
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how I feel about this. Her outburst was uncalled for by all means, but sometimes I feel like internet vigilantism mob mentality takes it too far. Maybe it's a case by case basis, but is her losing a job and effectively ruining her prospects of future jobs (essentially ruining her life) really justice? She has a kid to take care of and he will be impacted the most. I dunno. She will make an apology no doubt, and she might get fired by her employer because it could make them look bad. What I just don't like about it is harassing the business with phone calls to get her fired and the death threats. I get the internet upload thing, but the death threats and what not are too much. Sigh

She should be punished but I wish she can apologize and learn from it vs getting fired right off the bat and having her life ruined.
Apologise and face no consequences? Learning from racism doesn't happen overnight. It's not a heated moment, she was racist inside but only now has it been made public. Losing her job would make her finally challenge if she should still be racist.

You want to link to the death threats? If there are none, then seems a bit alarmist and concern trolling.

I think we should be more concerned on the effect of racism to the victims and support them rather than the perpetrator.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
Telling someone else they're rude while constantly telling them to shut up. If I were her kid I'd be out the door the moment she started saying a goddamn word.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol @ "speak English in Canada", I'd like to see her say that to someone in Quebec

Gyro Zeppeli

Oct 27, 2017
Do racists not understand that they'll be filmed in public for having racist outbursts? If you're going to act like a jack ass to workers, at least don't be racist about it. Fuck. Although, probably for the best, as it lets the world know who they are.


Oct 27, 2017
I honestly think Vancouverites, Canadians (not new immigrants) not just this woman are getting tired of seeing housing go high, more and more people not speaking English. Just driving around Richmond, you can also see there's a language war going on between Chinese lettering in stores and English lettering. Same with Indian immigrants in Surrey. I'm starting to see more and more immigrants not integrate within Canadian culture and would rather "be with there people" so as to say. I use to see this type of rhetoric in the US due to latinos but now Canadians are getting frustrated with new Asians.
Racists are racist. This isn't some new, unknown phenomenon.

It's not economic anxiety or concern over 'integration'--call it as it is: RACISM. Don't coddle racists with excuses, they will never deserve the benefit of the doubt.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Los Angeles, CA.
I want to say I hope she's quickly identified and fired from her job (if she works outside the home), but then I wouldn't want her totally innocent kid to suffer that fallout.

Poor kid, though. How sad to have such a trash mom.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I don't know how I feel about this. Her outburst was uncalled for by all means, but sometimes I feel like internet vigilantism mob mentality takes it too far. Maybe it's a case by case basis, but is her losing a job and effectively ruining her prospects of future jobs (essentially ruining her life) really justice? She has a kid to take care of and he will be impacted the most. I dunno. She will make an apology no doubt, and she might get fired by her employer because it could make them look bad. What I just don't like about it is harassing the business with phone calls to get her fired and the death threats. I get the internet upload thing, but the death threats and what not are too much. Sigh

She should be punished but I wish she can apologize and learn from it vs getting fired right off the bat and having her life ruined.
The kid deserves better than her, she's poisoning him. If she does not want to be part of civil society that is on her.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine being so privileged that your ears can't be assaulted by another language


Oct 25, 2017
I want to say I hope she's quickly identified and fired from her job (if she works outside the home), but then I wouldn't want her totally innocent kid to suffer that fallout.

Poor kid, though. How sad to have such a trash mom.

Regardless of the kid, I don't agree with the mob mentality of basically ejecting these people from society entirely. This exchange was between the woman and the other people involved, they're the ones that should work it out. Obviously she owes everyone involved a profuse apology. If she broke the law, then she deserves to be prosecuted. But unless she was at work, it makes no sense to insist that she lose her livelihood.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how I feel about this. Her outburst was uncalled for by all means, but sometimes I feel like internet vigilantism mob mentality takes it too far. Maybe it's a case by case basis, but is her losing a job and effectively ruining her prospects of future jobs (essentially ruining her life) really justice? She has a kid to take care of and he will be impacted the most. I dunno. She will make an apology no doubt, and she might get fired by her employer because it could make them look bad. What I just don't like about it is harassing the business with phone calls to get her fired and the death threats. I get the internet upload thing, but the death threats and what not are too much. Sigh

She should be punished but I wish she can apologize and learn from it vs getting fired right off the bat and having her life ruined.
It's interesting how this instances always get turned around into folks trying to empathize with the racist. I don't think about her at all. I feel for the employees that minding their business doing their job and has to eat shit because a bigot can't function in public.


Dec 9, 2017
Racists are racist. This isn't some new, unknown phenomenon.

It's not economic anxiety or concern over 'integration'--call it as it is: RACISM. Don't coddle racists with excuses, they will never deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Yeah it is Racism, but I grew up here all my life. Vancouver was always a chill city. Once it transformed into a global city and more and more immigrants started coming here and lately refusing to learn and speak English, the Canadian civilities and tolerances go out the window. There's less and less tolerance in general among English speaking Canadians towards immigrants I'm seeing.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Regardless of the kid, I don't agree with the mob mentality of basically ejecting these people from society entirely. This exchange was between the woman and the other people involved, they're the ones that should work it out. Obviously she owes everyone involved a profuse apology. If she broke the law, then she deserves to be prosecuted. But unless she was at work, it makes no sense to insist that she lose her livelihood.
Whats to work out? Maybe the employees could be less minorityish next time?
Dec 24, 2017
Anti-Asian racism in Canada is slightly more sophisticated than Anti-Asian racism in the US. I've experienced it where people will exclude me from their broad racist screeds because they can tell I'm either Asian-Canadian or Asian-American based on my build and numerous visible tattoos.

As in: One racist telling the other racist I am not a recent immigrant and that I'm not part of the problem.


Oct 25, 2017
Regardless of the kid, I don't agree with the mob mentality of basically ejecting these people from society entirely. This exchange was between the woman and the other people involved, they're the ones that should work it out. Obviously she owes everyone involved a profuse apology. If she broke the law, then she deserves to be prosecuted. But unless she was at work, it makes no sense to insist that she lose her livelihood.
Fuck that. This is the society we live in, one of multiculturalism. She clearly does not want to be part of that so yes, fucking eject her out of it. Hand holding racists isn't something minorities need to do


alt account
Aug 25, 2019
Vancouver, BC
It is quite a complicated issue since it is all interrelated and often mixed in with politics and racial / class identity.
For example, part of the reason behind the Hong Kong protests in my opinion is due to this same reason (beyond the surface level cries for 'democracy' or 'human rights'). Some of the locals (especially youngsters who was not born in the Mainland and with no emotional connection to it) feel left out as they start to see Mainland China getting richer. The old identity of prosperous and first-class HKers is starting to change... and it is natural to react against this by blaming or hating on another group / side. Humans are emotional animals. I mean even on this forum you can feel this in some of the threads dealing with China. Some of the nouveau rich from the Mainland also behaves poorly which adds to the animosity.

Note that I am ethnically Chinese myself (born in Vancouver) and am not an enlightened saint free from my ego identity either, but I can really sense this divide more and more. It is all quite interesting for me to analyze and reflect upon.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver, BC
I honestly think Vancouverites, Canadians (not new immigrants) not just this woman are getting tired of seeing housing go high, more and more people not speaking English. Just driving around Richmond, you can also see there's a language war going on between Chinese lettering in stores and English lettering. Same with Indian immigrants in Surrey. I'm starting to see more and more immigrants not integrate within Canadian culture and would rather "be with there people" so as to say. I use to see this type of rhetoric in the US due to latinos but now Canadians are getting frustrated with new Asians.
I always found it ironic that the ones that get mad about languages that aren't English are always the most pro-free market / pro-capitalism. Sorry dude. People figured out how to attract more customers and it's by providing service in the language the people are most comfortable in. This is often older immigrants who have a much harder time learning a new language.
Mar 9, 2019
We get it, there's racist people everywhere. Also why is this in gaming?
We get it, there's racist people everywhere. Also why is this in gaming?
I don't know how I feel about this. Her outburst was uncalled for by all means, but sometimes I feel like internet vigilantism mob mentality takes it too far. Maybe it's a case by case basis, but is her losing a job and effectively ruining her prospects of future jobs (essentially ruining her life) really justice? She has a kid to take care of and he will be impacted the most. I dunno. She will make an apology no doubt, and she might get fired by her employer because it could make them look bad. What I just don't like about it is harassing the business with phone calls to get her fired and the death threats. I get the internet upload thing, but the death threats and what not are too much. Sigh

She should be punished but I wish she can apologize and learn from it vs getting fired right off the bat and having her life ruined.
Regardless of the kid, I don't agree with the mob mentality of basically ejecting these people from society entirely. This exchange was between the woman and the other people involved, they're the ones that should work it out. Obviously she owes everyone involved a profuse apology. If she broke the law, then she deserves to be prosecuted. But unless she was at work, it makes no sense to insist that she lose her livelihood.

Those poor Nazi's / racist lives / feelings am right ? Fuck all 3 of you


Oct 27, 2017
J'y comprends pantoute, stie.
A soir moi et mes tcheums on va s'faire une chriss de barre avec c'taffaire, tsé. C't'une ostie d'cave a smet' en tabarnak comme ço.
(or something like that anyway)


J'comprends rien pentoute, sti.
Asoire moé pis mes chums on va s'faire une criss de brosse avec s'taffaire là, tsé. Stune ostie d'cave pour smet' en tabarnak comme ço.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Los Angeles, CA.
Regardless of the kid, I don't agree with the mob mentality of basically ejecting these people from society entirely. This exchange was between the woman and the other people involved, they're the ones that should work it out. Obviously she owes everyone involved a profuse apology. If she broke the law, then she deserves to be prosecuted. But unless she was at work, it makes no sense to insist that she lose her livelihood.

Hard disagree, though I can (sort of) see where you're coming from. But me, I have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to racism, homophobia, sexism, biphobia, transphobia, bullying -- all of it. (Not saying you don't or are cool with any of that stuff, but I take a very, very hardline position here -- more than most, I would say.) Out yourself as a piece of shit, reap the consequences. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. People like her should be ostracized unless and until they apologize, own up to, and overcome their hate. Why should any non-white, cisgender people she potentially works with have to put up with her toxicity? And don't fool yourself into thinking that she wouldn't get non-white people fired from their jobs just because if she had the power to do so. Nah, I have zero respect or apathy for racists and I am 100% comfortable with such people suffering social consequences for racist outbursts. Every time a bigot reaps serious, dire (non-violent, non-lethal) consequences for being, well, bigoted, it fills me with pure joy.

But like I said, depending on this woman's particular situation that could trickle down and make her innocent kid suffer, so I'll stop short of going all in in this case. If she didn't stand to bring anyone else down with her, though -- let alone a kid -- I'd say she made her toxic bed and she can lie in it, hopefully bringing upon herself (non-violent, non-lethal) social consequences as a result.

That poor, poor kid. I hope he somehow manages not to turn out exactly like her.
Last edited:


Jun 12, 2019

J'comprends rien pentoute, sti.
Asoire moé pis mes chums on va s'faire une criss de brosse avec s'taffaire là, tsé. Stune ostie d'cave pour smet' en tabarnak comme ço.

Ieeeei thanks ! :)
Hey my memories were not as bad as i thought ! "brosse", not "barre"... dammit... :P

- I know they won't read that, but i blow a kiss to my old mates in Trois Rivieres. -


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
I've mentioned this in other threads before but i remember a thing my mom told me about just last year. She was speaking Spanish to my aunt on the phone (long distance, she lives in the states) while on the bus here. (It was on Davie and Bidwell for any other Vancouverites) Some douchebag interrupts her call and tells her to speak English. My mom was taken aback and had to make sure she heard him right so she asked him to repeat what he said. The asshole continued to tell her to speak English.

He got her to speak English when she told him "fuck off" :)

I love that story. Warms my heart. I wish I could be there to see it.

I remember when I was a little kid with my dad that some guy was yelling at my dad to "go back to your country". This was me and my brothers clearly visible in the back seat when we were all young. Completely unprovoked.

So this shit definitely happens here.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
It's interesting how this instances always get turned around into folks trying to empathize with the racist. I don't think about her at all. I feel for the employees that minding their business doing their job and has to eat shit because a bigot can't function in public.

This is how I feel about it. If she's the sole breadwinner for the kid then she shouldn't be randomly screaming racist stuff at employees just trying to do their job. The consequences are a result of her own actions and inability to at least pretend to be civil, hard for me to turn it around into handwringing about how she'll get along after this.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know how I feel about this. Her outburst was uncalled for by all means, but sometimes I feel like internet vigilantism mob mentality takes it too far. Maybe it's a case by case basis, but is her losing a job and effectively ruining her prospects of future jobs (essentially ruining her life) really justice? She has a kid to take care of and he will be impacted the most. I dunno. She will make an apology no doubt, and she might get fired by her employer because it could make them look bad. What I just don't like about it is harassing the business with phone calls to get her fired and the death threats. I get the internet upload thing, but the death threats and what not are too much. Sigh

She should be punished but I wish she can apologize and learn from it vs getting fired right off the bat and having her life ruined.

Fuck that.

If you want to be a racist piece of shit and play that game, you win stupid prizes.

She's the one who put her kid in that situation when she decided to be a racist twat.

People like her aren't going to learn a damn thing if they don't face any consequences for their actions.

I feel sorry for the kid that he has to be raised by the turd.


Oct 25, 2017
It bothers me that the person filming didn't do anything to like try to stop her or at least be like yo what the hell lady. They even seem like they didn't want her to know they were filming her.