
Oct 31, 2017
Data concerns aside, I think it's just a plainly bad idea to invest in buying games for Facebook's closed ecosystem. If can be jailbroken to work just as a Link device or if some kind of emulator gets developed then the situation could change, but I don't trust either of those to not get broken by updates.

Eh, the Quest 2 is a stopgap solution until Valve inevitably makes a wireless Index 2. Im good with the current Index for now, which has better FOV, higher refresh rate, and finger tracking controllers.
For the Index 2 to be truly wireless in the same way as the Quest, Valve would probably have to port SteamOS to a SoC and abandon lighthouse tracking entirely.I can't really see that happening in the near future unfortunately.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
So, I mean I understand privacy but, here I am with a Quest 2, with a real FB account not used in like 5-6 years, not posting or doing anything with the account only login to Quest 2, and playing game, so what data FB is getting from me?

when I log in an play some games, maybe location?(idk)

who the fuck cares? that data is private to me, and if sold to other companies whatever, I don't use facebook but Quest.

Google is getting muuuuuuhch more valueable info a single time me using google maps(And that happens 1-2 times a month).

So I don't see that super problem, but its an opinion.

Also fuck facebook, The device should work without facebook account. Period. Waiting for that jailbreak.

" The data they get from a VR headset is truly crazy. Your height, hand size, what your looking at, how fast your moving, a point cloud of your room, how your body moves in general, and all the other obvious things like location. Plus connected to your social graph via Facebook. "

They will correlate what you look at, how long, what games you are playing, etc... Then they will build a virtual profile of you. Then they will sell that data to others on the intrawebs so anyone using Facebook's ad network (not just on Facebook) will have that info if they bought it.

You don't find that just a tad concerning?

And to the "skeptics" that Facebook will misuse that data? What in the world is making you thing that Facebook changed even iota from their previous behaviour. How many times does Facebook need to fuck everyone over until you will believe? This is Stockholm syndrome in action here. I mean, seriously, they have partially enabled bullshit around Trump's election and Brexit! Not to mention a lot more evil shit. You think selling your body data, and anything around your behavior fazes anyone there?


Oct 30, 2019
Man this guy is annoying. But for $300 it's worth keeping an eye on, for when it does eventually get blown open. No way I'd buy it now.


Oct 27, 2017

I didn't realize that last week he said he'd burn a Quest 2 if Facebook sent him one. Someone made a video mashup between last week and this.


Oct 26, 2017
Facebook already knows where you live and what your interests are by what brands you like and interact with on actual Facebook or by the account you've linked to your home console to share your screenshots etc. The value of ad companies knowing 'your hand size', 'how fast you're moving' or 'how your body moves in general' seems not very important.

You seriously can't tell how your performance in, say, a Fitness game could be used by Facebook for countless things, like exchanging that data with insurance companies so that they can build a more comprehensive profile on you and how to deny you coverage?

I'm sorry if I come off as aggressive naive are you guys? What do you think the central business model of Facebook is? It's your data. It's knowing everything there is to know about you and using that data to manipulate you into buying, seeing and interacting with exactly the things they want you to buy, see and interact with. What do you think why this is so relatively cheap? Because gaining that data is infinitely more valuable than anything a consumer could ever pay them. Why do think there are all these restrictions around how many devices you can use, how you HAVE to bind it to your FB account? Because the data is the point.

We know all of this! It blows my mind that in 2020 there are still people going "Eeeeeh, what could the company that completely dissolved and changed the fabrics of our society, which central aim is to know everything there is to know about everyone, steering "engangement" and their everyday lifes into the directions most helpful to their main cause - which is making more money and gaining more influence - what could that company POSSIBLY do with data about how I move, what I am afraid of, where I look and how I behave in a multitude of situations from a system that is literally supposed to simulate reality around me?"

Have you guys completely forgot about Cambridge Analytica and any other of the dozens of scandals Facebook was and is part of? How the 2016 election was won by a racist fascist by his cronies carefully manipulating and using the systems put in place by Facebook to deceive and lie and spread conspiracies? Your "data" - meaning knowing everything there is to know about you - is literally the most valuable resource in our society. It allows to manipulate, to steer, to encourage in ways you could never imagine or even notice. Funny one-liners about how that ad you just got REALLY didn't fit your taste, lol, how bad could it be, come off as incredibly ignorant to me.
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Oct 3, 2018
Ya'll really sound like FB about to put a sniper hit on you and your family once they get all the data.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that to even use a VR product you are opting to have data collected at all is fucking infuriating

Can we please get a viable competing product alternative

Quest 2 is starting to look like fucking cancer. Not knocking the actual hardware. Its fabulous. Its Fucking Facebook that is the problem


Nov 6, 2017
Imagine supporting Facebook in any way. Completely gross company that is destabilising democracies around the world, pushing dangerous conspiracy theories and allowing hate speech to spread like wildfire on their platform.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Ya'll really sound like FB about to put a sniper hit on you and your family once they get all the data.
The insurance example above is pretty interesting. Say Republicans manage to kill pre-existing conditions clause alongside Obamacare (very likely outcome now).

Facebook gathers data for you playing Beat Saber, Boxing games, etc.. .which could include all kinds of data points that could be combined with other data to make a case that you had existing heart disease (ex.). Now you have a heart issue go to the doctor, whole bunch of money gets charged to your insurance... which proceeds to deny due to that pre-existing condition.

That's not a big deal, right?


Oct 25, 2017
Ya'll really sound like FB about to put a sniper hit on you and your family once they get all the data.
Hey Facebook has (passively) assisted in committing some genocides and (actively) tried to suppress investigation into them, soooo... who knows right? lmao
No I don't think Facebook will come kill me specifically, but fuck this piece of shit company