solid 6. There's just enough uncertainty there to make me cry or fill me with incredible satisfaction 😅


May 20, 2019
10. I have a lot riding on this election. I promised my wife that if Trump wins we will begin the long and expensive (and possibly impossible) process of emigrating to another English speaking country. America will be an absolute pit if this asshole wins again. I feel bad about abandoning my country at its time of need if this orange fucker wins, but I can't have my two daughters grow up in the Handmaid's Tale.

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
About an 8.

I'm confident Biden will win, but I fear there will be violence regardless. Trump reacting to nationwide violence with a few months left in office is a scary and very possible reality. I'm concerned about the Senate as well, since a Biden presidency could be cut off at the knees and accomplish much less with a red Senate that wants nothing passed period. If Kentucky can at least pull through and get McConnell out it would be a massive win, but I'm not feeling great about it.

I don't want to watch the results Tuesday night, but I know I won't be able to stop myself.

Deleted member 21431

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
From over here in the UK, an 11. I just see the polls in key states and see them being too close for comfort. If Trump's support is being underestimated then I dread to think what the result might be. I don't want to see voter suppression working either.

I hope Biden smashes it.

Also, if Biden wins it, it will be fun to watch the chickens coming home to roast for Boris and the Conservatives.


Nov 2, 2017
Changes from moment to moment. Like 3 some days and a full 10 others. Not really about the votes themselves- Biden is going to win. We don't have the apathy of 2016 happening here in 2020. In 2016, you didn't see any HIllary signs- in 2020 I see Biden everywhere (along with Trump, but GOP people love to flaunt more).

By biggest fear is just that there's going to be some manner of fuck up concerning the mail in ballots somewhere in the country. Probably small scale and insignificant in the grand scheme of things- but somewhere some bad egg will do something dumb and get caught. (destroyed ballots, proof of tampering one way or the other, etc). Then Trump will latch on, and if he's losing, he will toss it to the courts, where you know what happens.

So, I just REALLY hope come Tuesday night the thing is even better than thought and there are a lot of pleasant surprises- states that are mega prepared to count early ballots, plus those the day of. A landslide where no one, two, or even three or more states would matter and change the result. Let Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona all go our way so PA won't even matter much (as my home state here will probably be counting until the following week).

God I can't wait for this to be done. And even if we win, I know it won't be over. I shudder to even begin to think of what Trump will try do with his last two months. But first, we gotta win..
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Oct 24, 2017
Probably 3.

Just observationally looking at all the data comparing now to 2016, who's voting, early votes, polls, district polls etc, I'm confident Biden has this.

It's post-election fuckery I'm keeping an eye on.

Darth Karja

Oct 25, 2017
3. I'm tuning everything election out, I have more important things to worry about. I've been in the hospital 39 days so far, came way closer to death then I am comfortable with, and haven't been allowed to eat or drink in over 2 weeks.


Oct 26, 2017
10. I feel Biden will win, but I fully expect Trump to prevent it from being a reality or refuse to concede and file a lawsuit over the results. Not to mention that the Trump supporters will get a 'signal' from Trump to start attacking members of minority communities.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
10. I feel Biden will win, but I fully expect Trump to prevent it from being a reality or refuse to concede and file a lawsuit over the results. Not to mention that the Trump supporters will get a 'signal' from Trump to start attacking members of minority communities.
Yeah, does seem like they'll target the integrity of the postal votes and try to get them thrown out somehow


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe a 4? Im pretty confident Biden has this. But I have immeasurable anxiety for what comes after. I'm imaging a Cold War with Iran starting just after the new year.


Nov 8, 2017
11. im expecting some serious fuckery tmr that continues our everlasting global embarrassment


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
Im in the UK and I am super nervous Trump wins. For many reasons, one(which I know is super selfish) is that I want to take the kids to Dinseyworld, but I dont think it will be safe if he is in charge. Mainly its because of the economy and how many people will die though. Biden needs to win to return stability to this planet.
Oct 28, 2017
8, and I'm not even American :(

Seems to me like this election won't just decide the future of the USA, but the world as a whole.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm worried about what happens after the election even if Biden wins.

The Cult of Trump will not take a loss lying down, there will be fuckery.


Aug 1, 2019
4 and that's mostly for the Senate & also election fuckery. In terms of actual voting for president I'm at like a 1. No one's putting up Biden numbers a day before the election and losing.


One Winged Slayer
May 7, 2018

I have a REALLY bad feeling about this election, but hopefully it's just my general anxiety speaking.