
Sep 23, 2023
I actually liked episode I the best. I watched it in my 20s over a decade after it was released. I went into it with no nostalgia or general interest in the franchise.

Come at me. I think this is a heavily nostalgia based franchise where people feed off their memories and base their favorites off of where they started. Regardless of quality. If you sit down and watch Empire Strikes Back with no nostalgia you'll see it's actually the weakest of the original trilogy, and Attack of the Clones caliber of quality.

I just rewatched Episode I in the theaters. Aside from some awkward dialogue, effects, and Jar Jar Binks goofiness it's still the best Star Wars film. That final duel against Darth Maul is the best moment in Star Wars history.

Liam Neeson in his role as Qui Gon Jinn is by far the best personification of everything the franchise has ever described a Jedi as.


Oct 27, 2017
Not really surprising, it has a lot of iconic moments:

Jar Jar
Darth Maul


Oct 25, 2017
"Ah it's episode 1? Better start here then"

It's this.

Man it's gonna be one hell of a wake-up call to the Gen Xers and Millenials who despise the sequel trilogy when, in 10-15 years time, Zoomers who grew up with those movies as their Star Wars enter their 30s and start getting all nostalgic for them. They'll receive mass fan re-appraisal like the prequels have, just watch.

Every line of dialogue that people hate and clown on now ("They fly now?!") is gonna be meme'd into being good, like Anakin's diatribe about sand.

Also this. I'm expecting a lot of "the sequels were actually underrated" videos in a few years and (if Era is still around then) reaction threads to those videos


Oct 26, 2017
I actually liked episode I the best. I watched it in my 20s over a decade after it was released. I went into it with no nostalgia or general interest in the franchise.

Come at me. I think this is a heavily nostalgia based franchise where people feed off their memories and base their favorites off of where they started. Regardless of quality. If you sit down and watch Empire Strikes Back with no nostalgia you'll see it's actually the weakest of the original trilogy, and Attack of the Clones caliber of quality.

I just rewatched Episode I in the theaters. Aside from some awkward dialogue, effects, and Jar Jar Binks goofiness it's still the best Star Wars film. That final duel against Darth Maul is the best moment in Star Wars history.

Liam Neeson in his role as Qui Gon Jinn is by far the best personification of everything the franchise has ever described a Jedi as.
I was a older teen whose entire friend group looked down upon the prequels and anyone who liked them when they were released. Nothing could compare the to the OT. Then I rewatched the OT as an adult and fell asleep during ESB.

I think humans are just very nostalgic creatures even for bad things. When I rewatch episode 1 I get while people like it (especially kids), but it is still just a bad movie with some memorable moments and characters. I'm also of the camp that the ST isn't as bad as people say. It will also probably have some sort of undeserved revival in the future.

A prime example is I still have nostalgia for a time I was young even though I distinctly remember my mental state was a complete dumpster fire the whole time.


Sep 23, 2023
I was a older teen whose entire friend group looked down upon the prequels and anyone who liked them when they were released. Nothing could compare the to the OT. Then I rewatched the OT as an adult and fell asleep during ESB.

I think humans are just very nostalgic creatures even for bad things. When I rewatch episode 1 I get while people like it (especially kids), but it is still just a bad movie with some memorable moments and characters. I'm also of the camp that the ST isn't as bad as people say. It will also probably have some sort of undeserved revival in the future.

A prime example is I still have nostalgia for a time I was young even though I distinctly remember my mental state was a complete dumpster fire the whole time.

I get where you're coming from. Episode I does have a lot of moments kids would find hilarious. Anikin having such a prevalent role as well. However, it also has the single best Jedi fight in the series, the best Jedi hands down (Qui Gon Jinn), and the best design for a Sith.


Oct 27, 2017
Also this. I'm expecting a lot of "the sequels were actually underrated" videos in a few years and (if Era is still around then) reaction threads to those videos

y'know... I honest to god doubt this. the ST (in my view) didn't have near enough cultural impact the PT did for its time

will there be some rose tinted nostalgia? sure. but it won't be anywhere near the same

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
y'know... I honest to god doubt this. the ST (in my view) didn't have near enough cultural impact the PT did for its time

will there be some rose tinted nostalgia? sure. but it won't be anywhere near the same
Again, I get it TRoS burned y'all, but are y'all really gonna rewrite 2012-2019 just to cope with this.

Hell, since when is this place even in tune with cultural impact?


Oct 26, 2017
Disney, you know what you have to do. Bring in George, give him total creative freedom and an unlimited budget and let him create the real sequel trilogy.


Oct 25, 2017
y'know... I honest to god doubt this. the ST (in my view) didn't have near enough cultural impact the PT did for its time

will there be some rose tinted nostalgia? sure. but it won't be anywhere near the same

Also the PT's biggest cultural competitors of the time were LOTR and a couple Spiderman movies.

The ST is going to compete with the nostalgia for that phase of the MCU coming back around. Also there'd have to be nostalgia for TRoS as the culmination of that story which is kinda hard to imagine. I'd think it'd end up in the Game of Thrones bucket of "it was great up until…"

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Also the PT's biggest cultural competitors of the time were LOTR and a couple Spiderman movies.

The ST is going to compete with the nostalgia for that phase of the MCU coming back around. Also there'd have to be nostalgia for TRoS as the culmination of that story which is kinda hard to imagine. I'd think it'd end up in the Game of Thrones bucket of "it was great up until…"
Since when are we allowed to be nostalgic for one thing?

Not to mention the other popular mid 2000s things you're forgetting.


Oct 25, 2017
Since when are we allowed to be nostalgic for one thing?

Not to mention the other popular mid 2000s things you're forgetting.

I mean we are but are people going to get as worked up about the MCU? Eh I doubt it

I'm just not sure if I see it as an absolute given that the cycle will repeat itself. I guess we won't know for another 15ish years so.


Oct 27, 2017
Again, I get it TRoS burned y'all, but are y'all really gonna rewrite 2012-2019 just to cope with this.

Hell, since when is this place even in tune with cultural impact?

well i'm pushing back against the general notion, not really what this place or how our nerd bubble will perceive it (seems like beside TRoS things skew pro-ST parallel to how the PT was perceived by our demographic in the '00s, then Red Letter Media topped off that "legacy")

could be reversed like the ST could get its own Clone Wars type show/movie/game/whatever that expands its mythos, but it seems like a pretty dry well to draw from.

i think it'll culminate in "remember 2016? Kylo Ren looked cool. and there was Rey, she was a badass."


Oct 25, 2017
I love this movie. It's not perfect, but none of the SW movies are. But it has an amazing, iconic soundtrack, great visuals, interesting locations, the pod race, Duel of the Fates (which is my favorite fight in the series), Darth Maul, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, sweet lore and world building…I love it.


Dec 6, 2017
Zoomers wont be nostalgic about star wars sequels, they're gonna get all teary eyed and wistful about mr beast or something. Pop culture is dead.

Disney, you know what you have to do. Bring in George, give him total creative freedom and an unlimited budget and let him create the real sequel trilogy.

This should actually happen though. 10x more interesting than what we have now, trainwreck and all.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
I mean we are but are people going to get as worked up about the MCU? Eh I doubt it

I'm just not sure if I see it as an absolute given that the cycle will repeat itself. I guess we won't know for another 15ish years so.
Okay, but not everyone likes the MCU. 2015 was a pretty varied year, just like 2002. I'm pretty indifferent toward LotR, but there were like 4 other properties just as popular.

There's no monolith about this, just look at the Star Wars rankings in this thread and how all over the place they are and I barely understand this need to force a narrative that we'll all be in agreement on.

And cultural impact is just such a silly metric based on vibes that people just repeat like it means something.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Makes sense.

Us olds will never get the love for Phantom Menace. It was not for us.


Oct 27, 2017
It remains a completely boring film. Even the best part, the duel at the end, falls flat for me because the characters don't even talk to each other. You'd think Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan would have a few questions for the first Sith they've seen in hundreds of years but apparently not. George completely forgot how to make a film, SW worked bevause of the characters stuff not the effects.
It is really weird that there's a 5 minute long grandiose and bombastic fight with a guy who is presented by the film as essentially a random henchman. I don't know why people love that scene so much, it carries zero weight for me.


Oct 25, 2017

The taxation of trade routes? 5 year old me looking for a fun time at the movies is IN

It would have been more interesting if they explained why Naboo was such a big deal, and how what's essentially a big business has its own private army.


Oct 25, 2017
Makes sense.

Us olds will never get the love for Phantom Menace. It was not for us.

I was the prime demo (kid under 10) at the time and thought it was the drizzling shits. Jar jar was annoying, wato was annoying, the kid was annoying, the jedi were boring, Darth maul was cool but he didn't do anything. I didn't understand pretty much anything that was happening. The story was hard to follow.

Compared to the Star Wars trilogy tapes I watched religiously, it didn't even come close. Those were perfect films, and this was a bad movie. It was the first time I really experienced disappointment watching a movie.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I was the prime demo (kid under 10) at the time and thought it was the drizzling shits. Jar jar was annoying, wato was annoying, the kid was annoying, the jedi were boring, Darth maul was cool but he didn't do anything. I didn't understand pretty much anything that was happening. The story was hard to follow.

Compared to the Star Wars trilogy tapes I watched religiously, it didn't even come close. Those were perfect films, and this was a bad movie. It was the first time I really experienced disappointment watching a movie.
Not saying everyone would love it haha.

But it clearly has a fan base.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It would have been more interesting if they explained why Naboo was such a big deal, and how what's essentially a big business has its own private army.
The reason Naboo is a big deal is pretty clear, it's where Palpatine is from. The whole conflict is part of his larger scheme to gain power, the ending ceremony, where they go so far as to play a triumphant rendition of his theme hammers it home.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
I was 10-11, the perfect age when Phantom Menace came out so I loved it.


Oct 27, 2017
It would have been more interesting if they explained why Naboo was such a big deal, and how what's essentially a big business has its own private army.

It's all clearly a way to make Palpatine more sympathetic as a way to become chancellor. Assuming his plan works without Jedi interruption, he's able to basically do the same thing. Garner sympathy that his young queen was kidnapped and force out Valorum for being weak. He's already clearly got some power in the senate, this just catapults him further.

As for the droids, it seems like a test run for the much larger scale droid army he's prepping for the galactic civil war. Remember, at this point the clones are already being grown. War is his endgame.


One Winged Slayer
Jul 3, 2018
I was 8 when Phantom Menace came out. It's a horrible movie and I would never willingly watch it again regardless of how I felt about it at 8. I don't like the idea that everyone has to be a mindless nostalgia zombie for media just because they liked it as a kid.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I was the prime demo (kid under 10) at the time and thought it was the drizzling shits. Jar jar was annoying, wato was annoying, the kid was annoying, the jedi were boring, Darth maul was cool but he didn't do anything. I didn't understand pretty much anything that was happening. The story was hard to follow.

Compared to the Star Wars trilogy tapes I watched religiously, it didn't even come close. Those were perfect films, and this was a bad movie. It was the first time I really experienced disappointment watching a movie.
Not saying everyone would love it haha.

But it clearly has a fan base.

Now that those kids, whose introduction to the Star Wars world was The Phantom Menace, are adults, it's unsurprising the film is remembered more fondly. The "prequel kids," as Schwartzel puts it, hold The Phantom Menace as dear to them as older fans revere A New Hope.

After a recent anniversary screening of the film in D.C., All Things Considered host Scott Detrow met 29-year-old Eleni Salyers, who said she's been a fan of the prequels since she was a kid: "For me it's nostalgic. Growing up I always preferred the prequels, which is a hot take for many Star Wars fans."
Jun 11, 2023
After taking my three year old to the 25th anniversary screening recently; it has made me forgive George Lucas and I apologise to him for anything bad I have ever said about the film.

spam flakes

Oct 27, 2017
Man it's gonna be one hell of a wake-up call to the Gen Xers and Millenials who despise the sequel trilogy when, in 10-15 years time, Zoomers who grew up with those movies as their Star Wars enter their 30s and start getting all nostalgic for them. They'll receive mass fan re-appraisal like the prequels have, just watch.

Every line of dialogue that people hate and clown on now ("They fly now?!") is gonna be meme'd into being good, like Anakin's diatribe about sand.
Yep. Absolutely guaranteed to happen. I don't know how many people started statements with "at least the Prequels TRIED something new/felt like Star Wars" when critiquing the sequel trilogy, and look where we are now. I can only hope the prequel defenders have enough self awareness to hold their tongue in the face of zoomers playing up the new trilogy when the time comes lol.

oh 100 percent. Haha
Oct 25, 2017
I actually liked episode I the best. I watched it in my 20s over a decade after it was released. I went into it with no nostalgia or general interest in the franchise.

Come at me. I think this is a heavily nostalgia based franchise where people feed off their memories and base their favorites off of where they started. Regardless of quality. If you sit down and watch Empire Strikes Back with no nostalgia you'll see it's actually the weakest of the original trilogy, and Attack of the Clones caliber of quality.

I just rewatched Episode I in the theaters. Aside from some awkward dialogue, effects, and Jar Jar Binks goofiness it's still the best Star Wars film. That final duel against Darth Maul is the best moment in Star Wars history.

Liam Neeson in his role as Qui Gon Jinn is by far the best personification of everything the franchise has ever described a Jedi as.

Of the pre-queals it's my favorite. Some of it is def wrapped up in nostalgia as I remember skipping school for it, the hype of it all, all the action figures coming back, etc etc etc.

But even now when I re-watch them I still find it the most enjoyable b/c it just feels the most "fresh" compared to the other two. There's a different feel to the movie that doesn't feel like it's trying to present this more darker feel. It's littered with problems but it's just a fun time.

Henry Jones Jr

Oct 27, 2017
I do actually feel it is one of the more enjoyable and re-watchable movies of the series. Although they are not "good movies" I am always down to throw on The Phantom Menace or Revenge of the Sith.


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
I'm guessing they saw "Episode 1" and figured they'd start there, which—even as a Phantom Menace enjoyer—I don't think I'd recommend lol


Oct 25, 2017
The problem with the prequels in general is that their core is the arc of a tragic love story that sounds good on paper but is an inert thing onscreen with no chemistry between the leads at all, so nobody really gives a shit that they don't live happily ever after. So The Phantom Menace winds up being okay since it has the least amount of love story by volume, and Revenge of the Sith has so much else going on at all times that one can kinda look past the core of the story not really working very well.

Well, that and John Williams' score is doing a lot of heavy lifting in the background to try and make it entertaining.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
The PT I think overall was still really bad and a mishandling of the setting and story, but as a bad and cringey as a lot of elements in them are there is definitely a lot of stuff to like about them and is charming. The core cast is really good, there are a lot of really fun sequences and there are some great visuals/designs. It's a very unique series of films that are half cringe so bad it's good, as well as just actually good and endearing.

So while I wish Lucas had handled the story in an entirely different way and did Anakin's rise and fall much greater justice, I don't hate the PT. It is what it is and there's some fun to be had in them. And they definitely managed to salvage and create some great stuff from it in the expanded series and media surrounding it.


Oct 27, 2017
Los angeles
Honestly, I saw it again and they should've left Padme out of it and introduced her in episode 2. That's the only complaint I got now. One of the best in the series.
