
Feb 4, 2020
Kojima is the furthest thing from a brand loyalist there is, and he's been developing a game only possible through streaming that no longer has Google's backing, where else would he go with it?

I think the curious part here is - are Microsoft going to put out a game that's ONLY playable on xCloud? That would be a new precedent. A secondary point of interest would be whether Microsoft turned the partnership on this streaming game into something bigger with him

But yeah, if Kojima was talking to Stadia about this game, then it makes sense he'd go to Microsoft next (or MS would approach him). People even speculated to that end when we first beheld the Shelf of Phil. If it's a game that's made for a streaming format, then your options aren't really plentiful.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
Hideo Kojima Episodic Horror Game
Danny DeVito
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Nick/Shpeshal_Ed has proven time and time again he knows stuff. Just don't ask him about Elden Ring :P (which to be fair, he did post snippets of the trailer for)


Mar 17, 2018
He def has some good sources but yeah, he has some misses for sure. I'm guessing his sources might sometimes hear things that are legit but don't pan out. But the XBL Gold thing is an absolute blunder because they doubled price (before reversing it the same day) changed the name, and he appears to have not had info on that.
There's clearly so much shit going on behind the scenes with Gold, so I'm not really sure why people try to use it as some mark against Grubb. They literally reversed course and announced that they're dropping Gold for F2P the next day.


Oct 25, 2017
Ive bought 3 Sony consoles exclusively for Kojima games, (then obviously stay for the rest, but still) I don't see an issue if he publishes with MS.

It boggles my mind that Sony first players are freaking out instead of just saying "sure thing Kojima, do your thing and I'll be there for it"

The dude is a mastermind creator and if you're a fan it shouldn't matter what platform his project comes from.


Oct 25, 2017
I've never considered Kojima to be a Sony loyalist, especially after he went independent. If anything, I would think publishers would be lining up to work with KojiPro and not the other way around. He'll gladly take money from whoever to make whatever the hell he wants. That's an incredible position to be in as a creator.

Not surprising at all that MS came knocking, I wonder if this ends up being that Stadia game they had to cancel.
I've never considered Kojima to be a Sony loyalist, especially after he went independent. If anything, I would think publishers would be lining up to work with KojiPro and not the other way around. He'll gladly take money from whoever to make whatever the hell he wants.

Not surprising at all that MS came knocking, I wonder if this ends up being that Stadia game they had to cancel.
Yeah, it's weird that folks think that Kojima being independent meant that he HAD to stay with Sony to make a dent. If his team can't bring Decima with them, they'll just move onto a different engine and work from that instead. Hell, if this deal is already signed, they've likely been working with a new engine already with MS offering support where they're able to. Sony isn't the only publisher out there that can or will fuel whatever the man wants to make going forward.


Oct 27, 2017
If MS is working with Kojima I could see them ponying up $$$ for usage of the Metal Gear franchise for this gen, especially for Game Pass.


Oct 25, 2017
You were wrong about why he got banned and a dozen people corrected you, though. That stands for something, no? He does have sources, not saying he's on the level of Jason or Grubb.

His ban message is literally "pretending to be an insider." That is the extent of the knowledge I'm working on.


Nov 2, 2017
Slightly off topic. But I just found out Kojima is nearly 60?!

Man he don't look it, like at all...


Dec 3, 2018
I'll be the first to admit I rolled my eyes at the people picking apart The Shelf lmao. But uh, carry on I guess??

Hope the rumours are true about this being a cloud-powered game. Devs have talked about cloud tech having the potential to elevate game design for years but nobody's delivered on it yet. Would love to see what Kojima can cook up with that


Oct 26, 2017
Lol, I didn't think people could be more obvious with taking the piss, did this totally "genuine" conspiracy theory actually take off elsewhere? I guess it has been awhile since the last Kojima fan conspiracy, people probably never experienced the wildride of nonsense.
If MS is working with Kojima I could see them ponying up $$$ for usage of the Metal Gear franchise for this gen, especially for Game Pass.
I really don't think Kojima has any interest in revisiting the franchise that he was trying for years to get the hell away from since it was preventing him from pursuing other projects. Whatever this winds up being, it'll be brand new.


Oct 30, 2017
Pretty interesting that we may go into a generation where there's a PlayStation exclusive Remedy game, and a Kojima exclusive Xbox game Lol.
Jan 4, 2018
Don't know if already posted but here's an interesting interview with Kojima from 2019 where he says he was really interested to leave his mark in cloud/streaming (saying that having games, movies, etc. on the same platform is the future he's always wished for) and try something new.

Kojima wants to pioneer streaming and cloud gaming

In an interview with Japanese economy magazine Nikkei Business Kojima having teased something big in the works for cloud gaming and streaming.
In an interview with Japanese economy magazine Nikkei Business Kojima having teased something big in the works for cloud gaming and streaming.

Hideo Kojima, head of Kojima Productions and creator of the beloved Metal Gear Solid franchise, the cancelled Silent Hills and its demo P.T. as well as the upcoming Death Stranding wants to pioneer cloud gaming and streaming. In a 5G-centered interview with Japanese economy magazine Nikkei Business (translated by Dualshockers) he talked about believing that gaming and cinema are and have been going in the same direction for a long time now, with their history being nearly identical. Moviegoers would go to public screenings followed by television and streaming services while gamers would play a brief game at the arcade followed by home consoles, PC and the future of streaming.

As a believer in cloud media, Kojima talked about wanting to leave his mark as movies and games become one, specifically talking about streaming and cloud gaming and even namedropping the Google Stadia solution.

As the world slowly switches to 5G, Kojima believes that fact will make way for cloud gaming, letting the idea shine. "Cloud gaming experienced a boom around 4, 5 years ago, but there was no phenomenon carrying it. Many say it'll end in failure, but I think it didn't work out because the technology wasn't advanced enough. Now that 5G has launched, we'll see a huge shift to cloud gaming during the next five years. Entertainment as a whole will change and allow more liberty".

Regarding the topic of Google Stadia and how services like it will affect the industry we see today, Kojima believes that we'll come to see games we've never seen before. "
As streaming keeps evolving, games, movies, documentaries and any type of video content will all be on the same platform. This is the future I've always wished for. Services like Netflix will divide its content between "interactive games" and '"non-interactive movies". Games and movies are complete opposites, separated by a border. But that border will disappear. It already started to disappear. Like with Netflix's Black Mirror: Bandersnatch published last year"

To end the interview, Kojima said he hopes to stay alive as long as possible to see the changes that streaming will bring with his own eyes or even be the first person to make the games he wants to see, albeit difficult.
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EIC of Theouterhaven
Oct 27, 2017
Claymont, Delaware
Why do people keep saying that Kojima Production is abandoning PlayStation? It was never a PlayStation 1st company. Sony paid Kojima to make a game. The studio is independent. I wish people would stop saying this.