Deleted member 10747

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Oct 27, 2017
How are you not getting frustrated? Like FFS it's as if saying that something needs to be done is a sin.

Oh, I thought the cool thing to do was shame people for things you know nothing about
Ahh okay. So instead of being a adult your going to act like a damn child. Who the fuck cares how you are perceived if you are doing something about it? Are you that fucking young? You do good because it's the good thing to do not because some one thinks highly of you.

But fine!!! Tell me about it, I'll listen to your little tantrum! Perhaps afterwards you can go back to being a adult and have a adult conversation.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh excuse me, I guess I should hear your bs excuses for why you can't make a difference where it counts before I judge 🙄
Just a few weeks ago there was kid freaking sailing over to the US to drive the message home that y'all need to get your asses up.
Like and retweets aren't enough. But instead of focussing on her message all I read from Americans is how she rules for not wanting to meet with Trump, how she is so smart for conversing in a foreign language at 16 years old, how she is "inspirational".
All this demented gibberish you read online, everything so that you don't have to deal with her message which is that our actions lead right into the single biggest crisis humanity has ever faced, right into the collapse of civilization as we know it and right into age of war and genocide und unprecedented human suffering.
And this isn't Trumps fault, or the Republicans fault, but our fault. We need to change the way we live, the way we consume and we don't change our ways now we will be responsible for what is coming.

This is inconvenient, so people rather abstract and talk about Greta, and about Trump instead of the actuals problems at hand.

This isn't a problem of feasibility, but a problem of mentality.
Climate change exposes the true extent of the "iron cage" in which humans are trapped and points our how truly unfree we are.
This is the first time in history where we actually need to show that we have agency and so far it looks like agency was nothing but an illusion.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Ahh okay. So instead of being a adult your going to act like a damn child. Who the fuck cares how you are perceived if you are doing something about it? Are you that fucking young? You do good because it's the good thing to do not because some one thinks highly of you.
Let me know when you've calmed down to have a serious discussion.

This is the first time in history where we actually need to show that we have agency and so far it looks like agency was nothing but an illusion.

Again, what are you going to do to make a difference? I've heard nothing but complaining and excuses.

Deleted member 176

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Oct 25, 2017
Cause telling someone to hop on a plane to another country cause we can't stop fucking up is a "serious discussion".
I don't think it's inherently more ridiculous than anything posts like jijawatts are posting. It's a question of how much you want to make a difference. Just one plane ticket could allow you to start a movement that could save the world.

Deleted member 10747

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Cause telling someone to hop on a plane to another country and rally for us cause we can't stop fucking up is a "serious discussion".

I wonder if a point is being made there. Like, maybe the idea of getting on a plane to protest something effectively is always a ridiculous base level of effort to assume of folks.


Oct 25, 2017
If we allow the Kurds to be attacked then America deserves to disappear. What a waste of a country we have become.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, it feels like the US public is still able to engage in hot topics and take it to the streets if necessary. Issue is that those topics are mostly chicken sandwiches.


Oct 25, 2017
To me, it's one additional benefit for the GOP of having your voting base in 95% of the geographic United States where still millions upon millions of people live.

If there are riots in NYC, LA, Boston, etc., that's just blue cities preaching to the choir at that point. You aren't going to be able to disrupt the lives of the middle of nowhere, USA as much because those people simply don't see the issue and it's really damn hard for people in blue cities to get out to these remote areas to make red voter's lives miserable.

Or basically this.

We're not living in Europe or most other developed nations where most large population centers are located within a 30-45 minute train ride.

You could shut down the entire Eastern Seaboard and people in Bentonville, Arkansas are still showing up to work at Walmart HQ like nothing is happening probably shaking their heads in unison as they watch Fox News.

Where do the lobbyists and billionaires live who control your politics? What infrastructure do their businesses rely on? Where are crucial goods being shipped?

Who cares about rural areas? They are not the economic centers at the heart of the problem, they just provide the idiots who's votes are abused to uphold this status quo.
You have Wall Street which you can disrupt. Whats silicone valley doing? I thought those guy were all so liberal and conscious. They're also rich as fuck. Why aren't they causing a disruption in their industries, which are also integral to the countries economy.

People in the US have for almost century been taught now that they are insignificant and that banding together and channeling ones interests is not a good idea. And y'all have internalized these lies.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's inherently more ridiculous than anything posts like jijawatts are posting. It's a question of how much you want to make a difference. Just one plane ticket could allow you to start a movement that could save the world.
Cause anybody can just start a movement, when america in the past have killed them off if they champion the "wrong thing". gtfo with your trolling ass


Oct 27, 2017
Where do the lobbyists and billionaires live who control your politics? What infrastructure do their businesses rely on? Where are crucial goods being shipped?

Who cares about rural areas? They are not the economic centers at the heart of the problem, they just provide the idiots who's votes are abused to uphold this status quo.
You have Wall Street which you can disrupt. Whats silicone valley doing? I thought those guy were all so liberal and conscious. They're also rich as fuck. Why aren't they causing a disruption in their industries, which are also integral to the countries economy.

People in the US have for almost century been taught now that they are insignificant and that banding together and channeling ones interests is not a good idea. And y'all have internalized these lies.

So millions of people who are "rich as fuck" need to fly to whatever city most billionaires have interests (???) and stop traffic and this is your plan?

You have less than no idea what you're talking about.


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck American patriotism and standing for the flag and all of that bullshit.

In the end it meant nothing if we allow this to happen.


Oct 25, 2017
So millions of people who are "rich as fuck" need to fly to whatever city most billionaires have interests (???) and stop traffic and this is your plan?

You have less than no idea what you're talking about.
Don't play stupid. Freaking school children are creative enough to come up with effective ways of protest.

Your mentality just tells me that you feel that doing something is too inconvenient, so you are content with the current situation.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Where do the lobbyists and billionaires live who control your politics? What infrastructure do their businesses rely on? Where are crucial goods being shipped?

Who cares about rural areas? They are not the economic centers at the heart of the problem, they just provide the idiots who's votes are abused to uphold this status quo.
You have Wall Street which you can disrupt. Whats silicone valley doing? I thought those guy were all so liberal and conscious. They're also rich as fuck. Why aren't they causing a disruption in their industries, which are also integral to the countries economy.

People in the US have for almost century been taught now that they are insignificant and that banding together and channeling ones interests is not a good idea. And y'all have internalized these lies.
You're really underscoring how people are saying you have no clue what you're talking about.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't play stupid. Freaking school children are creative enough to come up with effective ways of protest.

Your mentality just tells me that you feel that doing something is too inconvenient, so you are content with the current situation.

Explain what city all the rich people need to fly to. Be specific. You're so adamant the issue is easy to fix if people just weren't so damn lazy so please, help out us stupid lazy idiots to see exactly how it should work.


Oct 25, 2017
Explain what city all the rich people need to fly to. Be specific. You're so adamant the issue is easy to fix if people just weren't so damn lazy so please, help out us stupid lazy idiots to see exactly how it should work.

Why would they need to fly anywhere? What are you talking about? They can disrupt the public order where ever they are.
People have the power, even though they've taught you differently in the US.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
I'm kind of getting a read that the GOP is low key testing the waters to see how constituents react to them apposing Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island

I don't know who the lady in pink is but she gets super uncomfortable when Kilmeade stops towing the company line and speaks his mind.

Like to the average Fox news viewer that was probably shocking, like he "broke character" or something.

Which is even worse because that means he knows all the shit Trump does is wrong and peddles it anyway but it took this to be the straw that broke the camel's back.


Oct 27, 2017
Why would the need to fly anywhere. They can disrupt the public order where ever they are.
People have the power, even though they've taught you differently in the US.

Oh, the people who live in states already doing all of those things? If I go stop traffic in downtown Boston to protest Donald Trump, who do you think I'm influencing? He goes on twitter and riles up his base in fucking Arkansas about stupid liberals clogging their own liberal city.

Your understanding of politics and civic influence in whatever country your from has little to do with the US.

KHarvey16 Brock Reiher Merc_
Y'all are fine with Trump, aren't you?
And climate change doesn't concern you one bit, does it?

Your ability to bring thoughtful, informed analysis enlightens us all once again.

Deleted member 14649

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So millions of people who are "rich as fuck" need to fly to whatever city most billionaires have interests (???) and stop traffic and this is your plan?

You have less than no idea what you're talking about.

There is a mass protest in NYC due today. Why not regionalise your protesting and focus on the nearest major city to you?


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck American patriotism and standing for the flag and all of that bullshit.

In the end it meant nothing if we allow this to happen.

I think American patriotism was just the stealth method of introducing racism into American culture and then using that racism to stamp out all resistance to anything that might resemble justice, social welfare or being a contributing part of the global community.

Deleted member 14649

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
And influence who in NYC? No politicians in the NYC area need to be convinced.

It isn't always about influencing politicians. Getting the message out to the masses can be equally effective. The UK is already pretty competent when it comes to cutting emissions (well in comparison) but still people are out there locking themselves to cars and doing something because we are on course to even miss our own projections here.


Nov 2, 2017
This is how how it always goes with the US and Kurds, friends at the start and then getting abandoned when shit hits the fan, happened multiple times with the Iraqi Kurds.


Oct 25, 2017
Here is a small case study of what I'm talking about when I say red voters aren't affected by rigorous and even long protests.

The St. Louis protests happened for over a month.

But if you lived here:,_Missouri

St. Charles County is roughly ~400,000 people, a major suburb of St. Louis, and a blood red, Trump loving demographic. If you didn't ever turn on the news, there's a good chance you wouldn't even know about the protests happening. The only thing I ever heard about it in real life were Trump voters shaming these protesters. It wasn't like I still couldn't go get drive thru at McDonald's or shop at Walmart or go to the dentist, etc. etc. etc.

Our cities and our geography simply aren't built for mass revolution or major disruption to where it needs to go. As a result, these issues are continuing to show up in our mannerisms in the voting booth and in our politics which are ever increasingly becoming an urban vs rural divide.

Civil war or states succeeding from the US, as unlikely as it is, are both more likely than any kind of violent or even peaceful revolution.

So there's not really a magic bullet or an easy solution to any of these problems other than hoping that more D's show up to vote than R's and especially in places that sadly matter "more" like battleground states or purple states that have a chance to put Democratic senators into office.

As an aside, really the one and only place that I can think of that disruption would absolutely cripple our nation economically and make people take notice would be our nation's seaports. Stop importing cheap shit from China and even Joe Average in the middle of nowhere is going to notice. Think Boston Tea Party but on a larger scale.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump is attempting to "cash out" of his presidency now. I fully expect him to try to get rid of Russian sanctions within the week.


Oct 30, 2017
what a sad fucking pathetic tweet from Trump, the US is a complete joke he's still not impeached

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It isn't always about influencing politicians. Getting the message out to the masses can be equally effective. The UK is already pretty competent when it comes to cutting emissions (well in comparison) but still people are out there locking themselves to cars and doing something because we are on course to even miss our own projections here.
This is already happening in the US, as was already said. The problem isnt that we need to get the word out, the problem is that politicians can just not listen to most of the country and stay in power.

Over 50% of Americans are in favor of Trump being removed from office and Mitch McConnell used that information to fundraise to make sure he can block it.


Oct 25, 2017
Mitch just said NO to this plan.

Trump will cave.

But it sure will be interesting if he doesn't.