
Oct 27, 2017
Don't know the best way to put it but the investigation AMC launched didn't find anything damning enough not bring him back and that was all. I don't know what the standards are but that is in no way a not guilty. That seems to be what people are missing the investigation didn't say he was innocent/not guilty. His accuser didn't cooperate, for whatever reasons she might have had, and they just didn't find enough of a smoking gun on their own.

At this point, it is a matter of who you want to believe, but I wish people in this thread would stop acting like the investigation settles the matter and Hardwick was innocent because that is not what happened.

Yeah, a private investigation (especially without the transparency offered eventually by a public court) is hardly definitive. It is better that any sort of body with legal authority be involved than nothing, but we aren't getting the whole picture here. The network is only interested in investigating as far as absolving themselves of fiscal liability.

Just do a bit of research about the man's history, including the character evidence volunteered by past associates, before making a decision. The weight of the accusation definitely deserves the added scrutiny.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Cleared is the wrong word I think? Chloe from the start said she wasn't going to pursue anything or take part in an investigation because coming forward was not about revenge but moving on and strengthening others. Thus, the legal firm with huge conflict of interest into hardwicks wife's family company that AMC hired to investigate, had little to go on and he was reinstated
By AMC. There was no, "he is completely innocent" judgement

Fair enough, I didn't know about that part.
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
you uh...you uh couldn't read a few posts above yours huh

All this reminds me of when Tomonubu Itagaki (Ninja Gaiden creator and director) was charged with sexual harrassment charges and assault back in 2007.

Then later there was an investigation and the charges were dropped. Like...wut? Back then nobody asked questions. Who did the investigation. How long was it. Etc.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
has anyone mentioned that the law firm that investigated and cleared him of wrongdoing is the legal retainer for his wife's family?

edit: i see someone has


Oct 30, 2017
If I recall, AMC hired a law firm with a lot of experience in these kinds of issues/accusations, and they concluded nothing occurred that should rise to level of him being terminated / them cutting business ties. I can't recall their wording, but I am pretty sure that was the gist of it. There were no settlements or anything like that.

Since then Hardwick has slowly been getting his jobs back.

Edit: Here's an article discussing it: https://www.slashfilm.com/amc-chris-hardwick-investigation-third-party/
To clarify, Chloe refused to cooperate with the investigations. She said she did not want him to lose his gigs but simply wanted to get the story off her chest. She said if it ever became a "legal" issue she has all the documentation to back up her claims. SO the reason he was "cleared" is because his victim allowed his bitch ass to walk and he's lucky as hell she's not a vengeful person.


Oct 25, 2017
That company AMC hired to investigate him also represents the family of Chris Hardwick's wife, the fucking Hearsts. Totally no conflicts there.

JUST SAYIN' when people say he was cleared.
Yeah frankly this is how I see it. Her account was believable to me and his response was basically "bitches be crazy" and that was enough. I also think that seeing the audience that knows Hardwick (nerdy gamer dude types) are exactly the audience that don't really give af about this stuff and you got another mediocre dude continuing to stay relevant.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I've never liked Hardwick, full stop. The shitty things he's done, or been accused of doing, are an additional reason to not like him, but I didn't like him to begin with, so that really doesn't change much, for me.

So, I'm not taking his "side" here and I'm not saying that I'll be buying BL3 because I think Schlooters in general are boring and not my cup of tea at all, so it's not a game that interests me to begin with; BUT I will say that if I found out personal information above EVERY person who works on ANY game that I've ever played, I can guarantee you there is at least one horrible person in that group who has done morally reprehensible things (and likely way more than one person). As such, I try not to let the actions of one or two people who happen to be part of a large organization making a game, or a movie, or building a bridge, determine whether or not I will buy, or watch, or engage with that thing.

Now it's a different thing if when doing some morally reprehensible thing they are doing it in the name of the studio, or acting as representatives of said game (see THQ Nordiq for example). In those situations, where leaders of the company are being horrible people in a public-facing manner and not held responsible for their actions, I absolutely understand boycotting the game and/or company. I don't feel like that is the case with BL3....again...not my type of game, Pitchford and Hardwick are not my type of people, but the things they do in their personal lives don't really impact my decision to buy a game or not as per my reasons laid out above.


Nov 17, 2017
Situations like this always bring the biggest fuckin losers out of the woodwork to dismiss women's experiences.

Over 80% of women have faced sexual harassment, assault, or rape in their lives. The vast majority of it goes unreported. The vast majority that is reported will never result in a conviction or any sort of accountability. Fake accusations are statistical anomalies. Assuming that women are lying as soon as they speak is condemning generations of women now and in the future to continued sexual harassment and assault without recourse.

You, an individual are not a court of law. The state of our society and how we treat women must change. We must do better. Believing women is bare fucking minimum. To not, is to knowingly endorse a status quo of treating women broadly as less than.

Great post, summarized what I wanted to say much better than I ever could. Thank you.


Nov 11, 2017
Ahhh ignoring a game to "stick it to the man" instead of just playing games and having fun. what a time to be alive my friends, we've finally made it! /s
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Nov 17, 2017
Ahhh ignoring a game to "stick it to the man" instead of just playing games and having fun. what a time to be alive my friends, we've finally made it!

Must be nice to have your critical thinking permanently disabled. Fun is more important than considering whether you want to support a developer who continues to make awful decisions ad nauseum. You heard it here first!


Nov 11, 2017
Must be nice to have your critical thinking permanently disabled. Fun is more important than considering whether you want to support a developer who continues to make awful decisions ad nauseum. You heard it here first!
Its a joke my dude take it easy, why are people so quick to just outright shit on people? Damn


Oct 27, 2017
Ahhh ignoring a game to "stick it to the man" instead of just playing games and having fun. what a time to be alive my friends, we've finally made it!

As people grow up and mature so does their moral compass, their values and what they can and can't look past when supporting certain companies. Some people are still immature and don't give a fuck about anything other than the final product in their hands because fun.

What a time to be alive.

I want to buy B3 on day one but I really shouldn't.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't even muster a reaction because I for sure know even if tomorrow there is another scandal about gearbox, randy or whatever in the end BL3 will still sell millions over millions. The only reaction I have to this is pure apathy.


Nov 17, 2017
Its a joke my dude take it easy, why are people so quick to just outright shit on people? Damn

Because there are innumerable threads filled with throwaway snark that serves no function other than to dismiss anyone's investment in a situation more complicated than IS GAME FUN.

I see you retroactively added an /s so I guess I misread you and am sorry for doing so if that's the case, but posts like that are a dime a dozen and generally in earnest.


Nov 11, 2017
This is not good enough anymore. Things are bigger than you and your fun.
And you really think this is gonna help the massively fucked situation we have out there? Not buying a game and complaining on a forum full of like minded individuals will not fix anything thats the point of the joke (which ive now added /s too just so ppl will know since i guess they dont get it)

All im saying is that if its really that important as everyone on era makes it seem then i hope i see you all out there at the rallies and at the protests. I hope you all donate money when you can to help this situation for real cause the real joke isnt my harmless sarcastic comment but the fact that a ton of you will echo each other about how shitty this behavior is and will not buy a video game but yet do nothing in your local community to help stop this behavior being acceptable. thats the real joke.


Nov 11, 2017
Because there are innumerable threads filled with throwaway snark that serves no function other than to dismiss anyone's investment in a situation more complicated than IS GAME FUN.

I see you retroactively added an /s so I guess I misread you and am sorry for doing so if that's the case, but posts like that are a dime a dozen and generally in earnest.
Its my fault for not putting the /s in the first place man i shoulda known better thats on me.
I forgot that there are people on this forum that still dismiss this stuff foreal.


Jun 3, 2019
I personally couldn't care less what the guy is accused of, I don't feel obligated to "punish" people i don't know for accusations that don't involve me.


Oct 30, 2017
so ive read through the thread and heres where i stand the issues discussed

when a woman makes an accusation about assault or harassment i try to follow in the spirit of believe victims, but not in the sense automatically believing that their claim is true or even likely true, in the sense of believing that she is making the claim in good faith and that she is accurately describing what she believes to be the events that occurred

it means hearing them, taking in what they're saying seriously and letting them know that how they feel matters.

it does not mean that there should be an expectation that making the claim is somehow a reasonable substantiation of the claim

and not believing her in this way does not mean you think she is lying. Ive noticed in threads that discuss belief that some people on Era's epistemological insight is a little wonky at times, i dont think people quite understand some of the nuances of what it is to be convinced or not convinced of something


Oct 25, 2017
I can sympathize with wanting every mention of him removed from mainstream media. However, his case seemed out of the norm based on the text message conversations after they had split up and the amount of former partners that came out in support of him, plus the various outlets clearing him to return as well.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
As if anyone needed one more reason not to support Borderlands 3. Who am I kidding though. This thing will do gangbusters regardless of all the controversies around it and Pitchford.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
As someone who only recognize the name, whats people's problem with Hardwick?


Dec 10, 2017
So, uh, a presumably large law firm handles husband and wife accounts? What would be their incentive to lose their license and potentially face other legal action over this?

Cancel culture is sad. The guy got accused, the accuser wouldn't co-operate, he had multiple people coming out vouching for him, and the story ended with no evidence. He doesn't deserve to lose any jobs over an accusation with nothing behind it, as the investigation found. It's not a conspiracy that sometimes #metoo doesn't get their target.

There's plenty of other reasons not to buy Borderlands 3 if that's your jam. Personally, I loved the other entries so I'm getting this one too. If I didn't buy games based on the people working there or the conditions thereof, I'd never buy another game.


Apr 14, 2019
Is this the same Chris Hardwick from MTV and Singled Out back in the day ?? If so I had no idea this guy was still around and involved in video games Haha.


Dec 10, 2017
As someone who only recognize the name, whats people's problem with Hardwick?

He got accused of awful stuff some time ago. He was suspended from his TV stuff, got quickly cleared, and went right back doing all his jobs. Some people in here still want blood because of conspiracy theories. The End.


Jun 5, 2019
This is such a really tricky topic. I always believe the alleged victim first, because it takes courage to step forward, nevermind on a public platform.

But I had the pleasure of motion capturing Yvette Nicole Brown (curious she was mentioned before, as she's one of Hardwick's closest friends) for an upcoming project whilst this all kicked off last year, and she said it was lies to manipulate the #metoo movement and damage his career. He was still cut from the project I worked on because the producers knew threads like this one would plague it, no matter what the outcome.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
you're a journalist and you say this? .... are you serious?

I have clearly devalued my profession by speaking aloud the concept of testimony. Yes, saying that something has happened is, even in the most basic sort of way, evidence that said thing happened. Every person gets to decide for themselves how much value they place in testimony -- I've been arguing herein that it's so important to believe women. But there's no substance to the argument that an accusation isn't evidence in and of itself.
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Oct 25, 2017
This is such a really tricky topic. I always believe the alleged victim first, because it takes courage to step forward, nevermind on a public platform.

But I had the pleasure of motion capturing Yvette Nicole Brown (curious she was mentioned before, as she's one of Hardwick's closest friends) for an upcoming project whilst this all kicked off last year, and she said it was lies to manipulate the #metoo movement and damage his career. He was still cut from the project I worked on because the producers knew threads like this one would plague it, no matter what the outcome.

Well if one of his closest friends exonerates him case closed!


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a little suspicious of hardwick because I do take it seriously when a woman accuses a man of abuse, buuuut I'm unwilling to completely write someone off and say they should basically go away forever and never work again based on one accusation from one ex and nothing else. The world can't work that way.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
It sounds like quite a few women publicly "exonerated" him. Am I correct that includes his ex-wife, who doesn't get on with him?

I'm not understanding your argument at all. Are you saying that he can't be guilty of sexually assaulting one person because he didn't sexually assault all of these people? As far as I've read, none of these people have said that they know for a fact that he didn't do it or that she is lying, but rather that they weren't victims themselves and that they're attesting to his character.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Could someone please explain to me what you expected to happen to Hardwick after the accusation?

Should he never get another job in the entertainment industry again? We don't know what happened. Only Hardwick and his ex do. And if you believe her, that's understandable. It's incredibly rare that women lie. It's important to listen to them when they make accusations. But to all those who are angry at this, I don't understand what you think should happen.
Oct 25, 2017
He got accused of awful stuff some time ago. He was suspended from his TV stuff, got quickly cleared, and went right back doing all his jobs. Some people in here still want blood because of conspiracy theories. The End.

Conspiracy theories, ok, that's where this is going then

Someone being "cleared" doesn't invalidate the victims claims


Jun 5, 2019
I'm not understanding your argument at all. Are you saying that he can't be guilty of sexually assaulting one person because he didn't sexually assault all of these people? As far as I've read, none of these people have said that they know for a fact that he didn't do it or that she is lying, but rather that they weren't victims themselves and that they're attesting to his character.
I just don't think you can make conclusive judgements either way, but if it boils down to a simplistic "he said, she said", I feel it weighs in his favour. She questioned his character. Multiple other women answered it for him.

Your posts above are really troubling and concerning, and undermine the real fight many women are facing. They don't want to win with your pity, they want to win with justice.


Dec 8, 2017
Chris Hardwick is a recovering alcoholic. Alcoholism is a real serious disease and addiction and people do shit when they aren't sober they surely regret. If he did things then and is recovering now and actively correcting his way of life people shouldn't be so judgmental and unforgiving. I think sometimes it's real easy in the Anonymity if the internet to act high and mighty and outraged even though you know nothing about what a person has gone through or not. It's pretty immature honestly. People make mistakes some minor some major but it isn't ok to just judge people you don't know without every fact.

Just saying I'm sorry but it's really harsh.


Oct 25, 2017
As far as the legal aspect is concerned, these claims of conflicts of interest...eh. I have a hard time buying that outright. Just because there is any connection doesn't mean said connection was automatically used improperly, and I'd especially expect a legal team to have layers of redundancy so there specifically wouldn't be a CoI.

Also, with regards to testimony being evidence, it is - but it also faces testimony from the accused that the initial testimony is false. You can't just say only one side is testifying - providing evidence - as to what happened and then assume the other side isn't saying anything themselves. INAL, but that, I believe, is why testimony alone typically doesn't decide court cases, and why it's otherwise just known as a "she said he said".