
Nov 2, 2017

The gaming platform Steam has cracked down on over 100 profiles memorializing the suspected shooter behind today's tragic mosque shooting in New Zealand, which claimed the lives of 49 people.

Until shortly before this article's publication, dozens of users of the PC gaming service were blatantly offering tribute to the alleged writer behind a white supremacist manifesto that takes responsibility for the New Zealand shooting. These profiles tended to appropriate the suspected killer's name and image, the most common of which appears to be a screenshot from a Facebook livestream of the shooting. One profile displays a GIF of the attack while others offer praise for his actions or refer to him as "Kebab Remover" or a "saint" or "hero."

In addition to nearly 100 pages that referred to or venerated the suspected New Zealand shooter, hundreds of pages continue to nod toward past mass shooters including perpetrators of massacres in Charleston, Isla Vista and Parkland and of the 2011 mass killing in Norway. These profiles also appropriate these terrorists' names and images, sometimes their mugshots or press images from their trial. Many have been live for months or years. 45 profiles referencing the Charleston shooter's name remain live, including four created near the date of the 2015 attack.

For years, hate groups fostering Nazis and white supremacists have thrived on Steam, VICE Motherboard reported in 2017. Just one year later, The Center for Investigative Reporting revealed that Steam acted as home for 173 groups "that blatantly venerate past school shooters," including some described as "A group for all my fellow shooters" and "School Shooters are Heroes."

Wow, the Steam community really is a cesspool.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 31, 2017
Report them to the FBI while they're at it.


Oct 27, 2017
There are millions of profiles and they are easy to create, as any online service this was expected. I am actually surprised they took action this fast instead of waiting for bad press to happen first.


Aug 22, 2018

Fuck right off with that. What part of DOZENS vs like 300 million users do you not get? There's probbly dozens of asshats on reset era that would say something equally terrible either to troll or to be assholes if they knew they weren't going to get banned.

That's not to say this isn't a problem with gaming communities all over, but that's the point. This is a problem on PSN, Xbox live, Steam.... basically the internet is the issue.


Nov 16, 2017
It aint simply the Steam Community, its a large group of White Males that make up the core demographic of the Gaming Community.

They aren't going anywhere and will continue to spread their hatred under the guise of "memes". "jokes". and "edginess"


Dec 28, 2017
How fucked up do you have to be to make fucking memes out of this situation and unironically think the shooter was in any way a hero?

Get bent you fucking cunts.


Feb 25, 2018
For some reason i assumed this meant 100 games and thought steam really had lost the plot on curation

Steam community pages are an absolute cesspool at the best of times, dreadful to think what they are like at the moment.


Oct 25, 2017

I think everyone has to stop using "Steam community" as something separate from the general population of the world. Steam has 90 Million monthly users, why are a few garbage humans on Steam now "the Steam Community". The Youtube community is actually a cesspool but I realize that is because 99% of the users dont post comments on Youtube so everyone that uses Youtube isnt a garbage human.

On topic though, I am glad Steam is cracking down on horrible people and I hope they start banning some of them.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I think it's worse on Steam.

I am definitely not a defender of Valve by any means but I think part of it is being on the web rather than the communities on PSN (I don't know XBL as well) makes it easier for this stuff to fester. My main problem with Valve is the fact that they just let this shit sit there even after multiple complaints, so I think it's good for them to delete this shit. I'm not sure what exactly is said in these tributes and I don't think I want to know really.

Why do people enjoy being trolling garbage?

Being empathetic and compassionate is harder than being a dick. And less rewarding.


Dec 18, 2017
I think it's worse on Steam.

It's not a reflection of the demographic. It's a reflection of the open-ness of the platform. That's a double-edged sword.

I guarantee you'd have just as much garbage on PSN or Xbox if the platforms were more customizable.

Which is not an argument in favor of stricter control. More open platforms require more mature approaches.

Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
A few hundred fucktards does not make an entire community of millions of users awful. You'll find a similar number of awful human beings on literally any large social media platform.

It's good that Valve are removing this. Other websites should be quicker to do the same.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Holy fucking shit. Track those psychos accounts, find out who they are and put them all on watch lists. This is insane.


Feb 9, 2018
Fuck right off with that. What part of DOZENS vs like 300 million users do you not get? There's probbly dozens of asshats on reset era that would say something equally terrible either to troll or to be assholes if they knew they weren't going to get banned.

That's not to say this isn't a problem with gaming communities all over, but that's the point. This is a problem on PSN, Xbox live, Steam.... basically the internet is the issue.
There's no denying that Steam certainly seems to at least bring these people to the open more readily with how open the platform is. Rape and School Shooting sims and all.

Rat King

Oct 27, 2017
It's not a reflection of the demographic. It's a reflection of the open-ness of the platform. That's a double-edged sword.

I guarantee you'd have just as much garbage on PSN or Xbox if the platforms were more customizable.

Which is not an argument in favor of stricter control. More open platforms require more mature approaches.
Exacty. The shitposting, trolling, pathethic boycotts, alt right propaganda and so on is way more visible on Steam. Of course they exist on other platforms, but their voice is not so present.


Oct 28, 2017
Do you identify in some way with being part of the Steam community to the point where you think that this point is worth arguing? Even if you're right, what's the point?

Don't try to lecture me on toxic gaming culture when I care about the nuance. Just scan my post history before bothering to continue this myopic inquiry.


Oct 28, 2017
Why couldn't I have gotten into a hobby that wasn't at the intersection of "shitposting and memes" x "mass shooting murders"

Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There's no denying that Steam certainly seems to at least bring these people to the open more readily with how open the platform is. Rape and School Shooting sims and all.
Valve need to be quicker at removing those games, and should probably have an automated system for flagging obvious problematic ones like Rape Day before anything about them goes live. I agree with that.
Last edited:


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Don't try to lecture me on toxic gaming culture when I care about the nuance. Just scan my post history before bothering to continue this myopic inquiry.

There is no lecture. It was an honest question. For me it would be similar to a thread about a cop in the United States that shot and killed a minority and someone coming in and saying #notallcops. In the same way, of course not all Steam users are white supremacist shitheads and not all police officers are murdering psychopaths, but is the distinction worth pointing out?

The issue for me and many people is that Valve has done essentially nothing when it comes to deplatforming these types of people for years and years. They have left many of these discussion boards up to the individual developers themselves, many of whom simply don't have the resources to moderate them.

So the idea that you are angry that someone is calling all of Steam community a white supremacist cesspool just makes me think it's more important for you to be right about the degrees and less about how prevalent this problem is. If you think that's a lecture or that I'm insinuating something more about you than that, that is not my intention.

Cymbal Head

Oct 25, 2017
Fuck this stupid awful culture within gaming that legitimizes and spreads right wing hate.

Get out of my hobby.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Is it really that hard not to generalize millions of people based on the actions of the few?

I'm not sure if this is a rhetorical question or not...

I will say the fact that this is a news story implies to me that this is unexpected behavior from Valve. We are all used to their milquetoast responses to this type of thing. So good on them for changing, at least in this case.


Oct 25, 2017
You know what I don't do any more? Bother distinguishing between shitposting edgy ironic lulz and those who actually believe it.