
Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017

Vikings returns for its sixth and final season Wednesday, December 4 at 9/8c with a 2-hour premiere. As with the last few seasons, season 6 will consist of 20 episodes - the final 10 episodes will air sometime next year.


Revenge, drama and chaos closed out the mid-season five finale. Ivar the Boneless, a self-proclaimed God ruling over Kattegat with alarming terror, charged his army into battle against his enemy and brother Bjorn Ironside. Unleashing a fiery guerilla warfare, the two brothers refused to surrender - blood, pride and the crown weighed too heavily on both of their shoulders. In the final moments, Ivar was forced to flee an imminent fate, disappearing into the darkness and securing Bjorn's victory. Lagertha, reborn after experiencing severe delusions from the major love she's lost, emerged to crown Bjorn as the new rightful king.

Season six returns following the battle between brothers which has left Bjorn victorious and a hero to the people who have been under the tyrannical rule of Ivar for so long. As the new leader of Kattegat, Bjorn struggles to fill his late father's shoes as king, while facing several dilemmas and wrestling with the idea that power overshadows morals. Meanwhile, Ivar, searching for a new path to separate him from his past, is seen traveling along The Silk Road eventually leading him to Russia. He meets his match in Prince Oleg, a ruthless and unpredictable Russian ruler, who shocks even Ivar with his merciless actions. While Lagertha has her own agenda - to live a quieter and less public life on her own farm, but new dangers lurk close to home. This season, the Vikings continue to take over Scandinavia as Ubbe and Torvi travel to Iceland to uncover the mystery circling around Floki's disappearance and Hvitserk pursues his personal vendetta against Ivar.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Oh snap, this is back too? Is it History channel only, or will it be streamable on Amazon Prime like the other seasons?


Oct 31, 2017
Can't wait! I've barely had anything to watch all fall from actual television.


Oct 29, 2017
This show has gone down the drain quick. Always felt improvised, characters just disappear, the dialogue sucks. Still gonna watch it eventually.


Oct 27, 2017
Rollo is his biological father but he's Ragnar's son!
Hell, I wasn't even aware Rollo and Lagertha had sexual relations at some point. I had assumed Rollo just had a thing for her.

So that was kind of a "wait...what?" moment for me when he dropped it last season.

Watched the whole show but I must have missed or forgot something in previous seasons I guess.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
Hell, I wasn't even aware Rollo and Lagertha fucked at some point. I had assumed Rollo just had a thing for her.

So that was kind of a "wait...what?" moment for me when he dropped it last season.

Watched the whole show but I must have missed or forgot something in previous seasons I guess.

It was hinted at in the first season iirc, but then completely dropped until they brought it back again last season.


Oct 27, 2017
Why the fuck do people keep believing in Ivar? This shit is tiresome.. and you already know he's gonna gain a whole new army because of it.

That catapult tree torture/kill was brutal!

Went through the first 5 seasons without commercials and watching this "live" is annoying. lol


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
Ivar is actually a pretty compelling character when he's on his own and away from the other main characters. When he's with them though, he turns into a one dimensional caricature for some reason. Here's hoping he stays away from them until the end of the season.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
New episode tonight!

Ghosts, Gods and Running Dogs

Lagertha is visited by women from the nearby villages and they feast together happily but the community is shattered by shocking events that follows and Lagertha is forced to take action. In Kiev, although Oleg continues to be friendly, Ivar is aware of the threat which Oleg poses, not only to himself, but to the vulnerable young heir to the throne. Bjorn has answered the call and come to the aid of an old enemy, but all is not as it seems and disaster looms for Bjorn's forces.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
I liked the water/fire arrow set piece at the end, but holy hell was that bald dude ever chewing the scenery.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
4 whole episodes and no Floki, England, or France side stories? Color me impressed.

It's still all over the place but if nothing else at least the season has been more focused than the last few.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't see the episodes but the spoilers are all over YouTube, so I watched her burial scene. This show does a nice job with the dramatic and artsy visuals.


Sep 7, 2018
The past few seasons have been uneven, but episode 6 and 7 were well done. Lagartha's fight with White Hair was good, and the viewer really got a feeling that her age had caught up with her and that her time had passed. I also thought her death was fitting. I always felt like her cold-blooded murder of Aslaug (Ragnars second wife) was unjustifiable. She straight up murdered an unarmed woman. Hvitserk gave her a fitting ending given how she killed Aslaug in a similar way years before.


Oct 27, 2017
This is on Amazon prime prime now. I finished the first four episodes and it is not as bad as what I heard. The Lagertha village story is fine and the Ivar stuff is fine. No major complaints.


Oct 28, 2017
Just finish the season yesterday and this was without a doubt the worst season of the show

Ubbe and edge were the only "likeable" characters, all the rest were insufferable
(and were "likeable" because they are plain as hell)

In the previous season you have the epic battles to "minimize" how bad it was the show, but this season didn't even had that


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
The final season drops in a few days - we can probably just use this as the OT
Season 6, Part 2


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017


The first part of the sixth and final season concluded with an epic battle between the Rus and Vikings where brother fought brother, Bjorn Ironside fighting for his homeland alongside King Harald against Ivar the Boneless now fighting with the Rus forces in an attempt to gain control of Norway. The battle ends in tragedy with Bjorn left for dead on the battlefield, betrayed by Ivar and with the future of their ancestral home, Kattegat, at stake.

As we approach the end of our epic saga, the tumultuous conflict between the Rus and Vikings comes to a conclusion with grave consequences. While in Iceland, Ubbe is determined to fulfill his father Ragnar's dream and sail further west than any Viking has traveled before. And there is unfinished business in England. The Vikings have established settlements there, and over-run most of the country – except for Wessex. The King of Wessex, Alfred the Great, is the only Saxon ruler to seriously challenge their complete domination. Ivar the Boneless must again face, in battle, the King he only knew as a boy for a final reckoning.​


Nov 4, 2017
10 episodes to go. Had some mixed feelings about the 1st part of Season 6, but it did have some strong highlights.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm assuming that we will get some
Floki in these last ten episodes? Would be weird to leave that plotline where it ended


Prominent Member
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I stopped following after the end of the 5th season. Felt like the plot went no where.

Is it even watchable to get into the 6th?


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
So I just have the final episode to go, and it for some reason just hit me that Torvi makes no sense, how old is she supposed to be?! She's like 20 years older than Ubbe right?

Some actual thoughts on major spoilers for the whole season...
Bjorn's exit was legendary and very sad. Watched him grow up! But Lagertha is still the death that hurt the most, that final scene with her in Valhalla was amazing.

Ivar and Igor turned out to be a really interesting relationship. Expected something more from Katia tbh. Still have a love/hate opinion on Ivar, he's just so ridiculous.

And then Gunnhild, getting robbed of her rightful throne, fuck. Ingrid coming up with some last minute schemes though and I'm starting to not hate her.

Ubbe's quest for Floki doesn't seem like the best conclusion to his story, hope something comes of it in the final episode. I'm not sure if I'm really excited to see the latter after how boring his story got after Ragnar died.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished the show yesterday. The ending
was meh. The whole last season was all over the place. It seems like they weren't sure how to properly end the show and forced some new arcs in there the last 3 or 4 episodes.
After all he did I'm supposed to sympathize with Ivar? The fool didn't suffer enough. After stabbing Bjorn I have to watch Hvitserk and Ivar weep on the battefield? I know Ragnar also did bad shit, so did everyone on the show, but Ivar is simply an irredeemable asshole, see god complex, reign of tyranny, killed Freydis and 2 of his brothers etc etc.

The New World arc was alright, but short. I'd have liked to know more about Floki's and Othere's relationship though. Floki's "Let go of the past, it's not important what happened up to this point " sounded cheap while all I wanted to know was about Othere's past and how Floki survived the volcano.

Also, is Othere supposed to BE Aethelstan?
I felt season 5 and 6 could have done with 10 episodes each and would have been much better for it, there was much filler in there.
Overall I really liked the show and will miss it.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
Finished the season up a couple days ago. I thought it was pretty good overall - these 10 episodes didn't feel quite as bloated as some of the previous ones.

Stranding Ubbe and Torvi on a boat for like 6 episodes was a bit much, but if Hirst didn't have more story for them, I'm glad he didn't try to cram one in.

It was nice to see Floki again - I'd about given up hope that his story would be wrapped at all so when they mentioned the "crazy man" I was like "oh yeah!".

I've felt for some time now that Hirst never really knew what to do with Hvitserk but I think he was pretty okay for the most part in these 10 episodes. Personable and didn't get in the way. I liked that after Ivar died he was rudderless so he just said "fuck it" and converted to Christianity.

Ivar was the most consistent he's been since S4. I do think that all the times they made him an absolute psycho over the years really hurt his characterization, as well as the audience's capacity for empathy towards him. Alex Høgh Andersen was the best actor on the show and did a great job of filling Travis Fimmel's shoes but Ivar was way too all over the place compared to Ragnar so his death didn't have the same impact.

The Kattegat politicking was the weakest part of the season but I still found it to be entertaining. I like that it ended with them being sort of the last bastion of the old ways in an increasingly Christian Norway. A nice note for the series to go out on given the whole Athelstan/Viking dynamic of the first season.


Oct 25, 2017
Series spoilers
I enjoyed the final season even though the writing was obviously lazy and half-assed at times. They sprinkled in enough good moments to make up for the disappointing aspects.

Ubbe, Torvi, and Othere were really good this season other than their escape from Greenland which was nonsensical considering they outnumbered Edge's crew and were totally unprepared. It stretched a bit too long on the boat, but I enjoyed their parts in New Foundland and was really happy to see Floki again.

The Rus plotline started off well in 6B, with Bjorn's death being amazing and living up to some of the series high-points but kind of falls flat when they go back to Kiev and Oleg just throws in the towel.

Ivar and Harald's deaths were a bit unfulfilling although I thought they were executed really well. It didn't really have enough time in the final 2-3 episodes to show off Ivar's cunning and strategic skills. Harald just kind of wanders into his death for the plot, although it was obvious that these characters wanted to die by that point and had no further ambitions to seek. Hvitserk converting to Christianity kind of came out of nowhere, but I'll chalk it up to Hvitserk finally being free of the Vikings and his family legacy and starting a new life. Kind of a theme in general of this final season is letting go of the past, you see it with Ubbe/Floki as well. King Alfred finally stood up and decided to end the Viking threat once and for all, which was a good finale for that storyline.

The Ingrid/Erik storyline was a disaster, way too much set up to just be resolved like that. Felt like pure filler except for the fact that this random character winds up on the throne of Kattegat.


Oct 29, 2017
Finally got to watch the last season.

Holy shit at the first episode Ending, Damn, Bjorn was sent off in an EPIC EPIC way and DAT Music.
The Death of Gunhild was random, i mean how will she reach Bjorn and Valhala if she committed suicide.
Ingrid was fun this time.
Ivar was great this season, i felt emotional for him for the first time, but his death felt also random, he should have been killed in an epic way.
Nice to see King Alfred Again.
Uthred was badass as usual, Sorry wrong series LOL, was watching both series at the same time.
Harald was OK, nothing special.
The RUS storyline was fun and the outcome felt good.
EDGE Flatnose was as evil as i remember him, and the whale was a fucking HOLY SHIT moment.
Ubbe's story on the boat was a Slog, but turned great when they reached the US.
FLOKI Motherfuckers, i missed him, the last remaining Original.

All in all it was a good sendoff for the series, it could have been better, but i enjoyed it and it was better than the last 2 Terrible seasons.
Now we wait for VIKINGS: VALHALA.


Nov 4, 2017
Finally finished Part 2. Even at the end, the show always knew how to stage death scenes and put on a ceremony. Seriously, was one of the best looking shows I've watched lately visually, I often wondered how they were able to fill some of the scenes.

When Tovi loses her daughter during the big storm and you see flashes of a serpent creature...

It was great to have Ubbe reunite with Floki in the new world, he made out the best of the brothers. And that final shot of them together was really nice.

Edge was a major heel, the image of him on the whale screaming he is King was great.

Kattekat kinda got left by the wayside, but I found Ingrid blinding Erik with magic was amusing, dude was a snake.

Harold spent all that time chasing King of Norway and Bjorn, only to not even enjoy it when he got the crown.

Ivar at least showed some love to the little prince and his brother before meeting his fate. His character carried the show for a lot of seasons.


Oct 29, 2017
Having see this bump up I just want to say holy shit I got so far behind on this, I never got around to watching S5, I should probably get around to that.


Sep 7, 2018
Finally finished the 2nd part of the last season earlier this week. I have been unimpressed by most that has happened post season 4, so this final part felt like a return to the quality of the earlier seasons. The only storyline that felt like unneeded filler was that of Erik and Ingrid. Plenty of good moments in this season:
- Death of Bjorn
- Ketil Flatnose, King of Greenland!
- America, Floki and Ubbe
- Ivar had a strong storyline throughout season 6. Actor made a great job, and Ivar as a character felt a bit more likeable than the crazyness of season 5.